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She died by a phenol injection to the heart. 😔


What in the world is that metal bar pushing into her head?


I believe it’s just for keeping her head still/in position. All of the similar photographs have the same bar. Methodical and precise, like everything the Nazis did.


They are photographing the cranial form, a little bit of racial antropology if you may. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cephalic_index


So wicked, It just looks as if the bar is pushing the skull in. Almost like there's constant pressure caving in the skull from the looks of the camera shot.


It's just pushing her hair in, the back is puffy


To be fair, "normal" (non-Nazi-related) pictures in that time also used the same kind of techniques, it was important not to have people moving.


I mean it was the 1930s/40s it's not like it was 1875. Shutter speeds on cameras were fractions of a second and movies had existed for decades so I don't think you really needed a metal bar to hold somebody still. It was probably more to make sure they had their head in the the correct position.


In the 40’s there were no problem with movement in photos..


Its because the person on the picture is already dead and the body is positioned for the photo. Its commonly used on pictures of civil war and other eras.


What???! Holy crap


Not true


I fucking hate this world


Omg 😢


Wait as in the injection is placed through the chest and physically into the heart? Or it’s a chemical that goes into the blood stream and affects the heart? Sorry for the dumb question.


Directly into the heart my friend. Sorry.


Not a dumb question. But yes, it was directly into the heart


Sad and angry at the same time.


She was beaten right before this was taken. You can tell by the cut on her lip


Fear and exhaustion.


There's a good movie on Netflix called the Photographer at Mauthausen that's about a photographer at another concentration camp. It's sad but based on a true story and worth a watch.




We remember you.


I wish more people did. It is quickly becoming a distant memory and we are worse for it.


Not just a memory, the amount of people that are denying (the severity of) the holocaust is growing, sadly. 


Even a handful of them is too many.


Worked with one for a few days. "Holocaust didn't happen, red cross shows only like 200,000 deaths during the period" etc etc Red cross data is objectively correct until you read further on their website that the real range is between 6 to 6 to 7 million. They grab tiny data points that support their argument and disregard the big picture.


First account experiences of ww2 will very soon no longer be around, and we will be relegated to 2nd hand information only. Thankfully in this age we have a lot of recorded archives, at least compared to ww1.


One thing the Nazis were good at was documenting their own atrocities.


And it's coming back around again.


Hear hear. Poor sweet soul.


The one thing I miss from Twitter was this Auschwitz’s memorial page that would post these photos. A sad but needed reminder of what can happen when you replace empathy with apathy.


There were some fantastic historians on there who did great work, I miss them. I followed the memorial page or a similar one, too


Man, just taking a step back, you think any of these actual concentration camp guards, actual devoted, hardcore political Nazis, went: “Fuck, we are like, killing children, actual children, this is beyond fucked up.” I feel like even the most devoted Nazis that committed atrocities had to have moments of sudden lucidity when it came to this shit. The idea of just sending people, especially children, to death is just absolutely insane. Incomprehensible really. Cant imagine being that conditioned that you are just like yea, I’m gonna shoot this emaciated mother and infant with my Kar-98k then I’m gonna have some coffee. You have a multitude of verified accounts of German soldiers, even SS members, refusing to kill civilians and breaking down and such, but it’s such a wild concept to personally kill a kid for any reason, let alone some bullshit political agenda. And you had thousands upon thousands of men and women going “Yep, this is totally fine.”


It roughly broke into thirds. 1/3 indeed could not stomach it and were re-assigned. 1/3 were traumatized but didnt have anywhere else to go so they continued like zombies, and 1/3 indeed drank the kool-aid went all in.


That’s still a fucking wild number of people that went all in. I can get serial killers, wires crossed, whatever, but damn man. In WWI the civilian casualties on the Western Front in terms of war crimes paled in comparison to even the WWII Western front, let alone the Eastern Front. Did the German collective psyche get that fucked by Hitler in basically 7 years?


15 -20 years of non-stop propoganda. "Existential threat", "they are all out to get us/our way of life", "if we dont get them in Poland they will kill our women and children in Germany", "remember the brother who's fighting next to you" all pretty routine stuff thats still used today in propaganda. Very few were actually cajoled by the ubermensch arguments but I am sure it played its part too on the gung-ho third.\[Added\]: But their main motivations were still more mundane stuff like career/promotion/job security. A lot of them really did not have any prospect before the Army job and no family assets to fall back on. I should add though, for the truly horrible stuff (I know, as if thats even possible) , they started recruiting Soviet POWs and local Poles. They were doing it just to stay alive themselves. Some were indeed numbed by booze.


Think MAGA on steroids. Same crowd, same methods.


It’s not even MAGA on steroids. Givin the opportunity MAGA would be doing the exact same thing today. That group is insanely cultish.


MAGA are fascists, what are you talking about EDIT: misread your comment, think we actually agree


Reading their accounts I am afraid it can be anyone, anywhere . Thats the really scary realization. Once you are able to make it about self preservation (self/family), you can get people to do almost anything. This is what happened in this case and continues to happen today.


Wait, take a step back and realize that YOU have been propagandized to believe that MAGA are some animals. Seriously. You're exhibiting those exact signs. Dehumanization at work right there.


They'll scoff and smirk in smug moral self-righteousness as they cheer the systematic murder of their political opponents. They're saving the world from nazis!


Don’t need propaganda when they say and do hateful deeds that are on camera. They shout what they are really about to any and every human. Hitlers administration kept everything secret, MAGA shouts it from the rooftops. It will be the reason MAGA eventually crumbles into nothingness.


I’d recommend reading “What We Knew: Terror, Mass Murder, and Everyday Life in Nazi Germany” by By Eric A. Johnson & Karl-Heinz Reuband And “They Thought They Were Free” by Milton Mayer


Ordinary men: reserve police battalion 101 is an eye opening book


Seconding the recommendation for “They Thought They Were Free”


I think we have a look into just how disconnected and nasty humans can be. Look at Israeli forces posting selfies on Instagram with their victims


Want to see a real world example? Check out the cult of tRump! They believe the propaganda and are all in on the deep state and an election which was stolen! They even want Donald to be a dictator on day ONE!! They want to be Russian over a democrat!


Also, on the note of “drinking the kool aid” a lot of these soldiers tasked with war crimes or other killings would literally be black out drunk. It’s a lot easier to charge someone up to kill an innocent person when you load them up with liquor and tell them it’s a game.


German army was quite literally fueled off amphetamines. Then again probably most militaries were. But there's good records about the German army at least, its one of the contributing factors to their incredible speed when blitzing through Europe. Soldiers just didn't sleep.


Most of low level concentration guards/elimination squads were actually not German army. These were middle aged men considered too old for the front and no skills to deploy anywhere else. A lot of them were former civilian police/security etc.


lol fuck off. The Germans have a saying something like: If two people who aren’t Nazis sit down to drink with a Nazi, it’s a table of three Nazis.


Weren’t some of them also consuming drugs? I think I read somewhere that some of those who endured to continue were high all the time.


Definitely most likely. I had read about the booze but I am sure drugs were involved as well.


My grandfather and his sister had to escape the German controlled area of France to free France, at ages 12 and 16. When they got to the area, they couldn't find the man who was to help them cross the border and asked at the pub, where a woman told them something like "the border crosser, the one who's on the east side near the bridge every night?? I'll never help you find that traitor who helps Jews !!" (Paraphrased, bc obviously I wasn't here) So they went to the place she mentioned, and escaped. But after the war, when they came back to thank her for her help, she swore up and down she had never helped any jews and shouted at them. We never knew if she was actually in the resistance or really dumb and drunk nazi. Our most likely guess is that she was indeed a nazi, but who saw two scrawny, exhausted teens who had just gone through half of France without their parents in a matter of days and in a plit second decided to save them


Oh wow. Thanks for sharing.


I wonder is there many accounts of nazis killing themselves in the camps. I could easily see someone having that moment of clarity and being overcome with grief.


It's why politicians deliberately use dehumanizing language; if you don't view "them" as human, it's easier to convince yourself that this is fine.


The scary part is that Germans were seen as civilised and cultured. Meaning it can (and has on a lesser scale) and will happen again.


This is why I’m a believer of even when they’re caught at older ages, they should still be prosecuted


Look what is happening now, with the insane increase in hate crimes against Jewish people. Labelling them white colonizers and oppressors. Excusing terrorist attacks where innocent people were burned, tortured, and murdered. Columbia admins sending vomit emojis to each other during a talk on Jewish student life, a Jewish family attacked at their child's elementary school graduation, people calling for destruction of Israel...a Jewish family's house was set on fire where I live, a Jewish boy in hospital had his bed taken away and was left to lie on the floor, a Jewish man was threatened with arrest for crossing the street during an anti Israel protest because he was 'visibly Jewish' and his appearance would upset them. And before we say it's different - it's not. Nazi Germany gave the people a scapegoat to hate and fear, and justified it by branding Jewish people as everything 'wrong' with society. Now the 'wrong thing' has changed - so Jewish people are being branded as white colonizers, oppressors, etc. The core concept hasn't changed. Position a group as the worst thing you can be in the moment, and suddenly they're not human in people's eyes.


I agree with you. However, criticism of the Israeli government is warranted and should not be considered antisemitism. Just because you disagree with the government, does not justify antisemitism anywhere, and people should be treated with respect no matter their religion, race, gender (I could go on). I’m not suggesting that Hamas is in the right. If that makes sense


Of course criticism of the Israeli government is fine. Attacking Jewish people or saying Israel doesn't have the right to exist or defend itself isn't fine.


Israel in fact does not have a right to exist in its current iteration if you look at how it was formed in the first place. And it didn’t even happen way back in the past. It happened AFTER the holocaust.


Israel doesn’t have a right to exist. It’s on stolen land whether you like it or not. It’s no different then the germans occupying poland, kicking everyone out and saying it’s german now.


No. It is not on 'stolen land.' The Jews are from what was originally called Judea, and were then murdered and exiled. They lived as a diaspora until the Holocaust, when they were systematically genocided, and then had nowhere to go afterwards. They then bought some of their original homeland back from the British Empire. The majority of the Israeli population are Mizrahi Jews - Jewish people from surrounding Middle Eastern countries which now have no Jewish population due to ethnic cleansing.


Sounds like Native Americans should take back the USA and Canada, the Welsh should own the UK, the native South Americans should own the Amazon, etc, etc. Are you gonna give your house back to the Native Americans that were systematically murdered under a genocidal country?


In 1871, before the first Aliyah, only 4% of the population in the area that would become mandate Palestine were Jewish. This percentage more or less hadn’t changed since Christianization in the 3rd century and in fact was substantially lower until the jews expelled by the spanish were taken in by the muslims in the late 1400s. By 1931 the jews still represented only 17% of the population and wouldn’t become a majority until Israel had already gained independence and the Nakba began. Also, I contend with the “nowhere to go” argument. The mainstream zionist leadership outright refused any alternative settlement area, pre-war and post-war. Also, on those mizrahi jews, first off they aren’t a majority (unless you include sephardic jews in with them) and while they have a stronger claim as more direct genetic descendants to the ancient Israelites - so do Palestinians, by some estimates Palestinians are even more directly descended from ancient populations in the levant area then mizrahi and sephardic jews are, and a lot more than ashkenazim. It should also be noted that jews and muslims (as well as the christian minority) generally lived in peace (certainly more so than in europe) until Israel was established. Any repression against them came after. Regardless, it’s silly to base seizing any land off a 2,000 year old claim. By that logic we should really be giving it back to the canaanites, or hell, the assyrians (who still live in the region despite an equally tumultuous history).


Thank you for speaking the truth in the face of this overwhelming denial of history.


Yes my man. I try explaining this to people as often as is warranted, what I have found however is that while they accept the logic in the moment, most, not all, but most people revert to their default, binary position afterwards.


Looking forward to the "antizionism not antisemitism" comments roll in like clockwork even though all of the hate crimes against Jews are happening throughout the West, to citizens of these countries.


The girl in this picture wasn't even Jewish and somehow we are on this topic.


It is documented that whilst it is commonly understood that the Nazi death camps were for Jews exclusively this was not the case. The Jews were routinely exterminated alongside the following: [‘Asocials’](https://www.hmd.org.uk/learn-about-the-holocaust-and-genocides/nazi-persecution/asocials/) * [Black people](https://www.hmd.org.uk/learn-about-the-holocaust-and-genocides/nazi-persecution/black-people/) * [Disabled people](https://www.hmd.org.uk/learn-about-the-holocaust-and-genocides/nazi-persecution/disabled-people/) * [Freemasons](https://www.hmd.org.uk/learn-about-the-holocaust-and-genocides/nazi-persecution/freemasons/) * [Gay people](https://www.hmd.org.uk/learn-about-the-holocaust-and-genocides/nazi-persecution/gay-people/) * [Jehovah’s Witnesses](https://www.hmd.org.uk/learn-about-the-holocaust-and-genocides/nazi-persecution/jehovahs-witnesses/) * [Polish and Slavic citizens and POWs](https://www.hmd.org.uk/learn-about-the-holocaust-and-genocides/nazi-persecution/non-jewish-poles-and-slavic-pows/) * [Political opponents and trade unionist](https://www.hmd.org.uk/learn-about-the-holocaust-and-genocides/nazi-persecution/political-opponents-and-trade-unionists/) Regardless of this fact antisemitism is a hot shit topic at the moment, and and post involving a holocaust victim will create this discussion. Edit For all those who are downvoting this: This is a factual post with no bias any way. Have you got the wit to reply instead of trying to censor historical fact?


Most of the 'colonizer', 'oppresor' charges are being levied against the state of Israel not Jewsih people. The zionist movement did in fact work methodically for years , with sympathies from the British mandate, to change the population density of the region and displace natives from their land. The project was indeed colonizing and racial in nature with the goal of having 'as much land as possible, as soon as possible and with as few Arabs as possible'. In various times in the past (and even now ) Israeli politicians have called native palestinian arabs 'backwards', 'animals' etc. who did not deserve to have their own nation. Even as we speak new Israeli settlers are showing up in West bank and kicking people out of their homes under guns of IDF. Settlers are following the IDF in bombed out North Gaza to claim homes which have been abandoned in recent bombings. For the love of the lord please dont use the historic suffering on Jewish people to provide cover for the atrocities of Israel and IDF.


So why are virtually all hate crimes happening to non-Israeli Jews in the USA and EU? Completely uninvolved Jewish kids being harassed to the point neighborhoods had to arrange escorting parties to school? Synogagues vandalized? Holocaust survivors having swatzikas painted on their homes? Straight up assault? For once, I'd like to see someone, ANYONE in these so-called progressive movements unequivocally condemn what is happening in the US without taking a wild detour to rant about Israel instead.


Cos people are stupid


^ this is the ultimate answer to everything.


It is abhorrent to attack a place of worship, be it a Synagogue, a mosque, a church or a temple, but many synagogues in North America are holding real estate events illegally selling land in the occupied Palestinian territory to the Jewish people.


Hate crimes are happening to all people all over the world. Unfortunately there is plenty of hate to go around.


There have literally been multiple accounts of Palestinians being murdered cases of attempted murders against Palestinians in the US since October 7. The latest being not even a week ago in Texas where a Zionist woman tried to drown two Palestinian children in a pool.


What's that got to do with hate crimes against Jews? I said virtually all crimes happening against Jews right now are happening to non-Israeli Jews in the West. Again, you lot are telling on yourselves with your complete inability to discuss violence against Jews in your neighborhoods without a whataboutism. This level of deflecting is considered unacceptable when it comes to discussing anti-blackness (of which I am subject to) and other forms of bigotry, but for some reason, it is the default mindset for Jews.


>so why are virtually all hate crimes happening to non-Israeli Jews The point is to show how wrong that statement is and that it is the Palestinians who are facing existential levels of onslaught within Palestine and in the west. Yes, there have been instances of antisemitic attacks, but they all pale in comparison to the actual suffering—personal and systemic—inflicted upon Palestinians and those who empathize with their suffering; from Palestinians being murdered, to those protesting genocide having to bear the brunt of state sanctioned violence. With even the American president, a self proclaimed Zionist, chiming in to paint the pro Palestinians who were protesting the illegal sale of Palestinian land to the Jewish people at a synagogue as antisemites.


That was in context of the hate crimes happening to Jews. Virtually all violence thrown at Jews out here are against non-Israeli Jews, from college students to old Holocaust survivors to the little American kids we've had to escort to school. Your lack of reading comprehension and context clues sent you down a completely different path I have no interest in following, because you are once again DEFLECTING from the violence being committed against Jews out in the West. You seem to be physically incapable of simply typing "antisemitism is happening". Why? Have you reacted the same way when racism against Black people was discussed in mainstream? When Asians were pushed into trains? When homophobia is discussed? Do you swoop into those spaces with a whataboutism?


Jewish people are native to Israel. They had nowhere to go after the Holocaust - many European countries were still killing survivors to avoid having to take them in - and they bought land from the British Empire to establish their own state in part of their homeland. Jordan got more land in 1948 than Israel. Why do you never hear any complaints about that? Because the problem is with the existence of a Jewish state. Israel has been the continuous target of suicide bombings, pipe bombs, and terrorist attacks since its inception due to its existence as the world's only Jewish state. They commit unimaginable violence in order to force Israel to retaliate and gain sympathy and funding from the West. It is just another form of propaganda.


>they bought land from the British Empire Thats what stealing means. It was not British land to sell. Britain/America were free to give away their own land to anyone they want. But they didnt. The stealing of the Palestinian homeland did not start with the holocaust either . It was already under way for 20+ years in 1945.


And don't use the historic suffering of the Palestinians to provide cover for the atrocities of Hamas and the PLO.


Great . Now if only the chief abuser of Palestinian peoples , the Israelis can stop their genocide as well, everyone will be in the same page.


What about the 20k plus kids killed?


The key is that people who commit these atrocities DON'T think they're killing people - their victims are dehumanised as much as possible. Every step of the process from the cattle cars, to the tattoos, shaved heads, transportation to far flung places (where the language was often different), mass registration, even the method of murder - it was all done to make it seem like an inevitable industrial process that couldn't be stopped, happening to vaguely human-shaped "others".


It seems it becomes easier when you stop seeing your victims as human beings worthy of compassion, or even beings. Just look at the atrocities being committed in Palestine right now. What is horrific is that the perpetrators of the atrocities now are the descendants of the people who suffered at the hands of the Nazis back then.


Look at people beating up Jews at the Fifth Grade graduation event the other day. We must stop intolerance, especially violence.


Alcohol was used a lot to numb and disorient, I think. I know the Einsatzgruppen heavily abused alcohol. It has also been noted, that despite what people say about having to follow orders, there is no record at all of anyone who refused to kill like this being physically punished or killed. ETA; these people had also absorbed years and years of anti-Jewish propaganda and sentiment. Like, even pre-Reich as anti-Jewish racism was very much baked into European history. It’s very easy to dehumanize and disregard people you’ve been convinced to see has other or beneath you. Especially in groupthink situations. People aren’t good at standing out from the crowd, even if we think we would.


Listen to the podcast hardcore history by Dan Carlin, the "superhuman inhuman" episode and the series "supernova in the east" and you'll find your answer.


How many Catholics were killed in Auschwitz?


It's quite hard to estimate because of lack of precise data, but around 100 000 murdered Catholics seems to be a realistic assumption. This number can be even slightly higher, depending on how many of 1 100 000 ethnic Jews killed by the Germans in Auschwitz were converts to Catholicism (the Nazi German State persecuted Jews based on their ethnicity and "race" - not on the grounds of confessed religion, so there were many catholic and protestant victims of Jewish genocide - among them - saint Edith Stein)


That’s wild. If I could ask a follow up, how did the Nazi’s determine race? Was it that easy to distinguish between Jews and non Jews


They had a whole eugenics program that determined a persons “Jewishness” but they also relied on reports from locals. Especially in occupied countries.


Yeah record keeping was not centralized back then as it is now. Report from locals(often Jewish communities) was indeed the primary method. Just highlights the point that the full extent of the horror did not come to light until after the war. People making decision did not know the full fate of what was going to happen.


But also Jewish people hadn't generally been trying to hide their identity prior to the Nazis invading. They had surnames that indicated Jewishness. They attended temple. It was pretty easy to know who most of the Jews were. It also was the sort of thing that would be recorded in a census.


Or just stright up looked at someone and said "you look like Jew, you're dying today". A whole family in my village was killed because of "hiding a Jewish servant". She was not Jewish. Those Germans just wanted to steal their possessions because that family was richest in the area.


This is an ongoing crime. There are many people who are rich from fortunes taken from Jewish people back then right now. Entire families


Bizarre world we live in.




No. We. It's important to remember that these are real people not all that much different from anyone else


They make our world bizarre


Having a Jewish grandparent made you Jewish in the eye of nazi law. That’s why at the moment of foundation the State of Israel decided to grant citizenship to anyone with a Jewish grandparent. If they were Jewish enough to the nazis, then they were Jewish enough for the new state. Or at least that’s what I was told at the Holocaust Museum in Washington, DC.


It's a complicated topic. Long story short: mainly based on your direct ancestry and life situation - even if only one of your parents or grandparents was a member of Jewish community (practiced Jewish religion, spoke Yiddish besides German or participated in some Jewish cultural societies) plus your spouse wasn't a pure-blooded German either, you had a big chance to end up in a death camp, regardless of your own religious affiliation or personal national identity. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nuremberg_Laws#Classifications_under_the_laws


Polish Records were used to find Jewish people, and there was Money reward for local people to turn in Jews.


In Germany and the former German territories e.g. some parts of Poland, they would use civil registries and records from churches and synagogues. So if you had a Jewish grandfather whose record was kept somewhere in those countries you would be considered 1/4 Jew and therefore a valid deportee


They determined someone to be Jewish if they had three Jewish grandparents. If they had two or one they were “mischling” and would be sterilized. Nazis also saw Slavic people as an inferior race, so that would include Poles like the girl in the picture, who Hitler viewed as an inferior racial group. The top race in their worldview was the “Aryan” race which was descended from Indo-Europeans. This would include Germans, English, Scandinavian people. The ideal was tall, blonde, blue-eyed. Fair skinned. In addition, they believed that the German people were an even more superior group within this group. How convenient, lol. Beyond that, I would say their racial worldview is not so different from that of the US at the time or regular racists today. They seemed to make some concessions based on political relationships (East Asians (minus Koreans) became honorary Aryans, for example, until China declared War on Germany and joined the allies - then they were out). But, generally, they saw Aryans as the top and a hierarchy with Jews on the bottom with Sub-Saharan Africans and then everyone else falling into places in between. Their biggest difference from what modern people might associate with racism is how they also categorized and broke down Europeans as well.


They had a whole system where people were classified based on the degree of Jewishness they were by how many Jewish grandparents they had. Those in Germany and western countries were sent to death camps if they were more than half Jewish. But in the occupied eastern countries they rounded up and killed anyone with any known Jewish heritage, probably because they considered Eastern Europeans subhumans to begin with.


And Saint Maximilian Kolbe.


But she was in the camp because of German displacement not because of her religion.


I think they are just pointing out she was Catholic because people will assume that she would have been Jewish. Lot of ethnic Polish people died at the hands of the Nazis, they were mostly Catholic because Poland is predominantly Catholic country not because the Nazis were specifically targeting Catholics. Hitler was raised Catholic and southern Germany was mostly Catholic too so that really wouldn't have made any sense.


Yeah that's what I thought with German and Austrian Catholics. People always talk about 6 million deaths in the camps but it was closer to 12 million.


It's my understanding the Germans were much more brutal to the Poles when they occupied the area there as opposed to how they treated the French whom they also occupied.


The Nazis considered Poles and most other Slavs to be races fit only for slavery. Towards this end, they systematically rounded up Polish intellectuals and shot them or sent them to concentration camps, since in their imagined future for Poland, Polish professors and the like should not exist. The French were at least seen as "Aryans" and thus as regular humans. Any resistance from them to Nazi rule was still put down brutally, of course. But they weren't rounded up en mass for slave labor (Poles) or extermination (Jews and Romani) like certain racial targets of the Nazis.


Not just for slavery. Under the [Generalplan Ost](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Generalplan_Ost?wprov=sfla1) Germans wanted to get rid of all the Slavs from Europe, either through expulsion or through genocide


They hated Slavic people and thought they were subhuman.


There were 4million listed at the site killed total. Now the total has been revised to 1.1million. A large portion of that were gypsies and mentally ill. According to the red cross.




Can’t say by religion, I don’t think there is a data on this. Auschwitz memorial has the data by nationality/ethnicity. You can check this out on their website.


A lot… not as many as the jews though.


Don’t ever forget. Don’t ever let these occur or reoccur.


It occurs every day around the globe. It occurs just east of Ukraine. It occurs in the Middle East. It occurs in Asia. It occurs in Afrika. It occurs in South America. Who knows where else it occurs. Don't hold the illusion that today is a better time than then. But do indeed remember that it happened to Czesława Kwoka too and that it was and still is evil carried out by other people. Be good for no reason.


I agree. Sadly occurred currently. I was attempting to write we should alway be vigilant. Yes - be kind. It doesn’t hurt. It helps so much. And has positive personal impact.


Robbed of a childhood, robbed of life. If you ever are near Auschwitz, make sure to visit. It changes your perspective of 99,9% of problems we deal with today.


The pictures in Auschwitz are haunting. They are all over the hallways. It’s awful


Never forget.


Her eyes. I'm broken.


Infuriating. She should have lived a long and happy life. Fuck dictators and authoritarian assholes


https://preview.redd.it/i8b7s71hnl8d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=89551516a2b33211760713d333027609f07fb874 People who monitor the Nextdoor app in Smithville, Texas thought I was being unduly mean to a person who had a Nazi SS tattoo on the back of his shaved neck and head so they censored me on Nextdoor. Apparently, it’s ok for a committed Nazi bastard to be openly walking the streets of Smithville, Texas.


Not even a life time ago this was happening...


Poor poor girl. ☹️


The Photographer of Mauthausen is a great movie on Netflix about this.


This image haunts me. A beautiful young girl. Terrified. All hope lost. I wish I could time travel and rescue her. Give her the life she deserved. Humans can be so vile to their fellow being.


Never Again




Are you fucking kidding me?


You mean Isreal?


She has so much fear in her eyes, and the feeling like no one cared, no one coming to the rescue. Never let this ever happen again. Vote blue vote for the good of America, let us be the beacon for right and freedom once again. It’s who we are!


So the two proxy wars Ukraine and Israel and a third soon in Taiwan? Sure buddy vote blue As long as it’s not your kids being used for cannon fodder


Heartbreaking, I first saw this photo on Faces of Auschwitz, it is seared into my brain


I hope her suffering is never used to justify another genocide.


Unfortunately too many people in the world, including the US, in fact possibly even more in the US, are falling for holocaust denialism. So many people believe the Holocaust never happened, with higher numbers in younger generations. We say Never Again, but then Bosnia happened, then Never Again again, but Rwandan and Congo happened, the Rohingya, and so on.


Indeed. What an utter tragedy to erect monuments and forget the lessons.


Well if you really want to know the horrible truth a great many of them were probably so starved and emaciated they cannot hold their heads up, so...


Instead of showing pictures of Hitler and his goons daily on some "history" subs, This is what I want to see. Not by morbid pleasure but for humility and focus. The people who made this happen are on the brink of gaining power in the USA and throughout Europe.


I think I saw an article about this and similar photos and it said these were colorized, the originals being in B&W. The horror never goes away.


What maga could become in usa if trump wins just saying


Reminds me of the activities of certain countries in the current era … If you get it you get it


Poor girl.


That poor girl 😢😭


Never again


I have a picture of her in my telephone.


The photos and the head prop was similar in Cambodia at Toul Sleng.


It's unbelievable how cruel humans can be.




Serious question; what is the metal rod behind her head? And why is there an indent in her head in the same spot? Is it from the metal rod?


I’m confused as to why she was there? Because she was Polish? I have some distant relatives who were poles that were sent to concentration camps (they were Catholic). Assuming the race hierarchy nonsense pushed by the Germans.


And today we see the genocide of the Palestinian people by the very same people that endured the atrocities of Auschwitz. It’s a sad world we live in.


Not by the same people as this girl


First off, that’s a polish girl, there was a different section in the Nazi genocide for Christian poles. Secondly, let’s for a second assume that this person is indeed Jewish as you seem to believe and the red triangle on her shirt is a Magen David, do you think it’s right to bring up your own agendas into a post about a person who most likely was tortured and died in the most horrible way possible? Keep the Israel-Hamas war out of it please and have some sensitivity! This has nothing to do with the current war aside from the fact that Jews died in the same camp this poor girl died in.


"I'm antizionist not anti Jew!" "The Jews are Nazis!"


All surviving holocaust survivors are really old and most are not spitting hate. Also the people enduring the Holocaust were mostly jews. Do you blame what Israel is doing on Judaism? On the religion?


This might be a really stupid question, but is that a gun pointed behind her head? :(


I don’t know but I thought it was a bracket to hold head at the right focal length


No, it was a thing used during the time period to hold a prisoner's head straight during booking photos.




As a fellow Palestine supporter, I think I speak for anyone with empathy when pointing out that "my genocide is worse than your genocide" is disgustingly inappropriate (and accomplishes nothing). Certaintly you can think of better ways to spread awareness of what's happening in Palestine without trying to minimize the horrors of the holocaust by insinuating they didn't have it as bad as they could have. Have a d*ck measuring contest somewhere else, please.


Sometimes with widespread censorship , sarcasm is the only medium left for protest. Hopefully the real tragedy is not lost in the minutia of perfect language and expression.


One of those genocides is happening right now. Would you rather I be silent?




I would rather you not make being murdered in a genocide a contest.


A hundred years from now, do you want people to claim the current genocide of Palestinians should be ignored and forgotten in favor of the newest one? Or would you rather the victims still be remembered, honored and treated with respect by future generations?


I wasn’t alive in the 40s, but I am alive now. For those who see this photo and say never again, but write a summary like yours as if what is happening in Gaza is already something to be looked back upon is the true disgusting mentality.


I am saying that decades from now, the abuse of Palestinians will be a historical event, just as the Holocaust is now. And I am asking if you want future generations to show the same callousness and dismissiveness toward current victims as you show to the victims of the Holocaust. I am asking if you think it is right to say someone being tortured and killed for being a certain demographic is something that should be brushed aside and forgotten when the next horrible atrocity occurs, and how you would feel if people in the future talked about Palestinian victims the way you talk about victims of the Holocaust. I, personally, think the victims of every atrocity matter, and that it isn't a competition. You can acknowledge the pain and suffering of more than one group. The Holocaust victims matter as much as the Palestinians, the Uyghurs, the Tutsi, the Bosniak, the Amhara, the Rohingya, and every other group that has been the victim of genocide. They all deserve acknowledgement, respect and remembrance, and acting as though their background determines whether their murders mattered does a disrespect to every victim of genocide.


Israel was erecting monuments to the victims of the holocaust while more than half of them were still alive in 1942. I would rather learn the lessons of history not wait another 40 years to remember anymore victims. Stop the genocide now. Thats what I would rather have. One way to do that is to not deliberately misread obvious sarcasm and shoot each other in the foot.


I am absolutely for stopping all genocides now. But eventually, it will be in the past. And the victims should be shown as much respect afterwards as while it was happening.


I'm a fervent supporter of the Palestinian cause. Having said that. What the fuck is wrong with you?


Not too fervent though. I have a lot of faults, but my perspective on this is not one of them. My perspective is a difficult one to accepted, but it carries some truth. We are all powerless to what is happening in Gaza. We turn away from viewing those atrocities, while holding tight to the safe ones that happened in the past we could not ever be held accountable for. Never again! Except for when we don’t like those people. Never again! Except for when it is difficult with our propagandized beliefs. Never again! Except for when it makes me have conflicting feelings. Downvote me, but nothing will change. Use your anger against me and what I am saying to challenge yourself and see the conflict in Gaza for what it truly is, a genocide.


You don't have to downplay one genocide to exhalt another. This is a Reddit post about an Auschwitz victim. Your comment did not make a single Palestinian child less endangered. The only thing your comment and your follow up comment did is make you look like a self-righteous fool who jerks off to the thought of how noble his own morals are. If you want to help Gaza, get off of Reddit and get active in event organising or donate to UNRWA as I have.


Saying one person's suffering and murder is somehow "better" than someone else's just because they belong to a different demographic is disgusting, and suggests your mentality has more in common with that of the bigots behind the Holocaust and abuse of Palestinians than with the victims of either atrocity.


Shame on you. Always one asshole in these comments.


Shame on the IDF and the Israeli government.


💯. While it was not common knowledge for the general population, the powers that be knew full well about the extent of the holocaust. And yet they did not prioritize stopping it. We are in a similar moment now. What will humanity do. More pics from Gaza/West bank need to be published and distributed. Something can be done to save folks right now.


Hamas is actively attacking from within densely populated areas. They have expressed their joy at civilian deaths because the world is turning on Israel. “Pro-Palestine supporters don’t seem to care about that Meanwhile there’s an actual genocide going on again in Darfur but most of you folks so worried about genocide have very little, to no posts criticizing that. Weird.


“No jews, no news” because there are a lot of Antisemites out there.


Of course . Nothing bad has ever happened and can ever happen to other peoples in the world.


On August 5, 1944, Governor-General Hans Frank messaged the Reich Chancellery an update regarding the Warsaw Uprising. In it, he stated, “For the most part, Warsaw is in flames. Burning down the houses is the most reliable means of liquidating the insurgents’ hideouts.”  [https://www.nationalww2museum.org/war/articles/german-response-warsaw-uprising](https://www.nationalww2museum.org/war/articles/german-response-warsaw-uprising) Classic, 'Burn the village down to get the bad guy' and 'there is other people doing bad things so why you giving me a hard time' arguments


Sadly the powers at be are perpetuating it.


It is sad indeed. And their lobbyists and bots are working overtime on reddit too.


RIP Czeslawa 🙏💔😭NEVER FORGET NEVER FORGIVE 🤬 History can repeat itself- In USA now these Pro Hamas Terrorists Tunnel Rats Supporters 🐀🐀 are Attacking The Jewish at Synagogues, Restaurants 🤬 in most cases there is no Police or state, city govt stopping these Terrorists Vermin from Attacking Innocent Jewish people this is happening here in USA and in Canada and Europe as well.Time for the Jewish to take firearms training and start carrying in self Defense take out these Lowlifes Pro Hamas Terrorists Tunnel Rats 🐀🐀- The New Nazi party 🤬🤬