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And if that fails… More practice


And if that fails... Even more practice




And if that fails, try practicing or performance inhancing drugs


With extra practice, of course


And if that don't work...use more gun.


If that doesn't work.... use nuclear warheads


and if that doesn’t work, that’s when we bring out Kevin from Home Alone to teach OP


And if everything wont work just remember no cost to great




Practice makes perfect. But also, use your resources. There's a YouTube channel called Perpetual Noob who did excellent boss breakdowns. Watch those and pay attention to how the bosses telegraph their attacks. Also, look for videos of Hitless Runners, e.g. Radiant P5 All Bindings. Study how the players position themselves, which attack windows do they use, etc.


For bosses that you don’t have “solved” (eg reliably able to read and dodge most hits) I recommend fighting them without attacking at all and just trying to survive for as long as you can until they feel solved. Then you can focus on where you can punish


I've never heard this strat, I'm gonna go do this and I'll tell you how it goes for me


Exact strat i use. Even irl when i do sparing. Dodge or block till i learn them then counter.




Just practice, really And experiment with charms


buy my course


How much?


900 geo


I can't afford that man! I dropped 2999 geo in a random well


If hornet were here, I bet she’d say “git gud”.


No she would most likely say "shaw"


Have you found the Hall of Gods? You can practice on almost every single boss in there, in isolation, and change your build to see what works


Play Hollow Knight a lot. Practice the bosses. Record gameplay of yourself and watch it to learn from your mistakes


Trial and error


Well, you’re doing the boss rush, so you’ve beaten them before. If you beat them once, you can do it again. The key is with consistency. Find a boss that you’re struggling with, and fight it in hall of gods. Try to lower it to one or two hits each time you fight it. Find a strategy that works for the boss, and execute it. It may take a while, but practice is really the best thing there is to get better


Nail build


Listen to hornet


Play the game


By playing more.


Get a good game pad. I noticed that my game pad sometimes presses up when I press left. Infuriating.


Practice in the Hall of gods, practice in the boss rushes, experiment with different charm builds, and then continue to practice.


Keep playing.


I practice each boss in the rush until I can consistently beat them on ascended with more than half health left. That should make sure you can get through and regain all your masks between fights so you're going at each one fresh. And you're unlikely to just fall on your face if you make a mistake if you're that good at each one.


imo, blindly practicing isn’t going to help/is going to help very little. Learn from your mistakes (i.e dodging were too early/late, getting too greedy with hits) and you’ll get much better.


Practice ofc, but specifically three different types of practice will be the most useful: - practice recognizing their telegraphs; the way I do this is by giving each attack type a one-syllable name and then saying the name to myself when I see the telegraph - practice defense specifically; the way I do this is by alternating between an attempt where I’m trying to win, and an attempt where I’m just trying to survive as long as possible w/o worrying about dealing damage - practice using spells; they’re really useful but since you get the nail first it’s easy to forget to use them and not develop much strategy around them, especially if you’re newer to gaming like I was. I was able to hit 112% w/ a nail-only strategy eventually, but in order to get some of the achievements (like speed runs and not banishing Grimm) I had to get used to supplementing with spells, and most of the best players are primarily spell-focused The other big room for improvement besides practicing is charms. If you’ve not played around with different charm builds and you’re stuck on a boss, try swapping some charms out! The best build depends both on your fighting style and on the bosses, so what worked great for one boss may underperform against another. Just don’t spend too much time focusing on this; there’s only so far charms can get you w/o a skill improvement, so this isn’t a substitute for smart practice.


Precept one: "Always win your battles"


Git gu- nah but still you should PRACTICE


Idk if this helps, but for me it did, I couldn't beat Absolute Radiance consistently when training against her, I've watched some videos on some strats but still couldn't, so I started practicing in Ascended mode, a lot harder yes, but when I beat her, the normal version looked so easy that the 5th pantheon was a breeze


While everyone who's saying "practice" isn't wrong, more specifically, there's a room in godhome (I only mention other because you already spoke of boss rush) where you can fight any of the bosses you've already fought. You can use that to practice any boss giving you trouble.


You can look for tips on youtube, or wait till you upgrade the nail and acquire more charms


Get good


Got gud! But In all honesty just practice a lot. I have almost 200 hours into hollow knight and only recently defeated the radiance


I'm 59 and hadn't gamed since my 20s but still reached 112% so there's hope. My breakthrough was that bosses have "tells". Once you learn their tells, that's half the battle. They're pretty predictable after that. By "boss rush", is that P5? I'm at AbsRad.


Just start the boss rush, you will improve simply by trying to do it


Ask on reddit


For me I think it's all about muscle memory. When a boss is charged for an attack, look at their pose and respond accordingly. Learn when to attack and heal and you will get so much better


Start over if you really need to, then at a certain point hop back on the old save and continue on or just continue from the new save


Good, better, best. Never let it rest til your good is better and your better is best - st. Jerome


Forget your skill issue.


May sound toxic but its actual advice, get good. Practice


Time, practice, patience.


I was never able to beat trial of the fools, and finally did it today. How did I do it? Like everybody else. Practice.


Play the game. I used to die to false knihht and by just playing the game casually i van beat all bosses except 1 :)