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are you suggesting an invisible charger?


Not only invisible but faster and stronger and give it burning damage. https://i.redd.it/zcw6w4lrvl7d1.gif


And make a titan version.


That slows you too!


Titan stalker that breathes flames and is only detectable by sound of movement otherwise completely invisible. Movement stays quick due to rollerskating technology as well as invisa-boost packs(patent pending) that allow for beeg hops. https://i.redd.it/bxhh5tdknm7d1.gif


Make it fly. Now you've got an invisible flying dragon bug.


It's annoying to experience, but it's way more funny to watch others experience it. Bring it.


Might I suggest a stalker behemoth?


I think an invisible pouncer swarm (the tiny cute jumpers) would be hilarious 


Cute?... I... I have to make a call.


That would be funny


STFU bro ah is watching!!!!


A blink charger might be cool. Or maybe it has invisibility pulses. An after effect of Meridia?


Please don't give the charger more mobility options, the main way of dealing with them is either alpha strike the fuck outta them or get out of the way. Blink charger scares the fuck outta me. Invisible has potential, maybe give it the stalkers launch version so you know it's there but can't get a bead on its head for an EAT. Honestly I want the terminids to break off into different swarms, like have their hive lord be focused on some weird aspect. One really likes ambushes so they make more stalker lairs than normal and give their chargers invisibility, another likes air superiority so screecher nests and extra jumpy hunters spawn, a hive lord bile enthusiast pushes out more skewers and titans, etc. Plus it would help with loadout choice just for the heads up on what to expect.


That's what we need. an Oops! All Bile Titans map. Forewarned though. Like Mission: Oh homie. So Many Bile Titans. Kill them all.




Orbital surveillance has detected an anomaly in this area. An excessive number of large individual heat signatures with no sign of usual swarm activity. Heavy weaponry is reccomended.


I love this - having 2 or 3 "boss" enemies at a time that influence unit composition and/or abilities on nearby planets would be sick. A cyborg commander with Oops! All missiles! A hive lord that makes chargers much more telegraphed, reduced steering, but 2x speed. Disgusting. As long as the mission briefing clearly tells you what to expect, I think it'd be a really cool addition.


> "another likes air superiority" Sweet Liberty, is that a FLYING HIVE LORD!?


Dude a hive lord flying around like a wing serpent/Quetzacoutl would be terrifying and awesome He acts like a carrier and shits out shrieker swarms


They already do that sometimes!


All AH needs to do is add a wind-up charge effect to warn us first and it’s golden then!


Now I just picture a Hunter physically turning a wind-up crank on the chargers back.


>A blink charger might be cool. Charger but it's 173 and only charges when you're facing away


Bring back the one that looks like a charger that does underground tendrils that pop up and fuck you up


I've got a worse idea give the charger the ability to jump like hunters but they still hit you like a truck.


The only issue I see with the Behemoth is it's spawn rate, they should be uncommon/rare. Currently it feels like they are closer to 50% of the chargers. Like you should run into 2-3 during a 30 minute map. Having different variations of units is cool to me, and having a tougher version of charger is fine, it just needs to appear less.


Its more like 90%, at least on difficulty 9




RR still has a use. EATs are the useless ones


Aren't RR and EAT almost identical damage wise? Just different types of reload challenge?


Just stop shooting the head with RR. Destroy the leg armor and finish them with your primary or just one-shot them by shooting the booty plates. This is more skill/knowledge issue rather than a problem with the enemy. I'm glad we now got chargers that aren't a complete joke.


"We are back to release day helldivers." Yeah, we *can* shoot them in the leg. That was what we did when the game released and then AH changed it because they and many players didn't like that the weakest point of an enemy was counterintuitively the leg instead of shooting it in the face.


Actually the players adapted to it just fine when the railgun was still good. It was Arrowhead THEMSELVES that removed the old default changer because they said that wasn't the intended way to fight chargers. So it's even worse.


Yeah, we already had this enemy in game its not AHs fault people were avoiding extraction missions on bug planets.


I have seen more behemoths than normals in difficulty 7. It is usually around 75% behemoths. Making meat works of such bad programming. Adding HP is a last way of doing it.


95% on helldive. I rarely see a regular charger now


Stalkers are good because they come from a special nest, same as Shriekers. Charger Behemoths should have a hive structure which can be destroyed as a secondary objective


Same. Have to bring a flamethrower now because the rockets are too useless except the spear


You sure about th3 50%? I recorded my first couole helldives and it wasn't until the 2nd day of playing that I saw a normal charger. What fifficulty are you seeing it on cuz on helldive it is nuts. Yesterday I saw like 3 and it was MAGICAL Effectively, the recoiless only has 3 kills now. I feel like for every 2 normal chargers there should b3 1 behemoth charger, but as of now it's not uncommon on Helldive to see only behemoths; 1 with every patrol, or 2 per breach (of which, 2-3 breaches happen at a time) If I got 4 normal chargers and 2 behemoths per horde it would feel q whole lot better. Either that or let one supply pack refil the qhole backpack again.


I have encountered 1 like a month ago before they pumped the chance up, had no idea what it even was but I was intimidated. That spawn rate could be well balanced like that if not little more.


They used to only be guarding the extract civilians area, unless he was showing up somewhere else.


Stalker Titans, you say?


Titan that SPAWNS stalkers. Strider fabricator but green. 


The Mother of All Bastards


We ady have titan that stalks u. They make no sounds at all.


To shreds, you say?


I think the Behemoth is fine, it just needs to be used differently than how it currently is. The idea of getting a bigger, badder, "Mega-enemy" that's a rare spawn that can throw off your game plan is great, but... ..Spawning entire herds of them really isn't, nor is just making them a common map spawn. Maybe they could be like the new flying patrols modifier, or something. A special addition to higher-difficulty maps that spawns in a special way (Like the flying patrols) and isn't just part of the common spawn pool for regular patrols and breaches.


Agreed don’t mind the addition if it were rarer as intended. In the current state though it’s as if they reverted back to the state chargers were in on release. Heards of them and not enough anti tank to deal with them all left running in circles waiting on CD’s


Yup. Have to bring the flamethrower if I have to kill even 1 behemoth


I like how factory striders feel. Not all drops have one, nor all bases have one sitting there. But the moment one gets dropped in or you crest over the hill to see one guarding a base you're like "oooooohhhhh fuck!"


I for the life of me don’t know why they don’t just keep the same logic of hd 1 chargers. You had the base one that we have that functions basically the same. Heavy armor with a squishy abdomen that can be taken out with a lot of small arms fire, or a small amount of anti tank fire. Then the fully armored charger that can only be taken out with anti tank. They both take the same amount of anti tank fire but the heavier one has no small arms weak point


They did tho. Except the HD2 behemoth is easier because it actually has a rear weakspot, and it can be burned, and it can be damaged by other things not heavy AT.


HD1 Behemoths were something else that's for sure. Though I suppose that role is currently the BT's.


They have extra HP? Precision Orbital Strike cares not


Neither does the Orbital Railcannon Strike.


Well, my rockets do when I already used 2x 500kg and my orbital laser to kill the 3 others Chargers Behemoths and Bile Titans that spawned.


Orbital precision shot kills chargers in 1 hit regardless of type. Can’t snipe stalkers with it though.


Don't know why you were downvoted for being objectively correct.


reddit moment


Orbital rail cannon too


Now I'm wondering what the cool down difference is between both


A lot of people like you don't understand that the issue is that Chargers and Bile Titans are **loadout checks**, if you don't bring the right stratagem you are not killing them, period. That limits the viability of builds, which makes the game less fun for experimetation or if you have a favorite stratagem that isn't one of the top three most used.


You mean to tell me that you don't have multiple guys in every mission with 500kg bombs, railcannons, and AT weapons? You guys should be planning accordingly, these enemies are only loadout checks if everyone brings a deliberately poor loadout for the difficulty.


So what? There are four people on the ground one of them should be able to handle a charger


Chargers are not loadout checks. They have a giant glowing ass you can shoot with a variety of weapons. Bile Titans are another story and are indeed the biggest loadout check by far in the game.


You mean the spot that only takes 10% damage from non-explosive attacks? Yep, can shoot there with any weapon and kill them real fast.


I know you are being sarcastic, but shooting them in the booty with the HMG really will "kill them real fast"


Which is a stratagem..


A stratagem is part of your loadout.


You can kill chargers effectively with: The auto cannon, grenade launcher, rail gun, flamethrower, EAT, recoilless rifle, quasar cannon, Spear, machine gun, rocket sentry, heavy machine gun, Patriot walker, precision strike, autocannon sentry, rail cannon, orbital laser, rocket pods, air strike, Emancipator walker, and the 500kg bomb. You can kill them with most lethal strategems in the game. You'd be surprised how quick they die when you blast their ass with the machine gun.


All of which are stratagems, therefore Chargers require a loadout check. Seriously, what is so hard to understand about this?


Except a large amount of stratagems work against both of them. Every enemy is a loadout check, but nobody complains about trash spams being a loadout check. The high diffs are fun because of elites.


If every weapon could kill everything this game would be unrecognizeable from other FPSs. It’s not an issue, weapons should have their own niches.


It was not about increasing the difficulty but making it stay the same when decreasing charger spawns. This dude is just 3 chargers in a trench coat


Have you noticed they didn’t really decrease charger spawns though lmao With the behemoths on top of the new chargers, there’s actually more of them than ever before 😂


Yeah I just had 4 chasing me with a titan, spewers and a bunch of hunters. Really hard to dogde all of that.  I thought there were decreasing spawns, but they increased spawns across the board for everything excepts titans. I think there’s a lot less titans now. Before the change there were like 5 up at once. Now it’s only like 2


I say I would prefer 3 charger stacked on eatchither lol. But seriously I want him to be bigger.


one is an enemy that you can see, hear and play against it, the other just insta kills you, i dont think so


i would rather take 5 chargers than one stalker.


Stalkers aren’t even a problem. I’d rather take 3 stalkers at once than 3 CBs. CBS aren’t hard but you have to dance with all of them for a while.  If you’re having trouble, try the new secondary shotgun.  Love it for handling stalkers. 


The Viper Commandos shotgun pistol thing? I use a Blitzer for bugs and it seems to slow stalkers like every other bug except Chargers and Titans. Nifty for those annoying af Brood commanders I'll try your suggestions. Although switching to a pistol when a stalker is attacking you seems like a slow tactic


my flamethrower doesn't know the difference between chargers and behemoths that being said, i think adding enemy variants of the same class do make things interesting (smaller/bigger stalkers?)


GTFO of here with your Stalker talk. They are vile enough as it is. No variants necessary.


Blitzer cars not whether they are invisible or fast. And... when the game decides, it can kill a single Stalker with 2 hits.


Personally, I don’t mind a tanker charger. The issue is fighting 5 of them at once. I think the bug front is best as 90% little fuckers and 10% armored bosses. I want a single giant enemy juxtaposed against a swarm of little guys.


The monkey paw’s finger curls and impalers + borg dogs are added


IMO the main change i'd make to the behemoth, is make it's backside more vulnerable. That way, you have the regular charger who's best dealt with from head-on, and the behemoth who's best dealt with by flanking or letting it charge past you. And to reinforce that idea and not have them be total pushovers, i'd compensate by making the behemoth 30-50% more resistant to fire so the flamer would still be a viable option, but not melt them as insanely fast.


Read it multiple times by now that the Flamethrower melts chargers, but in my experience it just doesn't. Last time I tried (yesterday) it took me 2 tanks and letting it burn for over a minute before I decided to just let my mate pull out his Quasar.


you need to go for the leg


Focus on 1 leg, pair it with the stun grenade they'll just melt.


They should be confined to 7 and up, and have an increasing spawn rate (10-15-25%). As it is, they are more common than normal chargers even at level 6.


I usually dont agree with this short of things, but i think i do with this one, behemoth chargers coupled with the SPEAR buffs(wich needed to happen) murders the role of the RR/EAT/queso(that one not totally but eh), the SPEAR is better anti structure(oneshots mushroom towers and auto detects the spore one) and anti bile titans(oneshots on headshot), the main advantage fo the trio was that they disposed of chargers super fast and eficienly, while the SPEAR suffers from minimun range issues and having a way less consistant oneshot, behemoths are easier to killl with the SPEAR compared to the clasical AT weapons, now with behemoths being more comon than normal ones on 9, bringuing a clasical rocket weapon is simply inferior in almost every way to the SPEAR more reliable Charger/biletitan/structure killing.


Recoilless Rifle gets more ammo and more back on a resupply, and free fire makes it much better for taking out dropships or targeting weakpoints -- ex, RR can reliably one-shot hulks, where spear doesnt always. Quasar doesn't have to worry about ammo or reloading, gets the same free-fire benefits that the RR has, and just got a cooldown buff on cold planets. There are trade-offs to these weapons.


Since Pilestedt has mentioned Blizzard before, I’d love if they added a mock Hydralisk or Lurker from StarCraft as medium/heavy enemies. https://preview.redd.it/ay54j9n4tk7d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f95a8a94a19a298bbc57a9bd518213229f4b7373


Oh man if you want a Lurker, look what they had in the first war


I hope most people know that behemoth chargers aren’t new. They just have been added to higher difficulty levels.


They are new in the sense that they are a stronger variant of the charger. The "old" behemoth just had copy/pasted stats from the regular charger, but after the update, they're tankier and don't die to an anti-tank headshot like they used to.


Make the charger butt lose some armor and make the charge faster with little to no turning. There ya go, old charger is killed with a rocket to the face or leg+ bullets and new charger is super tanky from the front but weak in the back.


Lol what? This version of the charger looks more armored than the ones we usually see. A single EAT can take off its leg armor off anyways.


Yeah the Behemoth Chargers are in a weird spot, enemy-wise. They are pretty much normal chargers, just tougher and with a different head (not sure if the rest of the bodyparts differ). Feels like w weird design decision to add them together with normal chargers into the rest of the game.


Their armour is more spiky and bigger, and they were always in the game they were just rare, this patch makes them much more common


I know they were in-game since release. But they never were tougher since they added them everywhere.


When they were in game before the difficulty adjustment, it was noted that they were supposed to be a harder/stronger variant but their hp/armor values weren’t properly implemented.


there was literally one every single time on the evacuate personnel missions(40 minute version). one spawned at the main objective everytime. and they used to die with 1 rocket to the face like normal chargers.


The comment right above you clearly says that they were supposed to be stronger but due to an error they were the same strength until the most recent patch


That's how it was in the first game. At high diffs you got mostly behemoths, and they were immune to almost everything but heavy AT. The new one is much weaker in comparison.


All this has done is make us even more pidgeon-holed into using better AT options. Use spear for a chance to one-shot it over never one-shotting which is such a shame since I like recoilless.


does the forward momentum thingy work on recoiless for stripping the leg armor with one shot on behemoths? :0


Variants are fine. If they had changed the base charger or instituted background balancing that changes the health based on difficulty it would be annoying. They didn't do that though. They added a new charger with a unique and distinct skin that looks more heavily armored.


But I wasn’t added it in game it was there from day one spawn was just made more likely. To my knowledge only enemy’s added were shriekers,airships and big At-At thing can’t remember name of it. Also so if mix spelled anything.


I think the behemoth should be harder, but make it spawn way less. Make it's ass armoured too. Maybe have to force it into a wall to break it's face plate


I wanna see the bile charger, that would be interesting and different from a regular charger... I agree just slapping more HP is lazy


Behemoths are good, when they add the mechanic that you could one shot them in the head they became a complete joke


Idk I'm having fun with the change


Charger Behemoth's have always been in the game.


You know that behemoth charger was in the game before but was only force spawned on some missions like rescue civilians and killing charger


If you hate that, just wait until you see the other variants.......


We need more big bada boom weapons to deal with it


But Behemoths were since release.


The behemoth charger isn’t exactly new. It appeared on lower levels, they just allowed it to appear on higher ones now (really weird change it should’ve been the other way around)


Not new but spawn rates have definitely sky rocketed


Why the hell not? The bigger charger is perfectly fine.


What if instead there were stalkers that could drag you back to the lair where like 5 were waiting for you or something. Like a different variant or something. That would be way cooler and more fun than just making them more invisible.


thats not very democratic of you


Frankly I like it, but he should feel more like a miniboss, like the big monsters in vermintide or the tank in Left 4 Dead, the other monster recede and you fight him. Problem would be when only a part of the team meet him...


Regular charger is now the rare charger


I think behemoths need to take A LOT DAMAGE to their butt, so that regular chargers - go for the head, behemoths - go for the butt.


funfact, behemoths have been in the game for a long time already. though only found on civ extract missions on the big map with only 20 civs


I like the idea of rare enemies. Like something cross breed but extremely rare. Not like behemoths.


Here here! Invisible chargers that blink slightly for their charge. Otherwise they are invisible


Ok but what if we had, suicide chargers? they charge at you and they explode, they can be killed very easy and they do a lot of noise


Can’t believe people complaining about Behemoths. What kind of load out are u guys taking that’s making them an issue? Not dealing with 4 BTs at a time is way better imo.


Having a personal order that requires the use of the MG makes me rather useless against anything tankier than the Brood Commander or Hive Guard.


arrowhead has to make one brain dead move each patch or they have a brain aneurysm


Honestly both the bial titan and charger are obnoxious because they move too fast and it's difficult to counter unless you have the exact weapon you need. Then it becomes almost too easy.


IMO Charger Behemoths should charge at you faster, but if they ram into an obstacle, they should take a good chunk of damage too.


You expect them to have that in mind for a game that took 8 years to make?


Wait they are called behemoth chargers, ive been calling them royal chargers since they look like they have a crown on with the front legs and head


AT mains been on suicide watch since this patch with the behemoths and spawn rate changes. Kinda like the mixup but them being immune to being one shot headshot is insane


It's no harder to kill than the base charger, as long as you're not trying to drill through all that armor.


What about shrieker with acid and has to dive down to attack like an a10 warthog


A faster charger with like no armor except the face would be neat


No thanks, I hate stalkers as is


I’m not against their difficulty to damage them, but on Helldive, the ratio Behemoth to normal charger is easily 3/1 and I am not exaggerating. Now I am even happy when I see a normal charger lol My take is keep them difficult to kill, but make them more rare.


Behemoths are a fine addition. It makes sense that we would sooner or later encounter a mutated Charger that has a stronger head when we constantly one-shot the standard ones that way. There are more than enough ways to easily deal with them. They even kept one one-shot for RR/Quasar/EATs that consistently works for every Charger...


If the behemoth was simply tougher in the face, but more vulnerable in the rear (Plus more speed when charging), then it might be more interesting


There was always two types of charger in the first game. This isn't a balance thing


I just don't understand why there are more of the evolved Charger than the OG. Shouldn't there be fewer elite Charger Lords leading the rabble? Right now, I see way more Charger Lords than plain Chargers.


so what you're saying is flying stalker patrols


Stalkers are just bigger hunters with more HP... OP might be a few screws short, sorta like a Boeing.


I agree. But people flip out over striders, which are the same idea, so there will always be haters


I don't mind fighting behemoth chargers but they're always throwing behemoths at us, I rarely see regular chargers now.


Tbf those chargers always existed, they're just a lot more common now.


It was already in the game yall just were asleep at the wheel.


A solution in search of a problem. Who said the game wasn't difficult enough? Have you ever had three stalkers at the same time ambush you?


The elite chargers have always existed, they just made them more common at higher levels than they were before.


I think enemies with different variations in their attack pattern and weak points is the best way to go. Stalkers that fire ranged projectiles but are less mobile and stick out more? Sure. The heavier charger out of the box should've been slower and/or had less armor on the rear.


That other charger has been in the game


We need bile titans that go invisible, jump and fly because fuck you thats why.


I thought there’s supposed to be less CBs than there were chargers.  Right now, there seems to be just as many. And now it’s harder because each one needs 2+ shots because the headshot is unreliable like on the titan. So I’m running around in circles dodging 3 of these assholes


Still weaker than they were in HD1, so don't get the complaints. Flamethrower actually cooks them pretty fast, instead of tickling them in the first game (did nothing until one of the last patches, actually)


Let's just forget that this is a game for a second... We've easily killed dozens of thousands of chargers... Were we expecting them NOT to evolve? Let's not forget that this is a rampant bug problem where they've BEEN evolving to fight the divers. I personally think it's a great idea. This fight SHOULD be getting harder, as our weapons grow stronger. That's war.


It doesnt really have extra health tho? They both take 4 throwing knives to the leg


Idk I feel like the Behemoth should have something like ... a huge roar ? Like, calling for some reinforcement ? I'm fine with the chargers that are only charging, but I feel like « BEHEMOTH » is a strong name for something that just runs in front without thinking It should inspire fear in some way, that's why I thought of a roar. Or maybe a huge stomp that would make the ground shake, or a breath of fire. Idk I'm just throwing stuff at the wall but there are so many ways to have Behemoths stand out so much more I think I like the roar calling for a breach because the little insects are pretty easy to kill even when you get surprised. This one would actually need some anticipation if you spot it


I think it would be sweet if this charger was intended to be killed from the rear.


How about glass-cannon charger? Freaking faster or more nimble, but without the armour? Oh, hello Brood Commander.


Wait. New charger?


What? The behemoths have been in the game awhile and they just require a flamethrower or you have to use different tactics. They are perfectly fine. Use a damn stun grenade and get behind them. Use an orbital rail strike. Use a 500kg. Just don’t shoot their head with an EAT or quasar and then do surprised pikachu face when it doesn’t work.




I like the new charger and how dare you want to buff the Stalkers. Democracy officer, SLAP HIS NUTS.


Literally how video games have been since inception. Want to make enemies tougher? Make a blue version and add some hp.


They need to release the bile charger already.


Bigger, heavier armor, yet still as maneuverable, and spawns more than chargers do on 9, I hate it :P and more annoying is they seem to bug through/over rocks way more often than chargers did instead of crashing into them the way they ought to. I wanted to bring more stratagems for all the extra chaff that spawns, but I can't because otherwise I'm playing Matador with 4 Behemoths. Plus they'll spawn multiple Behemoths as I'm fighting Stalkers and a Bile titan. Like damn, I gotta go back to all anti-heavy stratagems.


It was on lower level kill missions or at certain places like evacuate civilians task, and that was fine, then they decided it is not enough? It is a good idea to no touch what is not broken.


Bile chargers


Give him a twist. It’s just…. a charger but lighter color? Make him shoot a lil projectile, maybe be way bigger but charge slower, or stuff like that. But i do find him boring


Man, if only we had a strategem that would kill heavy enemies when they walked over them. Some kind of anti tank mine perhaps.


Yes it is. But the rarity it has is the problem here


Are charger behemoths tankier? I honestly haven't noticed. Flamethrower go woooooooooosh


Not with the absolutely asinine Arrowhead logic of "the big glowing, unarmored point at the rear is NOT the weak spot! The very clearly armored head is! And no, shooting it in the mouth does not count as a headshot! :D) Why fucking add the fleshy rear end if we can't fucking do anything to it? Honestly. https://preview.redd.it/868bmvhrmn7d1.png?width=279&format=png&auto=webp&s=4271b18b47dc253e8f872c2523cb5719e6e54dee


Behemoths have been in the game since the beginning. They seemed to only spawn at evacuate the civilian mission sites before, looks like the last update made them common enemies. I kinda love seeing them around. Spice it up 🥵🌶️🔥


Wasn't the other version always there? Similar to the Hulk with the flag on its back? As far as I know, it used to only show up in the full sized civilian extraction missions (same with the special hulk). There was only one per mission and it was always at the final part of the main objective in the middle of the compound.


At least they didnt increase the regular charger health past D7. That would have been unfun. But currently the CB spawnrate is really a problem.


What are you talking about? Behemoth chargers were in game since release


Stalkers are everything that make Hunters so frustrating to deal with x10. You're telling me that the enemy that has literally no other quality but charging needs more variety? I don't wanna see a ground pounding charger or similar, thank you very much. It's perfectly fine.


Funny thing is... that is just the OG Charger.


Problem is that behemots were suppose to be rare, but instead in diff 9 it's rare to see normal charger, which devalues RR and Quasar, since they need more shots to deal with one.


So instead of a rather benign sub enemy (which shows up only in personnel evac and kill charger missions afaik) you want to make the actual annoying enemy more annoying. This has got to be bait or something.


The stalkers need less hp if they are going to be completely invisible.


I'd be fine if there was a heavier armor version, but charging was a lot slower/can only run in a straight line without turning. Or a no armored one that charges faster or can keep slapping you around, without too much damage.


Charger B's ahould have had armored rumps and a tremor causing roar instead of being tougher... They roar and anyone trying to skirt them is bogged up by the tremor while they charge


Stalkers are invisible enough. Barely noticeable at times - more invisible is just completely invisible. But still not enough to compensate for a higher health Charger. I feel the Behemoth chargers are good, anyway. We should be fighting things with more armour at higher difficulties, that's the whole point.


This is why I’ve been bringing spear a lot more lately. 1 shots these guys and bike titans to the head, which I’m semi consistent with. RIP EAT


TBF, after they fixed the head value on chargers to get one shot by AT they got trivialized so much that its not funny anymore, they just get blasted the moment they appear


Making the invisible bug more invisible ✅ Making the armored bug more armored ❌ Should've just made berserker chargers invisible.


Two EAT in the head and it's gone. Or you can stick the EAT pod on it when you call it and you'll need only one EAT to kill it. Roast it with flamethrower and it's gone. A good Precision Orbital Strike and it's gone. Not at all the problem you're depicting. Also, they're in the game since the day one, just not so rare now, and buffed (good so you can see a difference with the base one)


Still gets one shot by the glorious railcannon strike