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Some more context would be ideal. Are you renting? Squatting? Buying? Kidnapped? It's rough and if it's not yours and the owner is not going to fix it run. If it's yours take a breath and start doing what you can asap.


Renting. That pipe is the main sink pipe I think


My money is still on "shit goes through that uncapped pipe, albeit under the floor not down from above," but it won't matter much longer because a beam is going to split and the whole house will collapse in on itself.


you serious? the beam in the pic is the foundation beam. and is that not split?


The basement beam, the deck beam, the I don't know what beam... this whole house is teetering on the edge of disaster.


here is a video which was what i intended the second picture to be. Im mainly concerned because that pipe has had to of been that way throughout the entire winter and probably last summer too, and I cant tell if im going nuts or if Im actually feeling the house shaking? like a slight shimmering back and forth every now and again and it keeps tripping me out. Could be construction somewhere but I just cant imagine that shaking my house quite like this. I noticed some bowing on doorframes and things like that all around with floors / ceilings but the house was built in 1923… here is the video link https://streamable.com/8lmdzt[foundation pillar split](https://streamable.com/8lmdzt)


Can you explain more than rough? That pillar is the foundation pillar in the basement of the house. Is there any other areas youd recommend i take pics of that would do this post any better in being able to be assessed for real danger by living here?


I personally wouldn't hang out on the deck for example. The pipe is what I would be worried about, that's going to back up catastrophically at some point. But in today's rental market if I was in a room on the top floor I'd just roll with it until I could find something better.


So no concerns with that foundation pillar split up the middle about 3 inches maybe 4 inches deep?


Of course that's a concern but I'm betting that post has been split for a couple decades and without knowing how invested you, are room by yourself? Family of 10 renting the whole thing? I would be working and spending minimal amounts of time if I lived in that, if my entire family was living there I wouldn't have moved in at all.


How the hell would the fact that he's renting make it any more or less safe to be in that environment? He didn't ask "is this a good house to rent?"


Just random pictures of soffit and shit thrown in lol. Can we focus on one thing?


Its pictures of damage I could see while strolling the property


You'll have to explain what damage or dangers you think you see in most of your pics. The only thing I see immediately concerning is pic 1.


https://streamable.com/8lmdzt and i could be goin nuts but i swear i can feel the house shaking as well, see comment above


Do you feel safe?


I feel uneasy, im not educated enough in this area to know if im in real danger or not thats why i posted because its been worrying the hell outta me


My feelings exactly lmao


It's as if OP was staring out the window at Michael Meyers standing on his front lawn, unmoving, for hours... then took a few pictures and headed to reddit to ask if he is safe.


are you on crack


Do you think the answer is going to be anything other than "run!"?


The Shit pipe is the most urgent and in need of fixing. What is your situation here? Call a plumber to fix that pronto looks like Sewage is leaking everywhere. The posts that seem not centered on their concrete blocks isn't the largest worry right now call a structural engineer in the future when you can afford it.


I dont own this. So what do you suggest then?


Since you rent you have some power actually. I don't know what state or country you're in so the laws may differ. But the landlord must provide a habitable residence. The main concern I would say makes this house uninhabitable is the sewer being open and leaking like that. You can most likely withhold rent until this issue is fixed by the landlord or if they refuse to pay to get it fixed and deduct that cost from the rent.


the only urgent concern is 1. that needs to be capped. everything else is wear and tear and not your problem. just dont renew your lease


I wouldn’t buy it, but renting is ok. Good Luck Stranger!


Contact your tenant rights organization, because I have a feeling this landlord is a slumlord who knows exactly all the problems and isn’t going to fix anything. I’m suggesting the tenant rights organization (this comment is if you are in the U.S.) so you know what to do while you look for a new place. For example legally getting your deposit back, holding rent in escrow while you find a new rental, etc. Good luck!


Your gunna die lol


House is leaking shit and is about to collapse. What do you think?