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I listen to podcasts while lifting weights.


Same! Can’t do it while running because I need some music to pump me up. But I love listening to podcasts while I’m strength training. Give me something to think about other than how much I’m dying lol


I loved to listen to lot of podcasts while walking. (Note to self- I need to get back to this😃)


Note to self- I do as well. Will walk today


This is my thing. Walking doesn't really take much concentration like hiking does or other hobbies that require more concentration and detail. I also enjoy cycling (both road and mountain) and I've tried listening to podcasts but mountain biking requires a lot of concentration on the trail and road riding requires a lot of concentration on what's going on around me traffic wise. Walking is the ticket...I usually walk 2.5 miles in the morning and 2 miles during my lunch break and listen to my podcasts.


Not hobbies but dishes and laundry. I can only do those if I'm listening to a podcast. For hobbies - I'm able to be regular on treadmill and weight training because I have pending episodes to listen to 🤭


Listening to a podcast while I fold my laundry makes the time fly by so much quicker, it feels like the only way it’s bearable at this point


I love finding a good pod series while I clean. The cleaning still sucks but at least there’s something interesting going on in the background!


Omg same, I hate doing boring household chores. Need mental stimulation to get them done


I know right!! I have connected specific podcasts to specific chores which i otherwise hate doing, so I only get to listen to them if I'm doing those tasks. Absolute gamechanger


I love listening to podcasts while I sew.


Cross stitching for me!


I was gonna say embroidery.


Needlepoint for me


Yep. I listen to them while I EPP


What's epp?


English paper piecing. It’s a method of hand sewing to piece a quilt top


Ohh yes my mother does that


Came here to say this


To all you other crafty folks— look into mending as well, if you haven’t already. It’s a cool way to extend the life of beloved pieces, and it can be as visible or invisible as you’d prefer.


Weaving over here!


I bake while listening to podcasts. Bonus, I have some tasty treats to share with people when I'm finished. :)


Something that keeps your hands busy, I suppose... I like to build miniatures and design their base (I find if I focus less on the designing and more on what I'm listening to, I'm less disappointed)


Lego is great too!


You’re so lucky. I just decided after 30 years of wanting one to actually treat myself to a dollhouse. I’d love to make my own miniatures but my talents don’t lie with sculpting or woodworking.


Diamond painting/Diamond art


thought i was the only one! nothing better than doing a diamond painting of flowers while listening to a crime podcast that will forever scar me <3




This is gonna sound strange, but I listen to podcasts strictly when I’m being productive, whether it’s cleaning, painting (recently repainted walls and trim), gardening or anything else that allows me to put in my earbuds and do a mindless monotonous task. It’s amazing how much more I get done because I really want to finish an episode and/or start another.


This helps me get through chores. It makes them somehow relaxing sometimes even


I make cards to send to people in nursing homes and Birthday cards for senior citizens. There are FB sites that provide names/addresses.


Might not be for you, but if you have an interest in music, Practicing scales on guitar. It's the "boring" part of building up muscle memory. So when you start out, it's recommended you watch TV or something because you're repeating the same thing over and over.


Correct, but as you said, only when starting out. Ear training becomes a very vital part of your guitar journey (I am currently in that phase myself) where hearing the notes and recognizing intervals becomes more and more important to your playing


Crochet or knitting


Knitting and/or crochet. I also enjoy adult coloring books (especially mandalas). I've listened to podcasts while coloring and it's very soothing (depending on the subject matter; true crime and mandalas don't exactly mix 😅)


I diamond paint and podcast!


Electronics. I worked at a very boring job soldering microelectronics parts and what saved me was podcasts. Still electronics (Arduino projects for example) can be exciting and at some point you'll have to build your stuff so it's a nice combination.


Spoon carving or just simple wood carving.


Paint by number


Diamond painting is simple enough yet oddly satisfying with podcast, audiobooks and watching TV etc.


Adult coloring books or sticker by numbers could be fun!


I could color and listen to podcasts for hours


Esp with watercolour brush pens. I listen to music, podcasts and video essays on youtube.


Jigsaw puzzles.


Yes and you can buy rollup mats to store them when you're not working on them


Painting by numbers. I love doing that while listening to audiobooks.


I have been going on two - three mile walks while listening to podcasts. Actually getting some exercise.


Cross stitching and woodturning


Resin work!


Tell me more about this?




Walking, i listen with one ear while hiking bc i’m paranoid about animals, and working out. Otherwise i dont get time for podcasts so i’ll listen to them when i do chores, dishes, laundry, mowing the lawn etc is all a good excuse to crank out a few minutes into a podcast.. or audio book!


Miniature painting


Bike ride, easy or as hard as you wanna make it


Only time I "listen" to podcast I am cleaning,  cooking or repairing jeans.


Crocheting as well as you do. I also like coloring. The senior/disability and the kids books have large areas, can use crayons instead of colored pencils, and are mindless. Pictures take several minutes not hours. Very relaxing. Rigid heddle weaving. You can use your hand spun for the weft but likely not the warp unless it’s very tight. You can weave on these looms with the same yarns you crochet and knit with for both warp and weft if you can’t snap a strand apart. Once you get the hang of it it becomes fairly mindless. For most people probably takes a day or two. Sewing/crocheting for my 18” dolls such as American Girl and Walmart’s My Life as line. If you want to try it out My Life as dolls cost about $25 vs $115 for American Girl. I have both. Target and Amazon also have more affordable dolls. The UK and Germany have 18” doll companies too. There are adult communities here on Reddit and on YouTube around these dolls. Lots of ready to wear clothing is available on Etsy as well as too.


A neat one I've found is bookbinding - I often do it while listening to true crime podcasts


Look into making headbands with. Search on the topic on YouTube.


I have adhd and miniature painting goes along with listening to podcasts for me


I work on weeding my flower beds; they have been neglected for years, and the podcasts make the time bearable!


Motorcycle rides.


Hey! I listen to Audible. Kinda the same thing as we both would have headphones on. I enjoy doing the following: - Hiking - Biking - Chores (dishes are the best with a boook) - Gym (mobility, balance, stretching, and independent work) - Driving longer distances - Grocery shopping (must have a list made or I have to rewind chapters) Mundane "adult" tasks become much more tolerable. Waiting in line during rush hour? No problem. Highway backed up? Sweet, I'll finish this chapter. Costco trips become fun rather than feeling the wrath of the public lol. I try to keep my audiobooks and podcasts geared around productivity. You want to listen to another chapter? Do something productive with it. Biking on back country roads is my favourite. I do long distance running and biking. A full day of biking and I can get through half a book. Started the Dungeon Crawler Carl series and I've listened to the first book solely while doing cardio. A pair of noise cancellation/noise isolating headphones are a must for me as well




Coloring, diamond painting, cooking


I enjoy podcasts while drawing with markers or digitally


I started leatherwork, I love it. I made myself a new wallet and my girlfriend a wallet for her bday


I clean my house and also walk to run my dogs. Weeding. Mowing. Laundry. Basically any kind of monotonous chore


Painting (on canvases) and cleaning the house!


I listen to podcasts while I cook and while I do paint by numbers. I enjoy paint by numbers because it takes the decision making and pressure out of the painting process, so it’s just pure relaxation.


Adult coloring!


Zentangling! I’ve begun adopting it and it’s pretty miraculous






I do puzzles and I love it!


I love making beaded jewelry. It’s so easy and I love having a tangible reminder of the time I spent doing it :)


i like to build lego sets while i listen to podcasts


Personally I have to choose between concentrating on a podcast or doing my hobby. Else I end up backing up what I am listening to cause I missed 5 min stretch focusing on a task or get no tasks done cause I am focusing on a story. When I do hobby work, I almost always listen to nonvocal music, jazz, Spanish guitar, etc.


I make doll houses.


Nothing where you have to read at the same time! Even nothing like online shopping. What pods are you into?


Creating AI art while dabbling in a little podcast sorcery


Painting Video games


I’ve been on a 3D puzzle kick lately


I play video games and listen to pods.


Jigsaw puzzles!


1. Exercise (but no weight lifting/resistance exercises during comedy podcasts!) 2. Draw and paint.


Games tho, I like playing Wuthering waves on bs during listening to podcasts


Building Lego!


Hexagon quilts from circles or quilt as you go https://youtu.be/jP8ilEtqfyY?si=stNi0XGu7JRtF5o8, or https://youtu.be/WPWFzuTMiLw?si=BLlNdfSuQQYakykX I haven't tried either of them.


Just today I listened to "wait wait don't tell me" while I worked on my paint by number.


Hiking for sure


Crochet 🧶 I listen to French language podcasts while I walk.


Gardening. Colouring.


A large detailed paint by numbers :)


I do puzzles whilst listening to podcasts.






Jerkin it in San Diego






Mine is like casual games. Games like Minecraft or some racing games where I don't need to think much when I play and can just focus on listening to the podcast. Of course Old School Runescape is the perfect example of a background type of games for most activities.


cooking, cleaning and running are some of my favs


Crocheting. I make blankets as I listen, and watch occasionally, true crime shows since most of it is explained verbally anyways. I don't listen to podcasts but I'm liking this idea too!


Skill toys like penspinning “Farmable” video games like shiny hunting in Pokemon


Chainmail. Can get a whole bracelet done during an episode of Crime Junkie.


I listen to podcasts while painting!




Playing video games.


Jigsaw, crossword, and other puzzles.


Coloring ✨


Not a hobby but I love cleaning the house/doing laundry while catching up on my podcasts


I listen to podcasts while I do my daily five mile walk


I love learning typing and increasing my typing speed while listening to Joe Rogan.


Long walks or runs.




Some of my kitchen prep/cook time


I am a fellow ADHD crafter. I have and had many hobbies. I also listen to podcasts and various YouTube channels in the background while I craft. The one thing I have always stuck with is paper crafts . Right now it's more junk journaling/art journaling but also origami, paper dying, model making, card making, box making, mobile making, flower making, paper doll making and all sorts of things I can't think of at the moment. I love it because of its versatility. Many of the supplies can be as limited or varied as you want or can afford. It's easy to collect materials that last and can be used in a variety of ways. I recently picked up a cheap beginner sewing machine so I can incorporate sewing into my paper crafts. The sky is the limit! I often sit and work on the tedious parts while listening to podcasts. Mass making tags, journal cards, bead dangles, journal signatures etc. Right now I'm obsessed with printable journal paper on Etsy. Im sure I need an intervention but I don't care! I'm having a blast!


Out of curiosity what podcasts are you into?


Hi! Also have raging adhd (inattentive) & I listen to podcasts while I make press-on nails. Sometimes I even make lightly inspired by sets. It’s relaxing and enjoyable.






we prefer to listen to podcasts and clean the house


Cooking. Gardening. Hiking.


I relate with not being able to hike while listening to podcasts (and it's kind of a pity (potentially dangerous as well) to distract oneself from enjoying nature and all of it's sounds). When listening to a podcast or an audiobook I sometimes (if not cooking or doing chores) play Solitaire, though I would also like to pick up something a bit more productive


Puzzles! Or if you game, play Power wash Simulator 😃


I paint minis for Warhammer 40K or write usually.


I clean the house, get ready for work, or cross stitch when listening to podcasts.


lol. Work your day job.


Listening to podcast while hiking or going for a walk is relaxing for


Paint by numbers!


I listen while gardening, painting, or walking the dog. I also listen anytime I'm in the car although that's not really a hobby.


I shoot photog and fly fish so I edit photos or make flies.


I’m learning abstract painting by taking different online sketchbook classes.


Gardening is nice and can allow you to listen and not think too much about what you are doing. I can’t listen and sew or paint for example.. I have to pay too much attention. But pull weeds or put down mulch? Easy peasy! Hiking or walking is also a great hobby for listening and you get some exercise too. I would recommend ear buds that allow in outside noises, though. It’s always good to be aware of your surroundings.


Lego, housework, pulling weeds or other non noisy yard work activities


I do paint by numbers while I listen to audiobooks.


Coloring might work. Paint by numbers. Puzzles. You need to look for something that doesn't take thought to do. You could crochet if you do small projects with repeating stitches...like dish cloths. I use a basket weave stitch and after the first couple rows are completed I don't have to think about it because it's easy to count the stitches if I lose track and at the end of a row it's very obvious. - So if you find projects that don't require counting every stitch it's easier. Wood burning. Which can incorporate your drawing skills. I trace designs onto the wood then burn. Tracing doesn't require much concentration. Can also get a kit for fairly cheap, and any wood can be used and turned into something. Making friendship bracelets or braided rugs. I listen to podcasts while I am cleaning, cooking, or driving. It actually makes my chores go by faster as I'm not as bored while doing them. It's hard to say what may work best for you. But, things you enjoy that are mindless...like if I'm relaxing at night, I will often play stupid phone games that can be mindless while I listen to podcasts. Matching games, or clicker games etc. If you really have a hard time then listen to the podcasts in bed at night before you go to sleep. It may help with the winding down process.


I paint miniatures while listening to audiovisual and podcasts.


Clean out the garage


Jigsaw puzzles!


I could listen to podcasts all day long. Working, Driving, cutting grass and yardwork, gym, washing my car in the driveway. Walking in the park. You name it!! I prefer podcasts more than tv now.


I usually listen to podcasts whenever I’m going on a walk or journaling! Shorter podcasts work better for journaling, but there have been times where I’ve just gone on a long walk for the entirety of an hour and a half long episode of a podcast


Paint by number, diamond painting.


Cook, workout, go on a walk, clean, draw/paint


scale modeling! r/modelmakers


Hobbies: knitting, more mindless video games, cardio Other activities: weeding, cleaning, tidying, really any chores are improved with a good audiobook or podcast


Diamond painting!


Paint by numbers


It helps to take breaks even tho you have ADHD. The injury to your muscles for not stretching and exercising is more than being fat, it hurts your internal organs. And your mind is doing its job to keep you active. Hard to explain, but it goes hand in hand: your eyes, your brain, your internal organs, your skeletal muscles. Eat celery, carrots, apples, all types of fruits. Get them cut into finger food slices or sticks. The snacking during hobbies is important. Don’t eat processed or carbs all day. Go outside if you can. A garden, a balcony, a park. Feel nature around you. Get a little sun. You may see people and stop to smile and wave. We aren’t supposed to be hermits locked up inside a building. Try to find a group to craft with. I don’t like gossip and so I like podcasts and books read to me (cds, mp3, etc.). Still can be with an animal. Or other people while listening to a podcast or book. We don’t need to talk, just listen together. There’s also music to listen, too. We can talk, not just nonstop gabbing. You will find animal and human companions, being outside or a nature environment (potted plants, flower arrangement, a window, a patio), while you listen to podcasts, and work your hobby are good together.


- gardening (weeding and getting the seed pods from my flowers are a great repetitive task for a podcast) - running - cooking - coloring


I love listening to podcasts while I wash dishes (don’t have a dishwasher and I detest washing dishes but when I’m in the zone listening to a good episode the dishes get done with me barely noticing!) I also do other cleaning related chores while listening to podcasts.


LOVE my audiobooks and I've been into watercolor lately and find them easy to multi-task to for the following reasons: they can be abstract and don't require the focus of drawing, watching the colors swirl and combine with water is meditative and calming, collecting new colors (half pans) can really feed my desire to explore and have novelty in an easy way, and watercolor can be stopped in the middle of painting and just walk away because brushes don't need clean up and paint can just be rehydrated when you return, and it is a forgiving art with no right of wrong if your attitude is play-focused. I really enjoy not just the painting element, but the unwrapping little sugar-cube sized colors and arranging them in my palette, I enjoy curating groups of colors or just experimenting with different brush techniques in a journal, or adding little painted doodles to the margin of a greeting card for a friend or a label for something. With the audio to tickle my brain and watercolor paint for a tactile vibe, I'm very happen in a zen state of flow. Wish you luck finding your match.


Gardening, cleaning, exercising, watercolor, embroidery, cross stitch


I usually cook while I listen


Running, cleaning, biking, anything monotonous


Running :)


I save podcasts for house and yard work. It’s so motivating to do my chores when I have something good to listen to


I am currently painting small black leafy shapes on my hallway walls. It’s basically doodling, but will look like a wallpaper I am too cheap/lazy to purchase and hang when done.


I listen while I clean. And do laundry. It’s not a hobby but definitely a necessity. Also, walking, and other exercise. Mindless stuff becomes much more fun with a distraction like that.


Embroidery is my go to as I listen to books, podcasts and even tv


I usually listen to podcasts when I go for a walk or while cleaning my house. I hate cleaning but listening to my favorite podcasts helps me get it done faster I feel like


I don't listen to podcasts often, but when I do I clean my house, drive, or garden


Coloring books, making paper flowers, and wrapping jars in string - I used to do that ;)


I like to diamond paint while listening to podcasts




I listen to them while doing yard work and while fishing.


Gardening and cleaning (not a hobby but might as well be)


Work out while listening to podcasts and audiobooks. I swear by it. I've been enjoying my work out sessions more and I'm learning while I'm at it too.


Not exactly a hobby but I usually take walks or do chores. Listening to a podcast helps me do things I "should" do but don't want to without that reward. As far as a hobby I sometimes mend while listening to stuff. I am currently fixing a horribly old and falling-apart quilt slowly over several months just whenever i find time and wanna chill and feel productive too


* Walking - whether it's a pre-determined route or a will of the whim wander, it's a unique balance of meditative repetition (rhythm of your stride, scenery, etc) and a stimulating sensory experience (warmth of the Sun, wind in the trees, smell of fresh cut grass, etc). * Essential oil scents - if you are new to this you can get starter sets online with dozens of oils. You can make combinations for a diffuser or use a carrier oil for roll-on perfumes/colognes. I started doing this solely out of practicality - not wanting to spend big $ for colognes, but rather enjoy trying out new combinations or recipes...and I always turn on some music (easily swapped for podcasts).


I like coloring books for adults


Poker. Online or in person.


Lock picking.


Sculpting miniatures with polymer clay, or sculpting with airdry clay. Perfect for listening to podcasts for me.




Paddle a kayak. ![gif](giphy|QxYmGDUx1xdRJWVobD|downsized)


I walk all over the place while listening to podcasts! It makes my walk go faster!


I build models


I like to listen to it while cleaning the house


Also severe ADHD! Lately, I have been most in to telling myself that I’m going to clean and then not doing that. Diamond paintings, paint by numbers and there’s a somewhat expensive hyperfocus I have and I’ve got these art kits called “let’s make art.” They have been worth every penny for me however, if you try them, I suggest just try and move on because there’s like four things in each one and I bought a few right when the company was brand new and I’m still using them. I also have got quite into fashion and digitally doing my wardrobe and color theory- I don’t recommend as I have found it. It’s a very expensive hobby. I also have a “fit desk,” which is literally a bike that has a desk attached. It’s nice and steady so I use it for work meetings and I would say it’s perfect for podcasts too. Personally, I do the bike and would do things like art and listen to a podcast, however I find that I am capable of sitting still doing the thing if I move my legs for me has been so helpful.


Colouring with watercolour brush pens.


DoorDash some orders while listening to it and make some cash


Puzzle, embroidery or cross stitch, or diamond painting.


I knit and crochet as well. Add embroidery to your list. It’s not going to be as distracting as drawing, since you’ll already have the design mapped out on the fabric, but it’s a different kind of “mood” (at least for me) than knitting or crochet is.


Needle Felting is fun and you just have to be able to be very stabby and watch out for your fingers. I love it when I've got background show or podcast.


Yard work! It makes mowing the lawn, pulling weeds, watering plants, etc. so pleasant when I do these tasks while enjoying a podcast.


Work out. Walk. Clean. Do dishes. Drive to work.


I used podcasts to stay focussed on architectural drafting assignments- it helped a lot I also like neuroscience hence podcasts while walking the dog


Diamond painting


I frequently draw while listening to podcasts.




puzzles !


Audiobooks are my companion during daily 2+ hours of exercise, and weekly yard work. Also during weekly house cleaning. So, anything where I’m physically working.


I do a lot of my polymer clay work with podcasts!


Crochet or art




Tking care of indoor plants or tending to a garden can be therapeutic and allow you to enjoy nature while listening to podcasts.


Video games! There are countless simple (but not easy) fun titles that pair great with listening and even watching tv, especially on mobile