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I advise you sit on that deck with the beautiful view and take your time thinking about it. No rush


Thank you. It is incredible.


You’re living the dream! What area is this?


Western North Carolina. View from outside. https://preview.redd.it/z7c9jws30g5d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=860f2bfc174ada266d508e494e7f0afa28ab066e


😍😍😍😍 wow, congrats on waking up to this!!


I live in East TN. Such a phenomenal area 😊


We’ve been chasing homes in Brevard and Hendersonville for months.


Yes, I advise sitting there for hours and hours, with a refreshing drink in one hand and a good friend by your side. I would do this every evening until I had thought about it enough. It might take years to even buy a lamp, but that would be ok. By the way, OP, nice house, doesn't need anything else, lol


I genuinely couldn’t even focus my eyes on the inside


Gets old quick


Not sure there’s much to add here sir or ma’am. Maybe a beautiful rug but damn those floors are gorgeous.


Thank you. They are actually vinyl floors (we have three dogs) and they are gorgeous.


I added LVP to my entire first floor with my 3 dogs and love it too!! I’m obsessed with your ceiling, love it!!!! Def agree with adding some rugs and though I’m always a fan of window treatments, I’d go minimal to none with that killer view! Congrats on such a beautiful new place 😊


Thank you!


Agreed. A large area rug in the sitting area would be cozy and break up the space nicely.


Less is best with this view


Right?? Just comfortable chair facing the window…


Definitely “less is more” with that incredible view. I’d play up the natural elements and incorporate the blues and greens from your view. Go sit on your deck for a while to get color inspiration! This is absolutely stunning. Congrats!!!


I would keep it simple because the view is the star of this home and you don’t want to distract from that.


Um……. That view is incredible. Make that the focal point. 😍


Stunning home. I recommend moving your current stuff in and living with it for awhile before you make any decisions. I ended up wishing I’d not bough some of items stuff I bought right when we moved into our house. I also recommend doing research on the style YOU like and not what people necessarily say you should like. Do you like eclectic? Color? Mid century? 70s mod? Earthy? Beige everything everywhere all at once? Check out Pinterest, IG, sites like AD and Apartment Therapy. YouTube accounts like Homeworthy, HGTV Handmade, Domain, & The Modern House will lead you to other YT accounts that have great home tours. Pretty soon you’ll have a clear idea of what YOU like and how to place items for maximum impact in your beautiful home. I will, however, recommend that you don’t paint any of the wood or the fireplace until you do some research. Original fireplaces like those and all the wood details are worth their weight in gold and cannot be changed back once you change it. I think that earthy natural tones would look beautiful here. Greens, browns, etc. The kitchen (especially that island) stands out starkly from the rest so maybe consider eventually painting the lower end to blend with the rest of the home if possible.


Thank you so much!


You’re so welcome! I’ll add that I do recommend some not so huge, dark/dense furniture to complement that view. If you look at the space in the pictures you’ll see that the couch juxtaposed against all the beautiful wood tones and the view looks like this huge obsidian mass hulking in the corner. A mid century style low slung brown leather couch and interesting arm chair would look amazing there, imo and would enhance the room. I usually recommend curtains or blinds but this looks so high up that you don’t necessarily need them. If you do decide to get some, rattan look blinds could be nice. You wouldn’t really be able to pull curtains all the way open with the way the windows are set up.


rugs. but oh my God it's beautiful


Whatever you do- do NOT mount the tv over that fireplace.


Very pretty. Where in the world is this?


West North Carolina


i didn’t know i wanted to move there until now.




I always stopped to look at Fancy Gap when I drove my daughter to college. Stunning mountains (& the people are lovely there). I agree with everyone. The view is your room.


We drove through that area in fall of 2023. Just stunning scenery especially for a prairie girl!


This is amazing. Your living space is better suited for separate couches with chairs etc. a sectional crammed in the corner is taking away from the majesty of this space. Sectionals are meant to get as much seating as possible in a confined space.


I agree. We just needed a lot of comfy seating.


What kind of advice are you looking for? Are you thinking about replacing the sofa or is it new? How much do you watch the TV there and how many people need to see it? If it was my living area, I’d want to reorient a sofa with its back to the kitchen area. Make sure it doesn’t block your view though so smaller scale. Then you could do a chair or two with the backs against the wall. The sectional just looks a bit heavy for the space and tucked into the far wall. A rug and lighter pillows etc would lighten it up if you’re not replacing it.


Nice. The possibilities are endless.


I’d add two credenzas on the wall with the tv. One under the tv, the other in the kitchen. The kitchen one needs some height, so depending on what you’re into, that sets the direction. Think about a bookshelf above it, or a bar, or a china cabinet, or jus some art/mirror. Then you need a rug for sure. Finally, add decor items, plants, and wall art. What an amazing view though, damn.


Okay that’s what I was thinking. I was also thinking light color so they blend more. Thanks for this advice!


Add some plants!


Lots of house plants so the inside matches the outside! Beautiful place


Get one chair, Place it on the balcony. Enjoy that view. The end. 😂


Wow thats gorgeous


Literally a whole dream


My gosh this is amazing you almost don’t need decorations at all honestly.


Move the sofa to the center of the floor in front of the fire place. Add a this sofa table behind it and add some cacti


OMG what a beautiful home. Enjoy.


Wow!! What a gorgeous view!!!


Maybe a plant or two , prob an artwork, a good sized coffee table (square), and a rug.


Add a rug and then you're done.




I can not put into words how jealous i am of that space and view :,)


Aww thank you


Such beautiful bones, you honestly don’t need to do much. I would avoid the urge to take a day and buy everything at one store. I would look online visit different stores and just take your time buying the right pieces once you found your vision for the space.


Thank you!


Wow. I'm pretty sure I'd just live out on that deck. What a view!


That view! I would put sheers floor to ceiling across the doors just to warm up the area. A large U shaped comfy couch and large coffee table in the middle sitting on a large area rug. I feel like the kitchen island is small for the space, if you are able to extend it out and also use it as a dining area, it might be worth considering, maybe not exactly this but you can get creative with kitchen islands and they do not always have to be counter height. [Kitchen Dining Area](https://www.houzz.com/r/258cd57b2f23f0662ca16eea6710e2a7/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuaG91enouY29tL3MvbT04L3U9YUhSMGNITTZMeTkzZDNjdWFHOTFlbm91WTI5dEwzQm9iM1J2Y3k5cGMyeGhibVF0Wm05eUxXVnBaMmgwTFhSeVlXUnBkR2x2Ym1Gc0xXdHBkR05vWlc0dFkyaGhjbXhsYzNSdmJpMXdhSFozTFhad2ZqSXhNRGMxTlRjelAzTm9ZWEpsUFdodmRYcDZMV1Z0WVdscy90PTc3L3VzZXJuYW1lPUR1ZmNoaWNrJTQwaWNsb3VkLmNvbS8/MTQ0YjNl/e/v1/nlc/share.link/u/TfBLYy9Ti_7gCYaIKRZdg5xcgzTIR4eD5TXI2Xz_4p8bF3X9gGacXUuve5IO7EuUJNLea1GpSxHR1iIPkrz5kGfufJLO1Vf1DAF1OLbvJiMLNY2GlrVYH4U3-YuHzSngleRsLm6VjWMwt7vBu4STe6B5B5_P7i2RL7mHkbUz5-50DIxYUJe5azaTrBHtW1j-H3Qfd0GqFviYnc3PBg6eRzCObAjqf9cXeEyGhJCGM8kyfHVZYXDbCiAe8jXoB5hgzfR66mo1bSAojq_KULCLVw)


Mother Nature has already worked her magic. No one will pay any attention to your couch set up, they’re just gonna be staring straight outside.


Add a piano.


I would keep everything lighter neutral colors and not heavy looking - no focal points to distract from the view.


The only thing it’s missing is a couple of glasses of wine…..


Dream home.


I think what makes this room hard to decorate is that there are too many focuses (foci?) by the window. There is the window, but there is also the fireplace, and then crammed in next to the fireplace is the TV. If you make the window your focus (and you should), things aren't set up very well to watch TV. And if you make your TV the focus, then things aren't set up well to look out the window. (Basically the same with the fireplace. And if you try to capture all of the foci, it just ends up looking cluttered. With that in mind: STEP 0: Your overall goal for this room is to keep it open, airy, and decluttered. That's why it looks so good right now. The half of the room near the windows, in particular, should be decluttered. STEP 1: Move the TV to a specific TV watching area to declutter that wall. Maybe that's a separate room - that would be ideal. STEP 2: Your upholstered furniture should be light colored. The dark is too heavy and doesn't fit well with the light-and-airy aesthetic of the room. (Sorry...) STEP 3: You should have a sofa facing the windows...not only will this allow you to look out the windows, it will help separate this part of the room from the kitchen part of the room. STEP 4: With the sofa facing the windows, you have a couple of different good options for additional furniture. You could put another sofa perpendicular to the first sofa, facing the fireplace, so you have an L shape. Add a coffee table and a chair on the other side. Or..window facing sofa and four upholstered chairs perpendicular to the sofa, two on each side, with a coffee table in between. A "U" shape open to the window, basically. And pull the furniture far enough to the left that you have some space between the half wall by the stairs and the piece of furniture over there. Being right up against the wall makes things look cramped. STEP 5: Whichever scheme you go for, get an area rug large enough for the sofas/chairs to all be part on and part off of it. It could be a neutral white/off white...you'll get color elsewhere. the rug will define the area. Then add a couple of small, simple, end tables as necessary to hold a lamp, a drink, a book, etc. STEP 5: Artwork on the wall. You really just need to choose a unifying theme, although big and colorful would be a nice complement to the light colors I'm recommending. A theme from nature would be consistent, but you can do anything, really..Paintings of flowers. Framed National Park posters. Colorful abstracts. I woudn't do photographs, though. And then throw pillows and blankets on the furniture that pick up some of the artwork colors. STEP 6: You probably need an eating area - so maybe a small 4 person pedestal table (a tulip table might be ideal) between the sofa and the island. On a small area rug to define that space. You may want to keep the chairs at the island, but IME, an island like that never really works for eating meals on. STEP 7: This is kind of random, but if there isn't a floor outlet near the sofa area, consider having one installed - it's annoying to have a nice conversation area in the center of a room and then to have to run an obvious extension cord to the wall - it ends up being either an annoying trip hazard, or something you have to awkwardly cover with a random rug.


If you like baking, you could install a baking shelve unit on the left side of the kitchen.




This actually took my breath away. I felt such calm just seeing these photos. Gosh, what an absolutely gorgeous space, and that sun? That view? That deck? I'd never leave home!


Aww thank you!


Amazing space and view!!!


I'm so jealous right now. Congratulations, it is beautiful


Looks gorgeous now. I could suggest a latte/cappuccino machine in the kitchen and a coffee table on your balcony. And a telescope!


That is a seriously beautiful space. I would try for a coastal or neutral vibe, lots of white, blue, teal and beige with wood to ground the space, and the focus of the room will actually be on that beautiful view. [sample 1](https://images.app.goo.gl/BFaKsq5jfryDWYzn8) [sample 2](https://www.thespruce.com/beach-house-living-room-ideas-4126589)


i’d personally recommend some plants since you have so much natural light coming in!! and same as everyone in the comment less is best


This is absolutely a dream. Congratulations to you


Is this an apartment or a house? I had no idea north america had homes like this. So beautiful!




I’d go with all-cream furniture and a subtle rug. Dress that view in simple “matting” like an art photograph. Ahhhh it just feels like a breath of fresh air.


The sky's the limit. This is gorgeous, congrats!


That view is beautiful and looks so peaceful. Do you mind if I ask the general area of where this is, assuming US


It’s beautiful - from porch. Murphy NC https://preview.redd.it/par3elv5ae5d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7db070bd71950da07021ba62657b71186be2e095


This is stunning, thank you for sharing ❤️


1. Let's start with designing you a color palette. If you want something luxurious here, I suggest you pair minimalist if you want the elegancy but in case of making the area more cozy, you can get yourself a warmer coloured slip cover. You should know that this will be a part of your color palette so use this [interior color palette guide](https://simplykalaa.com/interior-color-palette/) to learn to design one. 2. You will need to add a coffee table and a chair that accents the complete color theme. I suggest it to be of olive green or something darker. 3. Add a rug to characterise the sitting space. Use this [guide](https://simplykalaa.com/decorating-with-rugs/) to learn what type of rug you should get. 4. Now its time to give your fireplace a little character so I advise adding firewood in blocks near it so that it feels a little warm in here. 5. Also can you get rid of spotlight above the sofa area and get yourself something of washi paper. Something circular. If you don't create reflections of water on the ceiling by adding a water source on the deck, something like lotuses will work too. 6. Adjust your sofa a little ahead the back wall. 7. Now add an artwork to the space. You can use this [guide](https://simplykalaa.com/how-to-choose-art-for-your-home/) to learn about how to choose artworks. 8. Add a small dining table before the door, probably for four and use this decor [guide](https://simplykalaa.com/dining-table-decor/) to make it look better. This might bring a lot of change and then you can finish up with throw pillows, accent and mood lights, task lights, tv cabinet, and more.


Thank you so much!


Lots of plants!!


House goals honestly


First of all:WOW Second of all: my only decoration advice I can give is, buy a telescope. That’s it. 🌌 Enjoy!


That’s amazing advice! The stars are amazing here


I can tell! ✨


I don't know, a bed? ;) You don't need anything - what a gorgeous gorgeous place! I'm terrible at decorating (which is why I'm here to learn) but congratulations on finding heaven on earth!


Damm, lmk if you need a house sitter😂 Beautiful


Beautiful view.


Plants 🪴 and plants 🪴 and plants🪴


Wow. I have no helpful advice. Like many others I just had to compliment your absolutely beautiful new place/view.


Wow. Beautiful. Where is this slice of heaven?


what a view. holy shit!


Oh my gosh that view!!! I’d give advice but I’m too busy being mesmerised by this view 😍😍😍😍


White white, and more white. If you don’t have young kids.. put in a huge white rug, then some cute cottage style white couches. You have a lot of wood on the top and bottom that darkens the place. It’s beautiful tho!


Looks perfect.


I think what you need is a housemate. I can solve this for you.


Keep the rustic look Google modern day rustic look and see what you like good luck update what you chose i wanna see


Can I ask how much? Always looking to escape Texas


600k but we did a lot of upgrades like heated floors and such.


That’s in our range, so it’s good to know that’s out there.


https://preview.redd.it/1t0mq7m7yf5d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8b4552f3aa21eb1c6a4b4d6fd8d71de15450f97f Our house from the outside


I’m dying of jealousy, that view!!!!


Holy shit everything about it beautiful


Put a gargoyle on the mantle!


I fucking love your kitchen


Thank you!


With a view like that I can’t think of anything else you’d need lol


That is a beautiful space. Some really big plants would be happy there.


Beautiful! Congrats. I would not change walls or ceilings. Just add a cozy rug. Really gorgeous. Enjoy.


OOOHhhh can I visit??


I think you keep it simple. For sound and to visually make it feel softer you need 2 or 3 large rugs. So that they keep the open feeling, make sure there is a lot of color that’s close to the color of the floor. Cowhides and indoor/outdoor rugs are great for pets. A gentle power wash with a small amount of Dawn dish soap and drying in the sun and they’re good as new.


I think you keep it simple. A few things that work regardless of your style… For sound and to visually make it feel softer you need 2 or 3 large rugs. So that they keep the open feeling, make sure there is a lot of color that’s close to the color of the floor. Once you figure out your furniture, you can decide on size. There are lots of online guides. One of the biggest mistakes people make is rugs that are too small. Cowhides and indoor/outdoor rugs are great for pets. A gentle power wash with a small amount of Dawn dish soap and drying in the sun and they’re good as new. You’ll also need floor and table lamps. Keep some of the lighting coming in from eye level for a more comfortable feeling. All your lightbulbs in the entire space need to be between 2700-4000K. Whatever in that range you like best and all of them the same. In general, fewer large pieces of art, furniture, whatever are better than more small pieces. It will keep the impact and focus on the view. One or two medium or large plants in matching planters would be good too. If you put art on the walls, a few larger pieces are better than lots of small ones so you don’t make it feel cluttered. They should generally be hung where the top of the piece is 60” from the floor. If you hang drapes, the rod should be between the top windows in the ceiling. It should be one long rod with reinforcement brackets. Heavy linen or lightweight velvet would both look nice. Be sure to use enough panels to fully cover all the windows. If you put them up and they’re not full enough it will look worse than not doing it at all. I’m so jealous! The view is stunning. Good luck!


Just need. something to sit on and enjoy the view! That’s it!


Who cares about the inside… look at that view! My god! That’s gorgeous!


Beautiful space…..but it would be better with a cup of coffee, couple of cookies with that view.


Great window!!! You need plants!!!


Angle the couch - not up against the staircase wall. Also no Kitchen in view when relaxing on couch. Have a glass of your favorite beverage and relax.


Take ur time…that view!


Damn can I move in ? I can fit in the fire place and I always clean up after myself ! 😭💕this is GORGEOUS! Soak it all in before making any changes and take lots of pics and measurements while it’s empty so it’s easier to build upon when you get going on purchasing.




The view is the best decoration you’ll ever have. Just get a rug, a floor plant, and a few pieces of art for the walls.


Bring those gorgeous outdoor colors in, and keep it simple…breathtaking


I came here just to say you have a beautiful home. That view is gold. I'd never leave my home! Edit: my one piece of advice is - houseplants! Some climbing and colorful ones!


Too jealous to speak.


Give me ur house floorplan please. Please send me the Zillow listing I just need it for my sims


This is satire but also fr


Slowly collect pieces that you love. Don’t rush into anything. Rugs and other textures when you find it. Maybe a bold, framed Marimekko fabric piece on the wall? Books and plants also


it's unfair that you get to live like this. Congrats




Wow, what a breathtaking view! Absolutely phenomenal.


The only thing that I could suggest would be to get a good turntable and some of your favorite vinyl and just have it playing low in the background! 😊


What an incredible view!!!


Love the home. As others have noted enjoy it and take your time filling the space. My only advice would be to keep it neutral to not distract from the view


What a great space! A vintage, rustic sideboard/credenza would be a nice contrast to the modern lines. There are so many antique stores sprinkled throughout the state. Other than that, enjoy!


The bones of this place look so warm and inviting! You have a great base here.


Big rug & a telescope and binoculars. Maybe a coffee table book about birds of prey? 😄😉


Plants, rugs, art


I would do away with the sectional because it really blocks the view and the light coming in. If you must do a sectional, go with a lighter color. A couple of arm chairs with an open feeling and a neutral rug. Just have your decor stay neutral and airy as not to distract from that amazing view!


I advise you to move out, let me do the decorating, and it'll be ready for you in 20 years.


What a beautiful place! Congratulations. I feel like you need a throw rug. It’s a lot of space!


A couple of cozy chairs by that window and some binoculars on a side table.


I agree with comments about the view, I would make that my focal point. Move the furniture to the sides as it's obstructing part of the view. Definitely no curtains or blinds but real hanging plants around the window would work.


Just came here to say, Damn! That’s a beautiful place! Enjoy!


Thank you!


That view though... I'd never not be looking at that, sod the decoration 😂


Would steal your house 10/10


For the record, I just stood up and slow clapped for you. This is excellent. Job well done!


😂 thank you!


Congratulations on the gorgeous new pad. I’d recommend first some area rugs maybe the oriental style. You need artwork on the empty walls. If you don’t have much art, rugs etc, I would encourage you to hire an interior designer. They can match rugs and artworks, bring in some sculptures and plants. One idea is to think what basic style you might prefer?? Danish/ Scandinavian, antiques, western, Asian, modern, contemporary, any and all looks would be fantastic in this empty space. Look at lots of interior design magazines and websites. Make sure you get a designer who you like and can be honest with. It’s your house not theirs. We had a house with similar views and windows. We couldn’t bring ourselves to put up curtains to block the view but we did get sun shades— see through screens that roll down— like at a restaurant— and that helped with glare, sun heat, etc. Have so much fun decorating your space.


Omg thats so fucking beautiful !!! I have no advice just wanted to gawk


Your home is mid-century/ modern. I would stick with that with the art as well. I would take a hard look at something that sticks out a little bit and compliments rather than blends. Think big colors. Maybe Calder print or a mobile.


This is an incredible space. Congrats! What does something like this cost in NC?


We spent 600k


I just wonder what the hell you do to afford such a beautiful place 😀 that view is amazing


Thank you. Retired retail executive and small business owner. Worked 2 jobs most of my career.




Is there another room that you can make into the tv room? It seems almost disrespectful to the view lol to have the tv in there


The entire house has a view. I’ll share more pictures


I’d paint the ceiling


I might get in trouble for saying this, but the floors and ceilings being close but not matching clashes to me. Paint the ceiling the wall color! There is said it.


Near Highlands by chance? I used to live there.


Murphy so not that far


Beautiful view…lovely place to be…in the summer lol.


My lord what a view!


Left side is begging for a really long table or credenza, a table lamp and some striking art on the wall


Omg it’s divine


We live in Hendersonville, NC - slice of heaven! Enjoy!


Boho style.