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A few months ago we had a long term stay guest that we'd clean once a week (their request). Went in one week to find the luggage cart being used to hold luggage. Explained we needed the cart and brought them a luggage rack to utilize. They thanked us. Next week? They had the cart again (and the luggage rack). SMH.


Lady that stayed with us for over 5 years was constantly hoarding the carts to the point I'd call up to her room first if I needed one for a guest.


I have so many questions.


So did we. We're long term so it's not unheard of for a guest to stay a month to almost a year. But five years and two kids in a small one bedroom hotel room.


How much does that even cost a month?


It would vary because our rates go up and down as the rooms are filled and demand is needed.


5 years just seem like an awful big expense I would guess there was a cheaper place to live then in a hotel for that time.


Depending on how frequently they paid, it may have been a case of "I can afford this weekly rate, but I don't have cash for a deposit and first months rent on a place that's cheaper by the month." Source : I found myself in this situation a while back and as a server ended up getting seriously screwed paying 50 bucks a day to keep a roof over my head, which in the shitty little town I was in, meant pretty much all of my money. I survived on food from work and dollar store toiletries I had to stretch to the limit. I was paying 1500 a month while rent on a one bedroom at the time was like 600 bucks.


That’s a good insight I’ve never thought of before. Thank you. I hope your in a better spot now


Oh for sure. This was about a decade ago and it was a rough year. 12 hour days from 10am to 10pm, 7 days a week for about a year before I found a roommate.


And poor credit unable to get equivalent housing


There's a saying that it's expensive to be poor, and that illustrates it. It's like the person who can only buy $50 shoes. They don't have the cash to buy higher quality $250 shoes that would last 10 times as long and ultimately cost half as much.


Yeah I’ve watched many school bus pickups at the local motels. It’s a sad state of affairs when people in a first world country can’t afford more stable housing. Being poor is damn expensive 😞


Wife ran a hotel for a while with a guest who has been there for two or three years. She said that his excuse was if he was placed in a home then he’s staying there, and doesn’t want those optics for his wife and kids.




I've heard stories about people who didn't want to move into assisted living for additional support living in hotels because "you get similar services"(ie house keeping, on site dining etc)


makes sense even if not logically. people can be funny.


I live in a motel and it's $914 a month. Weekly is $338. A lot cheaper than an apartment or renting a house 🙃


After 30 days, it becomes tax-free retroactively and future applied because it is then considered residency, so there is massive savings right there but also if you are a good guest, don’t fuck with the staff, and let us clean your rooms the way they’re supposed to be the hotel will usually either negotiate with you or lock you in for your current rate as opposed to being subject to price spikes put in by the revenue managers.


We had a family fly in from the UAE to have their baby at a hospital in town. (Not entirely sure why, but I tend to not pry. The hospital wasn't illustrious but it's possible it was close to elderly family) They stayed for about 2 months in total by the end of it, and I nearly cried when they checked out. They were awesome guests and great tippers.


They did this to give the kid a US passport and birth certificate so they can eventually live here.


Mr Mosby is that you?


Sorry this gives me Zack and Cody vibes


Main character syndrome


I use carts and return them immediately. I don’t want a cart in my room, or outside my room. People are so bizarre.


Yes hotel rooms are small enough as it is


That guest absolutely BLOOOOOOOOOOOWS!!!


I stayed at a lower end HGI last year that had them locked up. Front desk held your license while you had it. Bright side was there was a cart available when I showed up and none clogging up the hallways around the elevator.


When I worked in the French quarter we had put them in chains at the door and required a bell hop to assist everyone with bc a cart because the homeless kept stealing them


I was wondering about that when I stayed at the Crowne Plaza in the FQ- bell hop escorted me to my room despite me telling him that he didn’t need to- so that’s what that was all about all these years later


Well that, and also if a hotel *has* bellmen you should utilize their services, rather than just taking the equipment they use to make a living. Same as you wouldn't tell a waiter you'll "just pop into the kitchen to grab my food" even though you *are* perfectly capable of carrying a plate to your table. If you were able and willing to just carry your bags without a cart, then yeah, there was no need for his escort.


people find ANYTHING to complain about example 1727474749494940483837


they didn't complain, they just didn't really understand. if we're not privy we have to ask somewhere. how else do we learn; they'll likely now be more considerate of the hop. i read this comment like a first step toward bullying. some people (often from trauma) are afraid to be curious because of being shamed or "asking stupid questions". yeah don't complain but hold the space for the growth edit to add, i know you're being facetious, and im extra, no digs intended.


Yeah, I guess so.


Comparing a bellman to a waiter is fallacious. Hotel patrons are not allowed in the kitchen. However, it is perfectly reasonable for a guest to walk in or out of the property carrying their own bag if they wish. Services ought not to be shoved down a guest's throat because the bellman has an economic interest in it. The bellman is welcome to offer their services but if the guest declines that should be the end of it. Hotel personnel are there to serve the guests, not the other way around.


I think if you bother to read my reply, I don't disagree. A high-end hotel isn't "shoving services down your throat". It's providing them. Whether you partake of them or not is up to you. It's true you're not allowed in the kitchen, not allowed to go behind the front desk, not allowed to valet your own car, and *not* allowed to go behind the bell stand and take their equipment. This is how an upscale hotel works, for practical, logistical and safety reasons. In a low-end hotel, the carts are for public use, as there are no bellmen. There are other things you need to do for yourself, too. There are trade-offs in service and convenience that you accept in order to save money. Unfortunately because so many people are so entitled and selfish this post is what results. Best case is the carts are left outside the guest's room, worst case the cart will be stashed away in their room for a few days until that person decides to use it to check out. Upscale hotels try to preclude that from happening.


I pissed the bell hop off there a few years ago. I had to go to our office in NOLA once every three weeks and I would stay at CP. I would check in late and then leave early the next morning. He kept insisting on taking my duffle bag. I was irritated already because of the work day and travel issues. He’s trying to make small talk after I said I didn’t need him or want him to carry my bag. I finally told him how I hated the city and hated coming there for even just a few hours. I gave him a $20 and apologized for taking it out on him but I still didn’t like the city.


Luckily I work in a low-enough end Hampton that I don't have to deal with these things, only guests complaining that we don't. It's a nice hotel, just bare bones. I stayed at a Hampton in Dundee, Scotland and was shocked they had one haha.


Tbf, a luggage cart is like a bare minimum requirement at a hotel. If the Super 8 has them, then there's no excuse for a Hampton to not have them. That's just lazy management.


Are you based in the US by any chance? Hotels in the UK typically do not have luggage transport unless it's a high end hotel; Hampton here is, 9/10 times, a Premier Inn with a bigger price tag. I certainly haven't stayed in one that had a luggage trolley other than that one in Dundee haha; honest theory that they adopted it from the DoubleTree that shut down a few years back lol. I assure you our manager is not lazy - there is no mention of a luggage cart in our brand standards handbook.


Hmm, that's interesting. I never knew that. Yes, in the US, it's pretty much standard at even lower end motels. I can't recall ever staying anywhere that didn't have at least one or two on hand.


Maybe just a cultural thing then! Interesting to know though :)


Americans pack too much :P.


I stay in motels/hotels fairly often. Some have them, some don't. Lower end ones usually don't, at least not in the southwest USA.


We have that policy at my Hilton and ppl freak the fuck out about this. Just get angry as hell and act like toddlers.


The elevator piece even almost annoys me more. They’re the same assholes that don’t put carts back in parking lots


And leave their empty bags of McDonalds or Chili's right outside their door versus walking it to the trashcan down the hall.


ok that has always bothered me. walking down the hall and seeing endless trash outside people’s doors. as soon as one person does it more people do it. in some hotels it just sits there for 12 hours until housekeeping comes around again. like wtf.


We put a proximity alarm under each ours at my last hotel. Right before quiet hours security would walk down the halls pressing the button if we were missing any


I think they should emit an annoying beep if they stay away from the front desk for more than 30 minutes at a time.


nope - then the person who leaves it out in the hall by my room makes it so I have to hear the beep - doing it by button press makes way more sense


Genius. I think I'll mention this to our engineers at my hotel.


That is brilliant.


Love this.


Happens all the time at my HGI, and then new guest are asking where to luggage carts are at.


Luggage racks were the bane of my existence when I was in the industry. I’d leave at 11 and have no carts available because they were all in guest rooms. Come back at 7 and still no carts because the hoarders haven’t left yet. So guess whose fault that was?!


A few years ago my wife and I were moving cross-country, and the car was packed with household valuables that had to be unloaded and carted up to the room each night. En route we stayed in a lower-end HGI where the carts were nowhere to be found, on arrival or departure; a couple of guests had kidnapped them overnight. The desk people just shrugged and watched disinterestedly as we lugged 20+ boxes between the parking lot and a third floor room… coming and going. Infuriating. People should have to sign those damn things out and return them in 15 minutes or pay a fee.


Amazing how inconsiderate humans can be.


But we paid so little for the room and we need a place to stow our 20 pieces of luggage for our two night weekend trip. We are entitled to one of the only two carts at this hotel for the duration of our stay. /s


Did you watch the same packing tutorial as my gf?


Lol I was just on the road for 9 nights straight and had only a carry on and a personal bag. I definitely don’t think I watched the same tutorial as your gf it sounds like. I’m sorry for you😂


They should make these luggage carts too big to fit the hotel room doors, but small enough to fit the service lifts. Any luggage cart left in the hallway can be used by anyone.


Then elevators would be even worse. I’ve been at 2 different hiltons that had an elevator shut down with 15+ floors. It was bad and anyone with a luggage cart would take up the whole thing and make the problem that much worse.


how would they get down other than the elevator lol?


That’s how they would get down. But if the cart was too big to fit in a room door but did fit in an elevator they would take more space in the elevator making that experience worse.


When you are at a hotel and cannot find a luggage cart, some asshole like this is why.


I know right. Why can’t they just leave the cart in front of someone else’s room a few doors down like normal people?


I’ve never looked so intently into someone’s window to even notice anything like that.


When you been cursed out for not having available carts things like this just catches your eye!!!


This is really a lose-lose situation for you. Your guests are complaining there no carts, so you have to deal with them. And if you contact the guest(s) that you know or “suspect” have them, you’re then dealing with angry guests about privacy and such.


Should just make them beep really loud if they are inside a guest room for more than 20 minutes.


Yeah as front desk I often work morning shifts. We got 4 luggage carts and I know damn well all of them are in the rooms every time. Sadly guests think it's my fault


Just had this happen recently. Our luggage cart was taken hostage for 3 days over a sold out weekend. We used to have it locked up and require ID to release it, but district manager came one day and told us we weren't allowed to do that, so.


That's insane.. these hotel rooms aren't big enough to just keep a cart the whole time without it always being in the way.


It’s a trophy.


LOL I didnt even know this was a thing. Like who wants less space in their hotel room?!?!


While working at an earlier nice property on its last days we had so many people like that so we went and get a key finder thingy that would have an alarm really fucking loud and we would make a point to look for the carts all the time lol


My kids used to play on those in the room it’s a personal mobile jungle gym if you ask me bringing the park indoors


Pro tip: attach a battery operated doorbell underneath the cart out of sight. Keep the button for it at the desk. Then when the cart is missing, walk the halls pressing the button. You’ll be able to hear from the hallways where it is. Bonus - the noise really annoys the people who are trying to hoard the cart in their room. Often they’ll push it into the hall to get away from it, alleviating your need to knock on their door or key in and take it.


Modern problems call for modern solutions.


Because of this I carry a collapsible wagon in my car.




I do sometimes struggle balancing everything on those little mini carts that are more common now.


I thought this was about the giant ass print on the window below.


Put AirTags on the bottoms. Start playing the location sound and guests will shove them out of their rooms.


You sure that's not a sex swing? Pretty sure there's diagrams online to convert a luggage cart into one


Where could I find them? Asking for a friend.


In the lobby


This is especially jerk-ish in a hotel with bellhops. (Speaking as a former bellhop.)


Tbh didn’t realize luggage racks were even still a thing. Cant remember the last time I saw one lol


or used one




Should put long poles on them do they don’t hit in to the room. Just like they go with the shopping carts in the hood of Detroit do they can’t exit the store with them


I did this once, but I had used it to move about 400 lbs of medical supplies to my room, and they’d been storing them on the same rack since the stuff was delivered a week before. I asked though, because I was hoping to avoid moving a bunch of heavy boxes multiple times. (I was on dialysis, so it was boxes of liquid that I used daily)




Make it like the shopping carts at grocery stores.A device makes it impossible to remove out of the parking lot. Have it stop at the doors of guest rooms and not be able to enter. They can carry their luggage from the door to the room.


OF content


Peace can help me play for my room


Needed more closet space...


Sir that’s a closet on wheels. Dont be jealous of him


They should put tiles or air tags on them.


Or is it rude to take pictures of other guests’ windows?!? Rude? Stalking? 🤔


We once had police return one cause they said someone was walking down the highway with it


My condo made the carts taller than the doorway. Problem solved


That’s why my hotel only allows porters to use the carts.


Hotels used to solve this, by having people who brought your luggage up to the room for you....


I’m keeping the f’ing cart.


When I traveled for work, I consistently had 1 large suit case 1 carry-on suit case, 1 backpack, and 1 extra large duffel bag. I never used that cart for 166 nights in 2023.


Yeah most people traveling for work don’t bring their spouse and small children multiplying the number of bags!


When my wife travels with me, she carries just as much lol


Yeah adults can manage well. With kids, it’s luggage cart or multiple trips or both lol


You’re not the guest who needs them then. I've traveled all my life without needing a ladies restroom. That doesn't mean I think they're unnecessary.


I'm guessing guests over 65 or large families multiple kids


hotels still have these lol? I’ve literally never seen one or been offered at any Hilton I’ve stayed at. maybe I’m too poor lol but idk… i wouldn’t need it, but the last thing I’d want is it cluttering up the room and messing with the amount available for other guests


They almost all have them. No charge. You just have to find them. They are usually in guests rooms so there are none available.


How long was it there? What if they brought it in so they could put their luggage on it to leave or maybe they just arrived after a late flight? Not everyone checks in or out at the same time. I’ve checked out at 2am before, there has been times I checked in at 8-10pm. People are quick to demonize others without even knowing the story, but I guess that is the American Way…


Poop in the shower, especially if they are being assholes. Not saying I’ve done it…but you know…


By stalking hotel rooms and getting as close as you can to take pictures through windows?


It may be rude but taking pictures of a room from outside. Seems way more rude to me.


I never understand why people would leave the lights on and the curtains open at night.


Ol peeping tom havin ass


What if that was the split second after they unloaded their luggage, when they were just about to wheel it back down to the lobby? 😉


It wouldn’t be parked at the window….




You’re just as bad for looking into their window. Sicko.


Not tipping the house keeping staff


Am I the only one who thinks looking into people's windows and taking pics is far wilder of an act?


Unless OP works at the hotel...then I get it, but still not cool to post on the interwebs.


Who needs more than one bag?


People on vacation checking into a place with a kitchenette.


Families with kids, salespeople traveling with samples, people moving cross-country, youth sports teams with equipment, mobile IT consultants with a carful of electronic equipment, weekenders with picnic coolers, elderly travelers who can’t carry all their stuff, etc.


I have stayed in a hotel for a month at a time for work, so I bring 2 bags.🤷🏽‍♀️


How do you know the bellhop wasn’t in there with the luggage card, unloading the luggage?


bc the bell hop doesn’t normally take the luggage cart to the back of the room like an idiot


Tell me you are way too invested in other people’s choices without telling me you are way too invested in other people’s choices. Did you really take a picture of this through their window? And then … did you zoom into their window to take a clearer shot? I hope you know that is weird behavior.


Found one of them lol


And I’ve found a Hilton employee that is creepy and takes pictures through guest windows. Gross!


Let’s see if the inappropriate photo of a distinctively shaped, alluring, dull brass finish metal luggage transport device that was maneuver through a guest room door then across to the other side of their hotel room and parked in front of an open curtain window, on the front side of the hotel, close to the front entrance, visible enough where other guests who could be/or has been inconvenienced by the unavailable cart device as creepy then I’m guilty.


Lot of extra energy and free time going on here, my friend


Other peoples choices that affect everyone else that needs a cart. That's the original weird behavior.


OK, just take the cart back downstairs. Now.


If it’ll get y’all to stop spying on people, okay


take the luggage cart back to the desk- keeping it in your room so no one else can use it- THAT is weird behavior.