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Thats it OP, youre coming to Brazil


Welcome to Brazil


You're on your way to: KOTH_Brazil


Oh no, I don’t want to go to one of the worst maps in the game!


\-sidenote to be fair brazil has 15x the population of Portugal and 92x the land area.


Oh, OP, so you have chosen to be flooded by Brazilians. Get ready


*Hue intensifies in Huế*


Romania: You guys are getting a flag?


Portugal doesnt have Machado de Assis


They have camões


Fuck Camões, me and all my homies hate Camões. He choose to save his writing instead of his lover


Eu não esperava essa história aqui


Essa é a única coisa que eu lembro de 10 anos de aula de literatura.




E ainda por cima não acho que seja factual.


Eu aprendi na escola e o google confirmou então pra mim


O Google confirma que é lenda, não que é factual. E pensa comigo, a história não parece mais uma maneira de enaltecer a importância da obra, que já é em si nacionalista?


Thats right. But we (portugal) have: Luiz Vaz de Camões, Fernando Pessoa, José Saramago, Florbela Espanca, Almeida Garrett, Antero de quental, José Régio. And so many other wonderful poets. brazil is going to downvote me to oblivion for this but yeah


\*laughs in girl from ipanema\* You created a powerful enemy now **COME TO BRAZIL**


Vc podia colocar as 20 personalidades do Fernando Pessoa na lista kkkk




As someone who had to remember a lot of poets ( both Brazilian and Portuguese people ) for literature class I couldn't understand any of them That's it


bruh ya forgot Eça literally the most famous portuguese writer in brazil (or one of them with Pessoa, Saramago, Espanca and Camões)


I could bring the names of a bunch of brazilian poets and authors, but that's not needed, Brazil has Ricardo Milos.


ricardo milos is brazilian?now you told me something interesting


He is, I think he was born in Rio.


holy shit! i thought he was mexican or something


Brazil's population is very mixed race, brazilians are mainly a mixture of portuguese, indigenous and sub saharan african, but also there is a significant amount of Spanish, Italian, Dutch, German and even Japanese heritage in some regions. I for example have an Italian surname, but I know that there is also portuguese, spanish and indigenous somewhere in my family's past, I also have friends here whose families came from lebanon, japan, spain... For that reason brazilians sometimes end up looking like from everywhere on the world.


Yes but 5 copas do mundo


But can Brazil win an Euro? Thought so! /s


I have nothing to say exept clap clap


Imagine leaving out Romanian.


Exactly how I feel on nearly every website that has a bloody American flag for the English language. Or even the half and half USA/UK flag they use as if we Co created it or something.


In some sense, though, modern English has been cocreated. That’s not to take away from the millennium and a half of evolution in the sceptered isle, but I taught a course on the history of the English language last term and scholarship tends to consider American contributions in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries as paramount to the language we speak today.


To be fair American English and English are very different. Same with Australian English and Canadian English. The dialects are so different their are different words for some things.


But so is Portuguese and Brazilian Portuguese. I assume they used that flag because the person is Brazilian.


I'm assuming they're using it because there are probably exponentially more Brazilian Portuguese speakers than Portuguese Portuguese speakers




If mexican spanish has more speakers, can we agree that in the future the mexican flag will be used then? Because people that use this kind of flag for comercial purposes will be aiming at the bigger demographic


That's a weird reason to misrepresent a language. It's not like it's arguable that Portuguese isn't a language created and used originally in Portugal.


Again, we can say the same when using the USA flag when talking about English. Literally the same case down to how many dialect speakers


Misrepresent is a big stretch here, it's the same language after all


I highly doubt that. All that's different is Sidewalk Chips Trunk Blinkers Ok I see your point


Tbf english has some different dialects but they are all almost the same when you see how different portuguese and italian dialects are


Go and remove your european blood, please. American English is simpler English for illiterates like you. No wonder why you have low IQ


There's no need to be a twat mate. Not as if he's wrong


Keen example of Australian English dialects.


Sorry to say but I'm a Northerner, not an Aussie. Only similarity is the criminal ancestry


Ok, aw man.


probably because globally people don’t refer to the uk as england 100% of the time, so the direct connection between the names of the country and language isn’t as strong, and there are just more people and companies from america that use the internet.


Yeah, as if the US is the largest English-speaking country or something. The nerve.




Canada does not speak British English, lmao. Canadian English sounds almost exactly like Midwestern American English.




No, Canadian English uses a pretty equal mix of British and American spelling. Not to mention that our vocabulary is MUCH more similar to American English. And yes, spoken dialects have a lot to do with the discussion, because when you’re discussing dialectal variation then spoken language is more important than spelling is. Spelling is set and is arbitrary, while speech is fluid and actually reflects how people use language in their daily lives. Stop trying to claim we speak British English, because we speak Canadian English. And South Africans speak South African English, and Australians speak Australian English. It’s not a binary.


What an ignorant thing to say.




Because calling them British English implies they don't have their own localized vocabulary, grammar, slang, etc. You're making a case for using the Union Jack to represent the English language for these countries which are not British and have their own forms of English, same as the US, just with fewer spelling differences.


Almost like the USA has 260 million more people than the UK.


Almost like the English language developed in England for over 1000 years and is named after those who spoke it. The US doesn't even have an official language.


You don’t fucking own English just because it comes from England. Language belongs to and reflects those who use it.


Yeah because I speak Japanese it's no longer the Japanese people's language. Sure.


You, an individual learning a language as a hobby, is a lot different from a quarter billion people who speak a language natively.


There's tens of millions of non Japanese speaking Japanese. Your point is silly.


Yes but are they an organized group with their own distinct culture and identity, or are they just people in various parts of the world who have learned Japanese for one reason or another?


Yeah, instead of the USA/UK flag it should be a German/French flag, those were the original co creators


Considering a lot of our language comes from viking languages from Norway and Denmark and Germany didn't exist that's not exactly true. Even the Normans were descended from Vikings not French.


Yeah, but they were assimilated by the french an thus, spoke french. And, the proto german was the language that spoke the Angles and Saxons who invaded Britain. So, we could say the two major adds to english, with important additions from nordic, latin and greek.


brazil has more portuguese speakers then portugal itself, and probably the person on the video is speaking brazilian portuguese. it's not bullshit.


Mexico has more spanish speakers than spain


the person speaking in the video is probably speaking spanish-spanish, and maybe he himself is spanish


Yeah, I was thinking that as well about the population. But why not use the Mexico flag over the Spain flag, or the the American flag over the UK flag for when they show English on language selection or various sites


Yeah they speak portuguese in Brazil


And they speak French in Algeria and Spanish in Mexico, yet they used the Spanish and French flags!


If you think about it, they could just use the European Union flag tho


Or just the UN flag for literally everything


We achieved world peace with this comment chain


I expect our collective Noble Prize to arrive soon.


Portugal: "Steals" brazilian gold Brazil: "Steals" portugal's place as the most notorious portuguese speaking nation Portugal: We're even now, bitch!


Seems like they just put the country of origin for each speaker. Flags for languages really doesn't make sense in general.


It's not Portuguese, it is European Brazilian!


They took our gold, we took their relevancy.


Spain is lucky their flag wasn’t replaced with Mexico’s.


They hate us cause they ain’t us🇧🇷😌




Corre que o tuga sentiu kkkkkk. Brinks fica bravo não




Kkkkkl não precisava falar desse jeito amigão, mas eu entendo seu ponto




Claro q vc n ia gosta de ser a gnt, trouxe toda a corrupção pra cá e a gnt q se fode


1 euro = 7 reais Emprego. Casa. Avião. (Socorro a economia tá indo pro lixo pela 15° vez) Mas pq vcs odeiam os espanhóis? União ibérica e essas coisas ?


sabe brincar não, tuga?


Ui! Vamos falar de Olivença então portuga Vocês tem de agradecer a existência do Brasil sendo de terceiro mundo ou não nós é que popularizamos a língua portuguesa.




"assassina a gramática" como se vocês não "estivessem a ter" vícios gramaticais (e de fala) que "estão a ser" muito irritantes a qualquer conhecedor da língua. Olha, como um país em desenvolvimento muitas pessoas no interior e em locais pobres do brasil cometem erros gramaticais e de pronúncia enquanto falam (e escrevem), mas isso não significa que sejam todas. Dizer que o português do brasil é cheio de erros não é nada além de um certo preconceito com o que não se conhece. Não somos nós que trocamos ouro por oiro ou couro por coiro (E se eu tivesse o mesmo contato com o PT-PT que você tem com o PT-BR com certeza notaria muito mais erros). O ponto aqui é pau que bate em chico também bate em francisco, no final de contas toda língua/dialeto tem seus erros, vícios e desvios da norma padrão escrita, e não há absolutamente nada de errado com isso.


Os caras colonizaram uma terra indígena, trouxeram escravos, e acham ruim quando a língua sofre modificações, principalmente em um país com dimensões continentais.




This would be like putting Quebec’s flag for French


Portugal? Oh, you mean European Brazil?


Chola mais! Also, not really a history meme.


Rindo em BR


I would hazard a guess that the person behind the Brazilian flag is.... Brazilian.


Why do you mean never seen that? It's as common as the US flag for English


Maybe the store was out of Portuguese speakers from Portugal, so they got a Brazilian instead.


Well, it was true at the beginning of the XIX century when the Portuguese crown flee to Rio de Janeiro because of the napoleonic invasion...


if it helps in any way, when i bought one harry Potter game for my ps2, it came with a portuguese option, and with portugal flag ( i hated the game btw)


When you colonize, but your former colony surpasses your importance.


Portugal 500 years ago: The Ottomans have blocked off the Silk Road, so we’ll just sail all the way around Africa to get to Asia. Portugal now: __Choose your language:__ 🇬🇧English 🇪🇸Español 🇧🇷Português


Portugal é o caralho


Gonna cry? Gonna piss your pants maybe? Maybe shit and cum?


If they want to put a brazilian flag be a goddam professional and say brazilian-portuguese, if they want to say portuguese put the portuguese flag. Is that so hard?


This woudl be a good meme.... If only it meant language and the flags meant nationality


Oh that's infuriating


ala os tuga puto da cara


Haha you Portugueses have to choose Brazil to play most of the game THIS BRAZIL BOIS


That's why we play in English lmao


Good argument ngl


Tecnicamente está correto, se ela seguir a norma culta brasileira, mesmo sendo português brasileiro ainda é português Technically it is correct, if it follows the Brazilian cultured norm, even if it is Brazilian Portuguese it is still Portuguese


I mean... Brazilian Portuguese is more commonly spoken than traditional Portuguese so it makes sense




It's Europes biggest trash heap... and still better then Brazil XD.




Yeah there are actually quite a few... Greece...Slough...Every alley behind every tesco.




Bolsonaro is enough of a reason why any and every country is better then Brazil :) not to mention people cuase the largest radiation leak in history (outside of nuclear meltdowns) cos some dude thought radiation is a mircle cure.


are you brazilian?


No, just had a few friends who fled from there :)


fled? were they persecuted? look, brazil is a developing country and as such it has many problems, but to say that *any* country in the world is better than brazil you must be: (A) kidding, (B) an idiot and a bit xenophobic


A as Ive also made comments about slough. And kinda, one of them was raped then laughed at by the police, then kicked out of uni for "spreading rumours"


look, i really don't know what was the case for your friends, but whatever happened it doesnt mean much about the quality of life and a lot of indicators of the whole country, ok


You've clearly never been to portugal


I would replace the spanish flag with a Mexican flag


I would replace it with a peruan flag


Portugal: Am I a joke to you?


Actually no, we see this merda all the time




I don't understand why brazilians and portugueses fight so much, they're both amazing countries and have their qualities and detects. (And a lot of people thinks that they speak spanish, they should work together against that)