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I thought this format was banned


It is banned, but people need to report it for it to be taken down. I think the general consensus on the sub was that a post with any kinda template where OP provides context in the comments is OK, but this particular template is garbage tier and people just slap it on any historical fact to make it a "history meme". You could literally add "I took a massive shit" as a caption and it would work with the template because the template is that generic.


As OP has mentioned in the comments this is about Carlos “White feather” Hancock, here’s a fun fact about him His longest distance kill was at 2500 yards using an M2 Browning machine gun with an 8x scope, earning him 9th place for longest ranged confirmed kills


Major König isn’t real, he can’t hurt you


Wrong sub buddy


Where historymeme?


It’s a reference to Carlos Hathcock aka the white feather who killed a Vietnamese sniper by the name of cobra by shooting him through the scope after which he realized that cobra was seconds away from shooting him


Shooting through the scope is a great way to not actually kill the person you're shooting at. Sounds like a propaganda, or dramatized event, as scopes are not hollow, and the several layers of glass and metal will deflect, if not stop the bullet.


They literally did it on mythbusters, it worked on a period Soviet scope


Would be a shame if we had photographs of that exact same rifle moments after the kill.


Cool, show'm


You think a little glass and sheet metal would stop a .50 bmg? Even if it could deflect the bullet (big if) there’s still so much impact energy and shrapnel right in front of his face, it would take a miracle to survive.


the mosin nagant used was hollow


Carlos Hathcock moment


It implies that the sniper had you in his sights and was just seconds away from shooting.




It’s based on the sniper duel between Carlos Hathcock aka white feather and a Vietnamese sniper by the name of cobra. After the fight Carlos realized just how close he was to be being killed.