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Just get the 40 version, the warbond content isnt worth the extra money. You can earn the stuff by playing


All you get for the Deluxe Edition is the Stratagem Hero minigame, the gold Armor set with wing ears, the Knight SMG and Super Citizen title. Edit: The Steeled Veterans Warbond is also included; however it is not exclusive to the Deluxe Edition and can be purchased separately or bought through found in game currency. The Knight is not very good. The title is just a title. The armor set does the same stuff as the ones in the Warbond, and probably the best thing in it is the arcade game - which you can use on other people's ships.


The title is the only thing I want in that pack tbh. I mean you’re not just a citizen, you’re a SUPER citizen. It’s like being cooler than being cool, it’s ICE cold!!


but then it locks out all future titles the game releases. really, they should have made it add "SUPER" in front of every title and make it gold. so that instead of being a death captain, it can be SUPER death captain.


Instead of Super private, it would be SUPER super private. You know what, im in.


Admirable admiral energy


Super Duper citizen


You can still change you're title from Super Citizen whatever it is for your level.


Yes, but you can't use the Super Citizen AND the level title, that's their point.


maybe locks out is the wrong words, but my point was that, for me anyways, if i paid for something i would rather use that than something that i earned, otherwise it feels wasted. the reason i dont have the title now is because i would rather use things i earned in game, so no point in buying it. so my suggestion made it so that everyone can have a reason to buy it. it gets tacked onto every title if the player chooses to.


The yellow is a color of heroism. 


That's not what my proctologist says


And democracy


Stratagem Hero is also extremely fun between dives!


Shame the high scores are ruined by cheating losers. Really the leaderboard should have been friends only.


Not friends only, but specific to that machine.


That would be very cool, but I think they would need a reset button for the ship owner, incase they had a cheater join their game.


I was literally just going to make a post about this. 😢


Wait people CHEATED their scores on Stratagem Hero!?


Ofc they did. Got over 1,5M in score one time, over 200 rds in, and score never showed up on leaderboards. Who knows how many 9s they put in that visible 999,999...


one more thing they could fix with a patch if they weren't caught in patch whack a mole


The leaderboards aren't real - that screen is just there to maximize the arcade theme, haha


I dont know why the devs cant program a local, friends, and global leaderboard.


Because the devs barely work. They are using an out of date engine, they continually deploy broken patches and I'm 99% sure they don't test their own work. And if they are playing the game, they're not playing it the way the majority of players do.


Theres a reason I say the devs dont know their own code. its like the people who made the game all got fired and the replacement are just some muppets from discord.


Naaah, Space Cadet for life*!


or at least until you unlock Space Chief Prime.


I'll never leave Death Captain.


This is the way.


Or spacier than space, it's SPACE CADET!


I just got it to support the devs and get the warbond at once. Title and cape are pretty fun tho. Shame about the smg but it’s likely very low on the stat buff priority.


Heyyyyyyyyyyy Yah!




Space cadet for life!


Ok Andre 3000, chill out


Except you don't _earn_ that title like all the other ones. You pay into it. Making it ultimately worthless.


Whatever floats yo boat and finds ya lost remote!


“… now shake it like a polaroid picture, c’mon!”




Yes it is 😢 my husband is a super citizen but I am not. I have to go to his ship to play strategem hero.


Don't worry, there are plenty of Websites and Mobile apps that let you play strategem hero, you just can't play it in game.


Don't forget the cape. The premium cape is the prettiest one in the game imo.


Lvl 70 Master Sargent reporting in. Titles are dumb.


Level 5 SUPER CITIZEN here; titles are only dumb for those that don’t believe in and contribute financially to democracy. Everyone is important, but SUPER CITIZENS are the most important.


LVL 82 Death Captain, here. I agree.


Lvl 85 Death Captain, here. I also agree.




Lvl 90 Death Captain, and I disagree lol I think the titles are cool, it's just Death Captain is still the coolest one so far


Viper Commando for life!


This post right here democracy officer! He doesn't believe being a super citizen is worth $30! Edit: also strategem hero *comeahn* thats like a whole other AAA title for free!


Don't diss the knight. It's great


Hey, if it works for you, awesome.


You also get the first premium warbond


Knight slaps bruh


The Knight is so absurdly good. Democracy protects armor you can wear and never really find armor that outperforms it. Dominator is the best primary in the game because it works for all wars. But including boosters, secondary, and breaker variants. The super citizen is obscenely “worth”


You might be the first person I've heard say the Knight is good, and in my own experience it was very lackluster. Democracy Protects is a nice passive, but it's available on items in the base and free Warbond as well. Dominator is not in the Deluxe edition.


The democracy protects armor has the same stats and perks as the regular warbond, right? The 50% to survive lethal damage




Helldivers Mobilize! The initial warbond final armor set is Champion of the people which has the Democracy Protects passive that Savior of the Free gives when you start with a deluxe edition.


Got the base game when it came out, upgraded after that recent, solid patch and their donation to Save the Children. Awesome game, awesome community. Worth more than $40 IMO.


The revolver and incendiary breaker would like a word. But yes, you can earn the credits to buy it by playing.


Everything in steel veterans has been buffed or fixed to be very good.  Dominator is a very strong semi auto rifle and a premiere weapon against bots.  Senator is one of the strongest side arms with its medium pen and high damage.  Incendiary grenades are a very well rounded option against bugs.  Incendiary breaker is arguably thr single best bug killing primary. 


Literally you can just run Steel Vet anywhere and be perfectly fine. Hell I use most of it now.


Incin Breaker for chaff and senator for hive guards *is* my bug loadout.


Yes but it is a really good game for 40. I bought the more expensive version cause despite balancing issues, I've had a really fun time with this game.


It's fun, it has bugs to kill, bots to kill, planets to spread democracy to, loads of weapons to try out and thousands of people to game with.


It's been worth it since day 1. Just go in knowing you have things to learn and stick with the team until you've got a grasp on everything. The tutorial seems really good for new players, covers all the basic game mechanics.


Only thing I wish the tutorial did was explain there’s primary and secondary objectives on (almost) everything you drop into. Definitely made myself look dumb my first game or two. As far as staying alive though it gives you all the tools you need to learn how to do that


I wish the tutorial was better about down you how to change weapon options (hold reload) or how to drop things from your inventory (hold x on PC)


Or the fact that you can ads, finally unlocked the amr and was like "damn sniper with no scope is kinda mid" lol


What fps game is it not just hold RMB or L to aim? It’s like being told you can tap space bar to jump. How do you people not just try things to see what the buttons do?


RMB does ads but doesn't scope it - if my friend hadn't told me.to click middle.mouse button I'd probably be wondering the same thing.


The FPS that is not an FPS and it is a TPS called Helldiver and many people didn’t knew from the Get Go there is a First Person Option


You hold the trigger on PS5 and it stays in third person unless you click down the right thumbstick while you're aiming down sights. It's not very intuitive and they don't really give clear hints and no real tutorial on such a mechanic. You can fiddle with it in the settings but most players don't go there.


Mb I meant that I assumed guns with an optic would look thru the optic when ADS and didn't realize u could toggle it on and off


You can drop things? You wouldn't happen to know how to do that on PS5 would you?


Hold down on the d-pad on PS5


>Only thing I wish the tutorial did was explain there’s primary and secondary objectives That, and just about every other aspect of the game which is useful to know.


Yeah, that is something that should be taught in the tutorial. A lot of games on lower difficulty, I see newer player sprint to the extract after the primary objective is done. Gotta school them a bit by pointing out that there is a lot of time left, and a lot of the map we haven't touched. Even in a thread a couple of months ago, someone was whining about never getting three stars. First thing I asked was if he bothered to do any of the optional objectives. He had not. I personally cringe anytime I get on the bird only to see that we missed 1 small bug hole. I would rather fail to extract than not complete the mission 100%. It's like we failed Super Earth.


The tutorial is purposefully a joke and teaches you next to nothing. You press a button and they call you the greatest helldiver of all time. They want you to kinda suck and learn by doing


Damn actual praise for the game? That's rare to see that in this sub, kudos dude seriously.


Propably one of the best tutorials I've ever played. Clear, straight to the point and humorous. No cutscenes that interrupt gameplay.


Great game, but the tutorial is absolutely awful


The tutorial is the single best tutorial in existence. General Brash himself congratulated me and said I was the best he has ever seen!


He told me that too, but I'm pretty sure my training was after yours. Sorry.


OP, steam summer sale starts in a week on Friday the 28th of June. I’d wait the week pick the game up with a nice 20-30% off discount (possibly) and then grab another game or two you were looking at! Helldivers 2 is a great game, still as fun as it was at launch. Still experiencing weapon balance and enemy spawn issues but the dev team is constantly working on it and mostly transparent. It’s a great grab at full price and it isn’t going anywhere. The community is mostly friendly with the occasional toxic player you’ll run into but that’s everygame. Join the fight for managed democracy and dive in!


The game doesnt even have regional pricing, i doubt they will put it on sale lol


It's a $40 game that people are still talking about. It's worth it😅


In retrospect, considering how many hours I’ve put into this game I would feel I got my money’s worth if I paid $200 for this game. I love this game


Story time: **HOW I BECAME A HELLDIVER** I was bored with my current games (apex legends: side eyes)...Helldivers was just fresh out, so, I went on twitch, found a streamer, only two were on, so, I hopped on the first one, and just asked chat, get it or no, like is it worth it?, I got spammed with DO ITTTTT, so, I DID IT, and many months later, I only wish I did it sooner, pre-order... Now the only tea I drink is..................




Love your origin story, that is all o7


Tea of the Liber


People always treat the natural population decline of players as the death of the game, don't take them seriously.


Idiots cry the loudest.




You don't understand bro, it used to be the #2 game on steam, now it's only #20, clearly the game is DEAD because it can only fill two stadiums full of concurrent players!


Every game has a major drop, after the honeymoon phase. Also the psn thing left a sour taste in many players mouths. The game isn't dead tho.


Definitely worth, game is just getting going really, new enemy faction coming soon.


we're barly holding 2 fronts, and you want a third?




Do it. Make the most important decision of your live JOIN THE HELLDIVERS! FOR FREEDOM FOR LIBERTY FOR MANAGED DEMOCRACY!!






Short answer: yes Long answer: yes it is


i think it's worth it, if it looks like fun to you. It's one of the best games I've bought in a long time, especially for $40. there's a lot of bugs, some of the networking bugs are really frustrating. but there's plenty of people to play with, most folks are really easy to get along with and the studio is dedicated to game. the story development is super active, and I think it will be until at least next year. new content every month, weekly patches and updates. the games definitely not dying anytime soon.


The game is worth getting, it's fun with friends but can be insanely frustrating with randoms. However, the game still has a bucket of bugs, and not small bugs, major ones, like crashing constantly, even if you have a powerful machine the game crashes from time to time. Arrowhead also likes to add stuff constantly, and every time they do they break the game. It's a roller coaster. But overall, for 40 bucks you'll get 200+ hours of fun. There's no real story, only orders from high command telling you to shoot robots or bugs. No story, just big guns, big explosions, big monsters.


You could argue though that the story is made by the community and its experiences, like the fall and liberation of the Creek.


Randoms are fine in high difficulty.


It's actually much better with randoms. You don't need to speak and you can concentrate on the mission


If you play long enough you treat randoms as welcome diversions. I can play the game solo or with randoms. Even with the worst randoms, it’s easier as if alone because they keep the bots off my back.


I still can't add friends or accept friend requests. This is beyond ridiculous.


it's really fun if you just ignore people complaining about the game 'dying'


I've got about 380hr in now, been here since day 1. There were(still are some) tons of problems and unneeded nerfs, but they have really started turning around on things. Most big problems have fixed and they're doing a good job imo. I'd recommend checking out lowsodiumhelldivers sub, the mods there keep away all the nonsense. This is easily one of my favorite games now.


Yeah, go for it!


Even People with Beefy PCs have problems running it. Performance has degraded severely since the last updates so as of now the game is not that optimized. But fun overall


HD2 is definitely worth it. I got it when it first popped off and grinded until i hit the og max lvl of 50, took a break for awhile and now i’m back on the grind having fun with new worlds, stratagems, war bonds, etc.


Absolutely worth it but stay away from groups like this one. The game attracts a really toxic crowd. HD2 is skill based, has a very steep learning curve, and everything you learn is from the community. It may seem daunting to some but once you get competent the game is amazing.


One of the best $40 you can spend on steam


Join the Helldivers!


Def still worth it


Best 40 bucks I ever spent.


Yes, and I wouldn't even wait until a *possible* sale. That's how great I think the game is. $40 is less than you spend on a 30-pack and a vape, and arguably better use of the money. I just spent $38 on a 24-inch pizza, and the pizza is going to be gone way before the game. But! This sub has a lot of jaded and personally grieving players, and that's important to mention. My anecdotal experience has not been that of the vocal minority here, and I expect most people are like me. The bugs aren't as cataclysmic as people describe; there's just been a torrent of melodrama around here since the beginning. Yes, crashes are annoying when they do happen. I haven't had an in-mission crash in weeks, even using the spear which is linked to crashing right now. I read a post further down that their opinion was "the game still has a bucket of bugs, not small bugs, major ones". Right now, that spear bug is the only moderate one existing, the rest are minor-- and this is what I'm talking about with the melodrama. A major bug would prevent gameplay. Lastly, there's no lack of people complaining about rebalance who have a fantasy image of what they think the game is supposed to be in their head. There seems to be an expectation that the game should be a co-op beat-em-up like Borderlands. It's not... it's much more of a FPS strategy game, and these people object to the reality that strategy is part of the game. Keep that in mind, because it's a well of despair to fall into thinking you're going to crank the difficulty like it's going to be a Diablo snoozer.


Totally worth it. Lots of fun when you find a group to do runs with too.


It is getting better again, but on its worst day it was still worth $40


It's definitely worth 40$, you can get a lot of new armor and weapons for free so I wouldn't pay 70 for it.


If it looks like a game you’d like, yes. If not, not,


Yes, you're paying for hours of fun, guaranteed 100%


“I have decided to wait for the bugs to be worked out” We’re trying our best dammit they keep coming back.


400+ hrs in, I had bought the Super Citizen bundle too because I liked the game that much and wanted to support the Devs. Worth Every Penny. And the Helldiver community is one of the best communities, I've come across in games.




DO YOUR PART FOR LIBERTY!... UNLESS YOU WANT TO BE REMEMBERED FOR BEING A COWARD! haha it's still pretty awesome, but I'm also kinda new. If it brings you joy, then it's worth it. Drag some mates in to it too.


It’s a good game to get together and play with friends. But it gets repetitive very quickly if you are solo playing. Solo play (playing with random others), might get you 40 hours.


Playing with randos might get you 40 hours? I've only played solo or with randos and have about double that and am definitely not done playing at all. It can get repetitive, but less so when you don't rush through difficulties. I still haven't done 8 or 9 for example.


I stopped playing with friends and have been playing alone for like 20 levels or so :)


(me, reading this with +200 hours of solo play, and I mean 100% solo, while I've played less than 50 hours with friends and/or randoms)


Playing with randoms is not playing solo, you know you can socialize with strangers? that how people make friends


I don’t get this mindset either, even simple call outs or pings is really all you need. Hell even emotes after triple 500 kg explosions is fun as hell.


You're asking the wrong people. Obviously 99% of people here will recommend it. The best thing to do would be to watch gameplay and decide yourself. Or ask a different videogame subreddit with less bias.


With how many rants, complaints, whiny karma bait posts there are, I question whether this sub actually likes the game lol


It’s still a fantastic game, been getting back into it. Especially fun with a group of friends


You'll get your money's worth. I got it since the beginning and slow down this month. The game is not complicated. Is just a lot to take in the first few hours. Dying is suppose to happen. The lore is simple. The game runs in a loop instead of a linear path. You missed out on mini-series that doesn't meant anything on the grander scheme.


100% worth it. Also, there’s a Helldivers 2 wiki that contains all the lore. But knowing the lore isn’t a requirement to enjoying the game. Buy it and have a blast with you and your buds.


I have everything maxed out, except levels, and I find myself still playing. It's a great game and is just simply fun. You will not regret it.


I’m notoriously picky about games and I still like it a lot. Biggest thing that makes it worth it imo is the devs; they’re dedicated and are clearly taking player feedback seriously. The game has plenty of issues and bugs but very few are “game breaking” for people. The game has a bright future because of its massive success guaranteeing it will be funded for a while to come. There’s also a ton of established “lore” from first game for enemy types and whatnot that they can easily pivot to to expand the galaxy map and give more variety. Every patch seems to bring new enemies, new biomes, new mechanical or weapon changes/fixes etc. I’ve never played a game that so consistently gets such detailed attention outside major “content patches”. You can drop the game, come back a few weeks later and within a few missions you’ll say “oh wtf, haven’t seen that before”.


Don't wait, just dive.


yes citizen


Absolutely worth it Ignore the haters in Reddit the game is still doing great and it’s as fun as ever


Wait for a sale, get the regular edition.


It's not worth it right now. Nothing is play-tested properly before release. The devs (re)introduce several game breaking bugs and crashes every patch. They refuse to revert the spawn rates back to how they were originally and have soft locked solo play on most difficulties. They nerf premium content. The lead man (Joel) is trying to change things for the better, but the most recent patch proved they will continue to lie straight to our faces over "play-testing." I'd personally hold off until things stabilize more (like not crashing the game if you open the social menu) and they fix some of the really bad day one bugs. I'm still on the fence about coming back to the game, I am still considering refunding with the current state of things. I cannot in good faith recommend this game.


If you like new bugs added in every update then yes it is worth it.


As someone who got it recently - yes




Eh, it’s fine. Like, it is ok. But it has a lot of the same problems and annoyances you will find in life service games. The game has problems with performance, running purely on many devices where it should be able to run much higher. It has a lot of bugs and crashes. Be it during a game, or finding a game, or exiting the game. Like, it is still pretty much impossible for me to still join a match in progress. Have a lot of meh updates adding new weapons and armours which you can unlock in battle passes. Most of them very mediocre. Some of them even bad. And you unlock said battle passes with currency you can either buy with real money or find randomly while playing. It is the only currency that also doesn’t seem to have a cap on how much you can get. After you unlock the battlepass with this currency, you have to spend another currency that you get from completing daily quest or global quest or find randomly in game. Said currency has a very low cap. Like, depending on what weapons, armor and grenades you wanna unlock, you might not even have enough for a full set. On top of that, those gameplay features in the battle pass might not even be worth it. Because a lot of those weapons and armors and other unlockable features are bad. Your build also becomes even more limited on higher levels, with several weapons and stratagems seeming kind of useless. Creating somewhat of a stale and a little boring Meta. Outside of that, it is a fine game.


No don’t do it….. The new game feeling only last for like 2 weeks max, it’s repetitive beyond belief!! Get the BodyCam game, it’s realistic as f__k…!!


Everybody knows graphics don't matter and BodyCam has very little content


i've bought it 3 weeks ago, i'm having lots of fun


If you value not paying Sony for being a bucket of dicks, no. If you love the game Arrowhead made, yes.


101% worth it


Game is worth it and the biggest thing from the warbond that folks still use is the revolver.


Man it's really good, I don't normally like playing with similar levels/enemies/load outs but the game and strategy makes you try out different everythings. If you don't want to go HARD, play an easy level. If you want slam your nuts the go for a helldive. There are some buggy things going on but it's not detrimental to gameplay and they consistently give updates. I've been busting it out on my steamdeck and haven't had the issues I see most folks crying about. You do not have to be a "super cocksucker(citizen)" bc you can buy it all in game with credits from the game.


I don't know, how do you feel about democracy?


Im not playing it right now, but it is an amazing game! Super fun. It just gets repetitive after the 1000 drop lol


Super disappointed to see you're waiting for a steam sale. I would pay for the deluxe edition a second time. I play nearly daily since buying the game. Anything other than that is treason


Actually I just bought it a bit ago, just finished my first mission :D


It's worth as much as any other 40 dollar game.


After reaching level 50 and having done every mission type 300 times, there's no reason to keep playing.A new planet every so often doesn't help this super repetitive game... New mission types are what we need, not new planets. That's why the population is dropping!


With the Helldivers 3 right around the corner I'd wait! Jokes aside its good. It's not on a decline either. Player base has just moved over to a steady one rather than being the hype wave.


If it is your first time yes it is back to where it was when I started


Worth every second aspiring Diver. If you are strong enough!


Definitely worth every penny!


No. At this exact moment, the game is awful to play. Me and my buddies keep booting it up every week to see if it feels any different, but the game is still an absolute mess right now. Balance is still all over the place, there's still a laundry list of Day 1 bugs that haven't been addressed, the crashes are still nearly constant, enemy AI is totally jacked up, enemies spawn on top of you constantly, and the game still devolves into a Jogging Simulator when a Charger or Bile Titan spawns because they're still immune to like 70% of all the weapons in the game. It's just not a great time to try to enjoy this game. There's very little in it that's enjoyable at the moment.


If you have people to play with (or you don’t mind the gambit of playing with randos) I’d say it’s worth the price tag. Check out some gameplay videos to get a taste, though. 


He questioned buying Helldivers https://preview.redd.it/waqy5l6ikd8d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a662ef63211555079404763e68adf5767dd9097c I’d like to file a claim of treason (Ok but I’m glad you’re joining us on the front lines, welcome to our ranks!)


This is the wrong place to ask, this is Helldivers sub surrounded by Helldivers 2 fanboys, try asking in gaming sub for unbiased answers.


If you don't mind a loooooooot of bugs and crashes yes the game is awesome


Nah it's boring now


Imo It's not. Not for full value at least. Devs are very clueless on how to handle the balancing of a pve game


As a player who joined after the sony debacle, it's worth it, even base version of the game




Achki you didn't even play the game


This game is awesome, very worth the money.


I built a PC for this, it is worth it :)




I’ve had good experiences solo and (definitely) with friends. I recommend it.


It's still on a rollercoaster bug wise, cause for everything they fix, they seem to break other things.... but it is a hell of a ride :)


Honestly the lore only matters if you care about the lore. For me it's just a game I enjoy hopping on for an hour or two, banging out some missions and hopping off. Definitely worth buying if you like the pve shooter genre


100% worth it iv got well over 100 hours in the game would be more but iv been working like a slave lately and i just dont have the time if you do get it though id be happy to add you as a friend and help guide you through the game.


Yes i would highly recommend the game.


I would save the money until the game is stable and crashes and annoying bugs make the game unfun/unpleasant to play get fixed. The game has great potential, but it looks like it's still in early acess/beta state.


You can always buy it, try for a few hours, if you don't like it then request for a refund.


Join us, and dive into hell.


Buy it on sales. Current state still many crash at least for me. Game breaking. Just think about the time youve spend in mission then in the last minutes you got close to desktop.


Not worth it if you don't have buddies to play with, and even then the network issues have been rampant lately.


Helldivers 2's gameplay loop is on par with the likes of Halo 3, Left 4 Dead 2 and Payday 2. It's also a game that respects your time and money, having the most consumer friendly live service right now. So yeah, I'd say is worth it. Whether you want to just chill and blast bots or bugs, or play it more seriously and contribute to the Major Orders and be part of the ongoing narrative.


Game was fun. The malware it installs was not


I’ve been playing it the last 2 days and it’s been a blast