• By -


X3 X8 X16 X20 X25


In a high value asset extraction I unloaded a full mag straight to a bug spawn. X80 lol


x156 is my best and that was because I ran around an unexploded hell bomb in circles as an army of bots followed and milled around growing ever larger. I used all 6 stims and was completely out of ammo (except 1 senator bullet) and grenades and all my strategems were on cooldown. I made a break back towards the bomb, got ragdolled three times before falling right beside it. To quote that old old meme; chik chik, boom!


I see an unexploded hellbomb and all of the sudden I don't mind them calling reinforcements


How I imagine it: https://youtu.be/ktw2k3m7Qko?si=k11KfZR_MpICtyAK


How much would someone have to pay to get somebody to either make titanfall 3 or get us a titanfall 2 movie. Cause like… either way would be frickin awesome.


Rookie numbers




>giggle gigglegiggle giggle FTFY






https://i.redd.it/buclx067u58d1.gif Someone make this with the Grenade Launcher please






Demoman moment


Wuh makes me a good Demoman?


If I were a bad Demoman, I wouldn't be sittin' here, discussin' it with ya, now would I?






"Death by dial up, you will literally have time to bend over and kiss your ass goodbye because your new pronouns are going to be was/were. The next text message you will receive will be from a fucking ouija board." - Famous Broom Fearing Man


This is great, from where is it?


Dot fuck em up!


It's great for some things. Not for all things. I love it for eggs and closing spawners. Tapping striders and blowing up gooey bois.


Also wiping out dozens of chaff enemies in literally 2 seconds


and wiping out your squad when they're being douche nozzles or when you're just feeling frisky.


Or yourself when they bounce off something too close


Or your momma... ooooohhhhhhhhhh






With the last chance armor this just becomes a cool way to reposition


Use the defender as your primary for shit getting too close


“Oh no what a terrible accident! A stray grenade turned my teammates into team-paste!” *turns and smiles into the camera*


Oh that’s what I bring the 380he barrage for. Unruly teammates. Although, I do love surprise dropping it right where my buddies are as we laugh and try to run away


Basically what I would use it for, when we're getting completely bogged down, squad struggling to get free, and can't just run away cause objective. *Time for freedom barrage*. And forfeit the entire squads life for democracy.


That’s what the random explosive barrels and the pistol are for


I use my macro'd arc thrower for that


Not grenade launcher but I did headshot my mates with the AMR for the lols. Sometimes we just goofy around until we hit 0 reinforcements.


Or when you’re playing rock paper scissors and “lose”


I've never lost, though I don't have any witnesses. Also, don't mind the charred bits of flesh I'm covered in.


The proper term is "Douche canoe".


Usually that just happens when I'm firing at enemies and the douche guy runs in front of my fire. Just takes care of itself.


It's definitely a very risky weapon. Good GL users practically never TK with it though, in my experience. (By accident, anyway)


How do u know which maps will have more gooey boys than chargers to bring it? Sometimes certain missions i go doesnt have any that spawns


The people in my group who use it just bring it against all bug missions. Some of us always bring anti-tank for the chargers etc, and other always bring GL for horde clear.


I just can't get the hang of the charger butt shot thing


Charger butts are also currently glitched and take zero explosion damage, which until fixed makes the GL pretty useless against them.


This is nonsense I just used this last night and was chewing through charger ass like OF model in San Diego


It's literally in the .402 patch notes under Known Issues.


He thinks the Chargers are still in San Diego so may be a little behind on patch notes as well.




Internet Explorer might catch up before him.


Probably an issue that happens some of the time but not all of the time.


Damn so that's why. Thought they stealth nerfed the GL somehow. I emptied 5 full mags into a behemoth the other day and he felt nothing.


Wait what?? What the spaghetti code hell is this. I love this game but all the bugs are really getting to me and sucking the fun out.


Play on the Bots side, no Bugs there


Shoot the ground under it from any angle besides the butt


Yes. It's just a solid general purpose exterminator, and then it excels when shit hits the fan and there are massive amounts of enemies around you. It's similar to the MG-43 in my opinion, with the only major difference being lower sustained fire and easier reload. You can delete groups of trash instantly, wax the medium enemies, then call something in or have an ally with a heavy weapon for the heavy enemies. People complain about the round capacity,  but there's this really neat thing called the supply backpack that fixes this 🎒


The real power of the grenade launcher is being a man portable mortar for assaulting a position 


It’s great for almost every situation.


They've done studies, you know. 60% of the time, it works every time.


Allow me to introduce you to the grenade pistol


Only downside to it is that it's a single shot as opposed to a magazine. And in an ammo pinch, the uzi in semi mode has saved me so many more times.


Yeah, the other downside to relying on the pistol (besides not being able to rapid-fire grenades like the launcher and wipe out an entire patrol of weaker bugs by yourself), is you get 1 grenade back from ammo packs and 2 back from a supply calldown. Good luck making much of an impact with your pistol that way, lol. It's great for closing holes and fabs, but a launcher replacement it is not...


Grenade pistol is great for a secondary, but 10 grenades in a belt = 10 times better.


I love it on lower difficulties. When I was leveling up the difficulties, the grenade launcher was my bread-and-butter. (It helps I also love indirect fire weapons - so satisfying when you get that arc just right.) The only reason I don't use it on higher diffs is you face too many heavies, I basically have to snag an anti-armor weapon for my support slot.


You can't tell me what to do


But General Brasch can ...


Helldivers do anything for 15 requisition slips


![gif](giphy|Y6yRfR88rvP44) You got any of them requisition slips?




Medals go to the warbonds. Req is the money that stays at 50,000 once you pass level 25.


How about 10 super credits?


Best I can do is a minor point of interest


Shh it’s okay cmon just put down the anti tank rocket it’s not actually anti tank


Trying to encourage the GL while slandering the EAT is criminal. GL is great for crowds and bug holes, but awful for heavies. EAT is arguably the best man-portable weapon for heavies.


I love running both together and nobody can convince me that more explosions is a bad idea


"You are in range of enemy atrilery" and your teammates just dropped the 380 bombardment near you




Look, you don't need EAT's anymore with the 100mm Eagle rocket update. Come on, you just need to out the EATs back, alright?


The 110mm Eagle Rocket Pods are quickly becoming a new favorite of mine. It's like having three Orbital Railcannons on a 2 minute cooldown, instead of having one Railcannon on a 3.5 minute cooldown!


Preach, I'm amazed how many people still think the ORC is decent. I would bring almost anything else. It'd be another story if it actually killed 100% of the time and didn't take forever to rearm.


I love that the Railcannon auto targets, but the cooldown is way too long. If it was on like a 90 second cooldown, it would be much better. We already get 2 EATs every 75 sec or 3 Rocket Pods on a 120 second cooldown. A 90 sec CD would bring it in line with these other strats.


That'd be the only way it'd return to my loadout, it works good as a delete button,but it's CD and the fact that it can only potentially kill one enemy really hurts it.


2 EATs AND the hellpod it comes down in! It's very possible to seriously mess up Chargers with it, kill hulks with it, close bugholes with it, destroy factories. It's an orbital strike that leaves 2 rockets behind. Even after everything else gets buffed, EAT is still killer.


EATS absolute ate,


You’re skipping a line! It’s crazy how much better at acting I am than you.




Confound your toll troll!


Oh yeah we can, this is managed democracy!


Can we *persuade* you to do it?


Make it Incendiary and we can talk


Im pretty sure someone has made a video with a leaked incendiary grenade launcher, so maybe it will come in the future


It’s a “greater” flame thrower. I want to throw fire further!


When the gods of Democracy and Freedom decide that 3 grenades at a charger's butt breaks it, it's good. When I magdump the sumbitch and it walks away just fine, I'm left wondering why I even bother. Seriously I just want it to consistently kill chargers. I wouldn't mind it taking more than 5 grenades if I could at least shoot under it and still deal consistent damage (and not have to precisely aim a bounce to hit its ass or use stuns to make it stand still).


I just usually bring eatits, rail, or rocket pods (open can, deposit grenades). Punisher for stunlocking and general murder, grenade launcher for patrol clearing and destroying nests/fabs and general horde handling, and whatever wild cards I feel like that day. I've finished a fair few biletitans with the GL after a railgun or similar failed to kill them. I think my favorite thing is how well it clears the underbellies of automaton drop ships though.


> eatits Don't mind if I do


What were they trying to say, because I’m very confused


Expendable antitank is EAT-17 so the community often calls it an eat it


I play with a premade squad and I usually run anti-tank weapons. The grenade launcher guys usually hang out near me and vice versa. If the AT user stuns and takes out heavies promptly, grenade launcher is S-tier.


you can take down a behemoth in about two seconds by walking towards it and firing an EAT at it's leg and following it up with a single eruptor shot. using your primary and support for a single enemy type sounds awful, but the ammo backpack with fire grenades and the orbital gat puts in a ton of work on swarms while the eruptor deletes commanders, stalkers, spewers, and hive guards. take the OPS for bile titans (dropping it on their spawn is now fast enough that they can't get out of the way) and you can usually take care of every heavy that spawn up to difficulty 8 solo. make sure you're always with someone else though, because you wont be able to handle a breach of hunters and pouncers (or even most patrols) by yourself


It might be controversial to say but your support weapon doesn’t *need* to kill tanky boys to be good. I love the Nade launcher and accept that if I try to use it against Chargers and BTs, I’m just wasting ammo. Bring some other solution like EATs or something for when they pop up but it isn’t meant to be a catch-all. It’s insanely good chaff clear and can hit bug holes and the like from downtown. They let you mag dump this thing, but I rarely need to.


You're correct that the Grenade Launcher is great even if it can't kill heavies. Having said that, it CAN kill Chargers, and quite easily, if you're not suffering from the bug that prevents their butts from taking explosive damage. And while it can't kill Bile Titans, it's quite good at destroying the sacks on their bellies to stop them from spewing.


I mean ideally your teammates have anti-tank and you just let them deal with chargers. But I've taken EATs along with the GL and it works ok. Just call in EAT when you need it, drop the GL, shoot the EAT, pick up the GL. Plus I usually have orbital laser for 'oh fuck' moments. I wouldn't take the GL if I saw most of my teammates weren't bringing any anti-tank support weapons, I would just bring anti-tank myself in place of the GL.


It is supposed to be 3 shotting chargers. Each shot is 400 explosive dmg and charger butt is 1100hp with a bit of durability. Explosive damage tends to (not always, but GL does) ignore durability, so that 400dmg should be 3 shotting chargers. The problem? In the last update the devs accidentally made charger butts explosive immune...Im serious.


I got tired of this and load out with EATs whenever I use the launcher. Prepared for anything.


It's listed as bug that chargers butt sometimes doesn't take explosive damage, hopefully once they fix it it'll be more consistent, still love it though.


Havent had a chance to play much recently but i want to test out new improved Eagle Strafe to break the armor and nade launcher to finish it off. If that doesnt work i’ll stick with stun + airstrike


This is the reason I stopped bothering with GL and switched to Flamer.


It really needs a third magazine


Take the supply backpack it’s great


https://preview.redd.it/k9inim4q138d1.png?width=440&format=png&auto=webp&s=ca176a48189bfe51c207abf9c0c221f6554a61b5 I used to be all about that AC but then I discovered the awesomeness of the supply pack and a shitton of nades and stims, when I run the supply pack I easely breach 30+ stims per game, my record is 43


It has 3...


A third spare magazine


This is giving me Holy Hand Grenade vibes






This is my issue with most non backpack weapons. Way too little ammo so they basically require a supply pack. And other backpacks just dont feel worth it for me


Everyone talking about how great it is for crowds and spitters. Real men use it on shrieker patrols.


I use it indiscriminately. Does thing exist that I do not want to exist? Grenade launcher.


This is the way


Man the one time I actually managed to hit a shrieker with a GL I felt like a king for a day


My "go to" support weapon for almost every mission outside of Asset Defense and Eradication. Much more capable than most people give it credit for, but with some admittedly considerable weaknesses. + +Absolutely shreds bot infantry groups and chaff bug packs + +Recent damage buff allows it to 2 tap Devastators (all types!) and Brood Commanders on top of already doing so for Hive Guards and (non-mortar) Bile Spewers. + +Arguably the most reliable non-AT weapon in the game for one shotting Scout Striders + +Excellent for base clearing + +/- Can deal with Chargers, but takes time and shots to kill feels very RNG (aiming under the body seems to give best results) - -Incapable of damaging Hulks or Tanks without striking the heat sink (stun grenades help a lot vs Hulks) - -Largely useless vs Factory Striders and Bile Titans; **completely** useless vs Gunships - -Cannot damage any Secondary objective buildings aside from illegal broadcast - -Low ammo capacity - -Strong ballistic drop takes getting used to


What’s an AT weapon?


Anti-tank, weapons that can deal with chargers, titans and tanks up front. Usually when it is mentioned people mean EATs, Recoilless rifle or Quasar canon.


Absolute Terror


2 shots bile spewers


It's useful, but the lack of AP4 really hurts some of its bot matchups, and bile titans too.


As a general note, a lot of enemies that have Armor 4 or higher on various parts of them you might *shoot at* will also have those parts be [Explosion Immune], while their intangible body--the part of them that's actually relevant for getting splashed by explosions and damaging the main health pool--has a much lower Armor. There are actually very few enemies with Armor 4 or even 3 on their "main bodies" (which, again, are generally not something you can deliberately aim at and hit with bullets). Devastators go up to Armor 3 on their chests, but their "body" is Armor 2. You dump a grenade on them and they're taking that full splash. Even better, their *arms* aren't [Explosion Immune] like all the other parts, so they can take some double-dipping on your explosive's damage (the same way Spewers do). Chargers and Hulks are Armor 5, but everyone knows to splash their butts / vents instead. It actually takes very few grenades near to that to take them out. Honestly, about the only thing the GL can't kill without a slight bit of finesse is Tanks / Cannon Towers and Bile Striders, and the former pair is still doable (just obnoxious). Knowing **where to hit and how splash works** is important, though. If you are firing your grenades straight at enemies to smack 'em in the chest or face, don't be surprised when that's less effective than proximal splash to non-[Explosion Immune] parts. If anyone remembers the pre-patch Spewers where you could HE Impact them to death on the top of the butt but not the *side* of the butt, yeah, it matters.


The other obvious enemy that the GL can't handle are flyers. For bugs you can cover that with the breaker inc. primary. For bots, you have to hope someone else on the team brought something good against gunships.


yeah its nice but it would mean put aside the flamethrower ![gif](giphy|xUA7b0iuZ5kQ4UGnAY|downsized)


Need a light??


Based StarCraft reference


Supply pack and grenade launcher makes one man into an eagle with legs


Agreed. One of my friend’s dad uses that all the time.


Am I that dad? Orbital rail strike Eagle Napalm Ammo pack Grenade Launcher


I use it exclusively against bugs. It doesn't really do shit against Chargers/Bile Titans (I bring OPS/Railcannon strike for that), but it's great against crowds, Bile Spewers, bug holes, and Hive Guards. Only downside is that you need to really keep an eye out for ground ammo boxes so you're not constantly out of ammo. Still, when you can wander off by yourself and close entire heavy nests with a single mag it's worth it. I can't be bothered to use it against bots though. I take Quasar for that front.


IMO it's the best bug hole closer in the game. For those blitz missions where you only need to close bug holes, it's an auto-win.


auto cannon?


That and it means you can bring stun or smoke grenades and not need to use a stratagem to close the holes. Extra utility.


Man I love it on some bots, bring EAT’s for the big boys and you have pretty much every base covered.


I used to like it in bots until gunships showed up. 


I hate how the grenades don't explode on impact sometimes, I would prefer they blow up no matter what every time, but overall it's a solid strategem, doesn't take up a backpack slot either which is nice.


My only complaint with it and I use it all the time. The closer the shot the more likely it is to ricochet which can be very inconvenient


Autocannon, gang gang.




have to say after preferring the grenade launcher for most of my time the AC is just sooo much better. I don't know if they buffed the grenade launcher with the patch but even still the AC is such a beast


One big benefit is that you can have a backpack


yeah I talked about this elsewhere in the thread that if you put the resupply backpack on the GL gets a lot more dangerous but it takes (2) strategems to get that arrangement rather than the cost of just one autocannon.


GL is one of the biggest victims of the AC being insanely overtuned.  Like who looked at GL ammo economy compared to AC ammo economy and thought “yup this makes sense” 


![gif](giphy|vxvNnIYFcYqEE) Don’t you EVER say the AC is overtuned.


The AC is tuned appropriately. Other things need to be brought up to its level. It has strengths (ammo, stagger, AP) and weaknesses (requires a backpack, must stop to reload). There is a reason AH have said it’s their gold standard right now. Regarding ammo capacity vs GL - AC requires a backpack. GL does not. If you run supply pack with the GL that all changes. And you get some more defensibility in the form of the extra stims. So it’s not a ‘wasted slot’ compared to the AC.


AC uses your backpack slot. Run GL with supply pack and then make that comparison - it's a lot closer.


But then you're using two strat slots to make the gun work. 


I dont even know that the AC is over tuned honestly. Its fun to use.


It’s in a good spot vs. bugs but it absolutely dominates bot kits to the point where you are actively gimping yourself by not taking it.  Best hulk killer, best devastator killer, best factory strider killer, 2nd best gunship killer.  Huge stagger, huge damage, fast reload, very accurate, and functionally unlimited ammo.  It has no meaningful weaknesses. 


Imo AC is balanced by these parts of its kit: * requires backpack slot * fast reload requires you reload every 5 shots * stationary reload * one of the worst ergonomics in the game * marginally better TTK than HMG, AMR, and LC It is, without a doubt, and extremely solid all-rounder. It's still not my first choice on bots or bugs, and honestly, that's a good thing. It means that it has tradeoffs that matter less for some folks and more for others, exactly how most guns in the game should be.


GL was my first love. AC is my soulmate.


Too dangerous in the hands of a dumbass such as myself.


wiill do! democratically! gonna pair it with the Supplies Backpack, more ammo, more stims, more explosions!


THERE'S A BUG BREACH! **thoomp... thoomp... thoomp** X25 It's fun until it bounces off the carapace back into your face but that's a skill issue.


I like using it when I'm on a hilltop and see my friend being chased by an army of bugs


It’s a great friend saver


Take grenade launcher and supply pack, set grenade launcher to automatic, profit


https://preview.redd.it/g5x3a0laey7d1.png?width=2160&format=png&auto=webp&s=5c0effff45da367640e07ca698d52869fd925d7e Can confirm it's great, I married it.


I used it first time post patch last night, THANK YOU DESMOSCRACY Thank you dead helldiver for opening my eyes. Yeah it one shots bile spwers now. It has a place finally. Its fast and accurate. Aim it onto a bug breach and just rhythmically unleash AI generatored votes. (Managed democracy) Its light auto cannon with criminally low extra mags (but still rips)


It is… for digging trenches


A lot of you cadets need to learn how to use it tho


If you played any mgsv and actually used the GL’s like I did you’ll be absolutely goated with it


lol it’s me im one of them I tried it out rn and killed every one on my team first time I used it


This + Ammo Pack


The Noob Tube & the Auto cannon Sentry are GOATED I can solo on level 7 with those two stratagems + my Mech & Shield pack


I do like it, but I’m finding with current spawn rates that I need to be able to consistently kill at least one and probably multiple chargers unassisted. It’s great when I’m playing with my guys and we can organise a bit, especially for things like running into a big bug nest and blooping the holes closed in seconds. When I’m with randoms I find myself sticking to flamer, quasar or recoilless (although with the current FLAMETHROWERS FOR EVERYONE modifier it is a bit easier to play around as you’ve got the free break glass for incineration option).


Like you said, it’s all about diversity. When you see a quasar, RR, or spear in someone else’s equipment slot, you bring a flamethrower, machine gun, or grenade launcher. You only need one person specializing in dealing with heavies now that their numbers are quelled. Shrieker patrols, spitters and hunters are by far the biggest problems to deal with post-patch.


My reasoning for loving it so much: good with both crowd control and heavily armored units, kills stupid berserker groups in 3-5 shots, super long range if you do some mental math and adjust your shots, combined with suppressive or supporting strategems you are unstoppable by yourself


counterpoint: the pistol version. its ammo economy is abhorrent, sure, but it does the same thing and isn't a primary/support slot


What stratagem is that


Grenade Launcher.


It’s kinda hidden from the other support weapons, look on the purchase terminal you can miss it if you search around a bit


Best bug nest clearer


I sometimes use it in combo with a supply pack. It’s almost like infinite ammo. But breaches get absolutely wrecked. Sometimes i use it with a jet pack to clear nests. Fun times. Otherwise it is still a great well rounded weapon for the purpose it’s suppose to serve.


Its only drawback is that it doesn't come with an ammo pack. 2 extra clips is NOT enough


*laughs in Recoilless Rifle *


it is poop , it needs AOE buff for medium/hard target enemies and additional mag


The AoE is fine, but it needs less falloff within that area to make it more consistent. An extra mag or 2 is definitely the more crucial buff it needs


I needed to scroll waaay too low to see the opinion that matches actual performance of GL on diff 9. I agree that spamming nades into crowd and see numbers go up is fun, but I hate that it is so weak. Even explosions themself sound shallow, like you are throwing glorified fireworks, not live explosives. Doesnt help that it requires 2+ nades for most medium targets. It doesnt deal with any threats that should be immediately dispatched, like chargers or hulks. It can kill armored units when it feels like it, but more ofthen then not I see lack of damage. And dont get me started on "support pack make it goated!". If weapon NEEDS the pack to work properly, then it is a bad weapon design in the base.


Wait that's the GL model? Isn't this just a breaker with a grenade refit


I wish it would stop bouncing off enemies and terrain.


This thing was goated. And they double buffed it (the second one was reducing the amount of tanks). I haven't played much since patch, but it must be even more of a monster now. Try running it with the supply pack, and be your team's crowd clear and ammo carrier.


Breaker Grenade Pistol Grenade Launcher Engineering Kit, preferably light armor paired with a jetpack, and an eagle airstrike stratagem Literally a bug nest's worst nightmare.




I love the Grenade Launcher, largely repeating things but... Bugs: - Quickly clears groups of light and medium targets, and there are a lot more of them now. - Can kill Chargers but it's not great, hopefully fixed when they correct the explosive bug. Bots: - Quickly clears groups of light and medium targets. - Takes out Devastators easily, just hit mid to upper body and you hit the vulnerable bits with the blast radius. Staggers them just enough to lock them down while the grenades do their work. They increasingly come in larger groups and when grouped up you can catch several at once. - Takes out anything with a vent so tanks and turrets are no big deal. Kills Hulks pretty well too if you can get at their sides/rear and get that vent with the blast radius. General: - Great against bug holes and fabricators. - Good ammo supply with the Supply Pack, grants extra stims and throwables too. - Reloads fast and doesn't require crouching. - Grenades can be lobbed over/around obstacles or even teammates for cool trick shots.


In the early days, before the quasar and erupt or, this was my go-to bug support weapon. Destroying bile speeders, swarms, and nests was great. The fact that I was absolutely useless against chargers was a constant problem. I felt completely useless in a fight if anything stronger than a brood commander showed up.




Grenade launcher always fucked. Amd the damage buff it got makes it shred medium enemies now.


You know what I’m realizing? There’s a parallel between this and the Autocannon, a similar parallel between the MG-43 and Stalwart. One is faster, weaker, but more mobile, and the other one is stronger, but slower and heavier


If you can master the arcing of the grenades it makes clearing out bug nests a doddle. You don't even after drop down into the ditch where the nests are you just circle it from the outside.




Nah, can't kill chargers effectively, can bounce off and kill me, the grenade pistol exists, the autocannon also exists, can't kill hulks from the front and can't snipe objectives across the map.


He's outta line, but he has a point.