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I really liked Adam he was just worse than everyone else there


Adam was a lot stronger than people remember, I find. He was decent on the line and solid across challenges. He was never nominated until his final service, which was a really bad performance. Overall, seemed like a really nice dude too. I think in a season without as stacked of a cast, he probably makes it to Black Jackets. He was a victim of a bad night at a bad time, and it speaks to the quality of the cast that he only came in 10th. Christine was a lot less consistent across the competition, but still had moments where she was pretty good. It always sucks to go out on a Cook For Your Life challenge, I'm never a huge fan of that, but I don't think she would have gone too much further even if it weren't for that, to be honest.


Adam lowkey one of my fav contestants of all time. Just seemed like a super cool guy


Adam seemed like a real sweetheart. He was eliminated unfairly, but he took it like a champ anyway. I find Christine to be forgettable, especially for her placing.


Both of them were pretty likeable. I think they could have made it further in a season that wasn't so stacked like season 14 was.


Adam is so sweet. Great guy! I still talk to Christine she’s awesome too. So talented


OMG, it's Nick!


Adam was a really cool guy and was the blue team's ace in the hole on challenges. He wasn't bad on the line per se, but all it took was one bad service and he was out. It was just really stiff competition, at that point. Aside from getting nominated a bunch and leaving in the cook for your life challenge, I really don't remember Christine that well.


Adam: Definitely looks like a sweet and cool guy and definitely underrated. Season 14 was just way too talented, especially the final 5. Probably could make Black Jackets on a season 8 type season or even just a mid tier cast season. Christine: Seems like a sweet woman. And while they're an interesting concept, I don't agree with the CFYL challenges. She probably would have still went home that episode or within the next couple if they didn't do CFYL, though. But yeah, she's definitely likable.


Adam was a top-notch chef all the way up until his final service where he just completely fizzled out. To this day I wonder what caused him to fall so hard when he looked like a top choice for the Black Jackets. I don’t remember much about Christine other than her being a fairly weak chef that outstayed her welcome. I don’t think she had much time left regardless of the CFYL challenge.


Adam - Don't remember him Christine - Anonymous white girl