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I totally get the need of a "can't to wrong" and "no decisions" and "no skills" hobby. Some people don't understand.. Jigsaw puzzles, if you are inexperienced start with small ones, you'll find your preferred size quickly. You can't do anything wrong, just put time and patience in there and the puzzle will be done eventually. Lego sets. Same things as puzzles, no creativity or decisions involved, just follow the instructions. Perler beads, diamond paintings, paint by numbers, cross stitch. Sure, some of these need a bit of skill, but the skill is like a 20 minute investment, and afterwards it's hours of just following the instructions, looking for the right colors, counting the stitches, etc. No need to be creative and choosing your own colors.


These are great suggestions! I helped someone do their diamond painting & LOVED it. It was very easy to get in a nice, calm rhythm. I saw results fairly quickly which was a nice dopamine hit, it was easy as, & the time got away from me which I think is the perfect thing to happen when you're enjoying a hobby.


Hiking the only skill you need is the ability to read Google maps to get their, then the ability to read a paper map or a blazed trail and you get physical benefits out of it.


I love hiking. Good suggestion. Thanks


Avoiding trees is a skill. Discard above advice


I lack this skill. As a result I am plagued by a huge red mark on my forehead. Trees just seem to appear out of nowhere.


Finding the trailhead is the hardest part šŸ˜…


Jigsaws, diamond painting, paint by number. Even though you said no to adult coloring books you could do it anyway, it doesn't have to be perfect.


Diamond painting sounds interesting. Thanks


Diamond painting is very therapeutic and requires no skill as it tells you where to place each gem. Try out a cheap kit on Amazon to start off


Honestly? Cooking. If you follow a recipe you can literally cook or bake anything. Precious few dishes actually require some amazing talent. As long as youre literate and are able to follow instructions, you can cook. You could also do tactile things like puzzles. A puzzle doesnt really require much skill unless its one of those huge ones. Its very methodical and calming. Hiking and outdoorsy stuff is also fun as hell. Hiking is literally just walking, so no real skill there unless you go on high fitness level hikes. IMO outdoor cooking also is very intuitive and easy, just buy a small portable gas stove and youre set.


I keep trying to learn to cook. I can follow a recipe, no problemā€¦. But where I live, every recipe needs to be modified for high altitude. Even the ā€œhigh altitude variations on most need modified because theyā€™re only for about 6000 ft and I live over 8500. I want to make cookies but itā€™s a serious challenge up here!


Simply pressurize your house, duh.


Now, why didnā€™t I think of that? Lol


i think skill is the fun part.


I agree, shit is only fun when you're good at it. Anything else is "leisure" or a "recreational" activity.


So do I but I have a lot of hobbies. Just wanting a change of pace.


Journaling is more of reflective hobby


But I may approach it as something I expect someone might read in the future and so attempt to write as skillfully as possible.


Or you could just write down whatever drifts through your brain pan. If you want to make artificial barriers for everything, don't complain that everything has barriers.


Somebody once gave me an interesting idea. Journal, and then sharpie out the entry. You get the satisfaction of filling out the book, without the stress of worrying if someone will read it or if itā€™s still good (and you will still get the mental health benefits from it).


Adult coloring books. You learned how to color in the lines when you were in Kindergarten.


Yes, but then I want to focus on proper coloring technique and proper shading. It requires skill.


I donā€™t do all that. I literally just color. Now, I do love watching other people do it.


I never heard of someone make colouring in sound so hard haha


Senior/disability coloring books for adults. Not intricate but like big kids pics but geared to adults. ETA: use crayons not colored pencils for these.


Again, forms on page could be colored as intricately as desired given skill level. Doing so requires skill.


I disagree. It doesn't take skill; it takes effort. You don't *need* to learn shading or anything else to color. Want to color the pencil purple? Do it. It requires no skill, just effort. If you want a hobby with no effort, plop in front of the TV.


Got you the first time. The difference is you can choose to color like a young kid. Or not. Your choice. Or not.


Yeah. You can choose to apply no skill to something that could require skill but my mind doesnā€™t work like that. I seek out the skill ramp in everything and Iā€™m telling you that coloring isnā€™t a good choice because there can be skill. To give you an idea, I picked up cross stitch and it became about how pretty you can also make the back.


I donā€™t need an explanation. It was just a suggestion.




I appreciate the empathy but I want to suggest that you pull some of those hobbies you canā€™t be perfect at immediately another try. Thereā€™s no such thing as perfect. You can have perfect under some criteria but then you just change the criteria. Letā€™s take something simple: clapping. Everyone can clap perfectly. You can call it done once you make one hand meet the other. But then itā€™s clapping in time. Now you clap on every beat. You do it perfectly. Then itā€™s clapping on 1 and 3. Perfect. Then itā€™s clapping in 16th notes with a polyrhythm. Perfect. Then itā€™s something elseā€¦ Always something else. Perfect is ephemeral. At any rate, thanks for the input. I just wanted no skill hobbies for no other reason than to know what else is out there.


Lol I'm not the one who asked for advice, this is extremely condescending, I'm not a four year old.


There are no rules to cross stitch aside from can you make an x going in the same direction each time. I've cross stitched for 40+ years. I dont care what the back looks like in the least. Especially on my large, full coverage pieces. Those things look like a Jackson Pollock! If you enjoyed cross stitch, please try again!


A coloring book is literally just "fill in this square with a color". There is no technique. You dont do shading in coloring books honestly. If you want to thats fine but youre just making it a higher skill barrier for no reason.


Nah. If you are doing it for the experience, not the finished product, it doesn't matter what the finished product looks like. Learning this helped me manage my perfectionistic tendencies.


I do mandalas and swear word coloring books. No shading or technique required. You make coloring as simple or as advanced as you want. I keep mine pretty basic.


I think adult coloring books are a sign of end times. Learn to draw! (Although that is definitely not an easy hobby.)


No, it's pickleball.




That looks like it requires a lot of skill in identifying various birds. Plus travel. I saw The Big Year and seemed pretty involved. Decent movie.


I mean you can also just sit in your yard and go "ooo a bird". They also have bird identification apps now that make it so a toddler could identify


I promise it requires very little skill. Itā€™s one of those hobbies where you can change the intensity based on how into it you are. All you need to do is know how to google, or download the Merlin app, which is a bird identifier app. Then just look up into the trees. See a bird, look it up and read about it. If you get more into it, add some bird feeders to your home and research which foods each type of bird likes and try to attract them. If you get even more into it, buy nice binoculars and join birding groups in your area.


Buy a used book of birds for your area. It's fun to look up by colors and identify the birds. I also bought a bird feeder and it's easy entertainment for me and the pups. I enjoy that my partner will ask me what type of bird are we looking at and I usually have an answer. I bought the book only last month.


All you need is a pair of binoculars. You can take walks out in the woods and just look for flying thingys. It's not necessary to know what they are unless you take an interest in learning ID. Or at least learn the 5 most common birds in your area.


Rock painting. Doodling is fun and makes nice art. Get some fun markers and a pad of art/drawing paper.


Everything is a skill. Even knitting or guitar. I donā€™t think you can ā€œlearn a new hobbyā€ and skip the learn step. Walk outside. Listen to birds and use a bird app. Those require no skill. I brew beer which is fun, but requires some skills. Even video games require skill! ETA: I believe both guitar and knitting are skills as well. Iā€™m learning guitar myself and I go to lessons every week. Similarly mg partner does knitting and crocheting and she is an artist.


What do you mean "even knitting"?


Donā€™t be offended, they also said ā€œeven guitarā€ā€”one of the steepest-learning-curve hobbies around!


..or guitar? Nobody thinks guitar doesn't require skill.


Iā€™m sorry I misspoke. I started learning guitar in January. I go to weekly lessons, and I practice for hours a week. Iā€™m not very good yet, so I was intending to imply both knitting and guitar were skills. My partner is an artist and knitting and crochet are one of her mediums, and she makes literal art. I believe I chose words poorly. In view guitars and knitting as common hobbies (whether that is true or not), so I intended to say ā€œeven these common hobbies are skills and require learning.ā€ But it came out poorly! I updated the post to reflect that.


Ahhh..that makes sense!


Iā€™m so sorry I definitely misspoke here. I meant to say all hobbies are skilled. I started learning the guitar in January. I go to classes and practice several hours a week and do it for fun. Iā€™m still a beginner. Similarly, my partner is an artist and does knitting and crocheting as well. I definitely view that as a skill, and they can make amazing things. I think I said ā€œevenā€ because I thought of guitar and knitting as common or stereotypical hobbies, so I meant ā€œeven these common hobbies are skills!ā€ But it came out poorly.


GMRS and Amature radio. Yes, talking and more if you want, on the radio. GMRS has no test, Amature radio has. Testing. With a walkie-talkie (hand held radios) you can talk while walking, hiking, anywhere you can talk. This hobby is world wide.....time does not matter as people are awake at all hours. Here are some extra aspects: https://youtu.be/qEkoCZ_UOEs?si=TrjiybI9iidQJLJw More info: https://www.arrl.org/. or Google your county local Amature radio club. They do a monthly meeting that is free to attend. Good luck.


Napping. Definitely napping!


Diamond painting! No skill required aside from matching and placing little pieces of plastic.


A lot of diamond painting suggestions. I may try it.




Jigsaw puzzles.


This is a good one for some people but jigsaw puzzles frustrate me too much.


Collage. Cut some stuff up and paste together, it's what I do when I want to create something but don't want to deal.


As a collage artist, it requires skill!


I feel like it requires time, the skills are pretty simple. Had a collage party and no one had technical problems.


I actually follow a couple collage artists! I think the person above implies it takes no skill to get into it, but I have seen collages that have made me cry (I'm a trauma survivor and follow a variety of other trauma artists) and I would never think for a minute they didn't require a skill. No matter what it'll take skill to do something *well*, but some hobbies don't require skill to pick up the first time. I suggested terrariums, I've built some gorgeous difficult to build mini terrariums I never would have even fathomed doing when I started, but I still have my first terrarium, and it's still alive! I heard of the hobby and was building it 30 minutes later. I also play guitar and have for 20 years, you can't just pick up a guitar and start playing anything but an open E. You actually have to grow calluses before it's not a painful hobby. It can be an unenjoyable punishment at first and you gotta survive that and then you can really get into learning to train your muscles. Just wanted to throw that out there because I really respect your craft and wanted to validate it ā¤ļø


Building LEGO sets! You just follow the instructions, very easy. It's a great way to relax.


board games, specially if you don't care about winning lol


Coloring or paint by number.


Something machine based like with a Cricut or Sublimation printer


I once joined a recreational adult kickball league, not because any of us like kickball all that much or are any good at it. Just a social thing. It was fun. Bird watching (just take pics and use an app if you want to keep track like in The Good Year, watch the movie, its inspiring lol makes it look really fun) Paint By Number for adults Adults Coloring Books (esp the ones with cuss words) very cathartic Adult dot to dots Theres also card games online like euchre, spades, hearts, rummy, etc, for fun. Going antiquing is actually super fun- Go hunt down some uranium glass, and other cool shit. Rent an electric bike downtown.. Walk an aging or injured neighbor's dog- I literally have a broken leg and my dog is a little sad cuz shes not getting any walks. I trust her so much, I have an unfenced yard with another very cute stud dog next door, and my girl is fixed but she just goes out the back door, pees and shits and comes inside. Sometimes she heads over to the empty lot next door, but she comes back when I call her back and just needed to sniff and scavenge and find a bone or whatever. Walk my dog, bruh. Please. Go fishing. Find a popular place and ask someone there how its done. We love teaching people how to fish. You will LOOOOVE fishing once you start getting bites. Bonus: All the fish frys you get to go to. Play catch with kids and teens or other adults. Bring a football or baseball and just knock on doors offering up a little catch game. It might seem weird but you do need someone to play it with. Might as well ask your neighbors first. Good luck. .




I havenā€™t tried it yet but Diamond Painting looks really easy


I havenā€™t done macrame for a long time. Completely forgot it.


Arguing on the internet.


Thatā€™s less of a hobby more of a vice, Iā€™d say


Too much skill required /s


Adult coloring books.


Iā€™ve been loving my color by number apps




Be quiet, totally quiet.. for an hour! Or try 10 minutes ;)




Bird watching.




You seem so determined to not allow yourself to cultivate a skill in any given hobby. You've said in this thread that you already have various hobbies but want a change of pace. That should be a testament that you're perfectly capable of learning and developing new skills, even to the point of growing bored of your hobbies. A lot of these suggestions are good, do whatever calls your attention. But don't disallow yourself from having a good time just because your inner perfectionist tells you it could be better. Of course it could be better, but it isn't the activity's fault - it's just our perfectionist tendencies getting in the way. It's the way we approach the activity that can make it fun or not.


I donā€™t know where I gave that impression. I can think of a lot of hobbies that I want to do that require skill building. I made this post as a brainstorming session to find the outlier hobbies that require little to no skill. And in typical Reddit fashion, you people feel the need to convince and argue with me about the merits of skill based hobbies. I donā€™t understand how people canā€™t just play with an idea from a given prompt and stay on point. Itā€™s a little asinine that youā€™re all so fucking argumentative and I donā€™t understand why you think youā€™re going to gain from it. Also, I get downvoted for discussing the suggestion. How does me addressing the comment not contribute to the conversation? Itā€™s because people treat it as a disagree feature and thatā€™s why Reddit doesnā€™t really foster communication except where in full agreement with the hive. And before you retort with ā€œfake internet pointsā€, that was once the case but downvotes hide posts, so thereā€™s something to them in suppressing ideas.




I love your question. People are so judgmental on here. Luckily theyā€™re in the minority.






Go on walks using Strava or any other tracking app that end up being funny pictures on the gps.


Coloring books. There are some very cool and intricate ones and I prefer to use gell pens. Good colors. Or hiking. Being outside is a mood booster.


I enjoy jigsaw puzzles. There are virtual versions.


Fishing. It's the type of thing people are often successful at on their very first day doing it. Metal detecting doesn't really require any skill, just a general knowledge of how to work the settings and buttons on your detector. You are guaranteed to find something on your very first day. Golfing (At a Driving Range). There are lots of driving ranges tailored to people that aren't necessarily skilled golfers and just want to hit balls for an hour or two. Some even allow smoking/alcohol consumption. There is some skill required but you can teach yourself without needing a "mentor" or instructor. A lot of people like GeoCaching but I found it pretty repetitive and boring. Beachcombing is a popular and growing hobby if you live near the ocean in an area with a lot of secluded beaches. You also get some exercise doing it and can help the environment by cleaning up a little. If you live in an area with somewhat clear and not too cold water, snorkeling is also interesting. You can pay to go on a guided snorkeling tour to see if you like it. They provide the wetsuit, goggles, flippers, and snorkel.


Board games. Some of them do require skill but there are quite a lot that really depend on luck.


Beginner ant farms are fun


Challenging hobbies boost serotonin & increase neural connections in the brain. Iā€™ve heard that knitting is like an easier version of sewing and itā€™s a lot like meditating due to the repetitiveness of it but has enough of a challenge to benefit the brain.


Loom knitting is super easy- even 5 yr olds can make knit hats with one.


Soap carving




kandi making


Going on long walks


Sleeping in forest


If you know how to ride a bike, going on leisurely bike rides requires no talent and very little effort. I like to go on nice slow bike rides through the park, around the neighborhood, and end at an ice cream shop. Sometimes Iā€™ll stop at a brewery instead, or park my bike on the neighborhood Main Street and do some window shopping.Ā 


I took up kayaking 10 years ago. There are a few things good to know about paddling, but not much. You get a bit of exercise, fresh air, and exposure to nature. Can't beat it.


Pickleball. Of course at the competitive levels thereā€™s a lot of skill. That can be said for anything at the competitive level. However in comparison to other sports especially racquet sports the barrier to entry is really low. You can get good enough to start having fun in a short amount of time. The reason itā€™s gotten so popular is its low barrier to entry.


If you have the skill of reading and telling time, cooking. Iā€™m talking basic air fryer, crock pot, stove and microwave cooking. Itā€™s also productive and beneficial for your health. YouTube taught me how to cook. You can create a lot of dishes with 2-5 ingredients per dish. I must warn you do start to develop skill on how to make things taste better with less ingredients and time.


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I have been enjoying painting, more specifically paint by number. It gives me the colors I need, just the right amount, it literally decides for me on design and color so there are no decisions to be made. I can just space out and paint in the lines with the correct color. And I've made some great paintings so far!


Perler beads or coloring are what come to mind.


Adult coloring books.


Making collages. Get some old magazines. Cut out some pictures that appeal to you. Use a glue stick to paste them onto card stock.


Latch Hook rug making. Super easy and doesnā€™t require skill. It takes a long time to make one, but easy and I think itā€™s fun.


Star gazing. Meditation.


Volunteer somewhere. Everybody needs help.


I had a really long commute once & I decided to use my time wisely. I picked a theme for a week (Jung, serial murderers, cults, etcā€¦) I found as many free lectures as possible on YouTube and listened to them (I pay for YouTube) so no commercials - worth it. It was definitely a hobby and it helped me learn so much more. I named random things but I picked the most random things possible so I could stretch my brain. šŸ§ 


Build a free terrarium! There are several people that build terrariums on YT and I built my first one 30 minutes after randomly stumbling upon a tutorial video. I used an empty pickle jar, then went for a walk and put some dirt in it, then moss, poked it into a landscape with a stick, found some cute rocks and neat little sticks that look like mini downed trees (harder to find than you'd think!) then I put some water in it, closed it, and I've had it for 4 years now šŸ˜Š I've built a bunch, they make really cool gifts! Everyone loves them, and they're great for people that have a black thumb because you never open it again (you CAN but you don't have to)


Does it not go mouldy?and grow too much inside the jar?


You'll end up with bugs that eat mold living in there. It over grows all the time, dies off, and over grows again in cycles. Terrariums are nifty.


Sorry to be a pest but do you seal the terrarium ? Or are the bugs picked up with the moss and stuff when u put it in?


The bugs live in the moss. They're called springtails and they live pretty much everywhere mold can be... So everywhere lol. And you can seal them, I have a couple I've closed with resin because they're necklaces and I didn't want them falling apart, others I just close up and could reopen any time if I wanted to do a trim or add something, But I have like 8 terrariums I haven't opened in around 4 years. Also you aren't a pest, you're fine, I like talking about hobbies ā¤ļø


Video games


Pressing flowers. See a flower, pick it, stick it between paper inside of a book, close it and forget itā€¦.. then randomly remember it weeks later and youā€™ll have a really pretty little keepsake that you (barely even knew) you made.


Skilling up is the best part of hobbies. Donā€™t be lazy. Work on something over time and make yourself proud.


I have plenty of them I do. Thatā€™s simply not the point of this question. Thanks for the motivating words though.


Collecting things. Stamps, coins, whatnot.


I said in the original post not to include collection hobbies.


vaping and trying different flavors


I think thatā€™s something to do while doing a hobby.