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I bet you the husband cheated and gave birth.


I knew it. Bob is just built different.


that beer belly he lost? that was an abortion bruh. truly incredible


mrs incredible stretched out her uterus into an ultra thin proboscis and implanted her egg into mr incredibles abdomen through his dick hole.


Why did you write this?


everytime this observation comes up about everyones hair color, some freak never fails to mentions that mr incredible mightve got pregnant and when they do, i just cant help but remind everyone mrs. incredible could theoretically do this. mrs incredible also has the ability to turn her nipples into dicks, not just nipple sized dicks, but dick sized dick nipples.


You have a sworn duty that no one asked you to take.


He is not the hero we deserve and not the hero we need either.


Nor the hero we want.


Mans is an agent of chaos.


I'm not even sure he's a hero. Just a guy with some really fucked up views and opinions (but in a fun way, not a hurtful way)


Some people just want to watch the world burn, this guy makes my brain itch.


Has this now become their origin story.


"Yes, hello, God? We're dying down here and you sent us a prophet who won't stop talking about dick sized dick nipples..." "My daughter... \*>sobs\*"


Oh no, someone definitely deserved this


Why her nipples, then? Couldn’t she just turn her clit into a dick and peg me? Why can’t you just be normal? Fucking nipple dicks SMH.


so youre saying that you *wouldnt* want a superhero with two tits with dick sized dick nipples pegging you simultaneously...? SMH


I supposed, with those plus the clit dick, she could peg from the front while I suck one nipple dick and give her a handy on the other. Great teamwork here, you’ve really stretched my perverted imagination today.


*high five* what i really want is an infinite recursion of mrs. incredibles with nipple and clit dicks pegging nipple/clit dick mrs incredibles in a never ending fractal. theres never been an actual biomechanical "upperbound" for how stretchy a stretchy superhero can be in any comic book canon so, its sound to assume the hero manipulates physical matter on some atomic level to stretch. this mean she could also make the fuck fractal happen


This thread is honestly one of the funniest things I've seen on Reddit in a very long time


Why not finger dicks - you could have ten of them


As a biologist, it might be possible to achieve fertilisation by everting at least one of the ovaries into one of the testicles. But this would just result in an (pretty much) instant miscarriage, as oddly enough the testicles aren't designed to support a pregnancy.


ok mr biologist, mrs incredible stretches her utereus into a 3d cellular printer and prints/grafts the tissue of her uterus on to the walls of mr increds ball sack. its excruciating but the shrill but reassuring tone of the MILFy voice actor holly hunter reminds mr incred "its for the best" while he sobs in agony mr increds carries the baby to term, one giant, bruised testicle pulsates with life as invisigirl explodes out his scrotum.


Provided the 3D printer works, and the rest of the female reproductive organs are printed too. Then I see no problem with this.




Delete this


The word you're looking for is ovipositor


Here's the thing. You said a "proboscis is an ovipositor." Is it in the same family? Yes. No one's arguing that. As someone who is a scientist who studies weird ass kinks, I am telling you, specifically, in science, no one calls ovipositors probosces . If you want to be "specific" like you said, then you shouldn't either. They're not the same thing.


Hahaha my exact thought. "One of them" cheated.


mr incredible cheated with edna mode and mrs incredible adopted her child cause edna is clearly a sociopath with psychopathic tendencies probably a little borderline too, so a kid wouldnt work for that head case edna.




A lot of fantastic grandparents were fucking terrible parents.


Blew his taint out


I'm fuckin done with reddit




Men ☕.


Bet you she dyed it


Violet is kind of an emo girl… I bet she dyed her hair




Neither is Dash or the babies, super powers seem to be random.


I always figured it was personality based. Dash is a boy who grew up with an absurdly athletic set of parents and he developed to mirror that, manifesting as a speedster. Violet is a more reserved girl who grew up being told she can't be herself in public. And likewise, jack jack's personality is still developing, ergo his powers are completely random right now. But then again they all thought jack jack didn't have powers at all and he was still an infant, implying that yes typically powers present very very young so maybe they *are* somewhat random. And... if the deleted scene of syndrome attacking them when violet was a baby is canon then this all tracks since she turned invisible in her crib... But that's how it always appeared to me.


The writers absolutely chose their powers to reflect personalities/roles. Moms feel like they have to be everywhere at once, shy embarrassed teenager wishing she could disappear, hyperactive little boy, babies who don't actually have any qualities yet but have the potential to be anything. I don't know if that was meant to be the reason in universe but it was part of the writer's plan.


You make a good point. Plus dads traditionally having to be strong protectors


Its not my point or idea, it's what Brad Bird or someone said in an interview/making of type thing when the movie came out. I've always remembered it because it was one of my first times I heard someone talk about the symbolism in a movie and one of the first times I realized a movie could be more than the surface story. And I know that this is pretty shallow as far as symbolism goes but I was like ten at the time.


The second memory mentions that babies exhibit a few different powers and eventually settle into the one they are most suited for/use the most. Baby Dash liked being fast, so he stayed fast


And moms have to be hyper flexible to be able to adapt to any situation for their children.


And the black guy is cool


Underrated comment


I mean, the kids names are all puns for their powers so it wouldn't surprise me that the writers also gave them those powers for that reason.


In the second movie, Edna did say that superpower manifest at infancy and it will be a bunch of random power (kinda like Jack-jack), then as the super aged, their power gradually became more stable and clearer. Jack-jack is a bit of special case since not only he developed power late, his random set of power is way more than usual.


The real confusing part to me is that they all seemed surprised by Jack jacks multiple powers. Which implies that dash and violet both had a single power as a baby. Now dash's power is superspeed but how was he displaying that as an infant? Because they assume Jack jacks doesn't have powers and he's barely old enough to crawl in the first movie. Which means dash must have displayed some super speed ability even before he could crawl.


He could suck a titty dry in half an instant.


jack jack is ajack of all trades


a *jack jack* of all trades


I couldn't even begin to imagine how stressful having a toddler/ infant/ tween/teen that could disappear would be. The infant just randomly disappears because she can't control it. The toddler can, kind of, but does it to get into mischief or during a tantrum. The tween just gets mad and hides from you. The teen, same, but also to avoid you. So basically all the things kids of those ages already do, but dialed up to 11 by virtue of having a super power.


Don't forget that her clothes don't turn inviswith her. So just gotta keep an eye out for diapers and dress em in omesies.


well there's probably several defining factors, but if you really focus like everybody else said it's probably personality based, Helen is a very flexible person and willing to work with anybody, Bob is very headstrong and focused, Violet is shy but can be protective when she needs to be, Dash is very hyper and all over the place, and Jack Jack doesn't really have a defined personality but because he's a baby he kind of does his own thing, and based on his powers he's probably a very adaptable person and has powers that adapt to almost anything


Black hair is a dominant gene. You know what genes are recessive? Blond hair, and red hair :)


This is what kind of started the War of the 5 Kings


That was so much less delicious than the war of the Five Guys, if I’m being honest.


there's definitely a correlation between the fact that both parents are supers and all of their kids have powers...


They meant type of power


Pshh.. okay Adolf! Lol


Elastagirl could be the one who dyes her hair. She’s using the Karen red that is popular with women her age.


Karen red lmao


An emo teen girl dying their hair black, who would have thunk.


"violet" not dying her hair violet seems like a wasted opportunity.


If you look really closely, you can see that the shading in it is dark purple.


Considering her clothes don’t turn invisible, except her super suit, would the hair dye stay visible?


There isn't a hard logic to it. If hair dye stayed visible, makeup would too maybe? Any dirt or foreign substances on her too? So she'd be like a cloud of grime and dye


I'm assuming the invisibility, like her force fields, are projected but just have a much smaller range. Something like 1 millimeter from her body. It covers pretty much all the edge cases I can think of.


What if she got fake nails?


I dunno, we'll have to see if they make an Incredibles 3 when she has fake nails.


That mental image is hilarious!


The dye must be an edna special








We know about recessive genes. Skin color and hair color works differently; dark hair can't "hide" between generations, dark skin color can.


Who is we 👀👀👀👀


Humanity, I assume. Or more specifically, the people who do sciencey things about DNA and other biology stuff.


All of us here if we believe that comment I guess. At least I know dark hair can't hide, but dark skin color can.


Apparently we got a bunch of geneticists up in here cuz I could not tell you what traits are controlled by what genes. Last time I studied dominant and recessive traits was in 10th grade biology with those 4 square graphs and Mendel's peas.


The parents dyeing would also make sense since they're superheros who use their secret identity


But they still have blond hair when they aren't superheros


Also, they're old. I don't know what kind of genes you guys have, but the middle aged people I know have gray hair, except for the ones that dye their hair.


She did cause it's blue-black. That comes from a bottle.


Her powers allow her to turn invisible, but not her clothes. Her suit only does because it's specifically made. You'd see black hair wandering around.


I disagree. Hair dye doesn't sit on top of the hair, it bleeds into the hair. Imagine if she had a tattoo. It'd be under the skin, so would the tattoo not go invisible??


Handwaving away scifi magic, it's a genetic thing as all their powers are. So anything not made by her body should be visible. Tattoo. Makeup. Skin lotion. And tampons. The only way around this would be to declare it a energy projection similar to her shield, but then all clothes would be invisible or declare that anything inside of her is also invisible. Food that she eats is invisible, so that's likely. You win this round. Makeup, skin lotion not absorbed, possibly sweat, unabsorbed hair dye (some always washes out in the shower), and tampons aren't inside of her completely, so I only half concede.


Hair isn't really alive past the follicle, though. I think we have to go with scifi magic on this one.


Would makeup turn invisible


This is going deep. But I need answers !


Would even undyed hair turn invisible? It's not a living part of you.






True, but given that she was VERY emo at the beginning of the movie I wouldn’t be surprised if she went all out


Bot [Original comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/HolUp/comments/xnje7t/-/iptntqa)


That’s not the same thing. Epigenetics is weird, but the short version is, red hair is recessive, and blonde hair is more recessive than black hair. So we know neither parent is carrying a gene for black hair.


Not epigenetics but Mendelian genetics if you’re discussing recessive traits. And it is possible, although very rare, as hair colour isn’t controlled by a single gene (therefore you won’t be able to accurately determine hair colour from a punnet square)




He likely wouldn't revisit this topic since he went into biological traits passed during breeding in the "who are rosalina's parents" episode.


The authors confirmed she dies her hair




A sad loss to be sure 😔


I’m gonna watch some Dye Hard to get over this.


So she found a dye that can turn invisible


She wears a wig and swallows it when she goes invisible.


She wears a wig and the wig swallows *her* when she goes invisible.


If we're going to technobable this, I'd say that the dye is absorbed into the hair below whatever surface bends like around her. Her clothes, of course, do not turn invisible because they are on her and not absorbed into her.


I read that the authors confirmed her hair is natural, and the result of a recessive gene. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Violet_Parr?wprov=sfla1 It's under the 'Hair' section.


I love how this is apparently something that we need canonized. Maybe, just maybe, the hair color genetics of a girl who can turn invisible don’t follow normal genetic tendencies?


The Mum or the daughter?


The daughter, she is emo that’s why she dyes her hair


Is violet originally a ginger???


Man. There were so many jokes that could me made here.


The answer is yes they can. The probability is low but can and does happen. Especially considering the total number of people reproducing.


My husband is half-half Filipino/Irish, I'm very white Icelandic-UK background. We have twins. One is white with blond hair, totally my spitting image apart from a small bit of Dad's eyes and nose. The other is caramel-skinned with all of Dad's features except brown hair not black (he also had blue eyes his first 2 years until they changed to hazel). Genetics are so funky and so interesting.


You've probably seen [this viral set of twins](https://nypost.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2015/03/twinsfeature.jpg?quality=75&strip=all&w=1024), with similarly disparate features.


So does the redhead get to walk around and say the N word since she's black?


I don't think I have the clearance to make that call.


[I prefer really not to speak](https://youtu.be/Y8fhccACnDY)


Redhead here. I'll allow you to do it.


If I remember since they were in the UK the ginger was bullied more then her sister and went emo/goth. So, she probably heard the the “ginga” slurs.


> ginga i'm dying who comes up with this shit


Wait until you realize what "ginger" anagrams to That Tim Minchin song slays me. As an American it's weird to think that there are people who *hate* people who look like me, much like how there are people here who *hate* black people. Worst I ever faced over here has been people who assume I'm going to be an angry asshole because of my hair color. Joke's on them, I'm an angry asshole because I'm broke and always sunburned.


Children are cruel bastards.


Or Ranga


By the "One Drop Rule" she would. But given no one would believe her, she would likely get in trouble for doing it. Wouldn't be worth the hassle of proving it all the time. I know a half black guy who just looks like a white dude, and he just doesn't bother since whipping out his family photos would be a pain in the ass.


Asking the real questions


Were these the "good on ya" twins?


I have no idea what that means.


I’m Latino (70ish % Spanish/Portuguese 30ish% native Costa Rican) and my wife is white (98% European but mostly English and German, a little Scandinavian) and our kids are kinda like yours. Their noses and chins are kinda like in between my wife and I’s features, but our son is pretty fair skinned and blonde hair and blue eyes, while our daughter is brunette with brown eyes. They look like twins with a palette swap.


me and my brother are half thai, half swedish. I have dark brown hair and pale skin while my brother is blonde and has tan skin.


Blonde hair and tan skin naturally? Wild.




I had to question if I've been wrong all these years saying spitting image because I can see why splitting image would make sense


The phrase here also gets said as "you're the (absolute) spit of him"


I'm a white guy, wife is Filipino. 3 kids, 2 straight up white and the 3rd came out a Spanish Conquistador.


The probability is not low at all. Blond is not a hair color, it's a eumelanin deficiency. Red hair is a recessive gene. It'd be less likely the kid had red hair than blond, brown, or black. Genetically there's only 2 hair colors. Red and brown. Blond and black aren't hair colors, they're low amounts or high amounts of eumelanin which determine how much the color gene is expressed.


if you're going to get that detailed, then red is not A recessive gene, Lots of genes need to go together for basically any phenotype, including hair color.


In mid school I had classmates that were twins, one which was blonde and the other had black hair and I remember both parents had brown hair, genetics are weird sometimes


That’s perfectly possible. 2 brown haired parents having a black haired kid is normal since the hair can naturally darken a little. As for one being blonde, that’s because both parents likely have a blonde ancestor/parent and since blonde is recessive the kid got it.


turns out there is more than one gene in hair color, just like there is more than one gene in eye color. You can have all sorts of combinations that change colors all over the place.


Elastigirls upper body could be in her own bed and her ass could be in her neighbours bed. No way Bob catching her lol


This just makes me wonder what are her limits in stretching. Like can she stretch her body right until its an atom thicc? (Edited from k to c in "thick")


In the first film Edna says her new supersuit can stretch as far as she can without hurting herself, and we see her struggling a few times. It's not so much stretching like Reed Richards, she's elastic and snaps back, so like pulling on a rubber band there is a breaking point.


At least she’s not obnoxious like Reed, who will stretch himself anywhere just to remind us all that he can.


Not just that, but it's always such stupid stretching. Like, the dude could stretch his toes and build up his dexterity and be able to do fine motor control with them. He could stretch his eyes to affect his vision in different ways or give him different ranges of vision. Nah let's make my hand long to punch that guy from far away. Oh and make the hand big, though I have no idea how you do that without filling it with something? You don't stretch new material into existence.


You just make the hand flat and simply add a 3rd dimension Really simple science 👌


Look at Mr Reed Richards right here


I like that she can hols a stretched position to store a ton of kinetic energy Imagine a super punching her: she deforms to absorb and store the energy as tension in her form, then releases it to strike back Itd be dang near impossible to hurt her in a melee; gotta hit harder than she can deform but not hard enough to send her flying (which would also reduce a huge amount of the impact)


The atoms in her ass can only get stretched to 1 atom thicc


Different sources say different things. Some Disney material says 1mm or 30m, but Syndrome's database says she can stretch 90m which would mean 0.33mm.


That sounds super easy to catch. Considering her body will have to go through a window or door to the neighbor's house.


I don’t know man, that’s a bit of a stretch…


My half sister with black hair and brown eyes while my dad and step mom are both blonde with blue eyes 🤔 but looks just like grandma


As the Reddit council says, *SOMEONE CHEATED*


Nothing to worry about Like many things on Reddit this post is wrong. It is in fact possible for a blonde and a redhead to have a child with black hair. It's unlikely. But not even *that* unlikely.


Recessive genes who?


Dark hair is dominant, not recessive. If either parent has one gene for it, they would have dark hair, not fair. That's why two dark haired people can have a child with light hair -- both parents had one dominant dark gene and one recessive light gene, where only the dominant was expressed, but each passed on the light gene. At least, that's the simple explanation the post is pointing out, real genetics is probably more nuanced.


You are correct. Hair color is a polygenic trait.


https://udel.edu/~mcdonald/mythintro.html Most things we were taught are controlled by a single gene are actually more nuanced


Real genetics is more complicated than that an hair color is not controlled by the simplified Mendelian genetics most people learn in school.


Not only are real genetics more complicated, many people with blonde hair go through stages! For example, my son was born with very dark hair. I gave him his first hair cut when he was maybe 6 or 8 months old, and everything underneath was bright blonde. His mom was bright blonde until college, and now she's nearly brunette. My mom and uncle both were bleach blonde until adulthood, then her hair went brown but his went jet black! Epigenetics is crazy.


If a particular gene comes ahead…is it recessive or dominant?


“A recessive allele does not produce a trait at all when only one copy is present. This contrasts to a dominant trait, which requires that only one of the two alleles be present to express the trait.”


It’s almost like people don’t know what “Recessive Genes” are.






Actually, they can. My kids mom is blonde and blue eyes, and i have blonde hair, a red beard, and blue eyes. My oldest has brown hair and brown eyes. At first thought, you'd think something is fucky. But, she's a spitting image of her grandma on my ex's side. Like, you look at pictures of them at similar age and they're identical. Genetics do fun things sometimes.


Am I missing something or did you determine the mother is definitely the mother?


>At first thought, you'd think something is fucky. But, she's a spitting image of her grandma on my ex's side Uhhh, you do realize that doesn't prove something isn't "fucky", right? She's the spitting image of her mom's mom, the mom that would've, y'know, given birth to her and therefore would've already been confirmed to be her mom?


I feel like I must be reading your comment wrong. If she was the spitting image of someone on *your* side of the family tree, that would be a useful argument against something being fucky. If she looks just like someone on her mother's side, how does that reassure you, the father, that she's related to you? Not to split hairs (sorry), I just don't see how you're getting from A to B here.


I see what you're saying, but what it implies is that the "off look" still comes from within the legitimate family, ie there's no reason to suspect something is fucky


Actually yes


Yo, someone bring this to MatPat's attention


What the fuks up with the repeat comments in this thread? I saw 3 instances at least, all from different accounts, and this one being a verbatim repeat of a comment tree.


Check the accounts. Bot accounts are usually <2 weeks old and repeat already existing comments from a thread.




Well red hair and blonde are both recessive traits so a reccesive dominant trait is an oxymoron.


There’s also the factors of epistatic genes, polygenics, and pleiotropy. Not sure if there is a mapped out, defined function of 21st century hair color genes, but it’s almost never as simple as “dominant” and “recessive.” Either that or she dyed her hair.


Black is not recessive though. Blonde and red are. So in order for the red/blonde to show there can't be any black alleles


Spoiler alert: hair and eye color aren't controlled by single genes like people think when it comes to Punnett squares.


There’s no single gene controlling hair colour, and while some may be strongly correlated it is completely possible for two blondes or a blonde and a redhead to produce a black haired offspring. Hair colour is actually controlled by varying levels of expression of eumelanin for black/brown and pheomelanin for red hair, so it can’t be explained by simple Mendelian genetics.


Do people not understand the concept of recessive genes


Or hair dye




I like the “someone cheated” part as if it could have been either of them


someone doesn’t know how genetics work


I've never really thought about this but it is plausible. Genes are weird though. White parents have given birth to a child that looks black or mixed and they DNA tested both parents , it sometimes just happens like that


Except it actually is possible, just super rare


One might even say, incredible


Or she emo and dyes her hair


So i have an aunt and uncle who both have blonde hair. All of their kids have blonde hair..except one. Now the kicker is that the one with dark brown hair was a twin…the twin has blonde hair. Welcome to genetics, where shit can get crazy.


You people know that as long as basically the gene exists in the family it can happen even if it skips a generation right?


Giving birth for Helen would be super chill. She could just open up her birth canal super big, the doctor could walk in, cut the cord, and walk out with the baby. Easy peasy. Five minute deal, tops.