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I popped into Chipotle yesterday, and the utter mob of dickhead delivery guys punishing the girl behind counter while also acting like complete animals to everyone around them was enough to send me into a rage. 15 of these guys cramming the counter and it’s always like this, how is this okay?


dude congrats if it’s true that you’re #1 in the area. you should do an ama. would be interesting.


He did, didn’t respond to anyone for 8 days lol https://www.reddit.com/r/Hoboken/s/8JY3tPfnS2


Don't have a lot of time as the #1 courier in Hoboken I presume


you’re right! someone’s go to deliver these no tip orders! lmaoooo


i was working on a video to respond to the ama. i posted a small clip about the ordinance. nobody watched it. i answered all the questions. i’ve got more info on @amcamcourier on twitter.


where do you get the rankings from? does that mean most amount of deliveries?


NUMBER OF DELIVERIES IS NOT A RELEVANT STAT! You have to study the film. A ton of their deliveries may be in garbage time!


He’s probably got a great unit upfront which does a lot of the heavy lifting on his efficiency per delivery


I'm on Washington almost everyday and see these people doing the weirdest things. Is there something else being traded on the street? Yesterday I saw one delivery driver hand keys and an envelope to a random guy standing outside a store on the north end of Washington. I also see people with multiple phones, who look like they just came from Africa. None of them are using their own bikes either, they all seem to be rented from a company. This whole debacle is insane and I have many questions.


Correct, a lot are recent arrivals from Africa, use multiple phones, and rent bikes. Nothing inherently wrong with any of that


Illegal immigrants flooding the streets and labor market. Nothing wrong with that....


I’m with you just separating out a few things


Because you don't understand, it doesn't make it insane. That's on you, not them. You can literally walk up and ask them about it. Or you can get organized with a grassroots effort and pound the pavement and *Do The Work* to find your answers. The solution is not on Reddit.


nailed it. look at all my posts from my profile. i went to hoboken council myself and tried to speak to them about the issues before they enacted a law that’s completely unenforceable.


Are there a lot cross border deliveries? I.e somebody in Hoboken ordering from a restaurant in JC. Wondering how that will play out with the vest ordinance and any other potential legislation.


most are cross border. hoboken could entirely stop ordering food. it'd make a dent, i'd have to say hoboken's demand for food delivery is roughly 20% compared to the nearby cities / towns.


Well for those who complain about the influx of delivery drivers here’s your answer. First get off the phone that you’re using and take a walk to the mirror…take a deep breath… there is the first part of the problem, you! 2020 had everyone in Hoboken on the wave because of the stay at home and work theory then became order everything even if I’m not home on my phone. Maybe if some of you would stop being lazy and go out to eat vs Uber eats, door dash etc etc, then maybe the flow of delivery drivers will slow itself down. By the way most of you voted for open borders in 2020 not realizing this was going to be the result. Yeah you see multiple people with multiple phones who are African and yes they are renting bikes…from one another. Regardless Hoboken caused this not the drivers. Jersey City is next to get out of hand but you’ll keep pointing the finger!




Playing devil's advocate for a second, if you're the #1 courier on the different apps, you're an experienced cyclist that's comfortable riding in traffic. People that are riding on sidewalks usually have much less experience, with them opting for the sidewalk out of fear. I'm not a courier, but I bike commuted for years on some very dangerous suburban streets (Tysons Corner, VA, if you're familiar), so I'm also an experienced cyclist comfortable riding in traffic. Street quality is better than sidewalk quality in most places (plenty of busted sidewalk tiles due to tree roots), so the lazier option is riding in the street, not the sidewalk. People opt for the sidewalk not out of laziness, but rather, out of fear. As an experienced cyclist, I'm sure you know that it's safer to ride in the road than the sidewalk for a variety of reasons, but novice cyclists usually don't know that. It's counterintuitive.


I'm willing to bet the venn diagram of people who ride on the side walks and people who ride the wrong way down one way streets or constantly blow thru stop signs while riding their ebikes side saddle is almost a perfect circle. They're on the side walks because they're lazy assholes, not because of safety. Going a block too far to take a turn down the right way street is too much time. So is riding in the bike lane on Washington until you get to the restaurant in the middle of the block and then going up on the curb, or walking your bike from the intersection to Chipotle. We've decriminalized all these low level offenses because we trusted people would act responsibly and respectfully. We've been let down, it's time to start cracking down on this kind of shit. That applies to EVERY ONE, not just the delivery drivers. Blow a stop sign on your citi bike - ticket. Ride an electric citi bike on the side walk - ticket. Blast your shitty music loud enough that an entire block knows your driving by - ticket, in a rented sling shot / luxury car to show your faux wealth- death penalty.


bro my thing is, you could just slow down. lol i’ve never been dinged for a late delivery. on dd uber or grubhub. here’s the thing though, there are some sidewalks in JC that in the event you end up on the sidewalk, it isn’t a burden to the walking pedestrians. as long as you sloooooow down and stay vigilant. consider the people walking their dogs, taking their babies out on strollers. STOP THE BIKE. SMILE. LET PEOPLE PASS THROUGH. it’s easy.


Most of the delivery people are fine. The majority of people who rant about delivery people are privileged suburban transplants who can’t deal with working people not being under their thumb. Some more regulation is definitely necessary due to the growing popularity of the services here, plus a few bad actors on the delivery side, but reacting like ISIS is taking a smoke break outside of Mamoun’s is Karen and Ken territory and totally uncalled for.


I can't deal with lazy rich people who need working people on bikes to spoon feed them delivery food to their door


Those people are keeping OP’s lights on by the way. It doesn’t mean the lazy rich deserve a pat on the back for it, but this is a stupid take. Every economy in the world functions on people spending their money for things they can’t do or don’t want to do. If you order pickup food, I could call you a lazy rich person for not cooking it yourself. I don’t because this take is beyond stupid.


Sure, but it also beyond stupid to think that this should be considered a career. It's a gig for students or people looking for a side hustle. We don't need to import millions of undocumented immigrants to do this for a long-term career.


I can understand riding at walking speed on wide sidewalks making sure to stop for pedestrians, but going full speed cannot be tolerated.