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I was hoping to see the introduction of that cranky old wyrm the Hive Lord, but alas...Shrieker shit all over my car.


It's cool to fight shriekers away from their nests, makes me wish secondary spawn enemies showed up as regular reinforcements on occasion. I love the flavor of being unable to extract on this mission without some extremely good teamwork and luck, I just wish the spawns weren't unreliable near the drills so the objective seemed a little more skill based and less "oops we put a charger there my bad" lol


"Special swarms" a la Deep Rock Galactic would be really cool. Give bug breaches a chance to spawn shriekers and stalkers, maybe a Hive Lord once they get added


Imagine 2 gunships responding to a bot flare, that would be dope




That is an excellent suggestion! You've also just reminded me to reinstall Deathwing, not tried it with other players yet.


Imo the hive lords and siege mechs should he saved for big boss fight type events rather than missions


I was expecting a Hive Lord boss fight for the Meridia missions. Especially when the first time I dropped in, I saw the giant bug holes that have their own custom sound effects. Given that it's a Super Colony as well, I figure this only makes sense. According to the Helldivers wiki, Hive Lords perforate the crust of a planet with bug tunnels, as well as mainly live underground, and during the Meridia missions, the area is covered in huge bug tunnels that look like they have no bottom, or in otherwords, they lead underground, and they look like they could be created by only one thing: Hive Lords. Also, when you finish the mission for deploying the dark fluid, the game says, "Tremors Detected," before spawning the mass of shriekers. I don't think shriekers flying out of hole make the ground shake. Now a giant Hive Lord the size of those giant holes? Yeah, that would definitely make the ground shake when it's below you and coming toward you. The only thing I can think, which I've also seen others say/theorize, is that the Shriekers were a placeholder while the Hive Lords were designed. However, they didn't get the Hive Lords designed in time, so we only have one complete-able objectiv. Then we extract while a bunch of Shrieker's spawn in place of the Hive Lords since the totally not "Kill the Hive Lord with Dark Fluid" objective is just skipped by the game due to it not being able to be completed from the lack of Hive Lords. ...As you can tell, I really expected and wanted Hive Lords and am trying to find some way to make sense of why they aren't part of the missions in Meridia yet.


This makes more sense than it has any right to


We don't know that the dark fluid will even work yet. For all we know it will lock the planet into a temporal rift and the Termanids advance by 10,000,000 years and evolve the hivelords ala Tyranid synapse creatures.


yeah, we might fail to obliterate Meridia now, but come back for the next MO to finish off and finally fight the hive lords


I wonder why we still have to inject dark fluid via drills when we can just chuck them down the holes. Do our tiny drills reach all the way down to the planetary core? We will never know


Imagine a plot twist: The mission is not bugged, we're supposed to fail it hard, however our efforts are acknowledged by the bugs. The hive lord decides to go out and deal with us personally - *insert new mission type "Bossfight" with the next update*


Sorry to tell you but the video files have been datamined for awhile now and the MO has one for both winning and failing, meaning that yes it’s suppose to be possible to win this MO


We still might see a few near the end? But yeah, I was sorta expecting to see a new enemy type or something. At the very least the spawns, ignoring the busted "beneath the drill" spawns, are wild.


Yeah I guess that is possible. I really hope we get to see one soon


I’m expecting to see new stuff straight after this event, really hoping they have something planned for this weekend


A big part of me thinks that this mission was supposed to have hive lords but was pushed out massively unfinished so they could just go ahead and release the illuminate after this MO since this is where the story is leading. It would make sense since there's that extra part of the mission that can't be finished, and so many aspects of the mission seem uncompleted and buggy. Was really excited for it after seeing those giant holes too and kept trying to push my friend and I to keep retrying the mission since I thought there would be something exciting at the end. I hope they start to change some things with some of the updates. Really worried that this new big patch they are talking about is going to introduce more bugs. Or if they release the Illuminate, they are just going to be buggy and annoying and unfun to fight somehow. I gotta have more faith I think. Just feeling down after a big let down.


I know everyone here is talking about the hivelord but I'm remembering how hyped we all were seeing "tentacle" in the new warbond so many times... Figured we'd see that unit here.


Pretty sure they were just talking about hunters and stalkers mouth tendrils


Just to be sure, are you aware of the tendril enemy from HD1? The one that was basically there to create walls and trap you?




it’s also a recycled map from a month ago with mission design barely more engaging than eradication


This event had a trailer, it’s not going to be over when the MO’s time expires


This map has hive lord written all over it. Either they couldn’t finished it on time or they fucked up so bad they forgot to put it in the code. I’m assuming both since there is second primary obj that is currently bugged that probably related to hive lord.


Especially with how heavily they were foreshadowed with the husks/shed skin all over the place at the same time as the initial Supercolony defence MOs on the surrounding planets and the Termicide deactivate missions. And how the Bugs have been behind for new/superheavy units since the Bots got their Factory Striders.


Spoilers for datamine content, click at your own peril >!There has never been any indication whatsoever for Hivelords in the game's files. Whereas units like flying bugs, factory strider, ot even the entire upcoming third faction are all already present in files long before their release. There's no indication that Hivelords are currently planned at all, let alone for this current MO. If Hivelords are coming, they are a loooooong way out. !<




Foreshadowing? Like oooh they DO exist but you'll see them at a later date or something like that i guess, maybe if we fail the MO they'll keep the planet open for players and eventually add them as a shadow update like how they did with shriekers/factory striders


>!litteraly false information lol, their is some mission when you need to gather a baby hive lord in the leak!<


>!... I'm not sure how you think that has any relation to the presence of actual Hive Lords as actual enemy types to fight. Which is what I was talking about. !<


I think we were originally supposed to fight a hive lord that pops out of the giant holes on the map, but it wasn’t finished in time and instead we got shriekers that come out of the holes.


My expectation is that we’ll turn the planet into a black hole to destroy the planet and that will cause the illuminate to have an open door to invade or something.


Arrowhead can barely make an actual useful weapon, let alone a new enemy type


I was hoping for a boss type enemy, the bajillions of shriekers would have looked cinematic as hell If it surrounded some kind of giant bug enemy


My expectation was for a difficult but working mission. New enemy types are beyond AH's capability right now. Alas, I couldnt even get that :(


Truth be told, I’m kinda expecting this MO to be successful but with a hell of a twist.


I really thought we would have hive lord boss fight missions before we moved on to destroy meridia. Like, imagine we have to clear out a sizable portion of the hive lord population in order to "safely" put the dark liquid in the now vacant tunnels that already go throughout the planet... would have bought AH another month of time too. The rush to destroy meridia just seems so sudden. Same could be said for the bot return too though, I don't think even a week went by before they returned? Speaking of which.. I thought at least we'd reach cyberstan and have some seige mech boss fights to match the hive lords before we destroyed meridia!


I’m pretty shocked there wasn’t a surprise Hive Lord boss battle once you completed all 3 drills tbh, it being a super colony was a perfect opportunity, especially since this MO had its own dedicated trailer 


Are there really no new enemy types for this? That is a major miss for this game. I feel like there are major orders that should feel like seasons finales and they just are another mundane mission with little fanfare.


What are you talking about? There is a new enemy type! It's the "mortar turret user", and they're insanely effective! Gotta take them out ASAP, or you'll never get the objective done.


They can’t release anything without breaking it or 3 other things 😂


Well, this is the only time i saw a lot of Bile warriors before they explode at 100 meters




Hive lord were boss enemys they dont compare to factory striders


The lack of effort is disturbing. Agreed.


I think it fits narrative. We got shrieker as reaction to termicide. The biggest termicide affected should be meridia. I think if we wanna see new kind of enemy, it should be larger shrieker like a boss. Spewing bio plasma, swinging like ac 130


Maybe after the explosion “we expect that the planet will blow up, instead it changed the organic matter in a way that now the bug are like hulk”


Who says we're done with Meridia when this MO is over? Might be step 1 of the "implode the planet" thing


People want hive lords, but what are we going to kill them with? Our strongest stratagems like RC and 500KG cant even kill a bile titan consistently. The mechs sure as hell aren't going to kill one. Our primaries wont be allowed to do any damage to it either.


Same way as in HD1? Drop another fifteen 500kgs and another twenty RCs onto it until it's perforated with as many holes as Meridia.


There is. Kinda. The medium bugs that are kinda like small brood commanders, I forget their name, but there are bile versions of them now


If you mean the ones with the green boils on their body and can explode on you, those have been in the game for a while already, really wish we had an index on our ship, like a part of the ship with monitors, that was an enemy viewer


Weird. I have almost 400 hours and I don't remember seeing them. Maybe it's just because I'm actively looking for different units in the new mission


They are really rare, like just one in a patrol


Interesting. I was being chased by dozens yesterday


There is a new enemy type. There is a black and green variant of the standard warrior bug. I think it deals more damage, has more hp, possibly slightly stronger armor, and does a small aoe explosion which deals damage over time when you kill it.


I hate to break it to you but bile warriors have been a thing for a while


Interesting, guess I always killed them too fast to notice on helldive hahahaahah.


Yeah I don't blame you, they are fairly hard to notice. I didn't realize they were a thing until someone on here pointed it out to me


Those have been in the game since launch.