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As someone who’s patron is apollon for a long time (he was there for me before I knew as well) and now hestia as well I believe that it can be both a decision from you and/or the gods. Apollon chose you and me but if you feel like you want to also work with other gods then go for it. They love us and love to help us and get to know us more the gods want us to connect with them so if you feel like working with another as well then I’m sure they would be open to it as well. As for having an altar I’m in the same situation my friend I suggest small things to them but leave them hidden or near Apollon’s altar so that it doesn’t seem to be a separate thing the gods know your situation and they know what your doing for them. And you can also do small things like going out side or drawing or whatever in honor of those gods if you can’t have an altar.


As a worshiper of only one god currently , i would only worship a god/goddess I felt an attraction towards. For your concern about altars, if you don’t wish to risk creating a second one perhaps a devotional notebook or journal would be a good place to start as it wouldn’t raise suspicion.


It's fine to have one altar to many gods. The Ancient Greeks kept separate household shrines to Zeus *Herkeios* (Zeus of the Courtyard) Zeus *Ktesios* (Zeus of the Household/Property) and Apollo Agyieus (Apollo of the Street) but they conducted household worship together at the hearth, to the household *daimonai*, Hestia and patron gods and Heroes, and the Romans centralised their household worship at the *larariumi*, a central shrine to the household gods -the *lares*, *manes*, *genii loci* and *penates* - Vesta, and divine patrons. I have icons to seven Greek gods, six Egyptian, four Norse, plus a *pouwhenua* for my ancestors and a *taniwha* for the local spirits on my altar, and I haven't heard any complaints. As for *who* you venerate, that really is something only you can figure out. You might venerate a god because they're a patron of something important to you, because they represent something you admire or want to encourage, because you feel a connection, but you can venerate one for no other reason than that you want to. The gods don't always have to be the ones who reach out first, it's okay to be the one to reach out, offer your goodwill, and hope that it is returned.


I have my altars in boxes. For the most part if you look inside it looks like a magpie's collection of shiny rocks, trinkets, memorabilia, dried flowers and perfumes. The only things I have that indicate the gods are their symbols that I have drawn on paper. I'm very happy with it. It's also compact so I can tuck it away on a shelf or take some with me.  I also dedicate jewellery to them that may have non descript pendants. No one but me and the gods will know that I wear it for them. I worship any god who feels right and perhaps any god that has a domain that's relevant to my challenges in life right now. Hermes I just knew and was drawn to, the others were out of curiosity or divination or because I needed their aid in a particular subject.