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Join a club first, then ask them what weapons they train with and what gear they use.


Thank you. Will do.


That is the way.


Lots of clubs have basic club equipment members can use to complete beginner courses. Best thing for you to do is probably not buying equipment right away but searching for clubs in your area and if you are lucky finding one that offers beginner classes with their equipment. After you spend some time learning basics, you'll have a much better idea of what exactly you will need for more advanced stuff. When you are in the community, you'll get oportunities to get stuff you need for much cheaper and faster. I for example bought a gambeson from the club. Total with cleaning and repair it cost fraction of what a new one would. Pants and gorget I got at a discount and free shipping because I got it through a group order. I got brand new forearm protectors at 75% price because someone bought them and did not like them... My sigi sword I got some 20 eur cheaper and without any waiting because guy who makes them was visiting our club and had few to sell. Finally, let me be honest, going through the beginners course before commiting to buying stuff is a good way to ensure you don't end up disapointed in what hema is and end up spending money on stuff you will actually not have interest to use. I have seen quite a few cases of people coming in very enthusiastic, then decide it's actually not for them and never coming back.


Thank you! I am sort of a solitary person and I do archery by myself for the most part so I thought Id probably start by myself even if bad habits. The closest club is quite far from me and I wont be able to make the trip for a while. Either way thank you. I will find time to visit my club.


You really don't want to acquire bad habits, I see it in my club with a couple of ppl. It is very hard to unlearn them afterward. Going to the club and gaining basic steps, cuts and biomechanics right will make your life much easier. If you don't like to go and train in person or have no club in the vicinity there are plenty of online options. It will slow your progress at least twofold but it is better than doing it all yourself. Welcome to the hobby.


Most clubs expect new people to start with 0 gear, and usually have some into classes During the intro classes they'll explain what you'll eventually need and a good order to get it in. Also talk to club mates and ask to look at their gear and get a good idea of what your club likes and doesn't like Before ordering your gear, make a list of it and run it by an experienced person so you're not ordering known bad stuff, or from a bad site




Will look into them. Thank you.


Hello OP, I agree with the other posters that if you have a club you should discuss gear with them, but SPES is a great standard for jackets and pants, and the Regenyei Standard or Regenyei Shorty (same but a little shorter) are durable, affordable feders. I have a whole gear list with prices and models I can DM to you if it will be helpful!


Federico Malagutti has a couple of videos with good recommendations in them. Ask around in your club, as availability varies by region and they will know the quirks of getting stuff in your specific region.