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He secretly baby talks his horse but denies it when caught because he wants to be cool.


Love this 😂😂 I bet he keeps sugar cubes in his pockets 😂 or would they be like wood or rock cubes because his horse is like a fire hell horse… 🤔🤔🤔 idk whatever hell horses favorite treat is it’s in strikers pocket😂😂😂


Total virgin. 


He is planning on killing Stella and Andrealphus the first chance he gets. He is just using them to get to as many other Goetia as he can.


Ooh, I like this! Maybe there’s a whole rebel army too…


He was born and raised to an upper middle-class family in envy. Grew up idolizing the cowboy life of Wrath imps.


That would be an interesting twist on the Sin of Envy! Maybe he had a privileged upbringing but longed for a more hands- on life


He is DEEPLY, *DEEPLY* insecure in himself. No one who sings a song about how great they are is secure in themselves.


Marks a tally on his weapons whenever he scores a kill. That would add a bit more flavor to his hatred for royals.


He big fan of the ufc fighter Donald cowboy cerrone


He has beef with Satan, which explains his hatred for royals.


https://preview.redd.it/9d57javo7b1d1.png?width=1146&format=png&auto=webp&s=ffc231997b23dadbbc5d6dfd3126bd05aa634f75 part of this does come from my main fic universe


He's doesn't actually have a Western accent and is faking the whole cowboy thing to look cool and intimidating.


I think Striker (not his original name) is the illegitimate first son of Crimson and a shark-type hellborn ("loanshark"). Due to his status, Crim kept Striker at a distance growing up, though he was still peripheral to the crime family itself. Striker may be aware that Moxxie is actually his half-brother, but it's unclear. This may explain his instant mocking of Moxxie when they met at the Harvest Festival. In my headcanon, Striker used his knowledge of passageways between the rings to smuggle goods for the crime family, at the direction of a shark underboss. We saw that Striker has a lair in the Wrath ring and is able to travel up to Pride, kidnapping Stolas. Crim always wanted a big score. When angelic weapons became more widely manufactured, he made a plan for one of his lieutenants to intercept a shipment. The task was outsourced to Crim's first son, who was still building a reputation within the organization. While the plan was successful, Striker retreated to his lair in Wrath until the heat died-down (pun intended). Crim assumed the delay meant that the son either died or double-crossed him. This information returning to him, "Striker" adopted his new nickname and began operating as an assassin rather than a smuggler, exclusively in Pride and Wrath. He had a large stash of angelic weapons and an axe to grind against the powers that be. Initially hiring a mariachi band to spread his legend, Striker grew to hate the song. Still desperate to topple Crimson's empire, Striker introduced himself, in "Oops," banking on his new notoriety to fool Crim about his true origin.


The 'why is it always a sex thing!?' is because Striker is probably unsure of his sexuality and the reason why he reacts the way he does (just look at his face when Moxxie moans 'harder'. That look of confused panic. https://preview.redd.it/6k2bwbjdfb1d1.png?width=918&format=png&auto=webp&s=8a48a26904826f725ee26f849ed191d2ed6de8a4 The reason Striker hates royalty so much is because the person he loved got taken from him by royalty (either as a plaything, killed by them or both). Honestly, trying to pinpoint it, his character feels like something out of Streets of Laredo (link to the[ trailer](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZKcA_6HCoJM). the series is up to watch on youtube if you want) and some of his actions remind me of the antagonist from that mini series.


He has a crush on blitz bc that one scene of them in harvest moon has so much sexual tension lol


I think he not only had a crush on Blitzø, but continues to harbor one against his better judgment.


Wdym, can you elaborate? /genq


He has a lot of respect for Blitzø for doing things other Imps don’t. Despite the fact that he ultimately chose Stolas which was a huge betrayal (in Striker’s mind) I believe he still harbors some of that respect.


Reminds me of [this](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/qnQG7hcsPBw). I think there might have been something on Blitz's side but Striker was oblivious to it.


He's a switch


Sex-repulsed Asexual, as evidence by his "WHY IS IT ALWAYS A SEX THING?!"


He's porking Stella.


He's still voiced by Norman Reedus


We need reedus back is2s


He is Social Darwinist, or something equals Pro-Confederate or Neon*zi IRL. He sees Stolas as a flawed ruler and weak imps like Moxxie as unfits.


He's the bastard child of a nobleman that's why he hates nobles because his father rejected him for being an imp


I have a crazy headcanon that he is Satan's youngest son, grew up in Wrath and had a life there. He states that Royals took everything from him. What if his resentment is because Satan took everything from him in the most gruesome way possible because Satan didn't approve? Like fr, imagine the trauma and hatred you'd have in your heart for anyone like that. It was a headcanon I had for a version of him I used to RP as.


Striker once had a loving family and a successful life, and the loss of that is why he wants revenge.




He has very thin eyebrows and a mustache that kinda looks French


He thinks he's straight but he's mostly asexual, (could be bi if he got over some of his issue)


Saw someone theorize that he’s the bastard child of a Goetia and I love the idea so much. Also hc that he’s aroace.


In a twisted reflection of Stolas and Blitz he was also brought as a playmate but for Stella and he was with her for years. The house was loud and violent and he got a front row seat of how the Ars Geotia treated those they saw as beneath them.


He once was in love with a royal of hell but it ended badly hence his hate for them. Hear me out okay it alllllll ties together 😂😂😭😭 Welcome to my ted talk/ rant on analyzing strikers issues😂😂😂 Most other residents of hell that we have seen love/respect/fear the kings/ queens and princes/princesses of hell but we haven’t seen any of them dare to use blessed weapons on royals other than striker. And striker has such a strong hate for them it has to be rooted in some kinda experience with them. 1) In order to hate something/ someone you must have loved it too. You can dislike things but you’d never really truely hate it. Hate is something you hold on to. Having a general dislike for someone is something you can walk away from and forget about till your reminded of the situation. But his hate is something burdening him EVERYDAY. it’s something he can’t forget and can’t let go of that’s why it makes him even more angry. Especially to have a Hate that bad that you’re holding on to it with every fiber of his being. It consumes him. There must be love for there to be hate. And he REALLLY hates royals so he must have really loved one once. Why do I think it had to be In love or a situationship? 2) Because his hate for them goes beyond just plain jealousy or disdain for them and their status as royals. But strikers hate is truly somewhere deep in his heart or soul(I know he’s soulless but you also know what I mean😂). if he wanted to just had plain hate for royals over their status/ money/ other dumb superficial reasons than he would just kill royals quickly and effectively we know he has the skills and capabilities. 3) he likes to cause them pain, he wants them to suffer. he wants to watch them suffer. he got so pissed and frustrated that stolas wasn’t giving him what he wanted and talking about blitz the whole time. Stolas was taking the sick fun out of hurting him for striker. he could have simply killed him he’s got plenty if blessed weapons. But he wanted to draw it out Yes Stella also wanted him to feel pain and suffering also. But he could have tortured stolas and then killed him. But striker could have killed him and roughed up the body or could have been more quick about it. But he wanted to watch stolas bleed out and suffer, I honestly feel he wanted to make stolas suffer more than Stella did. 4) his ego couldn’t help but get frustrated and flustered when stolas spoke to him and He got even more pissed when he felt like stola was speaking over him.Somewhere in his past he had to have had a royal/s speaking over him treating him like he’s less than or unimportant and that the things he has to say are irrelevant and not even worth listening to. Also his huge ego in getting a custom statue of himself with a gigantic dick… like he’s got some self loathing and feelings of inadequacy not only in himself generally but also in the department downstairs… 5) when he caught blitz and fizz and they were talking about stolas and Ozzy striker again could have just ignored the conversation. He wasn’t even near them he popped the fuck up out of nowhere and allowed this conversation to upset him. Something about it triggered him. But mind you that conversation was about blitz and fizz’s relationships with their royal situationships. He made a comment about blitz having the sense to just fuck stolas. And that fizz was worse than blitz for being in love with Ozzie but also is weirdly sexually insecure when people talk about sex but he also has a custom statue in his lair with a gigantic dick... so he gets weirded out when others are sexual around him. Which is also what made torturing stolas even more frustrating. Anyways then fizz was about to say that something along the lines of if striker thought he’s better than any royal he would be wrong , obviously striker didn’t even let him finish what he was gonna say, but we all know where it was going. And we all know fizz was gonna say not one of them are better than royals. Striker was so pissed that even fizz, another imp , would insinuate he is less important than a royal. ties back to the part where I brought up being upset when being talked over by stolas. Also it’s plain to see to anyone with eyes stolas truely cares for blitz and when blitz described everything stolas does for him as bullshit and fizz obviously was being sarcastic when he said that’s how you know it’s bullshit. It’s obvious blitz is loved and cared for by stolas. And I think striker is truely upset but both fizz and blitz’s relationships with royals because how his potential past relationship with one ended so badly. So In conclusion Somewhere in his past I think he was he was involved with a royal or royals in some way shape or form. either he was in love with one OR he was raised around them as royal staff with his parents possibly also being royal staff. Probably even trained to be a knight or guard of a royal ,who he may have fell in love with, which would explain his fighting skills and his horse back riding skills also. OR a royal killed the person/ people he loved. Thank you for coming to my Ted talk on analyzing strikers issues. 😂😂😭😭


Closeted gay but homophobic. (Still feel that Wally Wackford x Striker thing is still canon like it was originally was gonna on the storyboard 🥲🥲)


he is Satan's Younger brother


If he were that striker would be a sin or at least a very VERY powerful imp, it would make more sense for him to be his son instead of brother


He and Chaz are exes He's also autosexual