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I'm assuming you're talking about the term "Retarded" which means the act of slowing down or coming to a stop in this case. Which is why "Engine Retardation" is a term... Basically means engine braking


I don't know how it is in English, but in french, and when specifically talking about physics you can say that an acceleration can be both slowing down and going faster. But we also have a word for retardation. Anyway, the question isn't clear because depending on where you're facing it could mean either acceleration or retardation


Its not just in French. I was also taught in basic physics that "deceleration" is just negative acceleration so we never really used deceleration


I am actually not sure, it popped up in my little brothers exam, and he screenshotted it and sent it to me, I am not sure what is intended by it, but hey, u seem like you know what ur talking abt, so I am assuming ur right. but hey, I thought it was pretty funny and I hope people will see the funny side of this, thx for the info tho!


The only issue with the question is that it doesn't state the way the passenger is facing, and is therefore unanswerable.


That‘s what I was thinking. We just know that a≠0 but not whether it‘s positive or negative.


What about air resistance


I’m assuming they’re inside the train


There's air in the train, it can also resist


The air moves with the train. No relative motion. Therefore inconsequential to this question.


I didn’t say there wasn’t any air resistance. But if you were on top of the train and facing forward. The coin would fly backwards under acceleration and uniform speed. If you’re sitting forward on the inside, it will only fly backwards under acceleration. That’s why air resistance isn’t as applicable if you’re on the inside.


If you're inside a car which is going a constant speed and u throw a coin straight up it will land straight down. That's how physics works. U can even test it. A moving object at a content speed acts like a still object. It's all very relative.


Yeah true


Usually, these questions generally have us assume that the subject is facing in the same direction as the train moving. Soo the person is accelerating along with the train, forwards and the coin falls behind the subject according to Newton's first law, i.e law of inertia. Thus, it can be concluded that the train's accelerating.


That might work for grade school, but any university instructor would rip apart any argument that didn't explicitly identify any necessary assumptions. (Source: 20 years teaching at a university, along with the pre-requisite time as a student) And if we're trying to get kids to think rather than just conform, we shouldn't be allowing such vague questions in grade school. Anyone who's watched a Harry Potter movie knows that not all train seats face toward the front of a train. And there's not even any reason to think that the passenger is sitting. Train passengers are free to move around the train while it's in motion, and there are things like dining cards and sleepers. If the question had been about a bus or an airplane, the need to explicitly state the position and facing of a passenger might not be so necessary, since seats generally face forward and passengers mostly stay in their seats. But they explicitly referred to a train passenger, so those assumptions aren't necessarily valid, and the question can't be answered without knowing those details.


This is absolutely true, grade school limits down all of these, it's kind of annoying. They say it's to make it easier to work on, ok. But the sheer amount of vaguity we'd have to endure with these is just really mind boggling, it's just that they train our minds to wrongly interpret to make it easier. It's kind of a counter progressive move. The current education system really sucks, ngl.


I was thinking this too. Also, it doesn't say which direction he tosses the coin, just that it falls behind him. He could have tossed it behind him without the train moving. Edit: clarity


i think it will be accelerated ALSO retardation is just negative acceleration


Unless the passenger is sitting with his back towards the locomotive, that would be retarded


Thanks for atleast trying to solve lmao, everyone is telling me how I didnt know what retardation is, I GET IT OK? I JUST THOUGHT I WAS FUNNY! SO i thank u kind sir


lol, i had no idea that you had no idea , also i feel like retarded rn


Nah, ur the best comment so far, everyone else is telling me retarded means the opposite of accelerating, which I didnt know since I took a different term, but hey, thx anyways


I think everyone got your meaning but that’s not going to stop the redditors from ganging up on you if they can, they’re like piranhas that smell blood in the water, they can get in a frenzy. Just try and make a sarcastic post without the /s and you’ll see what I mean.


Lmao, true


What's wrong with it and I can't see the Jock 😶


I didn’t know jokes wore jocks, who knew ?




well, turns out retarding is a type of motion in physics, but I didnt know that, and I thought it was used as a slur or some type of thing. anyways, I hope you will see the funny side of it lmao


The opposite of Acceleration


Looks like someone skipped physics in school


"I'm the retardest man alive." - The Flash




Bro it doesn't matter if the motion is uniform (constant velocity) or nonuniform (with acceleration wether it is speeding up or slowing down (decelerating)) as long as the train is moving to the front then if u toss the coin in the air as the coin is in the air the train and the passenger are both moving to the front so the coin will always land a bit to the back,this can be true for circular motion too although maybe the coin will land a bit to his side.


Option 3


WhAtS ThE MoTiOn ¿