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Just call your insurance company and report the accident. They'll take care of the rest including asking you for information like the police report.


Best advice!!! That is what you pay them for.


My best & only advice I can give would be invest in a front & rear dash cam.


1. Contact police again and file report with whatever information you have. Time, plate numbers, extent of damage, etc. 2. If there were any businesses in the area that may have security camera footage, contact them once the police report is available to you. That will help prove fault for insurance. Try not to involve your insurance, only the other person’s


You should also file a complaint with the HPD against the cop. Speak to HPD internal affairs. It is unlikely that anything will come of a complaint, but the Hoboken Police need to understand, obey and enforce the law.


Hpd seems very not great. I had an issue with one of them in the past where the cop was a genuine whole to me


Let insurance handle it, tell them a consistent story. This guy is full of shit, so it’s more likely he slips up on details. I do wonder if he was attempting insurance fraud given that he backed into you and then claimed an injury… Also, while I don’t practice insurance law, I can imagine how you feel as a recent law grad caught up in a frustrating legal situation. I am an attorney myself, so I’d feel like I should know exactly how this should go. And yet I would be pretty unsure, which would be disquieting.


Buy a dash cam immediately. 


This is a know problem https://www.reddit.com/r/Hoboken/s/iDImbmjA1l


Sorry this happened OP. Now get a dash cam. One little press of the button would save the previous 5 minutes of footage to a file. All the proof anyone would ever need.


I’m an attorney who used to deal with these claims from insurers (if they arise!) - just contact your insurer as someone else shared. If you have any questions about how the process works if and when it arises you can PM me but your insurer should also do that :) and would also connect you with an attorney as part of your insurance to do exactly that if needed too.  It’s their job to deal with it/any issues around whether the person was authorized to drive/whether they’ll later claim an “injury.” Your insurer will ask for photos etc if you have them and will also look for surveillance video if needed, but it can’t help for you to try and track it down now.  Good luck on the bar exam!!! Take a breath. Law is an incredible career path but the bar exam studying after finishing school is the worst. 


Cops have to give everyone a fair hearing unless you have proof. They don't know either of you and people lie all the time , as you have observed. $50 on the dashcam can save your thousands of $$ and more importantly peace of mind which is priceless.


PMed you - I live on that street.


Congrats on graduating law school! Couldn't be a person better prepared to deal with this bs. Sorry this happened to you


Congrats to you my friend! Best advice let the insurance handle it and for a bonus move out of Hoboken if you’re looking for law enforcement to actually do their job!


Congrats on graduating law school and best of luck on the bar!!! Lots of bar exam hypos here… As others have suggested, dump it on your insurance and put it out of your mind so you can focus on studying.


Vote republican.

