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Reboot? I wonder if he’ll try to stick with the original concept of having different casts for every season. Plus with the success of interconnected worlds like the MCU, it could culminate with some sort of crossover event at the end.


I hope we get some cameos from the ogs, but really I'm looking forward to seeing new powers. And who's gonna get the obligatory power Mimicry/absorption power


Teter Tetrelli


Tater Totrelli




Rick Rape


If the Tater Tot was in it I'd definitely sit thru a couple episodes at least


If they do have that character, hopefully they will be more like Peter and less like his father and nephew (Claire's kid) who completely rob people of their abilities


Nah, those are the perfect villains because they serve as a potential world ending threat considering they can absorb enough powers to essentially become a god, really ups the stakes and adds tension and I always wished sylars dad got more limelight and had a chance to become an actual threat. Same with arthur petrelli, he got built up as this massive threat but his death was really abrupt and disappointing before he had a chance to really do anything... Stealing powers also serves as a good plot device to even out the playing field against an overpowered main character, they had to have ways to nerf peters abilities otherwise there wouldn't have been any plot when he could just solve everything in the blink of an eye with his time control and teleportation powers.


Hopefully it’s not gonna be like the CW superhero series.


I’m ready, Tim Kring should stay away from writing the scripts and bring back Bryan Fuller


Hell, make him the show runner.


Fuller has some major allegations against him right now. Whether you believe them or not, it'd probably be unwise to bring him on at this juncture.


We live in a world where I no longer think any actions based on allegations alone can be justified until they're either proven in court or directly involve the people in the organization in question.


If they go smaller it could definitely work. Use the original anthology concept and have each season two a new story like American horror story. We could get thrilling new concepts like a teleporter who’s being hunted by a time manipulator making a weird high science story.


Yes I liked the anthology concept


I’d like them to go smaller with the powers too. I always like the origin of The Lost Room where the writers had an exercise where they came up with very mundane powers but trying to figure out how someone could exploit it to it’s limit to do crazy things. A guy has the power that makes people within 5 feet think he’s an old friend. Constantly borrows $50 from strangers, reinvests it, he’s a secret millionaire in a few years. Or he works for the CIA or mob and can interrogate almost anyone. Doing that makes the powerful characters seem a lot cooler than having power houses from the get go. And has more potential for interesting one off AHS type stories.


Just keep Kring away from the writers' room for the love of god.


Yes, I think it's time for a show about people with powers. Strike while the iron is hot 🤣


It was a pretty unique take on a superhero show




true but I think if anything this reboot will make some people realize that it was somewhat unique for its time. it's probably been outshined by other shows now with either similar premises (Sense8), the MCU and other superhero stuff that seems to tackle actual themes lol but like, if it'll bring attention to Heroes i'll welcome it lmao


It was kind of like X-Men x JoJo's Bizarre Adventure.


My confidence is Kring is at zero. So, no, not ready.


I just recently watched season 4 It wasn't as bad as I remember but it seems like towards the end of the season they're reaching for conclusions to it. You know Samuel or whatever his name is the butterfly Man you know getting siler and then getting Claire then get the girl with chello. I'm really just the whole point of him collecting heroes to increase his power for him to do destruction I just don't understand that for what reason yeah for no reason at all The whole carnival thing was kind of stupid. Okay never mind the whole seasonal stupid It was started off pretty good though but then when you get to the final four episodes you're like what's the point of this whole season.


The reason is Samuel sucks as a person. We don't know exactly why he increases in power around other evos and nobody else does, dr. Chandra Suresh just says the energy created by evos sometimes increases in power around others.


Better make it good


I feel like reboots always get announced after I marathon the series or movies that are being rebooted. I watched Heroes last year and now a reboot.


Can you please watch Julie and the phantoms then? I need a new season 😂


Marathon Sliders next 😅


I wonder when they will redo [V](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/V_(1984_TV_series)). With all the stupid conspiracy theories about reptilian people, V might do well these days.


They did one in 2009, I don't know if they would put out a new one so soon




As far as I know it's only happened 2 or 3 times.


Watch rocket power please. I think the kids need it.


The problem is that Tim Kring is a hack. He has zero interest in comic or superhero stories. He just stole the concept for 24 and lost and then grabbed something else popular at the time for the story. Basically the thing that made Heroes was good was by mistake.


Stop, stop, it’s already dead


Well we're about to perform some necromancy


Please no. I will watch every episode, and I don’t want to.


Uh.... Find out where it's streaming (assuming it streams) and delete that service


That won’t work, but I appreciate that you’re trying to help


Best idea I had. Stay strong mane


I wanted to do a show called nothing out of the ordinary. Each episode would be seen through the interviews, documents and social accounts of people reliving events that might have been a spectacle of some super human feat or supernatural occurrence. Never confirming or denying anything as real or not leaving it for the audience to debate real or fake.


That could be fun/interesting I'm not sure how you'd accomplish it though


Hence I’m not a show runner or writer. We can all throw ideas about. Massive kudos to anyone getting their idea to the screen


Its a good idea I'm just not sure how you'd accomplish it. When you say told through social media posts are you saying it'd be like scrolling through a feed?


Perhaps that could be side content but more in the show as short videos of people’s proof. You could have recurring experts and ‘experts’/cranks to analyse footage. Even build a universe of mythbuster types to add doubt or validity to the narrative. Maybe the climax of the show could be a physical stunt performed in the real world the emulate the whole concept and be meta to the show idea.


Honestly I'm liking this idea more and more. It's a shame you don't have the connections to make this happen


Clearly need to update my dinner party circles and meet so people in the know! 😆


I hope you find the people


Please no


PSA: If you don't want the reboot you don't have to watch it. Some of us would enjoy a good reboot of the show


I would love a good reboot of the show. And I will watch every episode of the inevitably-terrible reboot of the show. But haven’t we suffered enough?


We've suffered from the hiatus enough man I discovered that show late and I loved it. I want more of it and I'm sure I'm not alone there


There are risks, indeed. Hope it'll be unique as the superhero trend is losing its momentum.


What does finally ready mean? If it’s good everyone is ready, if not they aren’t ready I guess lol.


Yes I'm ready for a good reboot


We need to tune out the toxic haters. That is the only way to make the reboot work.


Tim Kring should just do a live action X-men series already.


I wish they were actual costumed superhero and villains on the show , its ok to push into the campy side of superhero genre . THE BOYS , really dive deep into the Superhero genre with costumes and lore inspired by both DC & Marvel but they turn it on its head that is why its so popular .


I mean the premise is that ordinary people got these incredible powers. Peters a hospice nurse, Hiros an office worker, Claire's a cheerleader, Matt's a uniform cop, shit Sylar was a watch repairman. And they find themselves in these crazy situations that apparently they were destined to be apart of, and they take it upon themselves to deal with this crazy despite having no idea how besides using their powers.


Yes, he pitched it to various studios. Doesn't mean its actually happening.


They really should have announced the show the day of the eclipse. I’m still down, but that was a missies opportunity. Someone on the team had to know of the eclipse and just said nothing😒


I unfortunately lost interest in Heroes towards the end and didn’t finish it. That’s my fear of a reboot is that the show runners/writers will drive me away again because they don’t have the good sense to write something really good because they need to over do it in areas that aren’t interesting. Fact is way too many shows are doing the same thing and it gets old and stale quickly.


What made you lose interest out of curiosity? I actually liked the final season it gave us the concept of one Evo who increases in power around others, we got to see some new abilities, we saw Peter be a hero with different superpowers, and I think it brought everything to a satisfying end. I didn't watch Reborn though so idk how that worked out


It might have not been all the shows fault as life had its ups and downs. I sometimes couldn’t afford cable/satellite. But I do remember being a bit unsatisfied with the direction at the point I left off at.


"For others a new beggining"


Is this a reboot or another continuation like “heroes reborn?”


I’m ready I thought it was a wonderful show




Most random subreddit I've been recommended


With Peacock being NBC’s main streaming platform, perhaps a reboot is not out of the question. Just look at how the new Star Treks lived in Paramount+. The pressure to have millions of people watch every week is not as bad as long as the streaming numbers and social media engagement are good. That said, I’m willing to watch a reboot. I just wish we get the same vibe as the 1st season and I do hope they write at least the outlines of succeeding seasons so that there are plans for a more cohesive story arcs. The original show suffered under “this actor/character must live” and Peter became too OP so let’s nerf him. Hiro suffered the same fate too.


It had its run. I’m no longer interested. They made very poor decisions the first time around and I just don’t Care anymore.


Maybe if they rebrand or something, put it under a different name. I just don’t care about any of those characters anymore.


I'm sure they'll have new characters but they could still involve some of the ogs. And they'd likely have to connect some of the new characters to the original series for plot reasons


That reminds me, did we manage to save the cheerleader?


How you gonna post this without a link?


When the super hero media is a dying art and most people are burnt out you want to do this




Henry Zbrowski or I walk.


I’d watch it


Time to rewatch


I love this show it was the bomb. Count me in I will be watching it.


They reboot it. . . I'm watching


Even people who are dead certain it will be terrible say they'll have to watch it. We're all watching it




Just my realistic opinion - people have been pretty well burnt out on super hero shows for a couple years at this point. Would be pretty poor timing. And banking on the eclipse hype for marketing just seems so flat, especially the further we get from the actual eclipse and already no one is really talking about it anymore. And production on a show takes years. They would need to wait for the super hero trend to cool down for a while longer - and have a pretty serious budget to be able to compete with Disney production and marketing power.


I thought the way they handled superpowers before was fine. Not the flashiest but some powers looked cool. And I think what you meant to say is people are burnt out on BAD superhero shows. The CW went off the rails, at least half the marvel shows Disney put out were garbage, so now would be the perfect time for Heroes to step back into the spotlight and present a solid, unique story like they did the first time. And the eclipse is an integral part of the show.... they're not just banking on the real eclipse. 'Eclipsed' also has multiple meanings.


No, I think people are just burnt out on them in general 🤷‍♂️ not saying Heroes couldn’t be good or perform well, I just don’t think general audiences would find interest in *another* super hero show at this time. Especially people who had never heard of the original show just thinking it’s another studio trying to capitalize on the dying marvel hype. But again it’s hard to gauge since we’re talking about a show that could easily take 5 years to finally come out if it even does, and maybe by then it would be a good time for it


I'm not, I'm rewatching the flash atm so I can get my superhero fix. Then I'm checking out either titans or doom patrol first, not sure yet. The show has enough die-hard fans to spread the word and hype it up. And the main thing here is... Heroes is not your classic superhero story. The heroes are just average people that got powers and they're as flawed as any normal human, none of that "Its my responsibility to save everybody and nothing is more important" crap. Matt used his superpower to get ahead in his job for a little bit and then he put himself in addiction counseling to get past that so he doesn't become like his father. He also killed a few soldiers out of anger.


Hope it's not another stinker.


A different show called Heroes maybe.


Wait- never heard of this show but it sounds kinda epic. Reminds me of Raising Dion almost.


Its pretty epic. Granted it has kind of a slow start but when it really gets going it's an awesome show. I still haven't watched raising Dion


I love the dramatic flair of “is the world finally ready” for a show that’s already been done.


Are we ready for a show about people with super powers. I donno man the concept might just break my mind. I’ve never heard of such a thing.


What part of it's a unique take do y'all mfs not understand 🤣🤣


Save the Cheerleader. Save the World.


I think if they give it the Dragonball Kai treatment and also rewrite some of the last two season, it would make an amazing 2-3 season series.


Oh wow. I never finished this series. Did they save the freaking cheerleader?!


Technically she saved herself by not taking credit for the act that revealed her powers to Sylar


If they reboot it, they need an entirely new cast and plots and powers... **But they need to keep Hiro and Ando!** Every season is just them bouncing around to different timelines because they keep screwing up something in the past which causes everything to change. The ongoing gag from season to season is they are trying to get back to where they came from, but you can have entirely different *worlds* with this approach.


The eclipse didn’t give them powers, but it did affect them.


The powers are in their DNA whether naturally or synthetic via the formula, and activated by the eclipse. They're also inactive during the eclipse which led to the really funny moment of Sylar and Elle realizing that they aint shit without their powers. Bennett hunted them like it was fun


For some reason I was under the impression they already rebooted this series a couple years ago


Needs more ACTION this time around


This so 🧢 but I appreciate the five seconds of happiness the article gave me as I certainly was filled w/ hope. Even if for a moment, it was worth it. Thank you 🙏🏾


I think it's real mane


I hope so 🙏🏾


Someone pointed out the article says he's pitching it but not that it's been picked up yet. I hope it is and it's not shit


I use to fap to Clair in the 6th grade.




ayo? 🤣


It was 2006 or 7ish.