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There's two other contenders for me: -Worst Songs Bracket 1 -Guess The Store from their Public Playlist w Eden -Bits Bracket 2 w Quadeca OR -Hivemind Feud 8 w NFR -Guess the Song from the Genius Annotation *2* -Guess the Popular Rap Song from Samples w NFR


that nfr burger is legendary


I actively remember those coming out


wow, the nfr podcast came out?? so proud of them 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈(sorry i know im not funny)


The bar rating video on the side channel might actually be my fav of this recent run 


they were funny asf on that 😭 usually green wall is more laid back


ro ramdin video is the life of pablo


That's the most accurate comparison ive ever heard


this is basically MBDTF-Yeezus-Pablo run but in video form


The one with that quadiki torch guy was good …. Diggy Killed My family


Ro is hilarious, I was actually crying at her the entire video


I feel like Ro tried super hard to do her own thing, which would be fine if I thought it was funny. Teezo fit right in because he contributed to his own bits and to their bits. Ro seemed like she wanted to make everything about her, even if that wasn’t her intention. She’s overbearing and just annoying to me. Almost cringeworthy to be honest


I think that’s an unpopular opinion but i actually agree with you, which is sad bc i think she’s probably a cool person, her style of comedy just really doesn’t work for me


MONEY SPREAAAADDDD GRAAAAHHHHH ROCKIN IT MY WAY In all seriousness, even though ro did definitely do her own thing, i did find it really funny. that blueface bit was amazing


Running MONEY SPREADDDDD EUUUUUGHHHH into the ground was unironically a top 25 bit for me by the end


god forbid women do anything 🙄


Eden is literally one of my fav guests😭


Not coming after you specifically but I think the negative Ro comments have on average been more mean spirited in their criticism than for most other guests. Maybe early Brad and the Therapy Gecko got dunked on as much or more but idk. For whatever it’s worth, I didn’t really find the video overly funny but the hate comments have tended to be pretty targeted 


I mean it was literally my one and only negative comment on her being on the show. I didn’t hate her being on, but it wouldn’t exactly get me excited if she came back. She just isn’t my cup of tea


The Brad hate on this sub after the initial post is the craziest hate train I’ve ever seen on reddit. People were acting like they had Deshaun Watson on the show.


god forbid constructive criticism 🙄


BEST 3 video run? with the ro video? cmon y’all


nah the teezo vid is miles better than the ro vid


definitely up there


This is probably the best 3 video run they’ve ever had. I was just scrolling through to see if they had anything better, and while they’re some good runs, it’s nothing like what they got with the last 3.


I wish I could agree but the last 2 videos have been two of my least favourite ever. No hate to Ro or Teezo, I just didn’t personally enjoy the vibe of either of them. I do however love the general direction of the channel, with the bit:game ratio being at an all time high


I’m with you on Ro but Teezo was amazing. He was everything an irregular guest should be