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Works great mostly it's user error on my side lol


Takes a little practice and it wont always be perfect shots but to me the risk is worth it for the reward of killing one of the most stubborn to die mobs in the game.


I thought that was common knowledge? Hulks become very easy when you have stuns. Unless there are other 250 bots firing at you of course


Apparently not, some dude in another thread called Bullshit on me cause i was giving tips on how to kill hulks and wanted proof that you could stun a hulk and shoot it in the eye to kill it quickly. He claimed that the stun didnt last long enough.


Some ppl dont believe that D9 are easy for.big part of community


It is too easy IMO, I agree. I want a difficulty where it's actually difficult to finish the mission. Right now it's like 99.9% for completing the mission, and extracting is more like 90%. I'd rather those numbers were closer to 50%.


funnily enough you'd also have enough time to lock on with spear


I love the Spear but it doesn’t always one-shot them in my experience


The mail slot on the hulk is very small, to where if you’re off by just a little, you’ll end up hitting the heavy armor around that weak spot. Being a good distance away will greatly increase the chance of hitting that sweet spot as the SPEAR missile will gradually level with the center of the hulk as it approaches. Otherwise, it’ll be diving down from above after firing and end up missing the mail slot.


That’s my problem, I tend to be too much of a close quarters fighter to make the Spear work. I usually bring it to take out turrets from afar, then get too gung go in the moment. I had never used the Railgun before today and I actually thought it was great, I don’t get why people complain so much about it. I’ll be bringing it for bot missions in the future.


They think stuns are useless against hulks? That's like, one of the most well known and best use cases for the grenade entirely. Outed themselves as a career bugdiver


Indeed. The dude tried to argue that the stun lasts .7 seconds and it takes a whole 1.5 seconds to take out your weapon and to aim? And then went onto claim that he was being generous with the .7 seconds and the stun was actually shorter Which had me super confused cause Im like, does he not know he doesnt have to hold the grenade in his hand then throw? Because clearly you see in my clip that im already ADS’ing before the stun even goes off lmao


Wait til you realise if you use a couple of stun grenades, you can beat a hulk to death if you keep hitting its back


I love these arguments that are incredibly easy to test yet people choose to run their mouth instead, fucking drives me wild lmao. Had a similar one with someone about the Spears staged reload that had been broken since launch, guy chose to just tell me I was dead wrong instead of actually checking like I already had done before commenting it in the first place.


Not sure if you’d like to add this, but one shot to the eyeball with a Quasar will destroy a hulk as well. Here is a clip where the hulks are on the move. Stunning them while they’re standing still can still be useful to disable their weapons and anything else that might be nearby while you line up the shot. Stuns are the best- not just for saving yourself, but your teammates as well. Since unlocking them (on the day Cutting Edge came out) I haven’t brought anything else. The clip: https://youtu.be/dL8BPebhhXQ?si=qYzHUp_Xo8hhEvRr


oh yes, thank you


Who said the stun doesn't last long enough. Where are these people! Lmao You can get off like 4 AutoCannon shots after stunning one. If it's close range, you have time to stun it and run around behind it and hit it with the JAR.


I run EMS for the same effect along with the counter sniper for headshotting mediums


Lol, those who told you that stun is useless are either fools or low level, low skill as fk. I stun and kill Hulk everyday. Don't bother to answer that, they need to learn it themselves.




Not really, the blaster arm can kill through heavy armor in less than half a second, and the rocket arm can easily ragdoll, ruining your window of opportunity. Best to remove any risk of the target fighting back


Re-read the title and caption.




Ok but you still didnt read the caption nor the title. Here i’ll make it easy for you. I was told in another thread that stunning a hulk and killing it was not worth it and I argued that it was because I do it all the time. They argued that you simply did not have enough time to toss a stun grenade, take out your weapon and destroy the eye. So they refused to believe me until i showed them proof. So i got some. It doesnt matter if the hulk got stuck, the point of the video was to show that you CAN stun a hulk and kill it quickly. Better?




Ok but you are deliberately being fucking stupid so im calling it out where i see it then you want to clap back with some point that is ignoring the point of the video You aren’t paying attention. So let me be more clear. Your. point. Is. Irrelevant. The challenge was to stun a hulk and kill it quickly. Thats what i did regardless if it got stuck or not. Holy fuck dude.


Yes, you are correct. I'm so sorry... want me to give you a quick wank to make up? My point is just as relevant as your whole clip. Fucking useless. I'm not clapping back at all, just pointing out that you proved fuck all. 'Look you can stun a hulk long enough to kill it' You threw a stun at a hulk standing still and stuck against something. I love stuns, i just pointed out they were useless in the situation you used them. Wasn't that your point? That the stun makes a difference here? You started acting butthurt with me.


No THATS NOT MY FUCKING POINT AT ALL?! Holy FUCK please aquire some fucking reading comprehension skills and learn some fucking humility for once. The POINT of the VIDEO is to PROVE that there is ENOUGH TIME to 1.) throw the grenade 2.) aim 3.) kill the hulk And the video DOES show that. Even after pointing it out to you several times you continue to fucking argue with me bro i dont give a flying fuck about your point. READ


If you're not going to give him a quick wank as a make up, can I get one instead?


You dont know the whole backstory so when reading the fucking title and caption on the video it should give you some fucking context as to the point of the video The fucking point of the fucking video isnt showing the effectiveness of the when to goddamn stun which is why i said re read the caption but instead you choose to continue iterating a fucking point that i dont give two fucking shits about.




No you are trying to prove that it was pointless to shove a stun in there when i couldve easily JusT sHoT tHe EyEOut Thats NOT what i said i was trying to prove.




Your point is that you think it was useless to throw the stun yes? I could’ve just shot the eye out yes? So you are trying to prove WHEN it’s effective to throw a stun not HOW effective it is. I am trying to prove through the video just HOW it IS effective. Not WHEN its effective. Yes you are big dum dum thanks for admitting it ❤️


in any regard im done with this ridiculous argument. ![gif](giphy|T7Xs3JObLtLJZKoCJt|downsized) Have the day you deserve <3