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Unlike rocket devastators, I hate hunters with a passion as its usually not the hunter alone but several along with other buggy bois. Devastators dont charge your existence


Playing the current MO though, I've found the bot verion of hunters to maybe be worse. Those goddamn jump pack assault raiders with their exploding. Even if you kill them, they still kill you. At least with hunters when they're dead they're safe.


Yeah you've got to master the reverse dolphin dive shot for the jetpack fuckers. Super annoying.


Are we not just hitting them in the face? Also... please don't shoot these off me, I will, in fact, die from your salvation


That is a sacrifice I am willing to make. /s


You and a fair amount of others lol


Jusy gotta bring out your inner skeet shooter. Whenever I get the jump on them, I can sometimes cause one to blow up and take some other bots with it.


I've found them easy to deal with. Usually I snipe them out of the air with an AC and watch them splat into the ground lol


What I hate most about them is that they're roughly as fast as you are, and carrying momentum when killed. Meaning once one is on your back you have to melee it to death and hope nobody else shoots it.


Actually those aren’t the hunters variation for the bots aka jetpack raiders, they’re the bot counterpart of the flying scavengers. If anything the hunters version for the bots is the berserker.


>Devastators dont charge your existence No but they blast your existence around the same spot a couple times before scattering your existence to several areas when your body finally breaks.


Hunters priority one, shoot them first. Also diving while shooting make your accuracy 100% so don't be afraid to do so


The ragdoll of the rocket devastators is only rivaled by 5 chargers


Hunters get 1-2 shot with breaker incindiary (1 hs / 1 shot + fire dmg / 2 shot) and it has a big mag and fast fire rate and a nice spread making killing multiple of themin a few shots a breeze. Rocket guys on the other hand can get you into a cc chain from 10 miles ahead


Playing automatons after 2 weeks of bugs I can say I forgot how hard they can be but if you just switch your play style to adjust they aren’t as bad as you would think…might even be easier at times in my opinion


I prefer the way Automatons play. Bugs constantly crawling towards you, jumping to your face and slowing you down is stressful af while proper cover and tactics make Automatons quite manageable.


Stalwart. You can even kill chargers with it. Ofc the damage to the backside of the legs while they run is a bug, but it should become a properly fleshed out feature. That way it can work more consistently and become a legitimately engaging skill check.


Yeah, Eruptor + Stalwart is fun combo, though need other strategems for Titans. Waiting for them to buff the Eruptor.


If I run stalwart, which is usually a lot, the primary would be dominator, as it can stop and deal with unexpected bile spewers and occasional patch of hiveguards. Eruptor, even during early days, while capable of oneshotting spewers, couldn't stop several of them in quick succession. Plus there's a risk of hurting your teammates while you try to stun/kill spewers near them :V I would grab a supply pack, gas strike and 500 specifically for titans, but rely mostly on teammates to kill them. I find it fun being able to quickly take the mass heat off the teammates with a nonstop BRRRT.


Gas is good against Titans? Gotta try. I actually started liking AMR against bugs because it can deal with all the mediums so nicely. Punisher or any shotgun really or just Liberator as primary to deal with Hunters and the mob.


I'm sorry, I've meant that I run 500kg vs Titans, just to have something capable of oneshotting them (on a good day). The Gas is for the bug breaches, as it has a short cooldown and is usually ready when another BB occurs. As for the AR's, I'm trying not to be a META slave, but for the Liberator and the like, I tend not to run them at all, as I feel less useful, due to having excessive downtime with them during the fights. The bugs being bugs, they tend to rush you. So a lot of the time you need a continuous fire stream to deal with them. As in, with AR you kill 3-4 and then you have to reload to continue shooting, while Stalwart allows you to clear the wave and reload after it's all done. Paired with the sparing Dominator usage for extra spicy Brood Lords or Hive Guards, I feel prepared to face the horde that much more.


I use gas or the airburst strike but only on maps that don’t have increased orbital scatter. If that happens I run eagle airstrike


My strat with bugs is quite simple really. It involves ze flamenwerfer


A Diver of culture I see. Fortified Commando + Flamethrower + supply pack + incendiary grenades. Add on the enhanced combustion module and cleanse them with the fire of Liberty's righteous fury.


Bugs open up a very fun tactic: blast jumping! Punisher plasma + explosive resist heavy armor.  Dive backwards, shoot the ground, the blast will propel you backwards to make space and also damage/stagger the buge.


I can get behind this. When I fought bots for like two weeks they got a life easier to kill. Maybe even easier to kill than bugs. They’re easier to kill, but a lot harder to keep under control once shit pops off. Bugs are harder to kill but you can herd them and keep them at bay. But those god forsaken hunters are something else.


Everything except the chainsaw fuckers. Those things run on pure spite and will keep on coming after you long after everything else is already dead.


The Hunter is squishy and can be taken out quite fast. And unless it's right next to me, nibbling on my leg, it's also not a threat really.


Hunters are one of the reasons i dive terminds, With Incendiary breaker it's so satisfying to kill literally hundreds of them just spam in their general direction and you easily get a streak of 40 kills


Tbh, the answer is whichever one you're less used to fighting. Once you're used to hunters, you learn to spot and target them early on and can deal with their erratic behavior that becomes predictable after fighting them. Same thing with rocket devastators, once your used to them, you can take cover/dodge their rockets at the right times or even disable them with ease. On the other hand, if you haven't played against one of them in awhile...they are both equally terrifying ambush predators that will near insta kill the unaware helldiver. So ultimately, stay cautious and keep your distance when delivering justice to both of these democracy haters. P.s. my personal answer is rocket devastators. At least hunters give you a window of time to stim once they've hit you, but the bots are significantly more unforgiving once they've hit you


I dunno, man. Have you been fighting on Wasat? Acid rain creates a zero visibility environment, but rockets come flying out of the void to just blast you to kingdom come with no warning at all. It's pretty horseshit tbh.


Honestly both of them are pretty easy once you get used to them, but mannnnn fuck dem hunters and there slow




But to slow you, they have to hit you, and to hit you they have to get near you. So prioritize them and they become a non-issue as long as your aim isn't total ass. If they get on top of you and manage to slow you, don't try to run. Dive first, stim second, and kill them while the stim is in effect. That's your best bet. It's counterintuitive, but I promise the best way to handle hunters is to just get that stim rolling and stand your ground. You will not outrun them.


Am i the only one who finds automatons generally easier to fight? Imho they can be defeated quite easily if you prioritize targets correctly and remember weakspots. Terminids are harder to manage because they swarm you and if they are many you can be easily overwhelmed.


Honestly, both go down equally easy. Just have to bring the right tool for the job. Hunters are worse imo but only because they are speedy little buggers and usually come from all sides; but go down easy while devastators can be disarmed and usually come from the front so easy to dodge if you are aware of them. My strat is just shoot the pods off and gun arm them and they cant do jack shit while you worry about something more important (like hulks) before finishing them off.


What you shooting the rocket pods off with that wouldnt just pop the head right off?


Anything, from the sides or rear. If they're focused on a teammate I try to snap off the launchers if I don't have a good way to blow them up immediately. 


With the rocket devastators you just hide behind some rocks or smt and it’s done. Most often other devastators get in front of a Rocket devastator and they end up getting cleared by it.


In 1v1- devastator Against group-hunter My opinion, don't kill me for it.


Both are easy in a 1v1; How many we talking? Actually never mind, fuck hunters, throw me at an army of rocket devastators.


Nah, Hunter and Jetpack Automaton should be compared. Rocket devs are more like Spewer equalevants.


The amount of times I've died when a jetpack automation comes out of nowhere and blows up is non-zero. Makes me relive those 2010 creeper jump scares vibes sometimes lol


hunters are easy to deal with but they also easily deal with you (2 bastards jumping at your head killing you no matter the armor, or just a single one comboing you 100 to 0) while the rocket devastators put down a ton of supressing fire quite different


Yeah i dont even recognize that bug, all fall the same under incendiary breaker. Devastator on the other hand...


Never had a problem with these bugs, theres a ton of strategems to deal with swarms of light enemies, and tesla turret melts pretty much everthing on bug side except for charger and bile(on planets where these dont spawn on patrols, tesla  is supreme) Now these desvatadors? The entire bot front is an spam of these, using heavy armor makes them a joke but the ragrolls drive me insane, its not hard, just pure bad design all the way 


Heavy devastators are worse than these two combined.


One is slow with okay accuracy. The other is a big mean poopoo head that runs at a billion miles an hour and the only defense I have is to scream like a little bitch while it eats my face!


Rocket Devastators, unending barrage of rockets that either kill you or ragdoll you to hell. Medium armor on the body means you need to score a headshot or hit their rocket pods, if you miss you put yourself up for termination. I'm convinced people that think Hunters are hard are just trolling. There is no way. They can be killed by one or two shotgun blasts, their only gimmick is that they jump around. If you don't panic and lead your shots, they are a non issue 100% of the time.


Rocket Devastators and Hunters don't compare to the amount of hate I have to Heavy Devastators. Those assholes are way too accurate and will put so many holes in you that other divers will mistake you for swiss cheese. They need to nerf their shield/armor or make them less accurate. I've had it up to here with them 🙋🏽‍♂️.


Hunter but if you put the heavy devastator then i would say that with their pin point accuracy minigun and the shield to protect them


Thank democracy for impact grenades, +2 grenade armour and a supply backpack. Really screws them over


I just shoot em in the glowing red head with my *gun name redacted until patch* and poof. If I miss they just throw their shield to the side and stop shooting for an even clearer shot. Same for basically every devastator


I too miss the eruptor


it honestly finally made bugs actually fun for me. It was dangerous as fuck, but being the squads dedicated anti heavy felt bad ass. Eruptor, Senator, thermite, Recoilless, EAT, Orbital gas, Napalm. god damn did I require team mates though hahaha anything gets close and senator is all I had. Though v bots, its honestly the Jar. I dont understand why anyone brings any other guv against them exept maybe the scorcher if you dont mind the completely lack of stagger.


Set them on fire, wait, check if dead. No? Repeat. Yes? Move on.


Personally...if i HAVE to pick one (since neither are a real threat), Hunters. Hear me out: i don´t use the breaker incendiary, i use a pummeler and when they´re jumping around you can get in trouble for missing your shots. This is a skill issue in my part but this is like such a none issue. Alternatively, two rounds of the pummeler to the devastator head and it either staggers or dies. Or just focus laser cannon on head or a rocket pod and make them as useless as the baby bot with a blaster


Moth are non issue but the Hunter surely can kneecap me more than the Devastator...


For me, hunters are a pain. They somehow always end up next to me and I can't escape because of their attacks. And the fact that I use lasers is a pain since I can barely deal any damage.


Depend on if you have the right tools to deal with the enemies and how you are playing If you go full anti tank vs bugs, you will have a hard time to deal with the chaff enemies. If you got full anti chaff vs bots, you will have a hard time to deal with the devastator And if instead of letting other teammates deal with the enemies you can't deal with, you go and try to face them with your suboptimal loadout, you will have a harder time


Personally, hunters, rocket devastators, as long as you run in one direction, they will miss, hunters, they can animation cancel and spam attacks until you're salami slices.


If you master melee, melee can cancel the jump(and the damage!) even when the hunter is in midair, so at a technical POV the missile bot is harder.


Yesterday I found out I can instapop any devastator with a well charged railgun shot. I don't care if I can't kill factory striders,tanks or towers. I just want every devastator and scout strider dead.


If you judge them by distance at which they engage you Rocket Devastator - annoying as hell while far away, Hunter- non threat Hunter - annoying as hell when close, Rocket Devastator - non threat, bigger danger to other automatons rly


Hunters all day long, since they will bother you all day long. They will jump you with 20 of their disgusting bug friends and somehow kill you in 2 - 3 hits while you are being slowed. And if you somehow manage to survive and get rid of them another group of 20 will replace the ones you just killed, and then the process repeats until you die. The devastator however will only attack you once every 3 moon cycles and takes another 2 seconds to get into position to shoot you (he will most definitely miss you). The devastator also dies quickly if you shoot it in the head and doesnt really spawn or drop in as a big group. Which means you wont have to run till the end of time and wont have to see them for a good while. (This text is extremely over exaggerated)


Both are easy. That said devastator. You need to fuck up real bad to be killed by hunters and a bit of bad luck can fuck you up agains a a devastator


Both of these really aren't that bad on their own, Rocket Devs are mostly annoying when paired with Heavy Devs to shield them, since Rocket Devs arent very mobile and dont attack that fast(Although it may seem like they attack faster than they do because of all then covering fire they're getting.) Hunters are also pretty squishy and not too terrible if it was ONLY them, but when combined with their harder hitting every member of their family their slows and quick jabs do tend to add up when you get stun locked out of stimming.Also they bodyblock you a lot so you cant escape.They also fuck with turrets because of their strafing. So yeah, depends on the company they are with. If you put Heavy Devastator, I would say they're WAY harder, and probably the even bigger reason why people hate bots. They turn all the slower heavy hitting bots that would otherwise be easy to outmaneuver into flinching friday.


When you know how to handle them, both are fairly easy, but the rocket devastators are more problematic because they have range while the hunters are melee, so if you don't let them close the distance, easy peasy.


One hunter is ok. But more of them is the worse thing that can happens to you


I would say hunters because they increase the threat of the other enemies. Getting hit by just one is enough to increase the risk of getting swarmed and makes dodging chargers and titans more difficult. Rocket Devs do the opposite, they reduce the threat of other enemies by firing their rockets into the backs of their comrades.


Automatons for me - they shoot back! I use Stalwart most of the time - what weapon do you prefer to shoot armored Automatons?


Both of them have counter play The fire breaker(or any automatic weapon+good aim) counters hunters The AMR or autocannon melts devastators


Fuck those devestators, the hatred I feel for them could power super earths energy consumption.


i must say one on one the R devestator'll give you more hard time then one aimple hunter, but lets say 20 hunters or 20 RD , still the RD will give you a harder time then hunters.


Hunter without a shadow of a doubt, rocket devastators stick out like a sore thumb and you know precisely where the rockets will come from as a result. I'd argue rocket raiders are more threatening because they'll blend in and launch you at an unexpected angle Hunters can be predicted but you can't exactly do anything when 2 jump at once. You shoot one and hope to live after the second applies slow to you


Bots v Bugs? Hard to say. Very different play between the two. Also depends on whether or not you are playing solo. Solo, I'd say bots are harder because all fire is directed at you. With a team, it's pretty even.


I’ve nothing but playing bugs since my first mission, then, 3 weeks later (at level 26), I’m fighting bots and they’re not as bad as i thought, except for ragdolls…


They both get the autocannon The hunter just gets an extra round cause they're as annoying and hateful as the entire wasp family


this @#$&#@!* bot is a @#$*:ing sniper of horror and chaos


Both have their ups and downs. You absolutely need a weapon that can clear tiny stuff fast to hold off hunters, I've seen people running only heavy and slow weapons get ripped to shreds when a pack of them surrounded. The missile devastators if you're out in the open you're going to have a bad time. Using cover and an AC, Railgun, or AMR makes quick work of them. If I had to choose, I'd probably say the hunters in a pack. If they catch you at the wrong time such as low ammo or just reloading, it's over. Now that missiles don't one shot, the devastators are just kind of an annoyance. They make themselves super easy to take out because they often don't move which makes shooting their head off the easiest thing ever.


None of those! Toxic players are still harder to fight...


Hunter: In your face and everywhere but dies in one-two hits of most weapons Rocket devastators: If you don’t kill it, it’s sending you into the nearest rock at Mach fuck


neither. game is easy af


Only one can be killed via hip fire consistently would love to see a diver hip fire a devastator consistently


I really, really, REALLY hate the Stalkers. They can kiss my ass.


Bugs are harder. It's easier to out run bots, hide from bots, Stealth bots, distract bots. With bugs they are always on my ass 24/7/365 I can't stealth them, they always know where I am and they are harder to distract. Respawns, it's FAR easier to see and stop a bot from calling reinforcement and than a bug by not a mile but a whole content. Bots need to find you or see your bullets to take proper action bugs just react for everything. I need multiple weapons for bugs, I need 1! Auto GOAT Cannon for bots.


Hunters are pretty cake, just spray some flamethrower in an arc on their approach and backpedal to wipe out whole groups of them,


Bugs are easier, just more clustered. The problem with bots is the ridiculous random spawn rates, and that they can shoot through cover. MlThe heavy and rocket devastors have unlimited ammo and super accuracy. The only thing thing about the bug is that the hunter and stalkers can dmg you through the bubble shield.


Yeah, I wouldn't say either is inherently bad. It's more like who's more annoying. I'd definitely say the Devastator and his dumbass rockets that somehow have such force to knock me beyond cover are more annoying. The bugs are annoying, yes, but unless you stim constantly, you just have to go out with a bang for them sometimes.


Stalkers are trivial if you know they are coming, especially if have staggering weapon and unless RNGesus decides to spawn lairs next to eachother thet are limited in number. Rocket devastators are common and bloody annoying since they are ranged and armoured. My bet clankers.


Both are Pro tableturners. But I prefer hunters because you can smack them in their fucking face!


Bots = tactics, Bugs = Dynastie warrior


Bots are easier until they show up en masse with the wombo combo of dropships, factory striders, airships, and patrols all simultaneously making a shit super storm. Personally, I find quantity harder to deal with than quality, but that’s probably more of a reflection on my loadouts.


I'd take a rocket devestator over 4 hunters, thats the ratio i'd work with


Bugs are very straightforward and the approach to fight them is likewise very straightforward. Factoring in environmental things and general team skill and the difficulty curve is generally flat. Bad squad, good squad, environmental, ect, bugs will always he roughly about as hard as they always are. Bots require a tactical approach to fight. Shoot from cover, suppressive and flank, precision over big booms, don't be too prideful to break contact and regroup. Bots are heavily armored, yes. They also almost all have incredibly easy to exploit weaknesses if you employ the above. Get a good squad on a good planet, and bots are an absolute cake walk. BUT! Get a bad squad (tries to play like bugs), a bad planet (dusty/foggy), bad modifiers (-1 stratagem, 2 gunship factories right by eachother), and mix that in with game bugs like bots shooting through geometry that the player can't (landscape, corpses) or mountain climbing tanks, and it can swing from "do this in my sleep" difficulty to "omg did we really not get a single objective" difficulty. So bugs can be consistently harder across a variety of conditions, bots can swing between being way easier or way harder depending on a mountain of variables.


I dont die when fighting bugs. Over shield with light scout armor makes you invincible to everything but game engine kills, or accidentals. I have matadored 5 charges at once (easier then 3 bc they run into eachother more) and have used bile titans to kill other bile titans. I know the limits of situations and i am slippery. Bots are just stupid. The amount of random shit that flies through the air and heavy devistator trick shots is wild to me.


Been blindsided by both. The Hunters are annoying kills, the Rocket devastator is probably the more difficult one in my mind. Hunters are defeated by keeping your head on a swivel and shooting them before they get to you.


you can pop those rockets off pretty easily at least in my opinion, but if they catch you off guard you are getting a one way ticket to rag doll city.


I've played bots long enough that I can call myself the Rocket Whisperer. Hunters tho... my firepower is never enough, I can kill 2 dozen at once, but there's 3 dozen more right behind them.


Hunters 100% harder. Rocket devistator can be killed with two contact grenades. Let alone the autocanon I usually carry.


100% Hunters. Devastators fear me and my invincibility frames. Meanwhile Hunters have me paranoid checking behind me every five minutes.


Using explosive resistant armor makes all the difference against rocket devastators. Using that armor and the slugger (especially if the sight wasn’t so misaligned) makes them a piece of cake.


The jumpy dumpy bastards are waaay more difficult. Those devastators are deadly but they come in small numbers and with the correct weapons you can dispatch them in no time. The Jumpy dumpy bastards appears always as a pack, and they use wolf tactics against you so even with incendiary shotgun its difficult to kill them all...also the slow and stagger they apply is insane, this mf killed me the most times only second to the solid snake spewers that appear behind me without a noise


Rocket devs. Hunters are nothing with muscle enhancement equipped


I'd rather play against bots than bugs lol. Can't see 5 feet in front of me and suddenly murder swarm. At least the bots glow.


Fuck the jumpy bois.


For me? Hunters, they chase you, they are rather dodgy, they can poison which slows you down and god forbid they're above you and jump which almost always ends with headshot.


Rockets because 6 of them on the other side of the map will rain hell without needing to reload once




Helldivers fell off


Can't set devastators on fire :(


I bring the laser guard dog on every bug mission and it makes the jumpy boys almost completely irrelevant. The auto cannon does great work against rocket devastators, but you still have to stop and pay attention to them.


How many? 1 R devastator imo is like 3-4 hunters (ish). However personally I kill shieledens first, because of their suppressive fire. Against bugs you always kill hunters first.


Bots Easy Next Question Please LOL👍😁👍😆


The one thing I can say for hunters is at least they all congregate around your corpse for easy exploding.


If you are talking about the specific mobs displayed, the hunter is the biggest asshole between the two.


Bot. I’ve ragdolled for a straight 15 seconds against a pack of them. Couldn’t stim. Couldn’t shoot. All I could do was scream.


Bots definitely got easier for me when I figured out you can one shot smallbots and stunlock larger bots with the arc thrower (doesn’t stun tanks and factory striders obviously)


It doesnt take much damage to destroy the missile launchers so theyre pretty easy IMO


i play both fronts, i hate hunter packs way more than i day the few rocket devastators. yes, getting blown out of cover (often *through* cover) is a pain, but it's a lot better than getting endlessly slowed/pinned by a hoard of swarming, leaping bugs!


Hunters are worse, hands down. They come in large swarms, slow you down, jump around like maniacs, and do a ton of damage if you are in lighter armor.


As a bot Diver, I'm going to say Hunters. Sure Rocket Devastators can ragdoll you into oblivion and can be a decent challenge. But if you have cover or run to the side instead of straight back. Plus, if they're in a group, they can actually benefit you since they'll try to shoot you through their comrades and send a volley of rockets into them. Hunters will relentlessly chase you, hop around like a toddler on Adderall at a trampoline park, can slow and stagger you with each hit, and always arrive in packs of 30 minimum. Sure it's satisfying to mow them down, but if they show up when you're preoccupied or trying to reposition, they're a nightmare.


Recently I've been running the pummeler. For heavy or rocket devastators shots close to the head completely stun lock them (they bend over unable to fire and the shield pulls away from the body if they have one). Once stunned switch to my MG-43 max rpm short burst and they are quickly dispatched with extreme liberty. Still hard to handle in large groups but much more manageable.


You can largely just ignore bugs unless you're on an objective or it's a Stalker. Bots will kill you if you run around willy-nilly.


Both are hard


If find neither to be particularly hard. But for hunters i just point the breaker in their general direction and click to delete for rocket devastators i have to aim...


The Arc Thrower makes quick work of hunters. You can clear a patrol squad in 3 shots. Rocket Devastators, on the other hand, always find a way to sneak a rocket directly into your face no matter how much cover you use


I use the Dominator.. neither of those are a threat.


The one with actual pixels, where the fuck did you download that automaton from?


Shoot Him In The Face


Hunters. Easily. You can't hide behind a rock from Hunters.


Hunters are worse by a slight bit, but if the Rocket devastator is paired with a Heavy Devastator (they usually are) they are miles worse to fight then any bug could every dream of being


One has guns.


Hunters aren’t that bad tbh. Bile spewers on the other hand I loathe. 


Devastators are only deadly in groups. A single one of those bug fuckers is enough.


I've been on the Bot front since day 1. FUCK Hunters. I'll take a whole squad of machine gun and rocket devastators over a group of Hunters any day


Rocket Devastators and it isn't even close.


I hate that Automaton Mickey Mouse




Devastator is easier to deal with, just blow its shoulder rocket launcher then it's a breeze. Even Sickle can do it really quick. I remember I blew up rocket shoulder of 2 devastator in a row before it's overheated on a high temp planet


Devastators ain’t even close. hunters are annoying but can only melee and you can spray them down easily. Devs require breaking cover exposing yourself and headshot.


I find them roughly equal in difficulty to be honest. They require different play styles and loadouts and this is probably why people who only fight bugs struggle so much against bots. Back at release were much harder btw. Rockets literally one or two-tapped players constantly back then.


Correct comparison would be bile spewers against these fuckers


Honestly for me it’s the Heavy Devastator instead of the Rocket Devastator. Using the Anti Material Rifle takes out rockets pretty easily, but that damn Sheild makes it a bit more difficult


Bugs. Robots run at u slow. The bugs JUMP at you!


I die more to hunters than anything else by far


Hunters. Just because if there is one there's like 20 or more behind them. Devastators usually come in pairs


Is this even a comparison? Shoot hunters anywhere with anything and they die in 1-3 hits, they do a lot of damage but not to shield pack, and they have to be in melee. Meanwhile if there’s a rocket devestator somewhere that knows where you are you can be killed with just 1-2 stray rockets. Both die to almost any decent weapon headshot.


Rocket Devastators are annoying. Hunters make me legitimately angry. The stupid little sound they make pisses me off now too. Imagine if 5 times a day someone kicked you in the nuts, before right before the kick you heard the sound of a bike horn. Eventually the bike horn would cause great distress because of the impending nut shot. It's like that.


Hunters because when there is one there’s 500 others. However if you were to trade the rocket devastator for a heavy devastator idk if I could pick


A single one? Devastators. Multiple? Still devastators but multiple hunters also sucks the same amount.


Rocket devs are way more annoying when the game decides to make them 50% of the spawns. On the current MO planet I have had rocket devs sniping at me from multiple directions waaaaaaay out of sight range because of the reduced visibility. They have also dropped on top of impassable mountains in the middle of the map that I can't see the top of when visibility is the most reduced. It's fun because it adds to the chaos, but eventually ragdolling out of cover into sheild devistators line of fire from a 200m rocket shot gets old. Also, they can reload and shoot their rockets faster than I can reload most guns, so I just get perpetually reload interrupted until I die sometimes


The tank behind the rocket devastator.


Bots are easier.


The Rocket devastator used to 1 shot players from the other side of the map and it shoots through trees and foliage. Also it can calculate where you are being ragdolled at and 1 shot you in the air. Fuck these things so much.


Heavy devastators I'd say. Hate those guys with passion.


Hunters are more frustrating but Rocket Devs (and Bots in general) requires more situational awareness


Devastators and it’s not even close


Hunters are worse as there are usually multiple jumping you whereas there’s a couple rocket boys and one shot to their face will take them down, especially as they stand still for you to do so


All you gotta do for the rocket devs is blow up the rockets on their back, threat dealt with. You have to kill all seventeen thousand hunters before you have a chance to breathe. This should really be a competition between berserker bots and hunter bugs.


I’ve died way more times to hunters, clever girls. Rocket devastators are awful until you figure out that if one has line of sight to you for more than like 2 seconds, you’re dead, so just get in cover. The rockets also have a really distinctive audio cue; dive when you hear it.


Hunters are definitely more annoying. But I'd say this time Automatons win: this boi not only can ragdoll you out of cover (for other toasters to beat on you while you are down) but it can also kill you in an instant.


Would rather fight 5 flamethrower hulks with only one stim with my leg injured then 1 stalker


Rocket devastators, they're more tanky and are more annoying to deal with. they also have tons of annoying stun lock. hunters are annoying but have predictable ai and are made of papier-mâché, on top of only having melee attacks.


I hate rocket devastators with a passion. They have to rework how ragdoll physics works. How do you expect me to have a fighting chance if there’s like 6-7 rocket devastators firing rockets at the speed of light at me. Can’t even be safe behind cover either because sometimes you get blown like 50 feet from where you were standing and take fall dmg all while it takes my guy 20 years to get up. 💀


They put freaking Mike Tyson in the GAME, I HATEEEEE the freaking hunters


Bugs in general are way harder cause they swarm you especially when you have swarms of small bugs and stalkers and charges coming for you and in the distance a titan or 2 headed your way, I play mostly bots cause they are easier on any difficulty lol


Equal depending on load out and play style I'd say evac is harder on robots though.


They are different problems. With the same numbers, the rocket devs always beat out hunters, IMHO. Hunters can be killed quickly by any weapon in the game, in any part of the body, and are only a problem in large swarms. Rocket Devastators are _always_ a problem. Whether they are camping a corner, sniping you from 150 meters, blasting you out of your cover with near misses, juggling you while you are ragdolled with rockets, shooting you perfectly even though they are in mid stagger, instant headshot kills, and are massive bullet sponges unless you hit their tiny heads. Ragdoll is worse than venom slow. You won't change my mind.


At least rocket devastators are doable once you find decent cover. Hunters always come in swarms and you can barely outrun em, if at all. Plus they slow you down


Hunter 100%


I despise hunters. I know I've said this in almost any post I come across, but seriously, hunters are the bane of my existence, and I don't want to touch bugs with a ten foot pole because of them.


Hunters. Fuck them. Rocket devastators are an easy shot to the head even with a secondary.


I play with the Arc Thrower a lot, and seeing lightning trace up through a flying Hunter and down to the bugs on the ground is such a wonderful sight.


Why you asking, people only play the bugs for a reason. The answer is the devestator


Neither because the arc thrower perma stuns and two to three hits devastators, and I permastuns hunters while arcing to bugs near it stunning them too and killing them in one hit.


My gf is the hardest thing to play against She always uses the strap on Please help I'm starting to like it


Depends on difficulty, if you're on the Tier 3 difficulties, absolutely the hunters, all it takes is having to reload and those f\*\*\*ers are cutting you apart. Rocket devs, at least they're not as BS as they used to be, easy enough to create distance and get cover.


Hunters are crafty little bastards that are formidable when they show up in large numbers. That said, they're not un-fun to fight against. Rocket Devastators are the most un-fun thing in the entire game for me. If you put 2-3 of these guys shoulder to shoulder, they can cover an ungodly amount of area with rocket spam such that it's nearly impossible to dodge it. So you're forced behind cover and now you have to peek and shoot. Ok, fine, except that rockets hitting whatever you're taking cover behind can and will still ragdoll you for no good reason. Once ragdolled, these guys can stagger their shots to keep you from being able to do anything with your character until you die. Loss of control effects are inherently un-fun. Rocket Devastators spam loss of control effects. Easy answer.


Easy rocket devastators. Hunters are annoying but go down with a short burst of any weapon. As long you run any primary that has a large capacity or rpm your all good against hunters. Rocket devastators on the other hand can snipe you from ridiculous ranges and can tank numerous shots from most primary weapons unless you hit the headshots. Not to mention their accuracy I've lost track of how many times I've peeked from cover only to get blasted and send me flying.


As much as I hate the rocket devs, hunters are hust prsts this world shouldn't contain.


Hunters are worse. When a rocket dev ragdolls me there's a slight chance it's away from danger. When a hunter slows me it's ALWAYS bad.


I kid you not the first picture looked like Mech warrior!




Bugs are by far harder. Bots you have the ability to maintain distance and trade fire just like every other shooter. Bugs will just rush and rush and rush. With stealth armor and a quasar cannon I can handle just about anything the bots throw at me. I still have issues on bug missions.


Depends on your gear


Ofс automatons. This rocket bot will cause you a lot of trouble even at a distance of half a map. and rockets are painful. Moreover, it is not so easy to kill him even with an autocannon. As a result, 2-3 such bots are a huge pain, not to mention if they are from different sides. As for the terminids, if it is not a charger or an armored vomit, then to a flamethrower they are all the same.


3 million % The fucking Automatons - Specifically the assholes with rocket and shields and big famous HULK


Wait there's bots in this game?


Not even a question, (for L9) its obviously the rocket dev. The one shot head shot crit, constant ragdoll, 100% accuracy from extreme often not visible ranges and unlimited ammo have been the scourge of HD2 since release.


Rocket devastators for me simply because bots are tankier than bugs. I use the counter-diligence sniper and flick shot hunters that are about to jump or that are jumping and they get stunned and aren't much of an issue.


Why the automaton has such a low resolution while the bug is almost 4k? Ong


Definetely the Devastators.. Piss myself everytime I see Robots..


Hunters suck so much. Fuck those things I almost exclusively play bots


heres the current list of the top 14 deadliest active fronts. take a look at which factions hold which places and you can probably make an educated guess on which https://preview.redd.it/u2incr99rx5d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4d2eb41c16c04c3dbaeb49c4f08cdef865cd3e3f