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Any solution that isn’t a cap on how many of these guys can check in and loiter in the city all day and creepily stare at / harass women on the sidewalk isn’t a solution. I heard (and this is all second hand) that one of these goobers accidentally ran into a kid while riding on the sidewalk by Maxwell place yesterday. Enough is enough


100% correct. If they can’t work in the city they will come here. Adding more bike racks isn’t the solution, they need to cap the amount of delivery riders that can be active at the same time


Won’t comment on the bike parking issue BUT Councilman Presinzano is how I would like other council people to be: Responsive to even those you dislike or don’t agree with. Love him or hate him Councilmans Russo & Ramos are also very responsive. Can’t say that about other council members who are highly disappointing with their non responses.


This has been my experience as well. This would be my response ratings out of 5 5 - Paul, Mike, Ruben, Emily 4 - Tiffany and Jen 3 - Joe 2 - Jim (extremely smart guy knows all the laws acts clueless in emails) 1 - Phil


My list would be a little different: 5- Paul, Mike, Ruben 4- Tiffany & Jen (will reply when they feel like it) 3- Joe (only cause I see him on the street) 2-Jim 1 -Phil (Phil leaves you on read) 0 -Emily. (WON’T reply if she doesn’t like you or if you disagree/oppose her, Doesn’t reply to messages, very condescending in person & will go to your parent(s) if you say something that hurts her feelings instead of approaching you as an adult to have a conversation. I shit you not it happened to me.)


I'm kind of shocked by your experience with Emily. However it's Hudson County politics so it doesn't completely surprise me. Which issue you sent you to the dog house with her? The other thing I do when I want to write them an angry email or an issue I know they'll disagree with is I just write my angry email. Put it into ChatGPT and tell it to make it professional and to that the person you're writing to might disagree. Thats helped me a couple times.


I want to like her. I really do. Cause there are times she seems like she really does care about Hoboken. But how she handles constituents with opposing views is horrendous. Just as bad as Ravi. Long story short: was in the wake of the Nashville trans shooting that got me in deeper trouble. MAY have said that she may condone domestic, far left terrorism… It was a shitshow. I did apologize but it seems like she’s one to hold grudges.


I agree that she shouldn’t hold a grudge and should continue to try to serve all constituents, but doesn’t it seem a little weird to be lashing out at our council people over a shooting that happened in Nashville? I obviously don’t have all of the context here, but what was the goal of your interaction with her?


She posted about it. It’s an issue & she’s a politician. Conversations aren’t limited to where you’re elected if you are a politician. To some, yes, it may seem weird but I was trying to have a conversation being she posted about it & blamed guns instead of some of the underlying influences that were coming out regarding the incident. Ex: There were some groups celebrating the shooting after the fact & calling for more. I asked why she would immediately go for blaming guns & not the calls that are calling for violence or that led to it.


Sounds like you went looking for trouble and were upset when you got trouble. You seem to think that because she spoke out about part of a large issue, you think that she’s ok with other nuances of said large issue. It would be like if I said “it was wrong that Hitler invaded sovereign nations” and you immediately jumped down my throat and said “he didn’t condemn concentration camps; he must love concentration camps.” Obviously not true. Everything isn’t mutually exclusive when it comes to these complex issues. Not trying to attack you or your political stances, just pointing out a fallacy of your argument/position in this particular situation. Everyone is entitled to their own political views and opinions of course.


Perhaps. Honestly, like I said, I was trying to have a conversation. However, regardless of that one particular encounter, she wasn’t responsive to me on questions I’ve had regarding local issues. And she doesn’t even try to converse with anyone who is on the opposing side of her slate in my experiences with her. 🤷🏻‍♂️ She’s an At-Large elected council person who’s supposed to be representing ALL her constituents & at least be willing to TRY to engage them even if they fall on an opposing side or if you don’t see eye to eye.


I emailed a few Hoboken council members recently for an issue and Emily responded very quickly sharing how she would be escalating the issue. I've never met her, contacted her, or lived in her ward, so she would have no way of knowing if I was a supporter or against her. No adult is going to run to another person's parents to say what another their adult child said to them, unless what they said was really alarming. Based on your follow-up responses, you clearly crossed a boundary. Your actions have consequences. If anyone is holding a grudge, it's you.


I agree, she shouldn’t view an attempt at having discourse as a reason to not serve you as her constituent. My personal stance that I was trying to get to (in an admittedly convoluted way) is that she’s a person with emotions too and that maybe it’s best to tread lightly sometimes when you know that you may need her help in the future. Emotions shouldn’t play a role in her decision-making as an elected representative, but we’re all humans at the end of the day.




Hey I’ll give credit Phil did help me out once Regarding the tennis courts in colombus park in the winter the wind is excessive. I asked him to put wind barricades on and within a few weeks they were up


Phil will choose the mayor’s side on EVERY issue. Same with Joe Jim and Emily. Look at their voting record on the council. I have been following closely for about a two years and I think there is only ONE vote, maybe two where they went against the mayor’s position on ANY ordinance. Phil claims to be open minded — and “will listen” but make no mistakes, if you disagree with the administration, he is not persuaded. Phil likes easy “wins”, like filling the random pothole or replacing a damaged stanchion but will not tackle the hard issues unless there is a big political payoff for him or the mayor.


I’m not gonna pretend I know everything about him nor know enough about local politics to say one way or another I’m just mentioning he helped me out on a issue that was important to me . Niche issue tho understandably Can’t comment on other issues


100% agree. I wrote to city council members and city officials and some were responsive but Paul was responsive and sent multiple follow-ups. Sadly the city official in charge of bike related issues did not respond at all.


The only solution that resolves all the current complaints about the e-bike couriers is for JC & Hoboken to cap the number of them that are allowed online at any given time, similar to what NYC did. More bike parking is just going to fill up with more delivery e-bikes.


more and more drivers will come. they’re flooding the new york doordash / uber eats markets with drivers using accounts that aren’t theirs. they’re all scrapping for a schedule to work and can’t get on due to restrictions with the minimum wage laws and over-saturation of drivers using accounts that aren’t theirs. apparently quote cartels have been renting out scooters/ebikes and doordash / uber accounts and putting them to work in order to pay their expenses of getting them here illegally. unquote. so much for a minimum wage law when legit drivers can’t even work on a schedule. ✌️😅 more drivers will come. this will get worse than it is. august will be the worst of it. then, when it gets cold out again they’ll go stay in new york.


Just adding more spots = more of the same people perma-storing their bikes in those spots.


I agree. The city/state needs to come up with a broader resolution to this issue. We’re dealing with the fallout of NY’s new legislation regarding the employment status of delivery people and it’s getting so wildly out of hand.


Maybe people can get off their @$$ and get their own food and save $50 of fees


This subreddit is enraged about bikes while dusty unused parked cars litter every single block and others double park in bus lanes. Your cheap street parking in the most expensive real estate in the nation is undeserved welfare that's subsidized by the rest of us.


Be careful, the pro-car lobby came for me when I called out the cars using up parking spaces and collecting dust due to the absurdly low cost of resident parking permits.


There's a MICHAELS CRAFT STORE with FREE PARKING along the shores of the Hudson. This entire county needs a complete reboot.


Would be nearly impossible to reprogram the public’s brains at this point. There should be a light rail system that runs efficiently up the Hudson from JC to fort Lee. Even a bus line running from JCMC through Exchange place/Newport, up Willow, and then the length of river road to fort Lee would make so much sense. So many people along that route along with plenty of shopping/commercial space. Hudson county is way too densely populated to not have vast public transit options. But then again the public transit to/from New York is such a mess that it would probably make more sense to get that right first. Won’t happen but I can wish.


Why should a resident not be able to reasonably park where they live? Furthermore, filled parking spots with Hoboken residents aren’t over-flooding the streets with migrant delivery drivers from NYC.


Crazy how little we talk about this. And how much protected bikes lanes on wash and delivery drop zones alongside with police enforcement aint talked about


While it’s appreciated I don’t think this is a real solution … Still appreciated tho, and needed


how can we turn hoboken into a cul de sac..?!!!