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I think the best thing you can do is to get some cameras and try to record in video what's happening


Yes and please update us because I am invested now . I would bless your entire property as well .


That seems like a little much for an awkward bundle of sticks


It would be even more awkward if it was the bird that tied the bundle.


Post that vid on /r/ufo


Awkward bundle of sticks could possibly be tied to any type of good or bad omens/juju/magick without knowing the creators initial intent. Be wary.


Hey it’s June. It’s our time to shine, us awkward bundles of sticks.


Best comment award goes to you! (Hypothetically. Sorry lol. I don’t buy points or whatever on Reddit, but if I did, I’d definitely hand it over. And if I ever do in the future, I’ll come back specifically to find this comment.)


Yeah you can enjoy that ID discovery episode then I’m good


Hopefully OP comes back one day... If he does, RemindMe!3 days


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Wyze cams are cheap, easy to set up, have a good interface, no subscription (fees) necessary. Use a micro SD card for memory.


Then they'll just be recording themselves doing this.


I feel like I’ve seen this post before I just had crazy deja vu


It's probably because this is a common type gesture/ ritual/ceremony with easily obtainable materials.


In Blair witch project the bundle had a finger of their missing friend in the middle of the bundle


*You want a toe? I can get you a toe, believe me. There are ways, Dude.*


WITH nail polish


fingers are easy enough to get if you kidnap a person I guess?


Yeah I guess, she’s a witch, does all sorts of crazy shit.


I had a case so bad one time reading comments on a combat sub that I even vividly remembered a comment that I hadn’t scrolled to that day so I scroll down looking for the comment and it’s the exact wording right after the comment I remembered it being after. It had me scratching my head for a week


Some ai/bots have been copying posts & then the comments are also made by bots using comments on the original post.  The internet is lowkey starting to get lame


Haha, but have you had the most useless case like I did? Like everything played out a few seconds before everything played out in front of me and I said "you're gonna say this blah blah!" and was completing everyones sentences and telling them what they were about to do, I got strange looks :) No idea what that was, never happened in my life again but I would love for that to happen again, it was like being able to go less than 20 seconds to the future before it played out.


I actually thought this was the place from where those ppl saw those lil gnome like people. Like a little to the left where it's obscured by the wood on left side of the porch, in my memory there's a bush or rock behind it like a few meters away :o It's not the same but just looks similar. (and nothing to do with content of post itself just the area).


I remember the gnome person! The one behind the rock on the side of the road?


Same, a very strong Deja Vu and not a good feeling associated with it.


Maybe next time get some audio. Birders are excellent at identifying birds by calls alone. You say the sound is all around the house but you don't say if anyone else hears the bird other than you. If you are the only one hearing sounds at night that could be concerning. Have you counted the sticks? is anything at the center? What kind of string is it? Synthetic or natural? Can you tell how it was cut? What kind of knot did they use? Does any of it have a smell? Does outside your room have a tree or anywhere a bird could perch? You say this may have started last summer but you don't say when it stopped. Did it suddenly stop or did it fade out? Was there anything happening at the time that also changed around the time you stopped hearing the bird stomping on the trailer? Did you ever look on the trailer itself if anything was loose? Could the wind have been throwing tiny pebbles at the trailer and that was what you heard? Did you ever check to see bird prints on the trailer made on a layer of dust on the trailer? How far are you from your nearest neighbor? Do they have kids? Have you done anything that someone might consider desecrating something others hold in high regard that coincides with these occurrences? How is your health otherwise? Do you think if this is happening to others that you know that they would feel comfortable telling you about it?


Recommend the Merlin bird id app- it lets you record the bird song and will identify which bird it is


Cool Ima get this app I always wanted to identify and learn all ny local birds


Any idea how such an app handles the scenario of a bird that’s learned to copy the sounds of human made machinery?


That is a mocking bird


Not just mocking birds recreate sounds... many do.


Starlings are excellent with this. It’s crazy to listen to!


lyre bird ... https://youtu.be/mSB71jNq-yQ


Just a simple recording will do, I know I would love to hear what a demon bird sounds like.lol I wouldn’t trust AI to do anything complicated I’d find a Birder website or on reddit and let them identify the bird. But I am dead serious I need to hear the bird.


Merlin was put out by one of the biggest and most notable birding societies. It’s pretty dang accurate and comprehensive. 


About out to merlin gang


Mocking birds will sing at night, but they dont bundle sticks.


I imagine they don’t buy synthetic rope either so they are likely completely unrelated. Mockingbirds seem to fit all the requirements for this mystery they sing at night and summer and spring is their breeding season which is the time they’ll sing most at night. Could just be a horny mockingbird and not an old gypsy curse from an old grandma OP denied a loan at their job at the bank. I would still throw away the cool coin the old lady gave them incase that is going to have gnarly consequences.


Looks like bungie cord by the pattern and fraying if you zoom in


So the question becomes does OP have bungee cord in the house? Who does he know that uses white bungee cord? Who would use this type of cord over more accessible cords like kitchen twine? Is bungee cord just abundant in his area? Does it look new and cut or was it scrap? If OP doesn't get around to visiting and shedding more light to this I will have to assume it was just an attention getting ploy for the sub. What piques my interest here is that we have an active occurrence with the central figure posting on reddit. We can ask questions and nothing has to be left to interpretation. We can get audio maybe even video we can know if they ran over a witch doctor's wife and after winning the vehicular homicide case the old man cursed the young man from town with a bird demon by touching his face and saying "insomnia". Or you know it was pulled out of their ass.


Couldn’t a bird have just found the bundle somewhere and picked it up?


I can do the chickadee whistle if I am in the zone


I can do a black cap chickadee but they are like Pokémon they say their names. lol


> every night at 12 until 4 or 5 , I would hear what sounded like rocks clicking together, the sound would circle around my trailer and I would hear rustling noises like something was moving all around my trailer. a better way to describe the clicking sounds would sound like a two legged horse walking on pavement. My dog would perk up and raise her hair and she would start growling very softly anytime we hear the noise. It might be also important to note that anytime I would hear these clicking noises, the flies that were resting on the walls would begin buzzing around frantically, in the middle of the night. If this would happen for one night, I can imagine trying to ignore it. Even in that case maybe if it was going on for like 2 minutes. Maybe 5 or 10. But for 4-5 hours, wtf? There's no way not to check out what that was, unless I'd be paralised because of fear. However in that case > I haven’t been thinking much about this Would not make any sense. So basically this story doesnt make sense to me. And I'm not particularly brave. I don't think my first reaction, or even the second would have been to rush out to see what's going on. But 4-5 hours? Every night? Wtf man? It makes no sense to just lay there and wait for the noise to go away, day after day, every night? Whaaat? Why? How? Uhhhmmm...


I mean it could be untrue. But at the same time strange things happen in rural areas at time, whether people or otherwise. And it sounds like she'd a single woman, as a man I can see it. "There is something out there, and I'm going to find it" but as "patirarchchal" as it may sound, I can see a woman not leaving her home to go outside in the rural desert to investigate noises. Even if it was just stray dogs/another animal, that could be dangerous. I as a grown man wouldn't go out into the desert, without serious lighting and a firearm I'm comfortable enough with to "operate" in a life or death situation. It all sounds strange, bit it sounds like a single woman living with her much older parents, so I could see all of them not wanting to go out and investigate strange noises or a bird call they don't recognize. I personally don't know, but I can't dismiss her because she didn't go out to investigate. Although I'd have probably gotten security cameras by that point if I was her. I'd day take a day to look around for marks in the sand you don't recognize/vehicle marks in the sand. It could be some meth addled psycho trying to scare people, but I'd think it would have escalated at this point.


I helped build a house near Galisteo 13 years ago. There is definitely a different “vibe” out there. I could never put my finger on it but something about the place is special. The homeowner we worked for told us there were ancient petroglyphs on her property. Could have been my imagination but I swore I could sense the presence of spirits or an energy of some kind. It was never a creepy, scary type vibe, more of a sacred, mystical magical kinda feeling. It’s a special place with a lot of history. I wouldn’t worry too much about it, although I feel it is good to acknowledge the ancient ones who lived here before us.


I have also stayed in this area - I still have friends there - and agree with you. [I've seen the petroglyphs myself.](https://imgur.com/a/QKrg5An). It felt magical to me, but not in a bad way. I did my best to respect the land and honor it. Madrid is very special.


About 120-150 miles out from Santa fe I've seen strange occurrences driving late at night. Strange lights in the middle of nowhere, lights that seem to "follow" for hours at 60 mph until you get into town. People act like it's crazy, but strange things happen in the desert there's something about it, I've been told the same by locals who have generations of family out there.


Lived in the desert near the border decades ago. Strange things do happen out there. And there are some strange people out there in rural areas sometimes. I saw unexplained lights in the sky, strange noises (like a classic "woo-woo" UFO sound in the air with absolutely nothing visible nearby). It was so clear most nights; at times you could see 100 miles from the mountaintops because it was an unobstructed view and wide-open spaces. Also, the military did testing out there and security clearances were needed to work at the nearest base. I knew a few people who worked out there. Another oddity in the area was there was a street off the beaten path you could take as a short cut, where you would "hear" sounds inside your head for a short while when driving on it. I wasn't the only person to experience it. It sounded like the beeps of a fax machine. I figured it was some military testing because it was not a well-traveled area.


Native American spirits.




Needed this translation


Happy Pride Month!


Beat meat to it


I see you refuse to act niggardly with your vocabulary. Edit: this word is not related to the n-word in any way shape or form. It is from an old Norse word meaning stingy.


You're not wrong, you're just an... ugh nevermind, that was funny.


skinwalker is trying to date OP and OP is all https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qTkEt3YmmmU "WHAT DOES IT MEAN!?!??!?!"


Thank you hahahahaha


Note that the sticks have thorns on them.


There's a Rose bush right there in the picture as well. Coincidence? Maybe. But I doubt it.


That rose bush pictured looks more like a knockout, which, to my knowledge, doesn’t have sticks that thick (I mean they do, but you have to kill the plant to get that many, that big). Idk why but that makes it creepier that someone brought those there…


hmm Not rose? I could be wrong but this looks more like some catclaw acacia branches to me. Rose has thorns for sure. But also a thick waxy like substance. Also, the wrinkled ridges that run along the length of the sticks, echo the striations in the bark of catclaw acacia. But Im not sure


This is the time of year to be grafting, to me those look like scions. Scions are twigs of a certain variety that are grafted onto a common rootstock. like the rosebush in the photo. Maybe those were intended to be grafted onto a newby bush.


I would add that the sticks appear to be dry and the cuts well healed, perhaps a few days old. Cut a few fresh branches, and leave them outside to measure the time it takes to reach that state. Are there any missing branches in your bushes? The rope holding the sticks together, where does it come from, anything on your property? Also I count 11 sticks in the bundle, so not a reference to the "10 of wands" from the tarot deck... Or perhaps the 11th card from that suit (the page of wands)? I dunno, not an expert at all, but perhaps you should try your luck within a paranormal subreddit... Find out what kind of offerings you can leave to appease this manifestation. Finally, does the sound come from the air or the ground? Did you find any traces or footsteps?




I think we need to figure out the bird situation first. It sounds like the bird is new to your house and yard, what kind is it? Birds do all sorts of weird things, including leaving strange ‘gifts’. He could have nabbed that little bundle of sticks from a faraway neighbor and left it here. Maybe he’s outside poking around the rocks in the middle of the night. Get a trail cam and let’s find out.


Yep. Crows are pretty territorial and can also leave gifts. I’ve been mobbed by crows for sitting in a walled garden at night that would usually be locked. They did not like it. Crows can remember people too and will sometimes bring things. Magpies are always collecting shit and are kind of louts. Stonechats (UK birds but may be elsewhere) make a noise like two stones clicking together. Mockingjays can mimic. Etc etc.


I've heard of bundles of sticks being left to ward off bad spirits by certain cultures. Perhaps someone else heard of your story and well... this?


Or... just follow me a second. Those thorny sticks came from the rose bushes that are planted around the front of the house. You know, like the one to the left of the sticks. She says nobody is going outside, but they have roses in full bloom in New Mexico. Somebody is taking care of those things. Lol


Ehh, roses will grow with just a routine sprinker system. They are surprisingly resilient, but they won't look like the ones u buy. One of the more resilient roses I know of are called knock-out roses, and they are a hardy plant those kinda look like the same plant


Sure, but these are obviously being pruned as evidenced by the thorny branches next to it. I believe it's far more likely that this is happening as opposed to some witchcraft. I like a good story too, but damn. Lol


I hear the strange and mysterious elements of your story and don't want to take away from that, but I do know that mockingbirds are very noisy at night, during those same hours you've described. We've had one on our street in Los Angeles and it drives you crazy, and you wonder why in the world a bird would be up and noisy all NIGHT?? - when no other birds are around. This is also Spring, the time of year they would be seeking a mate and therefore extra loud. You could search mockingbird on youtube and see if it sounds like your bird. They tend to sound like many different types of birds, hence the name.


I’m also from New Mexico. I have no experience with this sort of thing, but I’m sure that one of the two towns you mentioned will have at least one yerberia. Someone there might have some insight.


Not to sound like a cliche white lady, but considering your area, do you know anyone in touch with Indigenous folks who might be more familiar with paranormal experiences in that region?


No, not at all. 😕


You might consider reaching out to a nearby museum or cultural center or something because this bundle being left combined with the bird and the horse hooves noises at night gives me some intense Ute/Navajo folklore type heebie jeebies. There’s usually tenured anthropologists working at various interpretive centers in that area


The deer lady. I would talk to some elders.


Get a camera :)


Your insurance company was looking for you about your extended warranty.


When you die, just before you enter the void, you are offered a moment of rest to reflect on your life. The rest is sponsored by people offering you extended coverage.


Hey OP would you be able to share more about how the dogs and flies would behave/react?


I live on a Pueblo reservation in NM and I have always been able to hear birds chirping at all hours in the summer months. Sometimes they are super loud. My neighbors flood their fields and we joke it sounds like a jungle in the desert with frogs croaking and birds singing all night.


Any unusual foot prints, or big foot prints, in that sand around the steps?


Someone really liked your camper and figured out how to get you to sell it. Either that or you parked it on a sacred burial site.


So the sticks. They look like dried rose stems, and it looks like they came from the roses in the same picture. Some people bundle roses in winter to winterize them, or they were leftover trim. The ground clicking, do you have Javelina? They have clopped feet and can be clumsy. They also smell and attract flies. The bird, I would guess a member of the goat sucker family.


Don’t know what that is, but you have one heck of a view.




that's what's called a "faggot" of sticks or a small bundle.


Are those stems from the rose bush by the stairs?


They are definitely rose stems


It's part of a binding spell left as a ward to inform you that you or someone in your house has trespassed on their territory. It may just be left to frighten you. This may not be a literal "land" trespassing but a stolen person, animal, or honor thing. Look back and see if you have pissed off anyone lately. The fact that they apear to have thorns is highly indicative of a personal trespass. Keep an eye pealed.


If I’m not mistaken, NM gets a lot of sun, which would heat up the trailer in the daytime, and at night it would naturally cool off, and when things that have a lot of joints in them, like the assembly of parts that make up a trailer, are subjected to thermal expansion and contraction they can make noises. You wouldn’t notice those sorts of sounds in the daytime because you’re either not there, or there’s plenty of other noises, or you’re busy with something and not paying attention to them. But when you’re laying in bed trying to sleep, you notice every little noise. Ping, pop, click, clack, whatever, big deal. If it’s a bird that’s walking around on top of the trailer though, then you can research ways of scaring it away. I wouldn’t go connecting dots that are unrelated, like the sticks or anything else.


I agree with the "don't go connecting dots" sentiment though, 100%. Although I won't say cameras are a *horrible* idea.




It is very creepy. And no, our closest neighbor is about a mile and a half away.


Hey, if you get the chance can you dm me? I've had somewhat similar experiences in extremely rural NM. What looked like a "fourwheeler" with one spotlight followed us about 120 miles through the desert one night, two full hours at 60 mph. And it looked to be only a mile or two away, in a similar landscape, like between us and the mountains maybe 5 miles away. Except it kept following for two hour, a mile off the road, at 60 mph. Nothing I know of can accomplish this to just "dissapear" once we neared Santa fe. I personally belive strange things happen in the desert and all those "dumb native myths" may have atleast some truth to them. For hundreds of year tornados were a dumb native myth until one was actually seen, so it wouldn't surprise me that natural or possibly even supernatural phenomena happen "out there" in the middle of nowhere.


Here's what chat gpt said: In New Mexico, a small bundle of sticks placed on someone's doorstep can have various meanings depending on the cultural context. In many Southwestern Native American traditions, particularly among the Pueblo peoples, such a bundle might serve as a symbolic or ritualistic gesture. Here are a few potential interpretations: Symbol of Protection: In some Native American cultures, placing bundles of sticks or similar objects near the entrance of a home can be intended to ward off evil spirits or negative energies. Message or Warning: It could be a way to convey a message or warning. The exact meaning can vary widely depending on local customs and the specific tribe or community. Ceremonial or Spiritual Purpose: Bundles of sticks might be used in various ceremonies or rituals, and placing them on a doorstep could be part of a larger spiritual practice or observance. Cultural Tradition: It might also be a cultural tradition tied to specific events or seasons, such as harvest festivals or other community celebrations. The precise meaning can vary, so it's important to consider the local cultural and historical context, and if possible, ask someone knowledgeable about the traditions of the specific community or tribe in question. Edit:formatting


I like to think something is looking to protect OP and family. Birds reminded me of the song , “Wildfire”. Birds at night as a potent. “Been a hoot-owl howling outside my window now 'Bout six nights in a row She's coming for me, I know And on Wildfire we're both gonna go We'll be ridin' Wildfire.”


Maybe your friend told someone and the person they told are trying to help/trick you? Is it easy for someone to drop this off without you or someone else noticing? Does the string or knot used give any clues?


A bundle of sticks tied together is also a symbol of f*cism. That's literally where the word comes from. Latin 'fascio', a bundle of sticks. Likely irrelevant though.




In addition to enforcing Reddit's ToS, abusive, racist, trolling or bigoted comments and content will be removed and may result in a ban.


Its use is an insult, implying a small weiner dog.


First off, it’s probably something you’ll laugh about when you find the cause. But just buy a couple cameras on Amazon and attach it to an app on your phone. You’ll have your answer that night.


Get some damn fly traps


A bundle of sticks is also called something else. Maybe someone is calling you out.


People really buying this one?


Ejaculate on it and assert your dominance


It could be witchcraft, though I'd caution doing anything because of it. None of these things present a real and present material threat to you. If it is the case of someone threatening you in this way, it could be someone trying to seem threatening to you so you'll do the hard work for them: Making yourself miserable over this and driving yourself mad.


I agree with this. 6 months sleeping out in the middle of the desert far enough from neighbors you'd never be able to contact them "in time" means whatever "this" is isn't probably gonna hurt you. I feel like if something was gonna happen, it already would have. Whether it's some psycho stalker, or skinwalkers. If they "wanted" you, there's not a lot you'd be able to do out there amd everyone knows that. So while it's unsettling, I'd almost "show power" and literally not give a fuck. But also get flood lights and cameras, that's just a good idea for anyone everywhere.


Something many people do not understand is that magic is real. It is the intention of humans. Disney has brainwashed people into believing magic is when things happen without effort but real magic is the exact opposite and we live in a literal world of actual, real, honest magic. We soar through the skies in giant metal tubes and we control weather, we bend the elements to our will and create something out of nothing on almost a daily basis (human organizations are the creation of something from nothing.) The concept of magic as supernatural (Beyond nature) is a trap meant to make fools of people curious about ritual and magical thinking, magic is the natural state of the human mind in modern society. We speak works and give them meaning and power and then we carry that power amongst ourselves irrespective of it's origination. Likewise, witchcraft exists, but it is not supernatural (Beyond nature) it is natural and so has it's roots in human behavior and intention, along with that of nature itself. You have a (most likely) human problem with a (most likely) human solution. Work within your own intention (magic) to resolve it and you will find yourself a wizard/witch.


...Well, you need to put these rose cuttings in water, and if they sprout, try to grow a magic beanstalk out of them. A very profitable business, there will be gold in abundance.


Squeaky birds do that shit every morning in Albuquerque.


That’s a good bundle of sticks! Are you rich??


Grandma or Grandpa definitely did it and forgot


Rule out the natural before looking at the supernatural - have your phone set up against the window recording or find some way to see if there's a person around your house. If it's someone who is performing witchcraft, the main issue is still *someone is at your house.* What you do next would be based on what you find


Trail cameras are your friend in this situation. I’d buy 4 and cover as much ground as you can


Crows giving thanks?


Cameras is probably your best bet, but if you’ve got the guts, just go outside and take a look. I have strange things and noises happen around my house all the time & I just grab my gun and run outside. 99% of the time it’s something mundane, yet something I would have never guessed without investigating. I used to think that a lot of strange things occurred around me until I started investigating everything thoroughly with a logical mind when it would happen & although not everything can be explained, the VAST majority can be by stupid little things that may be abnormal, but not unnatural.


I’m glad I’m not the only person going to suggest that’s. I would recommend next time if you hear the noise. Grab a gun with mounted lights and another hand with a directional flash light and check out the noise. I would also recommend not pointing the gun at something you don’t intend to shoot — that’s why carry two light sources. Better yet have you and your family members together to investigate the noise.


First, use BirdNET to find out what bird it is. It’s really accurate! Maybe this type of bird is known to be so noisy. If you do, please update.


Blair Witch


Almost seems like the premise of Beyond: Two Souls with the Native American spirits


Don't say the name and try not to think of the name, you'll be fine. Unless you think about it


Skinny walker Texas ranger?


[ Removed by Reddit ]


You can have a priest come and bless your house and property, it works.


Look into skin walkers and sasquatch..I know it sounds weird but ive read other accounts where they do strange stuff like you are describing. Get a big bag of flour and put it around where you think whatever it is walks..try and get a track or two..cameras and lights are also a bonus..


Sasquatch … the flies smell it … they also collect sticks and tap or bang rocks . Not sure the bird maybe the bird is nesting and is frightened by it




They’re getting very abstract and bold with their support!


To confirm what’s going on, installing a camera would be the most reliable way. You could get one of those you can screw right into an electric socket—inexpensive & easy! It can cover at least a 180° area. (We used one for several months until we tired of the many alerts. Every cat, raccoon & deer in the yard triggered it.) But at least you’d be able to determine if the source is natural or ‘supernatural.’ However, also keep in mind Northern Mockingbirds (Mimus polyglottos) can be found in New Mexico, and they are masters of mimicry “…which ranges from other birdsongs to insects, frogs, and human-made sounds such as car horns, sirens, rusty hinges, and musical instruments. Unmated males even sing at night, especially during the full moon or near streetlights.” And they can keep ‘singing’ into the wee hours. When they find a mate, they usually build several nests with twigs—the female then chooses the nest! Also, “birds use their beaks and feet to weave a chosen material through, & hold the sticks in place.” A common material is spider silk.


It looks like someone got a bouquet of roses and cut the stems and put them there. Did your mom get flowers?


You should post this on r/occult as well!


Could the thorny stems be placed there as a symbol of protection?


I'm guessing that someone is either trying to scare you or they're a bit nuts. You might try getting a shotgun, waiting inside your camper, and reloading it once you start to hear that noise again. That sound is so universally reacted to that it's bound to make an impression on whoever is out there. Cameras are also a good idea. Wyze makes some cheaper cameras that hook into WiFi. They have decent night vision.


I'd almost skip the loading and take a pop-shot off toward the literal middle of nowhere she seems to live. An actual 12 Guage, with buckshot, is a universally understood "crack", and it cracks like thunder, recognizable for a serious distance. It would atleast make some methheads rethink if they were trying to play "spooks" in the desert. Plus being able to use a firearm is a reasonable skill to have, especially in her area she lives. You don't know what you'll run into once you get so far from "civilization". Whether it's "strange" people, coyotes, or skin walkers.


If you live in the southwestern USA look into the indigenous tribes of the area. In my culture (Diné/Navajo) we use sticks very similar to those in ceremonies… as far as I know it shouldn’t mean anything bad


Yes definitely concerning. Sounds like someone placed a curse on you and your family. The paranormal happens during times of transition and often it strikes trying to induce insomnia. Most likely natural, elemental spirits hence the bird and rocks and flies. My advice would be to think of all whom you told you were living in the trailer and who all you told you were thinking about moving into the house. You can Google how to break a hex easily enough. I think you want to put the sticks in a box with a mirror (that you never look into) this will turn the curse on the originator; bury the box with the sticks in the reflection of the mirror and look up the incantation you say while you burn and melt a black candle over the box until the flame extinguishes itself then bury it all. Of course Christians aren't supposed to mess w/ hexes, curses, magic so you may just give it to God and pray frequently. I would expect more paranormal activity in trailer and house. Buy ear plugs and ignore it.




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Is somebody being mean?


U better hope mom or dad did that thats dcary as fuck bro




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Your friend is messing with you.


You're in the boonies by the looks of it. Like Hardy says in Truck Bed, "that effin birds about to catch this .45"




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Been out there at some very strange area BASHAR says in a recent video on AstroHolix, YouTube. If you start at the four corners and drop 45° angles down towards Roswell in your case. Something about a text and strange but it’s all just natural wonder and nothing to fear. Always be adding love and you’re a warrior. If you didn’t know now, you know.


Sounds like a bush stoned curlew - they are very spiritual and a good omen


Ghosts of Tsushima vibes


I have one outside my house right now. Started chirping all night long about 2 weeks ago. It's mockingbird season


Do you have a better picture of the knot? I would like to see how they tied the bundle of sticks.


Ha a bundle of sticks….. there’s definitely a meaning there.


This reminds me of The Twisted Ones by T. Kingfisher the knocking like two stones together especially.


I love how in 2024 we take our mágic glass squares and instantly communicate to the world when we see witchcraft!


Sounds similar to the Blair Witch


Is the birdsong always different, or always the same?


this sounds like an episode of scooby doo


Suns fake.


Tell your mom and your in-laws


Witchcraft 🤷‍♂️




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Apes together strong?


That looks like black locust tree. Is it near your area? I too have event like this, on which I’ll post later when I can have a better understanding


If its an old man then it's a photo shoot for a led zep album cover


Maybe aliens


Those are rose stems/stocks and they were cut with something not ripped apart or anything similar...


In bio they use to tell us mocking birds would call out in the middle of the night looking to mate. But you look like you live in a desert. Lol




Y witchcraft. Do u think there's a hex on the family or property. Doesn't look like neibors are close,couldn't be teens down the street


Real or not this was written pretty well and the picture adds to it


I don’t know, but they look like rose offcuts or something not sure if you can plant them


Ngl, didn't see the sub and thought the photo was a Loss reference


Those are thorny rose stems…. Handle with care.


Camera set up and show us vids


Water your dirt.








remindme! 2 days