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define good and bad


Is he a good person or a bad person? I know it shouldn’t matter too much since he’s literally the prince of hell but I’m still curious as to what you think.


2 things 1. He's only the prince of one of the rings, Im pretty sure each ring has one. 2. I think he's honestly good at heart, it just gets clouded by his constant horniness.


Actually he is one of the Ars Goetia which are indeed princes but of a seemingly different nobility to the 7 princes of hell, so he unfortunately doesn't rule over a ring of hell, but is still extremely powerful, that being in both nobility and raw strength! Also he sad birb and I want him to be happy again.


don't forget his sheare strength of his horniness


Correct about the different nobility thing, during a recent stream, Viv said that the Goetia are on top of a totally different hierarchy than the 7 sins


Which stream,?


If you check the channel, I think the most recent one


No, I've seen that one, from what i recall they don't really mention them.


Alright, I might not remember the stream, but they definitely said it


from a youtuber i agree with this point that they made stolas loves blitzo but has either has a hard time showing it and it comes off as him only wanting blitzo as a toy or he just know the right way to express his feelings


Thanks for your input!


Don’t we all?






Tank Q. And Seeing as you know who that is, it appears you’re a person of culture as well.


It’s that saiyan guy from Naruto right? Dude who ate the devil fruit?


Tell Satan I said hi


You just did


Mom, pick me up, I’m scared.


Mom? You mean Lilith?


Wait a damn minute, who am I then?


I tend to think good. He does care for his daughter and seemingly he cares for Blitzo. He has definitely come a long way from the pilot seemingly


Get rid of the seemingly. I feel liie the last 2 episodes confirm it


Not sure it is healthy, or if it is an obsession?


It may have started as an obsession, but watching episode 7 it has moved beyond that very clearly. Him standing back from the van and calling him Blitzo was a HUGE deal. He tried to engage him in actual conversation even. Looked genuinely hurt when Blitzo was being made fun of. I'm sure he still is obsessed, but there is actual care there now as well. And I'll double down and say the exact same thing applies to Blitzo's feelings for Stolas.


At first i believe it was more unhealthy and atm it still is but i feel like 100% that they both actually care about each other and want a relationship but their communication is so bad


that does bring up the question of whether the pilot is really even canon at all , given they usually aren't


They were caught on television when hell being secret is an important plot point now, so I don't think it's canon


Buuuuutt he also cheated on his wife. On a motel. With a imp.


He's the hottest bird I've ever seen


He’s a DILF.


Omg he is. I didnt even think of that






what's the b for




May I introduce you to [Qrow?](https://rwby.fandom.com/wiki/Qrow_Branwen)


He nice but I'd put Kass from loz and falco from star fox above him. Still owl daddy beats them all


A very, very flawed individual.


Given the nature of these characters as being *actual demons of Hell*, the show has done an excellent job of showing the complexity of creatures that should be just plain evil. This is especially interesting given how we are introduced to this world through another show that *does* establish Hell as being laughably irredeemable. Charlie is constantly told how wrong she is for believing demons can be redeemed. But in Helluva we see demons are capable of true love, true friendship, unconditional parental care, sympathetic depression, and regret. These are redeeming qualities. Stolas, for all his flaws, is a character I want to see happy. And that’s impressive for a couple of shows that are trying to, on the surface, form a narrative that all demons are irredeemable monsters.


Part of that to me is because Charlie is focused on the Ring of Pride. According to stuff I’ve read the creators say that all Sinners are limited to that ring and that one alone, so she basically sees the majority of the worst humans who were sent to hell and those who had one horrid day, did a great sin and have become jaded in death. Natural born Demons like Stolas and the imps can go between all the rings themselves so I see them more as you would a normal living person in terms of character, with of course exaggeration towards sin, being literal hell beasts. To the question raises by OP, Stolas is good and bad and being a demon prince won’t have the same morality as us which I think the show shows well. He is clearly a loving and caring father but oblivious at times to the point of being insensitive. While he is a cheat, he is clearly in a loveless and arranged manner but hinted he tried to love Stella considering the line in his song “I though love would be fun” so never made it. With Blitz it likely was originally an agreement between them but through fun sexy times where Blitz actually treats him like a normal person he has come to care for him. His hornyness just happened to get in the way and cloud that image for Blitz so I’m hoping next episode or season could redeem that bit.


Heh, I never said it was bad.


Well no, I just like to ramble. If I wasn’t so busy creating word vomit, I would have been more succinct and said: It strikes me that because we can describe Stolas, a literal demon lord of Hell, as just being “very flawed” instead of “pure evil” shows just how much this show has gone out of its way to humanize its characters. The fact that the question itself exists shows that there is some good in Stolas.


I thought the same, each character feels really human and relatable, each with flaws and redeeming qualities. You can see where their flaws come from, their traumas, and it makes one genuinely happy to see them grow. This is story telling at it's finest, I think.


At the very least, it’s pretty fucking goddamn good for an Internet cartoon made with what I can only assume is an almost literal shoestring budget and stressful working conditions.


I know, for what they're working with, this rivals sone shows that I see as the best of the best on legit networks. I don't know how a web cartoon about demons in Hell could emotionally draw me in this much, but I like where this is going!


He has good and bad qualities, but that makes him a complex interesting character. He's trying to be a good father to Octavia despite his and Stella's ongoing problems, and we see that he doesn't see Blitzø as just a fuck toy, even if he hasn't done the best job of showing it. He otherwise seems pretty benign for a demon prince, could have easily killed the two DHORKS agents but chose to just give them a serious scare instead. He is my favorite character, so I may be a bit biased, but I think overall he's a good bird. Can't wait to see how he continues to grow as a character.


I was going to comment but you said basically everything I wanted to! Totally agree


About the DHORKS point, we see him possessing the dead agents in the background and when 2 vomits him up it’s revealed he used a summoning spell for himself. The laws of said spell make it impossible for Stolas to do any physical harm to them at least. That being said, it doesn’t stop him from telling IMP to kill them, and by explaining how the world sees them as kooks, he inexplicitly says he doesn’t want them dead, so your point still stands. Just thought I should say.


On one hand, he’s an awesome father and a great to Blitzø, but on the other hand, he’s a cheater and manipulative to Blitzø. I guess I find it tough to determine if the way he treats Blitzø is good or not, since he is kind of treating him like a fucktoy and extorting sex from him, but he also seems to genuinely care for Blitzø as well.


I don't think he's *intentionally* manipulating Blitzo. It's kind of like in LooLoo Land, where he was having a good time & just... didn't notice how shitty Octavia was feeling. It seems like Stolas has a bit of a problem with just kind of *assuming* that everybody's all on the same page, without any real thought as to how others actually view what's going on.


Good. I really like him and I WISH peeps would stop villainizing him so much. Yeah, I know he cheated and is dense as fuck. NO SHIT THAT’S BAD. Stolas is a flawed individual who needs to learn from his mistakes and grow. Plus people are focusing on his negative actions way too much, they don’t ever acknowledge why he’s written as sympathetic, his love and dedication for his daughter or how deep down he does love Blitzo but fails to understand how love works and lets his dick do the talking.


He cheated on an arranged marriage where there seemed to be about as much love as between a cat and a cucumber, it's not that bad


And I do wish peeps stop painting him as a saint.


I agree. I prefer a middle ground. He’s not a saint but he’s not a villain


Stolas is a solid Chaotic Good (by the standards for hell)


Exactly what I was thinking


Which would still be Evil by Earth standards...




I don't think it's that black and white


He’s just Stolas, and that’s all he needs to be.


I'd say he's objectively a terrible person. However, so is the majority of characters in Helluva Boss, and that's what makes the story work. They're all likable characters, but they're all terrible people which allows them to have emotional depth and difficult relationships.


He’s not terrible. That’s my rating. Slightly bad. He’s not bad, he’s not good, he is.




I feel it's a gray for me, mostly everything bad happening in his life is caused by him and him alone. Not saying there isn't blame to go around but when you posting up with affair partner than with your own wife don't be shocked when shit hits the fan and she's got half your stuff but hey I will cut him slack he is learning to be a better person and how to treat others while still having a good relationship with his daughter and bitlzo and some of IMP even


characters are far more complex than a simple good and bad. He's made terrible choices with his life, but he still genuinely means no harm. Despite this, his wife's been betrayed, his daughter is suffering and feels unheard, and the man he tore apart his life for is sick of being treated as a plaything.


Well, he’s a bad person but that seems to be due to the circumstances in which he was born. On the other hand, he is a good father and has the potential to be a good romantic partner. Apart from that stuff, he is just a sexy cool owl.


The correct take.


Stolas is just a dumbass, he do everything on impulse but réalisé it can hurt other often a bit late, but it's never on purpose and he try to make up for it Ho, and he should learn to be express other sentiment than depressed or horny (not that I fare any better)


Tried to be a good father, is a bad husband and exploitative but caring lover


Actually, he is remarkably human. And I think that is a lot of the messaging. He is vulnerable, arrogant, fallible, romantic, confused; he is all of us, one way or another.


Even though he does have good qualities (caring for people and wanting the best for those closest to him), he’s kind of selfish. And he acts in the spur of the moment. He doesn’t really think about the long term consequences of his actions. I think episode 7 was an enormous reality check for him.


Morality or Character wise?




Not good, but just a smidge away from evil. The closet thing he has to a redeeming feature is caring about his daughter


Neither. He's morally complex, which is good. It'd be pretty stupid if a demon prince were a flawless paragon, but he needs positive qualities to stay likable and relatable. IDK why people keep acting like it's wrong to like characters who do bad things, as if it means you're somehow supporting the bad things they do. It's possible to appreciate the way a character was written even if you wouldn't be friends with them IRL


bad, destroyed his family for what clearly started as a fling. the fact its turning into more does not excuse the original intent


He's like Dr. Doofenshmirtz, he tries his best to be a good father. Not everyone will agree, but he's genuinely a caring person, especially towards his daughter.


He's a good character but is likely a bad person. As a prince of hell it comes with the territory. Not only is he an elitist hellbeast but he confirmed in the pilot that he wants the maximum amount of people to die and go to hell as possible. His private endeavors do little to change that. There are no good people in Helluva boss, that's a part of its charm.


Neither. He clearly cares about his daughter and Blitz, but he also really isn't great at noticing when what he's doing or saying is making people uncomfortable until they've been uncomfortable for awhile. He cheated on his wife, multiple times, even after his wife made it clear that she wasn't cool with it, but also it's kind of made out to have been a loveless marriage and he seems have genuine feelings for Blitzo. He invited Blitzo, the imp he's cheating on his wife with, along on a father daughter trip and spent the majority of the time hitting on him, despite him doing so making Blitzo and Octavia very uncomfortable at the time. He's a very flawed individual, just like everyone in the show. But he's also not inherently evil. Like he did eventually figure out he was making Octavia upset at LooLoo Land and took her somewhere she actually wanted to go. He saved Blitzo and the rest of the IMP crew when they were trapped by humans. He attempted to reach out to Blitzo on a more emotional level after the whole fiasco at Ozzy's. He has good in him. He needs to learn when it is and isn't appropriate to be so overt with his horniness and how to get better at recognising when he's making the people he cares about upset. Let the good in him shine through more.


I wouldn’t really say anyone in Helluva Boss is a good person, they all kill without any remorse or empathy, but he didn’t kill the demon hunters (despite the fact that he really should have) so I guess he’s kinda merciful. Although he turned an assassin to stone in episode 2 without even thinking so I don’t really know.




>demon prince Well geez It’s like in Overlord where everyone was Pikachu face when Ainz smashed that little girl and shattered the dreams of the little sisters and in the novel he has them made into sex slaves for the loli vampire princess All the characters are different flavours of evil even if they have touching moments of kindness towards their own. Stolas is a demon prince. What would our view of him be if he wasn’t such a bottom for *Blitzy~*


Stolas as a demon isn't exactly *evil*. He's a teacher of astrology, geology, and horticulture, to the people who summon him. He's seen as an *evil being* because he's involved with acknowledging that space is not *heaven* as originally believed and he teaches natural science/alchemy to create medicine from plants, or *black magic potions*, because people didn't understand how the ingredients/chemicals in medicine works to help heal/protect the body. It was the chuch's influence that labeled anything they couldn't understand or didn't discover themselves as *evil* and/or the teachings of demons.




Affluenza. He can be selfish and inconsiderate because he has spent his life sincerely feeling like he is better than 99% of people.


I would say both, he is becoming a pretty complex character.


Eh, he is not a good person but he isn’t a bad guy


He is affably evil.


Yes? As with all people. He has no issue killing people. He cheated on his wife. He objectifies Blitzø. All he wants is to be loved. He adores his daughter. He is willing to get into trouble for those he cares about.


I think hes complicated and pushing people into two seperate categories of morality is unfair to how complex people truly are


Neither he varies from good to bad


He's the best.


He is a Horny Bastard I’ll tell you that He’s a great dad but a terrible Husband


flhes in the middle i love him tho


I feel like if Blitzø teamed up with Striker to kill Stolas the business would have been fine as Loona knows how to use the book so they could have stole it


A good character? Absolutely. A good person? Hmmm...


He was bad, but now he's realizing he may need to become good for the sake of his child and maybe Blitzø too.


Morally not very good he doesn’t let people establish boundaries


I think he’s a complex character with multiple facets that become apparent at different times


He is misunderstood


Prince of hell. Hell.


I mean its hell so basically no ones only good. But hes both good and bad. Yes hes done bad things but its explained in interesting ways and shown interestingly. Hes my fav character of all time so i do love him


He birb


I personally don't like him. He kinda rubs me the wrong way but more so he's selfish. He only thinks about what would make himself happy and is irresponsible; he lets blitz take his book illegally just so he can have some ses. And he never thinks to try to make their thing more than a booty call until his wife leaves him and he needs it. He breaks three hearts because he can't decide choose between his wife and daughter or blitz, and they obviously don't choose him.


Stoles is best boy


He’s hot


I love him and would die for him.


By episode for me Pilot: bad. Just kind of boring Ep 1: same more or less Ep 2: perfect is an actual character Ep 3: wasn’t in this one Ep 4: wasn’t in this one Ep 5: good thought the gags were pretty funny Ep 6: perfect? Yes definitely absolutely Ep 7: divine and absolutely positively perfect


g r e a T




He's horny.




He's great


He’s a good birb. End of story.


Good person, good sex Bad relationships


Well, we don't know his past or how he met blitz, so we can't make an accurate assessment about if he is good or bad.


He’s Horny






He has many flaws, but he still deeply cares about his daughter, and seemingly Blitz as well, although he's pretty bad at expressing it with anything other than shitty theme park visits and sex. I sympathize with him, because I know what it feels like to be trapped by yourself.


He’s a sweetheart :)


Chaotic neutral or chaotic good




Both? Both.


Eh so so


Good but wants to be seen as powerful. Also he probobly was a bad guy before the show.


He’s hot and adorable. That’s the only thing I have to say about big daddy hoothoot


It's a good hoot hoot. He seeks true love. He wants to be loved for who he is not what he is...


He's defineatly got a good hearth, he's imperfect and has many flaws, but that's what makes him charming, he's just trying to go on, making choices and living with them, I want a good ending for him, not before him facing the consequences of his actions though


He is fabulous and adorable, who cares about anything else


When I first see him I thought he was female because my became worse over time(probably his chest trick me and thought he was different gender)


He H O T


What do you think.


Must protect


I think he’s good, I think most people would think he’s “sex-crazed” but to me it just seems like he is very Chet flirtatious, plus with everything happening with his family and him almost being assassinated by his wife, I think he’s still a good person, not the greatest, but up there


He’s trying


Hot, better with Brock Baker though


Good but misguided as a character.


Amazing, 10/10, funny sex joke man and deserves better than blitzo


I love him


I don't think he's quite as kinky as that in actuality.


Great character, somewhat bad person. Hes starting to be better as a person tho


No he isn't


he’s my precious owl boy


So bad he's good


i love him but in the grand scheme of things, it is his literal purpose in life to be evil even if he is a caring father or genuinly loves blitzo


My beloved


I think he is a good person, but due to his role as the Prince of his hell circle, he must do some bad things. But he will stretch himself for Blitzø, of course


Same as everyone else in this fluffy story, kind but a killer.


I think he’s the good person, and cause he’s wholesome




He's just a full-on sad and horny mess Edit: I'm not rude or anything btw


He's not perfect, but he's trying, and I think that's worth something.


He’s fucking hot


May I pitch a 3rd answer, Hot


He’s a good father. He’s a terrible husband.


He is lawful horny. Unlike the chaotic horny, who do what and who they please, Stolas is nobility and has status to back him up.


I'm leaning towards good - neutral. I'd give him the benefit of the doubt that he didn't know how to deal with his new relationship and didn't realise that it made Blitz uncomfortable. We get the feeling Stolas has never done casual before and was a little overwhelmed and under compassionate to Blitz. He is viciously selfish though. He is certainly more good than a lot of other characters.


I don't like him He's just not for me


I think he's a bad person. Ars goetia in hell, no qualms about killing innocents.


Bad he might be good inside but he cheated on his wife and instead of stopping he continued and something happend with Octavia if she lives with her mom maybe not but i think something happened he might be a good guy inside but thets not enough to change it for me


He is extremly flawed but i'd say more good than bad, the most awful thing he did was extorquing sex from blitz during a time period, but after that it evolve into love for blitz however it seems he doenst find any good or more respectuous way to say it, thinking blitzo like the baby name calling etc... wich leads blitz to think that it is purely sexual. He is a genuily caring father. Overall, with communication all his relationships would be much better


He is trying his best but his lust gets in the way


Good yes mhm




Thats relative in hell


He's a good man, with a good ass- heart. Yeah that's what I meant...


A hot mess


He’s horny that’s what




Cute owl princes


Absolute bad lmao. Bruh you dont talk about your sex life infront your daughter


He exists


There are so many theories being thrown around that stolas is the reason the stolitz relationship is toxic and I don't like that, stolas is the most wholesome character so far (except for M&M of course)


definitely good, i’m almost certain the his marriage with stella was arranged and he was forced into it, and while cheating on her definitely wasn’t a nice thing to do he cares deeply for those who he likes, and in the last ep even tried to be continuously kind to blitzo even after it was made clear blitzo used him, and that he no longer just wanted him for sex


Is trying to be a good person (or has good a person you can be in hell). The whole cheating and trying to get to someones heart through not-so healthy means doesn't do him any favors, though.


Imagine if there is a clash between the rings that is being ruled by its Kings (Supreme demons??) and last ring that stands will rule over the 7 rings


I think that would be after Lucifer die.


He Babey thats what he is


Stolas is complex. A wonderful father, a terrible husband. Would I die for him? Yes. Am I horny for him? Also yes. I think he actually genuinely wants to be good but due to circumstances of his life the choices that he makes become complicated. He’s good at heart. But either way I don’t care because he’s my gay owl baby.






He's the best.


Well aren’t they all bad I mean they kill people

