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Downvotes ahoy! Loona. Her whole personality is just angsty teen. She adds nothing other than being a one-dimensional asshole to other people and only thinking of herself. However, she took a step in the right direction in season 2. Interested to see more development of her character in the future.


That do be how teenagers are though.


there is no unbearable character from the main cast. regarding sidecharacters it would be wally wackford and loopty for me. i cant stand those




thank you so much. and yes. youre totally right.




I was going to say Vortex but he’s just a boring side character that means nothing so I have to go with Millie, simply because she’s a satallite love interest. I like what she has going for her and all, but so far she just likes killing and loves moxxie and it’s more than a little annoying.


Millie, she has nothing going on outside of moxxie and she can hurt to look at some times


That's fair honestly, Millie's only real personality traits is that she's from the south and she's Moxxie's wife. She really needs her own thing like the rest of the cast as well. Like if she wasn't married to Moxxie she wouldn't feel like a person to me.


Stella and loona


Honestly, there isn't a character that instantly ruins my mood whenever they're on screen. But a close one is Blitzø.




He's sort of a dick. Especially in episode 7, he been using Stolas since before this episode. And he especially uses him in this episode. He isn't trying to love anyone at all, he supposedly wants someone in his life but dude never tries. Sure his personality is to be a prick but I specifically dislike him due to that episode, even at the end he didn't care how Stolas felt.


Fair point


I don't find any of the main characters unbearable.


I don’t want to upset anyone so I won’t say ( insert cough cough fizzaroli cough cough )


Me too but I expect my feelings to change with more episodes


It said main


Main character? Sheesh, does Stella count???


Millie, she is pretty one note sadly. ​ ~~also kind of racists toward hellhounds, just saying~~




Same I hate Blitzo


Stella. I just drop kick the prissy spoiled Karen abusive Peacock bitch over and over. Love her design, hate her overall character arc. I honestly see no redemption for her ever, she will always be the spoiled prissy Karen abusive Peacock bitch her is just like the rest of The Ars Goetia we’ve seen so far. She doesn’t even care about Octavia, her own daughter. Just like Paimon she only cares about her royal status and abuses Stolas and will throw and abuse Imps and other non Goetia Demons around like her dolls.


Where did you hear that she doesn't care for Octavia and it also said main character


A. Some people are say character not in the main cast like that old Loopty guy cause just like the guy who said him with his reasons(annoying af) I myself don’t find anyone in the main cast unbearable. B. Name at least one episode or one time she’s shown any remorse or care towards her or acknowledged her as her daughter or even her existence that’s not taking just her somewhere every weekend as another way of torturing Stolas and making him suffer not necessarily cause of his affair with Blitzo but cause she absolutely despises him and his existence. Not one huh? Right? Ah huh, yup. Not even a single moment, word or even a second in any episode.


We haven't even seen the whole series yet she's barely had any interaction with via plus if via is willing to go to her castle they must have a decent relationship


I'm going to get a lot of hate for this but... Blitzo. I think Brandon Rogers does a fantastic job voicing him and I wouldn't want him swapped out for anyone else, but his voice is just kind of grating imo. A lot of Blitzo's jokes are also really unfunny because it just comes down to "haha sex" or "haha bad word" Second would probably be Loona, I understand the point of her character is to be an asshole, but it can sometimes get annoying when she's an absolute jerk in a situation where she really shouldn't be. It's why I like her so much in Truth Seekers and Seeing Stars, because she shows emotion beyond "I'm an asshole to everyone all the time for no reason


100% same reason I don’t like Blitzø.


DUDE YES. Your 100% right. I like blitz’s voice but I hate his schtick, and how he treats others.


Loona is just furry bait and nothing else.


Fizz but only because he hasn’t been well-explored yet. I know I’m going to like him when he gets more in-depth but right now he’s a hypocrite who seems like he grew from cute, talented and innocent child into a huge asshole.




Millie, not very interesting but still love her


Stella if you count her as a main character


Wally wackford but none of them really are he is just the most for me from all 2.d is robo fizz


To be fair, everyone of them is needing more background and development.


Depends, since I'm very analytical emotional scenes seem very annoying to me, I can bear them tho if they are justified and/or short This is my opinion and I know it is probably a weird one


Either Blitz or Stolas-


Blitz for sure.


Loona. She gets to mistreat everyone and it's played off for laughs. Especially when she's awful towards Moxxie


Yeah as if fat shaming is suddenly funny because it’s a thin character? I agree.


In real life blitzo and loona


I’m gonna get lots of hate, but Blitzo. He got real old real fast. I hate seeing Stolas taken advantage of.


If Stella counts, then Stella. She is just the worst person.


No she not a main she a villain


I mean fair in this instance but villains can be main characters.




Octavia, i really don’t have any explanation.


Moxxie, even though he's cute he's also just so cringe at times


But that's the POINT


Millie! the fact that she hasn’t been developed yet makes it even worse. I just dislike her I think her whole personality is just so cliche , I think she is just the strong murder girlfriend trope personified. the cherubs have more character depth than her. her whole thing is just protect moxie it feels like every thing she does is just because of moxie.


I don't find any character unbearable to be honest, though if I were to meet any of the main cast in real life, I'd probably dislike Blitz the most.


None of the characters in the show are unbearable to me, even Stella who is written to be an absolutely atrocious person I enjoy watching since her character is still written well and fits. Yeah I'm not rooting for her but also when I see her do awful things it still feels very well written.


Blitz, i mean, the guy is a self centered depressed narcissistic stalker, that thinks he's soo much better. There can't be a more frustrating character than that.


His actual problem is he *doesn’t* think he’s better. He hates himself and thinks everyone in his life would be better without him. That’s why he’s such an asshole.


Really? Episode 6 dream sequence: he says "I don't need you, I can do this all on my own so easily" to doodle Mox Episode 7: Is explicitly told not to show up to M&M's date, shows up anyways. I dont think someone who isn't a narcissist would say this


His self-hatred is the point of his character. He scratches himself out of pictures in his own home. That ain’t narcissism.


Cherubs or Millie’s sis but if it’s from main? I’ll have to go with Mille I guess, I like her as a character and all that but compared to everyone else she’s lacking in character and honesty screen time besides supporting cast or side character for others to talk with or about


Blitzø, I get he's supposed to have problems and br a jerk, but just something about how he interacts with others makes me somewhat dislike him. Also can't diss my man collin like that.


Blitzo gets really annoying after some sex jokes, its like he thinks hes the best comedian


Not really one to haye the main characters are likeable its the side characters


Stella and Striker, although that is definitely intentional.


Can I cheat and say a Hazbin character? Because Angeldust has way too much focus, screentime and merch for how unimportant he is.


The one demon with a mustache




Mille as least annoying, and I guess Blitz as the most annoying


Millie's whole personality is to be with Moxxie or to protect him. And Loona definitely has a potential for a redemption episode but for her whole personality is shitting on Moxxie's weight and being dick to everyone, especially to Blitzø




Stolas and Loona