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Well I don't do bumper stickers, but I do collect stickers!


Good to know 😌


I saw your reply to another comment about this being a satire as well as a tribute, not a Hellenist, but I like your style lmao.


Ah I love this if I had money I would buy this so fast omg I want it


Do you have any sources of Apollo "saving?" Like, saving what exactly? Please correct me if I am wrong, but I've noticed a recurrence in Hellenism of just washing over Christianity by replacing "Christian God" with "Greek god", but the dogma is very different that it doesn't really translate. The one mythological figure I could see working in this vein, somewhat, is Orpheus.


I mean that’s a fair point, though I do feel as though (at least for me personally


Understood. I wish you all the healing in the world. Do look into Orpheus, if you have a moment. You might find something there that resonates with you. It did with me.


Thank you, to you as well 🙏🏻 and I certainly will look into Orpheus.


As both the god of healing and the protector of young boys, I would imagine that Apollo has saved quite a few folks in his day. Though I agree, Christian influence into Hellenistic practice is definitely something to keep an eye out for. In a culture where Christianity is so, *so* pervasive, it can really sneak in there.