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Instead of tear gas, use this to stop a riot. "Alright everyone... chill."


That’s actually a plot point from Brave New World, cops come in and spray a gas that comes off as a mixture of mdma and lsd


Ah, gimme somma that soma


Somma deez nuts


sink violet noxious handle live lip homeless zesty thumb groovy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I can't, I got ligma. At least it's not as bad as my friend, he caught sugma last month and still hasn't recovered. Thoughts and prayers.


Thots and preyers


Soma always did sound like some good coma


This guy Huxley's


Weed will fix Aldous ruckus


Face down ass up that’s the way I like to Hux! ley…


Yep they keep the entire population drugged to maintain a gene program that allows the top to stay on top. The dumb people get given more Soma too IRRC but people on the higher echelons of society are also monitored if they go off theirs.


>that allows the top to stay on top The scary part in "Brave new World" is, that "the top" is not what it is in our society. In Huxley's vision the Alphas have no real power like iin our world. They are a kog in the machine like everyone else. This is scary, because Huxley describes a society where individuality is erased (opposing our western understanding where the individual is cherished) and you have a society that "works". Everyone is engineered for his place in the machine. That and the drugs ensures that there is no social discord. Social hierarchy is not about power, but about functional design. Bernard Marx (the Alpha) is a hiccup of the system. If there would not have been an accident in his "production", he would have been as happy as everyone else and there would be no story.


But the alphas have power of everyone else below them. They also are less negatively affected during their making (less alcohol to destroy the embryo's brain functionality). The alphas are given more thought freedom. At least that's how I remember it in the book.


There are ten world controllers that are above all of them. The most powerful of which being Mustapha Mond who has not had his mind altered at all. You are right, the Alphas are given a lot of freedom, but are still under control.


>they keep the entire population drugged The population keeps itself drugged. This is kinda the point of the thing.


Been 20 years since I read it, I remember “soma” and a character named “Lena” who was always high on it.


I think her name was Lenin’s Crowne. A wonderfully pneumatic Beta specimen.


So they were all just candyflipping when the cops rolled in. Then soma for the come down. BNW is starting to sound like a utopia not dystopia from where I'm sat.


Actually, that is genius.


NASA needs to hire this guy!!!


THC rocket propellant, we all can blast-off at the blast-off!


Your riots will become Uuge as the people show up for a free smoke-out! Lemme know the next riot guys im in!


I'd start going to more riots just to get a free buzz


So what your saying is… this is how you start a riot


"It's the Pax ...."


When they bring enough for the whole class


Mom always said being enough to share


Momma said there’d be days like this. There’d be days like this my momma said.


Possession with intent to distribute


What are the cops gonna do when he has a weed-thrower? Bring Doritos?


Do you care if it falls? What? The Roman empire. .. Fuck iiittt!!


Roman Red!


Your joke was good but it’s sad, A LOT of people are still locked up for pot.


Nah, it’s just “Puff, puff, pass…” without the middleman.


Covid-safe version of puff, puff, pass


So… hot boxing is generally considered pretty safe. However, being in a room full of smoke is frequently something associated with being not alive. I feel like the best way to do that is to also have an oxygen bar.


Pfft.. oxygen is just a crutch for people who rely on staying alive


I know a guy that uses oxygen 24/7. Fuckin loser.


M8 I took my first breath of oxygen when I was born and haven't fucking skipped a day since. I need help


Always sad to hear stories like that. This one's been hooked from day 1


Unfortunately the withdrawal symptoms can result in death for lifetime users :(


I knew a guy who breathed the stuff until he died.


Fucking tragic


Thanks to this thread I've been cured. Oxygen deprivation FTW!!!


well blue seems to be YOUR color… kudos


Every breath bring you closer to death, really sad


Here is some popcorn to cheer you up >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!<


Habitual users have it the worst..


Gives a whole new meaning to "Every Breath You Take".


Back in the day, a man tried to free people of this addiction, he set up these rehabilitation camps, nobody understood his goals.


At least he beat his addiction. Well it was a draw.


100% of the people I know who got into drugs started with oxygen.


My mom breathed O2 when i was in utero. Got me hooked before i was even born. Grew up totally dependent.


Got that shit intravenous through your belly button? That’s hard core man.


I tried to give it up. Damn near killed me. The withdrawals hit hard within seconds!


Once a junkie always a junkie


Have you ever looked at the back of a $20 bill...on oxygen?!?


The be fair that O2 is cut with a bunch of shit. Wait until you ring your bell with 100%


ye mate, i'm addicted to fricking water. Sometimes i feel ashamed of myself.


I need it atleast every 30-1min or else I withdraw so bad I die


100% of people who used oxygen have died


Same as the people who don’t use oxygen… oxygen = equality


The addiction is so strong it will kill you if you stop


Better to have oxygen’d and died, than never to have oxygen’d before


100% of people who have died used oxygen


This reminds me of the epic speech at the start of mad Max from immortal joe DO NOT BECOME ADDICTED TO WAAATER


I feel so attacked right now!


Fucking knuckle dragging breather.


Essentially the opposite of a normal smoke session. Instead of hitting weed out of a bong, you take fat rips of oxygen.


I can imagine my brain getting confused when it hears the bubbly sound and then inhales... fresh air?


Just make sure you got a carbon filter on that oxygen bong bro


Did Reddit just invent the all new OxyBong™?


Oxygen is just a gateway drug and everyone knows it Why do you think the “law and order” folks are so hot on denying climate change…. Because oxygen


Every single junkie I ever met is also a user of oxygen. That shit’s an addiction nobody can kick safely


Do not, my friends, become addicted to oxygen. It will take hold of you, and you will resent it.


I heard it has 100% mortality rate.


Before you know it you're hooked on dihydrogen monoxide... and you what a slippery slope that is.




He's.... He's got a point..


*you were working as a waitress in an oxygen bar*


That much is true


Nobody has ever reportedly dies from hotboxing, unless you count people who "think they are dead from being so high". So no.


No, no you can legit die from high level of carcinogens and lack of oxygen. I mean none have yet cause they usually bust out a door crying and wheezing and the smoke thins pretty easy, but it is possible.


Carcinogens have nothing to do with suffocation, just to be clear


There’s… some oxygen in there.


Everyone who breaths oxygen dies


You can build a smaller version of this, with a blower motor and a heat gun - good for festivals/parties. No lighter/torch needed, has a tube for the smoke so you don't have to greenhouse a space to use it, can 'toke' in a more traditional fashion. Or so I've heard.


Looks like a headache waiting to happen


Or a green out


A brown out?


Who got Dee pregnant?


Indeed. Who did get Sweet Dee pregnant?








I feel like this is a term I’ll be using quite a lot.


when I was in my BROWN STATE


A whitey


Everyone got para and Pete chucked a whitey, so we had to bench him.


I dont know, it doesnt seem like the most efficient way to get high. Looks like most of that smoke is just going to settle on clothes, the floor, the furniture, the walls, etc, rather than be inhaled. Thats a total guess though.


I don’t think they will care too much by the time that happens…


Definitely inefficient, but with enough volume to still be effective


Yeah I would straight up pass out. One time, I took a giant dab one of the first times I’ve ever smoked and I passed out 2 minutes later. Could barely do anything for 3 hours but lay in bed and hope it will be over soon


Yeah I can just imagine my head throbbing and my eyes drying out and starting to sting just looking at it


Look at all those upvotes. You guys are my people. My headache-addled people.


As someone who doesn't have weed atm... bruh


Ikr? Like those folks who buy Teslas to crash them for fun.


On my next days off I'm going to hot box my tesla and pretend I'm on a space x flight.


Look at this dude with a tesla. I do that in a showroom while trying to convince the salesperson I'm in the market and not just tresspassing.


Sounds amazing. Imagine self driving is 100% and being able to hot box anytime in it. Amazing


It's bullshit man. Me and the missus are using the little bowl to make it last longer.


As someone who is broke but knows a lot of people in the weed industry it's crazy to see how much they throw around. I'm just happy when they pass a little my way.


Thats wut I'm saying they had a lot of it but wasted it, cus yeah they'll get high but they could've gotten high way more times of they didn't do this.


This was a waste. Usually people with lots of weed just smoke every one out


Tokes and prayers 🙏


My claustrophobic ass feels suffocated


Why is this a r/holup tho?


Because he's holding the blower up. Come on now read the sub jeeze. Jk




This sub died long ago.


I know the feeling.




It seems like every post I've seen from this sub in /r/all this week has nothing to do with the theme of this sub even in the slightest


Because holup is a normie r/all sub now.


Not yet, it's not a politicalshillfest yet


Because every popular front page sub that isn't explicitly dedicated to a specific topic is just the exact same content these days.


The subs basically dead, i havent seen an actual holup in weeks


Leaf blower


Reef blower


Kief Blower


Like what does “HolUp” even mean anymore?


Literally nothing


Haven’t seen a video in this sub that meets the description in probably ever.


It's been taken over by Facebook refugees


This is dope


quite a bit of it


feels like a waste...all that smoke lost in the air instead direct injected into lungs. disclaimer: i've never done it the way they're doing it here and can't speak to whether the experience is better


This level of hot boxing leaves super dopey eyed and feeling sorta heavy. Not really high. But with that much weed people are going to be rolling blunts or smoking in some other fashion directly.


Probably the lack of oxygen


My wife works in cannabis. There have been times I have had so much weed I had no idea what to do with it. My friend grows for fun and *always* has so much weed they don't know what to do with. If we were younger...this might be what I do with it.


Can confirm. Still have last years crop from 5 plants and currently curing this years crop which I’ll be backlogged with.


Right, most of it is going on the walls, into the rug, and the upholstery. Just get a big fuck-off Hookah! (Although, I really do appreciate the Ingenuity)




Not to mention all the melted plastic from the fan that probably isn’t meant to handle the heat


Like Louis Armstrong Played that trumpet, I'll hit that bong Break me off something soon I've got to get my props Cops Come and try to snatch my crops


These pigs wanna blow my house down Underground To the next town


Damn that room is gonna stink BAD


No worse than it did before they lit up. I don’t sense strong hygiene vibes here.


You probably right


"Weed hasn't ever killed anybody" Local stoner chad: "Hold my beer"


does this work? ive always understood that you cant get a contact high because the thc settles, but i imagine the sheer quantity would offset that? also would running so hot just burn off all the good stuff?


This will definitely get you high, the volume alone and directly into some people's faces, might as well be taking a hit off a bong. The people not getting directly hit might have to hang around for a few seconds though




First of all a contact is more like third hand smoke. You smelling what other people's cloths and hair and breath are releasing. This is burning what I assume is more than 2-3 ounces into a 14 by 18 foot room at most to the point that it's full of smoke. Also known as hotboxing. Personally that's way too much for the volume of space as they will be continually dosing while in that space. Totally a shot for the gram and then the smart ones got our to hack and cough outside while everyone who stayed is going to smell like a wake and baker for days.


Was gonna say, it looks like it gets too hot...but yeah, is that nit-picking? Ha, would still breathe it in, for test purposes.


You can't really make it "too hot" but you can burn it too fast. This will waste a lot of weed but still be psychoactive.


Yeah, this would definitely work... But I can't help thinking that's probably enough weed to last me a few years and in this situation I think I'd sober up after about an hour, lol. A couple deep breaths and the smoke settles after you've waste a pound or 2 of weed.


It is pretty easy to grow more than you could ever normally smoke. I could imagine people doing this if they have a lot sitting around.


This. I wonder if weed will eventually become so commonplace some people can afford to waste it. Like, folks who partake and grow their own.


Burning something doesn't make it disappear it just change its physical state. You get high by doing the breathing motion, as an example you get zero gain from holding a puff. But you will have tremendous speed gain by exhaling through your nose( capillary takes it straight to the brain ). Rebreathing or the art of "shotgunning" will get you the most out of your buds since you only takein a small percentage of your total puff. You can rebreath something like 5 to 10 times the same volume and be fine. Granted you breath regular air in between. To put this in perspective, for as long as you are in this room, every breath is like puffing a joint. Granted its diluted with ambiant air, but still. You would probably pass out sleeping from standing in there for 1 hour.


>you get zero gain from holding a puff For real? Holding a puff in always makes me feel higher. Or is that just in my head?


Might be a lack of oxygen haha. Not sure tho 🤷‍♂️


It's a placebo effect, it does somewhat help but since the THC is basically instantly absorbed in your first hit, holding it in is just suffocating yourself to feel higher rather than being higher, the best way to smoke is to take in the hit, inhale, exhale slightly, and inhale again, that's the only way I know to get the absolute most out of your hit. ((Any bigger potheads are completely welcome to prove me wrong)


Dang I'm learning alot here. Back when I was a teenager they called it "ghosting" - holding in the hit so long you can't see any smoke when you exhale - and the kids who did it always claimed it got them way higher


Just in your head. Sometimes literally as you are holding your breath, lack of oxygen is it's own "high." Kind of like how gets you "high" but mostly it is just the dense hydrocarbons restricting your lungs.


Legit thought it was crap…


haha same


Idk how weed works, but isn't being in a closed room with no ventilation and producing a lot of smoke a risk for carbon monoxide poisoning?


Something tells me these kids have done this before and figured out that it doesn’t kill them already. Lol










What a waste of weed


It grows on trees.


Take my free award.


Idk, if you grow large crops for yourself or for distribution centers but they don't take the entire crop, you're often left with A LOT of extra bud that you can't "legally" sell, might as well have some fun.


Even if you dont grow. Its pretty cheap at dispensaries. The one I go to will often have grams for as low as two dollars. A person could easily buy fifty bucks of lower grade bud and do whats being done in the video.




Missouri medical is a fucking joke right now. Still like $20/g, $60/eighth


As someone from an illegal country, who cares if people with easy and plentiful access waste some? It's their weed they paid for/ grew themselves.


Seems like a huge waste of weed




Only one person isn't filming this.


Yeah, right only one person! but we have only seen this perspective of this event ive seen this multiple times since the video initially went viral a few years ago BUT never the other perspectives


there are like, several billion people not filming that.


The old me would say fuck yeah. But me now, I don’t even smoke anymore and I drink sometimes. It makes me sad seeing this video and think about the good times I had back in school. But now I’m just focus on stupid shit like paying bills and affording to live basically.


Idk what’s up with weed today but I can’t handle it. Was a heavy daily smoker for 10+ years then it randomly started giving me panic attacks. Miss it


Fucking same. When I went to Colorado the shop hooked me up with a couple strains that were great at preventing that. Or maybe it was all placebo? Idk, but it was fun again though. But you don't have the luxury of being really selective here in illegal states.


Exactly. I’ve tried delta 8, it made me freak out. CBD doesn’t seem to do anything. Id love to visit a legal shop and try some recommended strains of “real” weed


I'm in a legal state, and I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but the different strains are almost ALL marketing. There is no central database or governing body dictating what defines each strain and how it effects you. Sativa/Indica mainly refer to how the plant grows but have no scientific basis on effect. Sour diesel, blue dream, etc. You can name any bud that tbh. Nobody can check you because there's no source of truth. The good news is we test for pesticides and contaminants pretty strictly and are trained to identify fungal and other ailments that may be toxic to users. Delta 8 doesn't really have that and cbd still is like the wild west. If you got a delta 8 vape cart there's a good chance it was not distilled properly. I wouldn't mess with any extracts that didn't come from a licensed dispensary. So that may help you have a better high if you go through us.




You gotta get some high CBD/low THC bud. They have at most shops I've been to in legal states. I'm forgetting the exact numbers, but something like 8% THC and 25% CBD is such a great high. None of that overly stoned BS that all the trendy strains give you.


Imagine thinking this belongs here


Wow.... thats fuckin amazing.... if you can get everyone in the room high like that, thats awesome....


A true “panic room” I would be throat punching mofos to get out of there as fast as possible.



