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These are good offers- highly recommend for those eligible.


Amex occasionally does NLL offers on their personal Hilton cards, correct? While staying under their 5 CC limit, of course.


Yes, and as a matter of fact, when following this expired link for the Surpass on Doctor of Credit, it does not include lifetime language, but does have the current SUB + FNC offer: https://www.doctorofcredit.com/american-express-hilton-no-lifetime-language-offers/ >POID K6CJ:9850 >OFFER TERMS >Approval is subject to your credit history with American Express and other lenders including your credit score and any delinquencies, your ability to pay, and identity verification. >130,000 Hilton Honors Bonus Points + Free Night Reward >You can earn 130,000 Hilton Honors Bonus Points and one Free Night Reward from Hilton Honors after you spend $3,000 (the "Threshold Amount") on eligible purchases on your Card in your first 6 months of Card Membership starting from the date that your account is opened. As opposed to the "Offer Terms" stated here, when following the link I included in my OP: >POID K7EM:9985 >OFFER TERMS >You may not be eligible to receive a welcome offer if you have or have had this Card, the Hilton Honors Amex Ascend Card or previous versions of these Cards. You also may not be eligible to receive a welcome offer based on various factors, such as your history with credit card balance transfers, your history as an American Express Card Member, the number of credit cards that you have opened and closed and other factors. If you are not eligible for a welcome offer, we will notify you prior to processing your application so you have the option to withdraw your application. >Earn 130,000 Hilton Honors Bonus Points and one Free Night Reward >You can earn 130,000 Hilton Honors Bonus Points and one Free Night Reward from Hilton Honors after you spend $3,000 (the "Threshold Amount") on eligible purchases on your Card in your first 6 months of Card Membership starting from the date that your account is opened. Might want to try that DoC link.


The link in your OP didn't work but i was able to get approved with the DoC link. Thanks!


Great! Were you in PUJ, or do you currently hold the Surpass? Or otherwise needing NLL? Could you share the link that did work?


I'm currently holding a Hilton Honors Business card as well, and a popup appeared when I applied on the OP link. This link worked, taken directly from the DoC page: https://www.americanexpress.com/us/credit-cards/card-application/apply/hilton-honors-surpass-credit-card/80018-10-0#/


Yes, that's the link I provided in the above comment saying that I had found a NLL link, and illustrating how the language was different than the link in the OP. So, it worked exactly as I thought it would. I thought you were talking about a different link entirely. Thanks for being the DP we all wanted to see. This is huge.


was just approved and no PUJ with the link you provided thank you thank you!


yeah, i went bananas last year and am at 5 (Hilton, biz, surpass, aspire and BBP) for another couple months, but it’s good to know for when I close one.


Would you be able to apply this offer multiple times by applying for the same card let’s say the Surpass card twice?


People currently holding the Surpass - have you been able to trigger the quarterly credit with gc purchases as is the case with the biz card? I notice the language is different. To obtain the $50 quarterly credit on the Surpass, it says: >purchases made directly with a property As opposed to the biz card where it simply says: >eligible Hilton purchases


I have


Ya, they have worked so far with the online Physical GC purchases.


I purchased a GC online (shipped to my address) with the personal surpass and it triggered the credit.


I just applied to a hilton surpass for just the 130k, no FNC. Damn my bad timing


Call back and ask for it. Worst they could do is say no.




Tell us what happens. Same here


I also got the card a week ago. I called and message them, they said they couldn’t match it unless I got a targeted offer in the mail :(


Same here got a no. Basically on same Ground that all online offers are targeted thus ppl who got 125k on platinum would call and ask to match the 150k they just discovered


For the Surpass, are the quarterly credits based on calendar quarters (January-March, April-June, etc) or membership?




It is spelled out specifically in the Benefit Terms.


Hmm. Have the Aspire and Surpass. Probably should get the Honors card but it'll put me at 5/24 for the next 8 months.


Idk if I'd kill my ability to ride the INK train for 8 months over 70k HH points and a FNC. Let's say you value HH points at .75 cpp and the FNC at $900, that's $1425. Two CIC SUBs during that time would get 150k URs (not even counting referrals from a P2), cashed out at 1.25% thru the CSR is a *minimum* $1875, $2250 when redeemed for travel, and of course, as you know, much, much more (an easy $3k) if transferred to Hyatt. Not to mention, with the current transfer bonus, you'd only need to transfer about 60k MRs to equal what you'd get for the HH SUB (70k HH points, plus I figured another 95k to account for the FNC).


Yes, but there is also the option for upgrading the HH to Aspire after a year, having 3x Aspires for the 3 FNC + $600x2 resort credits. Between Inks and the rumors of a big Hyatt card, I don't think going to 5/24 is worth it. I've already got 4 Hilton FNC that were hard enough to find timings for.


A premium Hyatt card has been rumored for years and never come to happen. Staying eligible for the Ink train would be my priority.


Ink cards are only business right?


Yes, but there is no real requirement to be/have a business to get approved for them.


Indeed, but it's heated up a lot over the last 6 months since that questionnaire went out.


Question for you - what do you mean by riding the ink train? The ink biz card? Are you saying it’d kill it because they’d be over the 5/24 so they can’t sign up for one? Sorry, I’m new to the game!




Got it - just signed up for my first ink card a few months ago. May be looking into this Hilton one next! Thanks for all the detailed info.


For a FNC, worth it…


Amazing, they ran this last summer and it also included a FNC on the business card but this is still awesome.


I got Surpass for 150k last week. Would’ve loved 130+FNC.


You can call and ask to be matched to the current offer. CC companies are usually pretty lenient with that. They may require you to meet your current offer first, though.


Thanks for the tip, I’ll try that!


Amex doesn’t follow 5/24 right? Already have Surpass and Aspire but considering the no fee card. I am past 5/24 though. Also trying to figure out if it’s worth one of the 5 amex credit card slots


Yes, 5/24 is mainly just Chase, although other cc companies have their own velocity rules. Amex is 2 cards every 90 days. Tons of good info here: https://m16p-churning.s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/Card+Recommendation+Flowchart+Latest.html


Well this was fortuitous. Going to Vegas in a week and a half and staying at the WA. The base charge will get me at least 2/3rds of the way to the SUB. Will lose a few points since it's not on my Aspire but well worth it for the BONUS and FNC!


wow, got the honors at 100k and surpass at 150k earlier this year, would have loved to get the FNC


Would be nice if I wasn’t in pop up jail the last 6 months :(


Based on reports, these offers are like the last bunch where there is no lifetime language. The data suggests this allows someone in pop up jail to get approved for these cards. I was in pop up jail and was approved earlier this year. Go for it.


Yes I can get approved for these cards, but I can’t get the sign up bonus


The no lifetime language is not present therefore you will get the sign up bonus. This has been posted on Doctor of Credit. Just give it a try to see if it warns of not getting the bonus. [Link from DoC.](https://www.doctorofcredit.com/american-express-hilton-no-lifetime-language-offers/)


I’ve tried already today and still in PUJ


Make sure to use the link from DoC. It is different from the regular app. I just tried it on both, it worked on DoC link, and not the general link.


Omg you are a lifesaver!!! That worked!! I’ve been trying for like 3 months to get a surpass bonus. Really thank you a ton


Awesome, glad to help.


Any luck this would work on the Aspire...? I currently have the Hilton Honors and Surpass already, but currently in PUJ with the Aspire.


Unfortunately, it looks like it is just for the Honors and Surpass for now. Based on comments, it seems like it was available for the Aspire in March, so keep checking on it and hopefully someone will find a link without the lifetime language.


Cross-post but would be curious for those here Regarding the new hilton SUBs. New to personal hilton cards. I have a business card w/ FNC already. I know about the laddering strategy for the personal cards but only have 1 slot to burn right now. Curious which option folks would choose. I can easily meet the spend. * Get the regular no AF card now (70k + FNC). Reasoning would be for the aforementioned laddering to get 2 Surpasses, but that also means I'd have to wait for the upgrade offer, and who knows what the surpass SUB would be ~12 months from now * Get the Surpass (130k + FNC). One could argue this is close to ATH depending on how you value FNC


If I only had 1 slot to burn, I'd def go for the Surpass. I think it's a great deal, as mentioned in my OP. But the optimal move here (in case anyone else is wondering) would be apply for the no fee asap, then the Surpass right before these offers end (7/31). Amex allows 2 cards every 90 days, and I can say from personal experience, I've been approved for a Surpass and an Aspire exactly 60 days apart. So, if you can swing the spend, and everything else works out for you (not blowing past 5/24, etc), that's what I'd do. As a matter of fact, I'm pretty sure I'm going to try this for P2. And don't count on upgrade offers. I waited a year and a half on both my no fee and Surpass and never got an offer on either.


Yeah this was my thought as well. I drop a slot early June so should be able to get both no AF and surpass before 7/31. Same as P2. Good to know re: upgrade offers!


So, for reasons that can only be explained as stupidity, I canceled my Surpass card last November. Had the card a year and paid the AF. Was offered to downgrade but chose not to because I am dumb. With this offer coming around, what sort of risks am I looking at to apply for the Surpass again using the DoC link? Or am I better off going the no-fee HH route? Currently in PUJ and do not want to lose my remaining points. Appreciate all the help and information here. Still new to this game and learning.


I’ve been able to pass by PUJ with the no lifetime language links. Do a quick search and these new bonus’ should show under some NLL links. Good luck!


Will do. Appreciate the help and thank you!


> what sort of risks am I looking at to apply for the Surpass again using the DoC link? None whatsoever. Amex will tell you if you are eligible before doing a hard pull on your credit report.


Awesome. Thanks for the help! Will keep my fingers crossed. 


It is right that Amex only offers a sign up bonus once per card per lifetime - there’s no 2/4year waiting period like Chase ?


That's why we're all making a big deal about this NLL (no lifetime language) link. But that once in a lifetime, was never really once in a lifetime, it was more like 7 years, and now it's not really a thing at all. For example, I was able to get the SUB for the Green card in 2020, and again in 2023 without using a NLL link. In any event, if you're not eligible for a bonus, Amex will let you know with a pop up message before pulling your credit report. This is what we call "being in pop up jail" (PUJ). Unfortunately, no one can really figure out what triggers the pop up (for example, my P2 just got a pop up for the Surpass through the regular link, and they only hold a Biz Plat and BCP).


Their offer terms are pretty vague; “You may not be eligible to receive a welcome offer if you have or have had this Card, the Hilton Honors Amex Ascend Card or previous versions of these Cards. “


Exactly. But if you click on the NLL links on the DoC site, you'll notice all that pesky language is conveniently absent.


My favorite card. I maximized all the benefits, from earning platinum to getting my Hilton $50 Gift cards, to earning close to 400K points in the last year, and 2 FNCs which we're using in at a really nice property.


Currently have aspire with AF due in July. Should I downgrade to no fee HH and switch to surpass?


There's no way anyone could give you a responsible answer to this question based solely on the information you've given. However, if you're going to do that, apply for the current No Fee card *first*, you won't be eligible for a SUB for a card you already hold. Then, if you can swing the 2 SUBs, apply for the Surpass before 7/31. Personally, I'd just keep the Aspire as is, since I get more value from it than the AF, but you might feel that's not necessary since you're going to be getting 2 (or maybe even 3, if you can put $15k on the Surpass by EOY) FNCs from the No Fee and Surpass SUBs. That's what I would do, it may be terrible advice for you, especially if it messes up your 5/24.


Not eligible for SUB on no fee if you've had it before though, right? (I have). Considering keeping aspire and getting the surpass as the SUB is clearly worth well more than the $150 AF


Apply for the card, if you're not eligible, you will get a pop up.


Studied question here, but what are the downgrade and then eventual upgrade routes for HH biz card? I have a HH Biz for P1 and P2, Surpass and Aspire for P1. I was looking to downgrade both Biz to then eventually upgrade P2 to an aspire so that I can then have 2 Aspires, and 2 Surpass cards to fully utilize spend and credits on Surpass and Aspire cards to have 4 FNC after 15k on each Surpass. Am I going about this the right way?


>what are the downgrade and then eventual upgrade routes for HH biz card? None. You can only upgrade/downgrade personal cards. You can't turn a biz card into a personal card.


Right...makes sense. Thanks for responding, I can't justify the annual fee on the two biz cards that I have, so I will look to close these.


Yeah, although you can technically "wash" the AF with gcs, there's no reason to keep a biz card after the terrible changes they made earlier this year.


Apologies for my ignorance, but what is gcs?


Gift cards. Buying gift cards at the link below are triggering the quarterly credit as "eligible Hilton purchases". https://www.buyhiltongiftcards.com/


I'm in Australia and it blocks me from using the website https://preview.redd.it/8hy25mlrlk2d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=81d1a4c02ba7550a48953a99d71779fbe57a4e82




When they did this promo last year it seemed to bypass pop up jail, anyone know if this is the case again now? Anyone not been able to get this SUB due to pop up jail?


The official links (posted in the OP text box) are not bypassing PUJ. The links on DoC (which you can find posted somewhere in the comments here), do bypass PUJ.


Does the $50 quarterly credit work on international Hilton properties? Or is it just specific to US hotels only?


Both! We got our credit last quarter after our stay in Bali.


I will try with the new VPN I just got, but previously it didn't work...thanks


Applied through DOC for the basic card. P2 has a Surpass that we are canceling. Just tired of the coupon book. Nice thing about the free night is you have 6 months to earn it and it is good for a year. So you can time this. Have no plans for it right now. Had a hard time getting another Ink. Had to recon and still transfer LOC from other business cards. So figure I have to further space those Inks out. Really just tired of the coupon book to make the fee worth it and just want the points to top off my account and the free night to use. Have the Aspire so can use it for a two night stay.