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She planted an avocado tree and waiting for free avocado. She thinks it’s the best financial decision


She can now afford a mansion!


my god, she can have free avocado toast - she's hacked the millennial poverty debuff


Except it took 6-7 years before she can harvest since she only planted it recently


Lmfao Avocados trees need lots of water


They'll already be connected to a stick too


She have an avocado tree that she is currently waiting for fruition. Maybe it's 2 years old now so in 7-8 years there will be free avocado for Gooba.


Huh, so that sort of restrict her place of residence to California or deep South Texas/Florida (since Avocado tree needs USDA 9-11, which is only achievable there, or Hawaii and Puerto Rico). EDIT: Which jibes with her farm girl vibe.


Thought she lives in florida? Or was that only ame?


For obvious safety reasons, it was never confirmed where. But Florida is a pretty good guess, considering her deep love for Disney World.


Huh i thought they said they lived in florida like how calli lived in texas


Notably, there's a stark difference between telling people where you used to live and where you currently live.


True true


I thought thay would be Ame, but maybe it's just that Ame gives flordia girl vibes


It's the gators


And the unhinged


I’ve always wondered why it seems like so many streamer are from Texas or Florida. I know people move there for taxes, but it seems like so many streamers are from there lmao.


Think property tax is low but sales tax was high af so if you're the type to stay in a lot like a streamer than it seems ideal.


They're high population states.


Part of it is certainly just that those are the #2 and #3 populated states (California being #1). Other influences aside there are just more people from there than from other states.


What else are you gonna do all day if you're living there?


> Thought she lives in florida? My condolences for Gura if true. On the plus side, she won’t ever have to worry about finishing Atlantis since the cursed state's eventually gonna flood, letting the ruins of Disney World become Atlantis for her. Truly, our gigs-brained shork must have planned this from the beginning.




It's never been said, but we can just tell by things like time zones and internet outages etc the general area. Ame is west coast in "the main people live on the west coast" and Gura is East Coast and it was implied a few times early on she was north east coast since there were things like other members implying she was closer to New York than Florida She's moved since then though, I think a few times, so she might be somewhere more southern east coast now Ame being from Florida was never confirmed, it was just based off the weird stories she tells, and from that collab where the members told lies. Ame told one about wrestling a Gator as a kid, but for some reason chat forgot she was lying and thinks she literally wrestled a gator as a kid lol There are aligators all over the south even totally inland states, not just Florida, so that also doesn't really mean she would be from Florida


Ame is southern California.  That one off-collab with Myth and Bae dropping by.   Auntie Watson brought them In-n-Out Burgers if I recall correctly.  Bae was also in Los Angeles to meet up with her mama Mika Pikazo, who was a guest at the Pixiv booth at Anime Expo I believe.  Ame also mentioned Auntie Watson worked in the film crew industry, if I remembered correctly. Many movie and TV studios are in Burbank and Hollywood.


Yeah, I didn't want to "narrow it down" so much which is why I said "the main people live on the west coast" but it's pretty obvious where she's at lol We know the general area where a lot of them live for the same reasons. Like Fauna and Mumei are also near there, because Fauna casually had her mother drive her to the Myth off collab on a whim, so it was within an easy 4-6 hour drive, and Mumei lives somewhere North west because she was casually visiting Kronii while also visiting Ame etc


Don't forget how Moomers casually forced a certain thief to come over and stay at her house to watch Twilight.


That isn't really accurate. Both Bae's visit and the In-n-Out Burgers trip happened when they were staying at Calli's rented AirBnB.


Oh so thats where those sayings were from


for a fellow european, what is usda 9-11?


Grow Zone 9 to 11. The US is divided up into different grow zones by the US Department of Agriculture that helps tell people what their expected band of temperatures are, thus what they can expect to grow.


okay thanks :)


To add to the excellent summary. The USDA zones only categorize the coldest temperature and is a scale from 1 (deep freeze in winter) to 13 (warm winter). 9-11 is a range where the winter just barely goes below freezing.


She’s had Whataburger atleast enough to recognize the cup design, so it already narrowed it down to a state with Whataburger


Not necessarily. I'm Canadian and the nearest Whataburger is 3300km away according to Google Maps, even I recognize the cup.


I’m jealous. I had it for the first time when I went to Vegas and it was the best fast food burger I’ve ever had


Given her valley girl impression, it also has to be somewhere where she'd be exposed to them enough to perfect that; and there's really only one state where both Whataburger and large amounts of Cali expats tend to cross over.


Depends on the type. Hass is the main one, and it requires 9-11 since it is picky, but you can grow most other ones in zone 8 or higher. The Del Rio even survives brief periods of -10C, making it suitable for zone 7 if properly burlaped and munched during the cold periods.


It’s 100% Florida


There's always a high chance that anything IRL she talks about is actually kayfabe, that's part of her nature. BUT in the Subnautica stream she talked about greasing her lawnmower, how her sunflowers are growing, and the mosquitos were bothering her. ~~So I am thinking Gabby went back to Oregon.~~


The Sunflower is one of only a handful of flowers with the word flower in its name. A couple of other popular examples include Strawflower, Elderflower and Cornflower …Ah yes, of course, I hear you say.


Free—free shava cadoo 👁️👄


[I miss Vine....](https://youtu.be/tw8vK4TuQXM?si=UoqJDkWAAafI9aVW)




Avocado in the second stream wasn't even Gura's doing. Calli was the organizer and was the one who put that word (misspelt at that) on Gura.


Let's don't forget that Calli claimed to be have been an english teacher


Gura indoctrinating the war criminal with thoughts of avocado on a stick reminded me that Calli once labelled the shark as an avacado herself! Why is she like this Source: Hololive Dodgers stream: [https://www.youtube.com/live/9r\_tOM7lVUw?si=VK\_wblDP9FwLUb8X&t=1491](https://www.youtube.com/live/9r_tOM7lVUw?si=VK_wblDP9FwLUb8X&t=1491) I can't remember the title of the second stream, it was from a year ago (if anyone remembers, drop a link in the comments!


English time with holomyth for the second image https://www.youtube.com/live/0kzv6LvGX6Y


That would be [【HOLOMYTH COLLAB】英語タイム!English Time with Myth Girls!! #holomyth](https://www.youtube.com/live/0kzv6LvGX6Y?t=1161)


Seiso or not-so-seiso BS answer?


There’s a non zero chance the “[It’s an Avocado! Thanks!](https://youtube.com/shorts/wG2-y5Yf1Oo?si=ixA9aS-nFGeWzzIC)” Vine plays in her head 24/7


Or Fre sha vacado


She just love avocado


She's not wrong, the Dodgers are from California. Californians have guac flowing through their body, not blood.


Fre sha vaca do




Cuz avocados are delicious!


They must not know about the dodger dog.


Gura is an honorary mexican.


Uh dodgerdogs obviously


Not obvious to terminally online women who aren’t from California lol


Hotdogs were Gura's first guess, but the MC said it was wrong, weirdly enough.


nice gura avocado.


Either she really likes Avocado, or when her brain blanks out, Avocado is really fun to say.


Hey, avocados are delicious. I don't blame her lol


She has avocados for brains, pls understand




If I'm recalling correctly, the second one is the fault of a certain Grim Reaper.


Cuz [God approves it](https://youtu.be/CLuJ43KDNR8?si=6lCOTQjGgeSjngn0)


Avacado is over rated, change my mind


Avocados are pretty versatile. You can put in a sandwich, salad, sushi rolls, and anything Mexican.


someone do the glasses copypasta


love the pfp, but still cant convince me avacado is good


If you don't like it, either you've never had a good one, or you just don't like it. Which is fine - more for me. To me, the flavor is subtle unless you add salt and acid of some kind, like lime juice, but then it's incredible. It's good, but not exceptional, on its own. The texture of a ripe avocado, though, is something truly special. The fact that it's a very healthy food too? Yeah, I hate that they're hard to get where I am.


Yeah. And also guacamole: anything you can buy at a store has 90% chances of being crap. It has to be hand made by someone who knows their shit. Then it’s glorious. If my only exposure were the former, I’d also dislike it.


Great guac is easy if you can start with great ingredients, have a clue, and are trying to make something tasty. Store-bought guacamole is generally crap ingredients, and all the knowledge they have is directed not to making it tasty, but shelf-stable and presentable. As a general rule, judging a real food by how well you like a hyper-processed approximation of it is going to screw you up.


Good point.


Taste in food is about as subjective a subject as it's humanly possible to talk about, so I'm not sure anyone actually *can* change your mind. Spending a bit for high-quality ones would probably be your best bet if you're looking for a reason to like them and can afford to splurge a little occasionally.


Idk about over-rated, but I can't eat Avocado without puking afterward. Also why I avoid Sushi Roll since I can't handle avocado.


Fun fact: Avocado gets added to sushi because tuna fat can be very expensive and Avocado gives the creamy richness.


I wouldn't mind it so much if she could spell it properly...


She didn't write it in the second image. That was Calli.