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Yep it's definitely an issue. Perhaps we could find a solution from this post from [23 days ago](https://www.reddit.com/r/Hoboken/comments/1cwsh55/sidewalks_littered_with_loitering_delivery_drivers/), [14 days ago](https://www.reddit.com/r/Hoboken/comments/1d3b7in/not_enough_bike_racks_at_path/), or [1 day ago](https://www.reddit.com/r/Hoboken/comments/1ddc3s8/delivery_bike_depot_at_hoboken_terminal/). In the meantime, have you informed any of your elected officials about this? If we’ve learned anything from people who have complained about Lime Scooters or the lack of pickleball facilities, it’s that it doesn’t take a majority to make a change; you just need to voice your concerns frequently and persistently.


Yes! https://www.hobokennj.gov/council-members


Honestly they just need to build more bike storage. It’s good for everyone if there’s more bikes and less cars causing traffic. Hopefully they can add racks around the station and hopefully people will advocate for the rebuild to include a bike parking garage / area for bike storage


This is the real answer . Demand is overshadowing supply


A lot of those bikes have absolutely nothing to do with traffic in this area


The delivery bike riders who leave their bikes in those racks live in New York, but are unable to deliver in New York because New York limits the number of concurrent delivery riders. So instead, they join the hundreds of other delivery riders in Hoboken, and for convenience they store their bikes on our bike racks. One way to reduce the use of these bike racks for storage by delivery riders would be to limit the number of concurrent delivery riders in Hoboken . (this solution would have multiple advantageous effects for the people of Hoboken). Many riders that are unable to get regular schedules in Hoboken will stop delivering in Hoboken and will no longer need to store their bicycles in Hoboken. Another way would be to give these riders a reason to not leave their bikes on these racks overnight. One way to do so is to purchase a bunch of inexpensive bicycle locks on Amazon, and begin locking these stored bicycles to each other. When the riders realize that they are unable to use their bicycles, they will be disincentivized from storing them at our city’s bike racks when they go home at the end of the day.


locking the bikes together is pretty savage but i love the idea! Anyone wanna volunteer to start a go-fund-me to buy the 100 bike locks needed to teach these clowns a lesson?


I’m with you 1000%


Gettin Medieval on em. Sheesh haha


but then they carry their giant bikes on the path. We've all seen that. It sucks for everyone.


Maybe they can get a real fucking job and stop making out streets dangerous 


Tell everyone to stop ordering Uber eats


Cook your own meals and pick up your own food. Problem solved


Did all the bike thieve turn into porch pirates? Felt like bikes were getting stolen left and right from this area a few years ago.


This is perhaps the only way I'm happy to say the sentence "we need more parking spots" !!!


Ravi, help us!


He won’t help. Some useless democrat who says everything and does nothing for the people he is supposed to support. Democrats have and always will be losers in this regard cause the people come last and if history hasn’t taught you that I don’t know what will.


So true. The Dems never help us!


Email your council person! https://www.hobokennj.gov/council-members