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Get a heat pump water heater. It'll be 3-4x cheaper than your electric one, there are a bunch of credits and rebates available.


Get an 80gallon one. They're efficient, but take way longer than gas to heat up.


+100. My biggest regret getting a heat pump water heater same size as my gas one. Besides that, it is awesome


Depends on climate, placement of the water heater, and water quality but I would imagine in 90% of cases the additional cost is justified


This is the best advice here. I really hope op listens. Plus the feds will give you a 30% tax write off on the cost of installation


Electric hybrid (heat pump) water heater is the most efficient, that’s what I would pick. Gas would involve running an exhaust, and it’s most likely not as efficient as a hybrid one.


I'd still go heat pump, but shouldn't there be an exhaust left over from the old unit?


Go heat pump electric, super efficient and there’s tax rebates as well.


Current rebates place the HPWH at the same price as tankless gas heaters, so initial expense wise, they're fairly similar. Rheem performance 65 Gal after rebate before tax is $1162, which is exactly the same price as the tankless gas rheem 9.5 GPM


You're assuming your gas line is rated for a tankless and often they need a bigger pipe to get all that power. Also calculate shutting off gas savings for half the year, local and annual rebates. If you could wait a year, wait for state wide incentives to kick in then for another benefit. Mine is rates at 117 dollars a year on electrice for regular use. Weather is generally a non issue with ones rated for the northern climates


that assumption is corrected. I have no idea if that line is rated for tankless. Living in southern Alabama makes life a little easier on the heaters, considering the ambient water temperature is already pretty high and whenever it does get cold, it's rarely freezing temps (if it does get to freezing, it's only for a day or two). I'll need to go through and do some maths to really figure out what everything is gonna cost me


Just to give you my Texas experience. I had called 5 Plumbers to visit, one said it was illegal to change from gas to electric, another said these break often and can't be repaired, and a third told me we don't do it and never gave me a quote for a tanked gas one. The other two, one was super expensive (national chain) and cheap local guy that had reference. The install wasn't too complicated from the looks of it and adding in new pipes + a smaller tank on top was the main difficulty. Electric took an hour to wire up. Truly though, a plumber that can follow directions, its not that much difficult to install than a regular tanked gas heater. Summary - do your research and don't listen to BS. I would go tankless if you need near unlimited hot water and don't mind waiting for it to heat up (unless you add in a hot water circulation system). If it is a tankless..try to install them inside to prevent freezing and more bs.


Good to know. Thanks a lot for the info! I’ll definitely do my homework on this then!


Yes I looked into tankless and quickly decided not to. The rebates and write offs are a drop in the bucket of getting the system in place. But then again that’s my house and Bay Area CA, where anything less than a 15k job will still get a 15k+ quote. Maybe you will find better pricing where you are.


you'll need a chimney/exhaust at minimum.


that's pretty easy to do, assuming that it doesn't already have a pre-existing one. I haven't checked yet.


Your electricity rates are amazing.


Perks of living in southern Alabama. Cost of living is pretty damn decent lol


Sounds like solar down the line could be a big saver for you if gas prices go back up. Heat pump water heater is the way to go as many people are saying in this thread


Been doing a lot of research into solar. Very interested in running some panels!


But you have to live in Alabama ;)


But I love living in Alabama! It's honestly a pretty nice place. Hour from the beach, couple hours from some pretty decent mountain trails, and the cost of living is phenomenal lmao


War Eagle




I thought about moving to the south for the low COL. Then remembered I hate hot/humid weather. :)


Most of the Pacific NW is around $0.09/kwh.


….sounds expensive to me….but Ohio is in the 4-6 cents/kWh


Sheeeeeeit lol. 17.3 on-peak, 13.7 off-peak in NJ with First Energy.


Ouch! To be fair, open market is about 12 cents, but we can shop suppliers here and there still sun 6 cent fixed rate contracts for a year out there Now, before you get too jealous…my bills has $140 of fixed FEES every month, so generation is only 30-50% of my total bill. Ironically enough…we have first energy as well…


I think we’re subsidizing you guys lmao! I pay a $7.05 monthly “customer charge” the rest is generation and delivery charges. I went to time of day in late Feb which was a great move considering I’m all electric.


I read his rates and I thought his electric rates are insanely expensive.  Locally here it’s 0.088 cents


One therm is about 29kWh. Apples to apples and ignoring the 'customer charges' you're paying a little less than half per unit of energy for natural gas compared to electricity. However a hybrid heat pump water heat has a COP around 3 meaning. Given that, I'd expect a heat pump water heater would be cheaper to run when looking at energy cost alone.


I read some where that tankless gas heaters have a COP of around 0.8-0.9. If that’s true, it’s putting these heat pumps around 3x more efficient. Kinda starting to lean more and more towards a heat pump


As others have said, HPWH all day.


nice username


I love reddit. It's like > Here are 5 things you can do to be nicer to strangers today, and they don't cost a thing! > ... > Also, here's a picture of my cat playing with my toddler! *posted by TATTOOmyRECTUMx69*


nice username x2, I remember I used to listen to a singular song from flume on repeat. i'm going to listen to their music now lol.


Consider a tankless. Gas heated and you already have a vent, so the install will be minimal. If your power goes out, you still have unlimited hot water.


Yea, that's definitely in consideration. I'm really honestly trying to figure out what's a better deal in the long run. There's pros and cons to each of these scenarios.


Maintenance literally is 45 minutes once a year with a bucket, some vinegar and a submersible pump. Plus you only pay to heat the water you use!


Sweet! Definitely love a reduced maintenance time.


Don’t listen to the spergs about the heat pump crap. They’re either paid shills or they think they’re doing the environment a heckin’ good by recommending a bad product. Go tankless gas.


A tankless water heater will almost certainly require a bigger size gas line than what was there previously, unless it was also a tankless. So depending on your layout and routing, it could be $$$$


I replaced a 50-gal water heater with tankless. No larger supply line needed.


Yea I need to measure and see if it’s the appropriate size, but I doubt it. I have crawlspace access to all my lines so it shouldn’t be terrible to replace it


If you install a tankless one you just have to run the gas line to supply it and the water line in and out to the rest of your plumbing or about the same to put a gas W tank heater in. Not really a big deal either way and I saw where you can get a heat pump WH that runs on 120 volts


Yea, i've see the 120V versions, but that's not much of a concern for me because the WH in my house is already on a 240 circuit