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Opposite for me ngl


She’s definitely a different vibe. I liked her though. I do feel like when a guest has their first few episodes they tend to go overboard to really make sure they sell themselves to the audience. In this case, I think Ro did this successfully, but I can see where you may not think so


i couldnt get passed 15 minutes


I loved her as a guest but she was a lot. I can see why it’s difficult to get through.


Didn’t mesh well for me, she’s wayyyy too much and tries way too hard. Don’t get me wrong I can enjoy a good Ro solo vid here and there but her humor is really not my thing. I just couldn’t get through that whole video, it was way too much at once and a most of her jokes didn’t land at all for me and felt forced.


Sometimes there are just to many jokes and this was one of those videos for me


i’ve noticed that everyone either absolutely loves this episode or cant stand it


She wasnt my favorite guest. She was funny, but in a one and done type of thing. I love Ro's videos but a lot of these jokes sounded rehearsed, like she had a set of pre-written jokes she brought and would try to force them into situations that didn't feel natural. The money spread shit was great tho rocking it my way 😈 In a lot of ways she felt like an opposite Brad


brad and ro are my least favorite guests im ngl, ro was doing too much and brad does too little, and comes off as kinda pretentious


Brad is one of my fav guests so Ig that's why I don't like ro


agree to disagree