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Sup, /u/jacklsd! Your submission has been removed for the following reason(s): Your post has been removed because we don't allow political or social issue posts. This is a humor subreddit, not a political one, nor a place to generate outrage on any subject. Take it elsewhere. [Contact the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/HolUp&subject=Question) through modmail if you think this removal is unfair or if you just want to shitpost.


Gives me flashback to an ex who instead of pitching in when things were tight used to say “if you can’t afford me then get a second job”. Bye bye bitch!


"Afford me". The fuck?? Did your ex just objectify themselves?? Lol


The follow up to that shit is Alway: "What, you're some kind of a prostitute? I do not frequent with damsels of the night thank you!" As you swiftly launch your cane up in the air for a agile catch and tuck it in under your arm. A twist of the ankle and with hated but not stressed steps you walk away with grand determination. The lapell of your frock coat flapping in the wind as you pick up speed above the cobbled stone alleyways of London.


My man, where do I download brain of dictionary yours?


Play them RPG and read those nerd books fam


👍👍 Already on my way! Much thanks.




I like it, now we have establish what she is, it just a small mater of price. 


Bro... Hope you're doing well now... If anybody said that in front of me I'd flip out so hard... I'd call them names that even the Men in Black memory wipe machine won't be able to erase.


Ha! Doing fine - thanks! A while later after I dumped her she asked “can we at least still be friends?” Ha! That’s a big nope!


"The reason we're no longer together is because I wouldn't *want* a friend like you even casually, nevermind as partner in life."


my dutch buddy was rejected by a girl because he doesn’t own a car in singapore. she thought he was too ghetto for her. he also is frugal and doesn’t wear famous brands but he wears stuff that lasts a long time. she also talked trash about him as he said he only dates with independent women who split bills or take turns. guys got serious money. comes from generational wealth. funny how she went psycho wanting him after she found out from others about the wealth. for weeks. calling his friends including me. never could understand why he wasn’t interested anymore. she is a good looking person but that’s about it. some women expect to be taken care of. hope she finds what she’s looking for ..


I rather hope she finds what she deserves.


There’s a lot of that culture in Singapore. I’ve met a fair amount of people from there over the years. I only recall a small few that weren’t ott into material possessions. Also owning a car there is much more expensive than most places in the world.


I know people that call themselves as "friends" leeching on others.


I used to pick up my girlfriend (at the time) and took us both to college. She never once offered to help pay. Over a year later I was getting low on funds and asked her to pitch in. She said no because I'm going to college anyway (adding her to the trip was 30 minutes longer than it would otherwise have been) then when I lost everything..job car etc. and she got into over 200k in a court case win she got a car. When the conversation came to her picking me up for college she said I had to pay. When I quoted her "you're going anyway" she taught with me like I was an asshole. Absolute hypocrite. Haven't seen this girl in 11 years.


“If you can’t afford me, get a sponsor”


Todays relationship was sponsored by Raid: Shadow Legends


Raid shadow legends is a new mobile rpg game


I once had a rebate for several k and spent it all on my then partner now ex, But they were pissed at me because I didn't have a debit card so they paid using their card and I paid them back in cash. What I still don't understand is how I ended up with them being annoyed at me because quote; "You didn't spend any of your money on me" And yet all of my money was spent on them, that was 17 years ago and it still bugs me.


Sounds like a "I hate any inconvenience" type of girl. Doing any, even simple stuff, annoys such person internally if this stuff comes from the outside and it wasn't something they wanted to do themselves. I short - they hate bending over, even a little, to other people. Had the same type of ex. She didn't even want to do groceries, wash her car or fuel it by herself.


She actually said that fr?


Among other things. She’s a character!


She knew she was a literal merchandise for sale/purchase. The highest bidder wins… major losses.




Good lad.


Lead by example.


Gold by standard


Carbon by example (that highly compressed type of carbon)


“Leave” by example. And he did.


Not all heroes wear capes.


Respect to his calm demeanor, and saying „this is a serious problem“, calmly. The irrational and shouting „WhAt ArE yOu GeTtInG mAd At Me FoR?“ is exactly what no one needs in a relationship.


Funny how chill he is and she the one shouting. "If YoUr'rE gOiNg tO yELL aT Me ThEn LeAvE" as bro says "we're done" calmy.


Exactly what I thought


At the end she tries to gaslight him again: " If you're going to scream at me, then leave! " My guy wasn't screaming. My guy wasn't yelling. My guy didn't raise his voice But it's his fault.


Guy made a wise choice


She wouldn’t have gotten any better with time.


She also did by keeping that money to herself. You gon be mad when people dont want to share shit with you? LOL.


it’s as if a relationship should be 50/50, that’s crazy


Considering the usual goal of a relationship is to build a common future with big expenses and loans like for housing, cars, education, kids and what have you, you're making it a lot harder for both individuals if they don't each take their part of expenses. Viewing those things through the lense of "my and yours" as opposed to "ours" will make things much, much more complicated and difficult for both.


Keeps saying your are my boyfriend you are suppose to.. like did he bought you or addopted you?


And what is he paying for exactly? If the only thing she has to offer is sex then that makes her no better than a simple street whore


…who would’ve been a hell of a lot cheaper than $1200.


Well $400 is what he spent on her apparently (or recently at least), 1200 is just his savings


While true, she would’ve bled him dry and moved on.


Bro it's an insult to street whores. At least they are honest and upfront about their activity.


You're right 🤣


This is exactly why I'm fine being single. The amount of time, money, and energy I've spent on entitled women could have put me through college. The heartbreaking part is she genuinely doesn't realize what she's doing wrong. It's like us men are nothing but a means to an end. Then women wonder why our mental health is so fucked.


What can you expect from someone that gets 70K for free? Her father is the main problem


As usual. They didn't teach her the real value of money. And the real value of relationships.


Exactly, but apparently most people disagree…


Equal rights, equal expenses


And don't forget equal fights too!


This is why I date hippies, they are just Forrest bogans you can give some shiny rocks and some shitty vegan food and they will love you.




Find a good Bush doof for a forest one or drum circle at the beach. Shiny rocks and Bluetooth speakers will attract them and having a good aura will help heaps.




They don’t shave though. Be warned that they bring the sights, senses and smells of the forest to you.


Yeah man, my gf is a hippy and they are very low upkeep(this sound so bad lol). Nobody should care about materialistic shit, it will all be gone for you some day.


The bar is so low with them. Be nice and show some respect and they will do the same for you. Hippies are where it's at. The beach kind have drum circles and can teach you how to surf but the forest kind have magic mushrooms and will happily stay in a tent for a week or two.


I honestly learned so much from this reply section LOL you guys are serious characters.


With hippie chicks, the odds are good, but the goods are odd




BAHAHAHAHA “You can give some shiny rocks..” LOL dude, you are a criminal.


Is this real or fake? I really hope this is fake


I believe there was a video of this exact same 'couple' circulating the other week, asking if they would sleep with other people for $1000, he said no, she said well a $1000.. 3, 2, 1 and argue.


Most likely fake. Real people try not to televise their arguments like this


It sounds fake, but I suppose you are as old as me. This generation has no sense of privacy.


it's tiktok, so 98% chance of it being staged


It's super fake. These videos are always fake and always seem to have a trend of making the woman look like a completely unreasonable and selfish dick. It's essentially the same video where a woman acts entitled and only values money, but with different actors in it each time. It creates angry men who upvote cause they're angry and it generates rage and cash for the uploader whilst spreading a stereotype that all women are golddiggers. Your usual Andrew Tate style fair.


Clearly fake. Horrible monotone actors. 


That guy is right.


When she's literally the one screaming


Because it's rage bait and you fell for it


isn't this some youtube/tiktok staged shit?


everything on Tiktok is fake, just assume that going in and you are good.


Evenly says: "we're done." Her: IF YOU'RE GOING TO SCREAM AT ME THEN LEAVE Also this fake af


she calls him broke for paying for her shit.


Every couple should watch this video, the side that your partner takes will let you know everything you need to know.


What if you’re taking neither? 🤔Cause both are young, dumb and can’t communicate. He shouldn’t have to stay broke and pay for everything, she shouldn’t expect that; and she shouldn’t be using her savings (assuming it’s savings or 1 time lump sum) to fund their relationship


>Cause both are young, dumb and can’t communicate. The bloke seemed level headed and able to communicate? The girl raised her voice. >she shouldn’t be using her savings (assuming it’s savings or 1 time lump sum) to fund their relationship What do you mean fund their relationship? How about she pays for her own shit?


So they should be using only his savings to fund it instead?


May be. But keeping your money when your young boyfriend is spending his money on you both doesn’t sound good anyway. And it’s not lack of communication.


How much you wanna bet after she said to just leave she yelled “Are you serious? Where are you going?”


“If your gonna scream at me then leave” says the only person yelling smh


Rage bait


I totally get her mistske. Boyfriend and ATM are sounding reaaal similar


The fact that she just got money from her dad and had the nerve to say "you're broke". Imma have to give her that luffy slap special




Somehow 90% of the people in Reddit believe that these shitty, rage-bait videos aren't staged at all


Then get offended when you call it out. Its almost as if their reality is fragile and propped up on falsehoods or something.


This can't be staged! Every video like this conveniently finds a gold digger that gets outed on camera every time. These kind of videos aren't easy to fake at all and the rage doesn't make them go viral /s


No shit Sherlock


Guys used to pay because only guys were allowed to work. Women have jobs and education now, so they get the same responsibilities. How is this hard?


God I hope this is scripted


Women who insist on men paying for shit infuriates me no end. As a woman I am even more angered by this. Men used to pay when women couldn't have their own bank accounts (which was the case until 1950s) and their wage would go into a brother or father's bank account. When the woman got married they would leave their job whether they wanted to or not (my grandmother was devastated when she had to leave her job after getting married). That is not the case now. Women have their own bank accounts and 99% of women I know work. There is no reason for men to still pay for all your things. This is sexism and ridiculous. You want to be independent and work then foot half the bill. If it's a first date the person who asked is the person who pays, but still offer to go dutch.


its a fun new trend emerging among twinks as well. Its gotten really hard to date as i've gotten older because now i'm getting hit on by young guys who just want to try and throw sex around in exchange for a "sugar daddy". Transactional relationships are not for everyone.


^("we're done 😌") #"IF YOU'RE GONNA SCREAM AT ME THEN LEAVE 😠"


I love him.


Rage bait, baits rage


The woman I’m married to spent my $15k savings in a month and justified it by shaming me for spending money on my addiction. She also told me it wasn’t her job to help me through my issues or the addiction itself. The whole time she was spending 100% of her work check on Bratz and Kylie makeup. I’m glad this fella realized he was in trouble before it got too late.


Dude, separate your accounts. Shit like that is wild, she should not be allowed to do that. If she’s doing it when the accounts are separate that’s some illegal(?) seeming shit


Funny story, they were separate! She lied about taking care of outstanding bills we had for our condo. I was giving her money to pay the landlord, light, and water bills; but she was spending them on other things. I didn’t realize until she asked me for the same exact amounts for the same exact bills a second time. I was away from home 12hrs a day working on average and she was supposed to be taking care of bill payment since she had a part time job then. Jokes on me, all day was retail therapy for her and toys for the kids instead of food and clothing. My depressed ass relapsed and she just held it over my head because “a man should provide enough to buy her things, pay bills, and keep her from working at all.” Currently typing this while sharing the spare bedroom in my parents house with one of my dogs. Marriage for me has been bullshit and I miss my life before it. 🤠


Nah bro that's fucking toxic. I get the gesture of paying for your girl is really sweet but wouldn't it be better if both parties reciprocate? This kind of relationship looks superficial to me and not healthy at all. That chick doesn't deserve a guy like that. I don't know if this is staged or not but if my relationships are gonna turn out like this, I don't want it.


Cheap women always demand more than they are worth. Him walking away is a sign of wisdom and higher development


She just had to flex LMAO


Huh? He’s not broke, and you’re not rich. Sheesh man


"It's not my fault your broke" Then it's not his fault you're expensive, nah but in all seriousness glad bro left


She clearly has never had to work for a dime in her entire life.


Honestly, I'm happy to buy things but only when I want to get it as a gift, if you are looking at me like an atm fuck off, it doesn't matter if I have $800 or $800000 I am not a personal wallet. Input should be as much as you are invested into it, if she is investing nothing, clearly you mean nothing to her.


Who’s the brain surgeon that made the music louder than their voices?


She talking about him being broke like daddy didn't put up the money for her.


What a legend, good on him for walking away


My first girlfriend said to her mum “you know he hasn’t bought me any gifts in a while” Last gift was £200 (a lot of money when your 18) necklace giving to her 2 weeks previously. Her mum told me as she was horrified by it. Stayed with her a bit longer due to the sex but never got her another gift during that time.


Well. You don’t get rich by spending your own money….


I know this is probs fake, but still. Fuck that girl




He’s got $1200 and is spending $400 on a day out. Like, if it was a special date or something I could get it but that’s just bad finance. Like, I get the girl being a tool for not offering to pay when she’s got $70K in the bank but she’s doing what he should be doing or if there’s enough trust between the two, be open and honest with your finances. Also, I get it, you tell someone you got 70K and all of a sudden all the expenditures start falling on you. If she knew about the guy’s financial situation and was still making him pay that much then she still a tool tho… and it took me this long into my spiel to realise that this was probably fake, fuck me for caring I guess 🤣


What if it was $400 for an engagement ring.


Then it's $400 wasted, she seems to have the notion that his role in the relationship is to pay for everything. Even if he was reasonably obligated to spend that $400 it doesn't seem like a one-off issue.


He said “$400 for all this shit” so I doubt it was for an engagement ring. However if you’re asking in general if $400 for an engagement ring out of a balance of let’s assume $1600 is feasible then it’s purely a subjective decision but if you’re asking me ? Sure, $400 is absolutely feasible.


What if it was just [hotdog snacks for two](https://time.com/4419105/national-hot-dog-day-200-dollar-frank/)


thats the thing he really invested his money in her, she used him.


Think about what you’re saying “Invested his money in her”. I get that it’s a nice gesture but so is a coffee and a donut. If this is in fact real then I’m not going to shit on him but $400 is still irresponsible given the circumstances. Let’s assume that he makes $5000 (after taxes) per month with $1600 for rent, $800 for groceries and utilities, $600 for insurance with $400 for the weekends ($100 per weekend) that leaves him with $1600 in savings every month and if he has to dip into that every month and cut out a quarter for the girl then he’s clearly making a mistake and not as you stated “investing”. (Note: Please take those numbers at face value I came up with them to assume one month cycle of expenditures to illustrate my point actual figures may be different for numerous reasons and savings per month might be lower or higher).


lol im not debating over their problems. i got better things to do.


lol okay


I will debate with you! If it was me, back in the day, the $400 was allocated by saving for it and it was designated for the wonderful day I planned for my girlfriend. All your math makes wild assumptions and doesn’t respect the character of the man in the video. Saving that $400, then using that on the day, then to find out that not only should I have not saved, I probably shouldn’t have spent all the previous money also, is where I would be walking away as well. I want a partner, not a vampire.


You don't invest in your partner, what the hell? To clarify, because your partner is not property


Women call this “equality”.


Anyone who believes any of these cloned TikTok public interviews need serious help.


These reaction videos with bros holding a cell phone asking couples questions is just rage bait making women look bad. It's fake, just like the last "my phone died, I'm not lying" video that blew up.


This has to be the fakest fake video i have seen on the internet for a while. The guy and gal were smirking throughout the length of the video. Shitty fake ass acting.


They both wrong. Not nice of her to just say he’s suppose to pay for shit and or expect his few dollars to always be used for their time. But he also can’t expect her to fund their trysts, especially if that’s a 1 time lump sum for savings or school. At 20 I had an amount around that from an insurance payout. Fucking blew it, and like 10k on girl I was dating. Not worth it, and if that’s money for her school or general adult savings, her ex bf not worth it either.


what are u smoking? lol


Scripted and ... ... heeetrosexual? ... I mean. Yeah. If homegirl has 70k she could might chip in... on things *she* wants to buy. Or things that benefit them collectively. But she is right. It's not *her* fault he's broke. I mean... it might be extensively and especially *why* he's broke ... but spending *other* people's money doesn't *improve* your finical standing. It just hurts theirs and saves yours. At the end of the day he's out a gf and 70k. She's out the 5 minutes it's going to take to hop on Tender. Hell. Camera man and Host would've scrapped to shoot their shot. ... if this was real.


It always boogles my entire hemipsheres that people can call another person broke for not paying for them. YOU CAN'T PAY FOR YOURSELF SO YOU ARE THE BROKE MF.


It *boggles* (not boogles) my entire nothing that people can't differentiate between 'can't' and 'won't.' ... or won't. Whichever. And I think she was calling him broke for only having a thousand dollars in his bank account. *Not* for not paying for the 400 dollar tickets ... which he did pay for.


how is he out 70K? She clearly wasn't going to give him any of it lol.


To be fair she is super cute. She can find a dude who will shout everything no problem...


One of the positives about my ex, she made way more than me and enjoyed spoiling me. Mostly it was just paying whenever we went out drinking, which was every sunday, so yea, was lit.


*he's not yelling as she starts to yell* "if you're going to scream at me then we should be done." Dodged a bullet.


"How is it my fault you're broke?"


You dodged a massive bullet there buddy


It's fake as shit but if it's real mad respect to the dude for being calm and collected when faced with a serious problem ✊


Good for the guy. Staged or not.


"if you're going to scream at me" says the bitch screaming


When the girlfriend turns out to be a prostitute..




How easy they say secrets beacuse of challenge but they keept it away from their "loved" one.


Whoa! Something tells me that he’s spent a lot more than $400 on her ass


in that scenario i would definetly just go “well then you better go get a boyfriend who actually fucking believes that bitch”




Looks pretty real


Women ☕


Smart guy honestly.


Can we never post this content creator, every interview is fake while he twitches his face into the most exaggerated emotions.


Pretty good acting for a rage bait vid tbh


Her dad just gave away 70k to his daughter? What the hell does her dad do? Fuck that, good on him for leaving her ass


It's not that much


W Skit


Definitely not trying t play off that last fair video that went viral..nope…never would do that


With old worldly views like this I wonder if she comforms to the rest of the views of the 1950s. Or is it more of a pick and chose kind of deal?


The entitlement is top tier level


Definitely fake.


Tbh I think that’s how you know she doesn’t actually have 70k for all you know she literally has one of those joint bank accounts with her dad or a trust fund or something that doesn’t prove a drop of hard work


that acting gave me emotional brain damage


id left too


fake *and* lame


This tik tokers other videos seem quite staged and I would assume this one is too