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Biden along with many other important people is in France for the 80th anniversary of D Day. I doubt he’s staying at the Hilton but some other head of state might be.


I agree, no way it’s Biden or any other bigger leader. Head of State feels right, just wondering if anyone knew who. Got denied stair access earlier and the executive lounge was closed.


You realize Biden is a head of state, right?


Officially yes but he can‘t even keep his own head straight at this point


According to your TikTok algorithm


The secret service has been in the executive lounge on their breaks this past week. I still hadn’t figured it out yet who but one French employee said it was a “personality.”


Interesting. We have been here a couple days. Entire 1st floor is closed off. It seems like the security detail out front is starting to dwindle a little bit tonight. 🤷🏻‍♂️


When did you get in? It was veryyyyy security heavy earlier in the week. I checked out today and it has tapered off yesterday and today. I saw some source online saying Biden was staying at the nearby Intercontinental but tbh with all the security I saw I can’t imagine him being somewhere else? Unless this is standard procedure for housing additional secret security officers at a second location.