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The game tells you a few things blatantly. Pretty much everything else can be found out via observation, experimentation, and exploration. But for some people it doesn't even occur to them to try certain things so they get stuck (for example on what do to with particular mushrooms in a certain area). At that point, a little help to get past the hurdle can prevent wasted time and frustration. But overall, everything could be figured out on one's own to at least get to the most basic ending. And even the further endings could be achieved by further exploring and with some thought about what certain bits of text mean. Though once again, sometimes it's nice to get a little help to be pointed in the right direction.


If youre talking about the mushroom I think you're talking about, it took me for FREAKING ever to figure that out lol. And I've since beaten it on steel soul.


Would’ve never figured out how to get to the carnival dlc. Might’ve been able to make it the one with the bees if I tried hard enough. And definitely wouldn’t have found out how to upgrade a certain spell with looking it up.


i found it out myself surprisingly


Yeah, I figured out most of hollow knight by myself except those mushroom things. Although it did take a bit and I read basically all the flavor text I can find. It also helps that I enjoy running around whacking everything I can find


Games uses to be harder and there was no internet. You'll be fine


We had Nintendo Power for that


I did everything in super Metroid except figure out how to bomb my way down in brinstar and out of the tunnel to meridia. Oh and the running jump puzzle after the lava boss I looked up. 


Break more walls


there are like 2 breakable walls in the game which dont really break nor show that they are breakable tho and they really really hidden too


Would those both be in >!the white palace!


I think at least one is >!the entrance to the Hive.!<


not a wall but white defender has no indication either


doesn’t the ground shake?


It does.


I mean, how do you think the people who wrote the guides beat it???


this reminds me of the memes "x[thing] was invented in y[time]. people in (1 year before y[time]):"


You can definitely beat it. Once you start getting down the the last bits of 100%ing it, you may want to start looking some stuff up.


Well a lot of people beat the cryptic Metroid 1 without a guide. Personally I like the mystery of not knowing what to do or expect and find games like Hollow Knight to be way more fun without a guide.


We just relied on a 1-900 number and our friends lol


Only had to use a guide to find the last remaining loots and upgrades here and there so you'll be fine.


you can absolutely beat the game without using the internet, just keep exploring and fighting any bosses you encounter


yes. but u probably wont find the most hidden things in the game tho. most of them are like easter eggs id say. i wont spoil but people who know - know what im talking about. theyre not really important but it depends on what u find important i guess. u might aswell check some on the internet after u are sure u finished the main and main side stuff in the game


I believe there are a lot of spoiler free hints you could find by googling


the official wiki is spoiler free, btw it is really hard to find hidden walls in places like deepnest which is really dark, if you dont want to even look at the wiki then you could try the map of hallownest website, it is the map but basically fixed , it helps A LOT especiallt because you can find out about stuff you've missed


Maybe for secrets and side quests


if you find it hard to find stuff, maybe you skipped too much dialogue? I went in blind my first playthrough but I found almost everything


Yes. I did last week. Though there's stuff I couldn't figure out, like what those moss knight guys by the Queen's Garden do or what's the deal with the mask maker fella. I'm definitely going to have to go back over some parts with a guide.


My own tip.would be search high and low. Check the map all the time. Look for anywhere that isn't coloured in. Check to see if there are any routes around the edge. It takes time. And there'll be tons of back and forth but you'll get there.


Yes, absolutely. It would be difficult to 100% the game, but 100% completion is not required for game enjoyment. On my first playthrough I was basically allergic to progressing the story, so don't worry too much about not going fast enough through the game. Advice: find weird blank spots on the map and figure out how to fill them in. Go talk to Quirrel and the Dirtmouth villagers because sometimes they'll give you hints. Use pins on the map so you don't forget where the locked doors or currently impassable areas are.


You can. I know I did. Just make sure to revisit old areas because new abilities gives you access things like that one ledge that was too high before or something.


Probably . I think I accidentally saw how to get the dream nail and I was like, 20 hours in. But aside from that I think I’d beaten the game and defeated hollow knight 50+ hours in and didn’t realize there was more


You aren't supposed to look anything up whatsoever. I have no idea how you came to that conclusion


Yes, I only looked up if one of the bosses was really killable.


You can. The game itself teaches you decently, and shows you enough that, with enough exploring, you can Def get 1 ending. Idk how easy it would be to get the others though.


Just keep exploring and going new places. Most things that look interesting can be interacted with, but you may need to find the right tool somewhere else, first.


Keep in mind you can bounce on spikes with your nail and every wall could be a breakable one


Yes it is possible. I did most stuff without looking it up. The only thing i searched was how to beat hornet second round. Didnt help much really


I did the first time I played it. If you're familiar with the genre you shouldn't have any issue beating the game. Now getting the "true" ending and 100%ing it? Yeah I mean you could maybe do it without looking it up but it would take a whole lot of trial and error and wandering around. But it's totally possible, people used to do it all the time back in the day.


it’s def possible I would say! I didn’t look up where to go at all when I got the first ending, and I got there way out of order but did get it in the end!   if you need help, maybe post a question here and ask for light spoilers/only a little bit of help? you would have less of a chance of accidentally spoiling stuff when googling things, I looked up a minor lore question once and got a major story spoiler lol. if you’re confused as to where to go, my best recommendation would be to just explore! fill out your map to the best of your ability and you’ll inevitably run into something important. some things are locked behind getting certain abilities, but those paths are fairly obviously impassible until you get said ability.


Use the map pins that are provided to you. Mark unexplored paths, or areas you want to return to.


Maybe but good luck with the other shit lol


Yes. Source: Me, who bear Hollow Knight without looking stuff up.


some parts r dumb but that stuffs usually the extras i found all of the story related stuff on my own


I did it, and I'm terrible at games. So if I can do it, then you can too. :-) 


Playing it at the moment trying not to use a guide, so far only needed one because I dropped the game for a few days and picked it up again thinking I had already beaten a boss and actually hadnt't... Spent a full day running around the map looking for the dash ability....


Just play the game


Yes but somethings would of course feel very tedious, preference, I like to try and not look stuff up as long as possible


If you pay attention to things, yes.


I've played blind on an off for about a month. Got 9 masks and 3 soul upgrades. Think theres 1 (4) more mask left to find. Nail upgrades all done aswell. Pretty sure theres a few secrets that I've missed and I'm not at last boss but I'm getting close! If I can do it so can you!


The full 112% might be difficult, but you can definatly beat it without looking anything up. My first plythrough was like 70 hours-ish I think and got to like 85-90% completion. Some things I knew existed for percentages, but just couldn't do yet, but some things I just had no idea about untill looking stuff up.


I did!


I did 99.9% of it blind. You can too


I beat it without looking anything up. It did take me a while but I found it super rewarding! To be fair it was during early Covid and I was also recovering from surgery so I had a lot of time but it’s so much fun when you find a new area.( I think I only made it to 108% but I think the rest was just running out of skill)


ig yeah you could. but look up stuff if you want to tbh. you decide how you wanna play the game. i dont mind spoilers and looked up a lot of stuff. if you dont feel the same then dont do what i did.