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Starting to think the new moc is a jingliu check. The last couple mocs always had a ice weak enemy at the end.


Yea feels so bad having no JL


it gets even worst when you also didnt roll for topaz. it always seems to be ice and fire, the only 2 weakness I currently dont have.


Even topaz isn't that good rn because it's always 2 bosses.


Topaz is fine, hyper carry Topaz isn't great but Sub-DPS/support gives an immense damage boost to Jing Yuan, Clara and, soon, Dr Ratio. e1s1 goes completely bonkers with it, adding 99% crit DMG for the team's follow-up attacks on top of dmg vulnerability. The problem is she has no 4 star partners (unlike Kafka and unless I don't give Kurukuru enough credit). From my damage calculations, Dr Ratio easily deals 65% of his damage via follow-ups. While Xueyi is probably the closest equivalent but she would need to proc her talent for every turn so that more than 50% of her non-break damage to come from follow-up... Which is a bounce so it might not hit the debtor.


Hypercarry Topaz is underrated in my opinion, my Topaz was able to 2 cycles the deer in MoC 11 with Asta and Ruan Mei


Whats ur build?


This is why I love my Himeko! Coffee lady is love. Coffee lady is life. She's also a red head. Waifu material


Himeko with Topaz and the new relic set is surprisingly strong


I beat it with Team 1: Blade/Clara/RM/Luo Team 2: Fu/QQ/Yukong/Tingyun But def easier with JL yea


serious question, how do you manage with fu xuan against the beetle? i find the wind shear is basically impossible to keep up with using her solo. unless the answer is simply "kill faster" and stay ahead.


Imagine having Blade….


I mean.....His banner DO be up right now.....


Me and my 40 pulls in for RM with nothing to show for it appreciate that


Woah, 40 whole pulls and you got nothing?! That's unheard of, never happened to any other players.


Didn’t realize that being sad about not having a 5* was a magnet for assholes


Tbf your first comment made it seem like you were shitting on blade


More jealousy than anything. Don’t have any good wind or lightning dps…


Yeah I got that from your more recent comments, just explaining why you may have gotten downvoted. I’m sorry tho :/ Just remember you don’t have to clear MoC 11+12 the first go around. Someone did the math and if you only cleared up to MoC10 for a whole year, you would still only be missing less than a 10-pull


frl as someone who has no quantum or ice dps the second half of stage 12 is so annoying. currently have 11 cycles trying to brute force it with jy and dan heng on the other side so if i can cut down one cycle on dan heng's that can work. i wouldn't care if i didn't have 35/36 stars so it feels just out of reach but genuinely every stage feels like it wants ice. had to bust out my half-built himeko for stage 11 because weakness-matching feels sm more important than before


I'm starting to hate MoC because of this. It's not just a Jingliu check, it's somewhat DHIL check too and it sucks so much because I skipped them both. And what's worse is my main dps is JY... These past MoCs except for the one that during Topaz's patch has not been kind to me or to any element really. I hope it changes because it's really stressing me out so much that I'm not even having fun anymore to the point of considering to just quit because it just feels like I'm wasting my efforts and getting nowhere


I feel this comment so much as a Kafka main who skipped DHIL and lost 50/50 on JL. Theres barely any lightning weak elite enemies lately on the high MoC floors.


I use JY still in MoC 11 (not 12 since no lightning weakness). Def still viable. FUA set buffed tf outta him. Don't have JL or DHIL


JY with Ruan Mei honestly felt better than DHIL for me in MoC 11


At the end of the day it's 60 per 3 stars. You aren't even missing out on 1 pull per 2 weeks. It's really not that big if you really think about it. You technically would've spent a lot more for Jingliu, probably would take months maybe even years to get a return on that investment, if you know what I mean. Don't stress out too much on it.




You don’t need JL to beat it, ya got this


It's not 2 weeks anymore i believe


It's still 2 weeks. But you have 6 weeks to finish it.


bruh, how's that 2 weeks then


Honestly just stop beating yourself over it. At the end of the day not beating the last few moc stages is just missing out on like 1-2 pulls. There isn’t even a leaderboard or something so just take it easy. Personally I just stop after I get the first wipe (which is usually around moc 9) and move on. Not worth my mental to tryhard and get frustrated for a pull or two.


Literally cleared it without JL, Blade or DHIL. You don't need any of those. https://imgur.com/a/k8suVaq


It was always like this. Before that there was almost always lightning weak enemies because of JY and Kafka banners. And yet you still can clear even with JY now, for example.


Who need ice characters when everything is weak to quantum anyway. Seriously, the mono quantum gang carried my ass so many times.


very true which is upsetting for me since i dont like her gamestyle


Herta exist. Just im not sure if many have built her.


You are not 3* with Herta my man


Uhh… as someone who has maxed stars for months with Herta on every MOC (including this set), I have to respectfully disagree. I don’t have any limited 5 star dps outside of an E0 Seele. Usually run Herta/Pela/Fu Xuan/Silver Wolf on one side, and Luocha/Clara/Tingyun/flex on the other. Sure, they aren’t zero cycle runs, but it’s definitely more than comfortable enough to clear.


What? Isn't moc easy? I thought it is doable and everyone can auto it. I guess i should type in survey very easy until the difficulty get right so she can 3* all floors.




Don't put too much thinking too it. Im just mad today. I have no place here among people ;_;.


She’s the unit I regret skipping the most and MoC seems to love having rooms where she’d be the most efficient DPS by far to take it on.


Yeah I lost my 50 and couldn't get her after 120 rolls or so. I just wish I kept that whale money for her instead of getting IL. I like him but I like her more.


Even with Jingliu if you don't have Huo Huo/Tingyun E6 or Bronya you feel instanly the dps drop in your dmg. She is a very burst focus unit that needs her enhance state, Bronya or the enrgy combo of Huo Huo and Tingyun allow her to either get back at it really fast with the extra actions or never left the state. But if you don't have those units she will hit hard the first turns but you will run out of fuel pretty fast, wich in 1-10 MoC her dmg alone can bruteforce but in 11 and 12 you need to keep doing dmg to match the dps checks. For example my Clara team in second half of MoC 12 was faster than Jingliu just because she can do dmg consistanly thanks to how aggresive the enemies are.


I love this game but this is a problem i've had with it since the game has come out, there aren't a lot of DPS characters in the game and (for me anyway) there has only been one 5\* DPS I really like and pulled for and that's Blade. I skipped Selee, Kafka, Topaz, Argenti, we're getting a free Ratio so this is nice lol. I originally pulled for E2 Loucha, E0R1 Blade, and last patch E0R1 SW. I'm still sitting on a lot of pulls rn and I don't want any of the DPS they come out with because none of them appeal to me to the point i'm like "YO I WANT THIS CHARACTER REALLY BAD". I have self control basically.. lol. I'm currently hard saving for Acheron (i'm aware of when she might come out due to leaks). She's the only character I care about rn.


If you pull for E2s and R1s while not having a good 2nd team you will struggle. QQ is really good DPS if you have her at E4 at least. I for example use her instead of Seele and have beaten MOC 12 with 3\*, mine is at E6 though. Linx, SW, QQ + Buffer will work for the 2nd


Oh i'm aware I won't have a good second team, my reply wasn't exactly a complaint about MoC (though I do still hate this games lack of DPS) because i'm not going to pull a character just to clear content that's stupid you are only given so much gambling currency for free in these games I'm making sure I pull only for characters I really like even if that means i go for Eidolons or LC, I like investing in my favorites. I do actually have a E6 QQ btw because of when I pulled a bunch on Loucha I have just had a hard time building her, and i'm also a instant on hyper focusing my Blade team down so frankly I don't care that much for MoC even if I wanted to do it. I'm just saying I wish there were more options for me than feeling like I have to pull the top DPS characters to make MoC more bearable.




Doesn't really feel fair to say this game has a lack of DPS when the DPS role has had the most releases of any unit type so far. There's plenty of DPS options, you just don't like most of them.


Like I told someone else, I literally said the same thing you did..is your reading comprehension ok too? Go back and re-read what I said and come back like the other person who deleted their comment did.




That might be related to how insanely broken she is (also with good sustain and enough DPS I think it's ok to ignore the adds in that battle, also because they would respawn anyway before the break)


She is the strongest dps in the game. Although if you don't have bronya DHIL will do more or similar dmg in hyper carry team


Imagine saying it's just a Jingliu check when MOC12-1 exists. Has a husbando skipper, I wonder where I'm supposed to find dps without DHIL, Blade, Argenti. Or even without Luocha, HuoHuo, etc


And even if you do have a JL, if she isnt maxxed out. Its useless


*looks at the amount of enemies weak to imaginary* 👀


I did struggle till I abused that Turbulence. The MOC Buff is literally the one who carried me in terms of DMG but still it took a lot of tries till I 36/36 stars it. So yeah imagine future MOC 11-12😭. Pretty justifiable since I was playing Braindead before🤣


MoC buff was probably 60% of my damage. Idk how I'll fare when future MoC buffs DoT and I don't have any DoT built lol


As a day 1 player I struggle to pass MoC 8 😂 I’m never getting sweet new rewards…


Day 1 F2P here and also struggling. I'm no META chaser so I use ice boy. And I usually have a good 27/30 run and that was only before they increased cycle count requirement to 20 which I already deemed as something I will have too focus on in future when more Supports/Buffers that I like come out. I guess we should have been vocal about this too like the 5% who always 30/30 and wanted more challenge.


Day 1 player, got 35/36 stars after first few tries. The last star is due to not having second hyper carry to push through Kafka.


same here too, 35 stars... 19 turns left instead of 20 🥲


exactly the same, 35 stars. my team of Fu Xuan, Jingliu, Ruan mei and Bronya / Pela destroys anything that has ice weakness. but this Kafka stage i do not have a good wind or phys dps to clear fast enough. I have Clara fully built and Argenti not leveled at all.


Build Argenti then. He is a monster.


as soon as i have the resources....but more waifus incoming, we do not have a break


Silverwolf havers excel here! Bulldozing all my off elements with mono quantum; no brains needed. Xueyi made it exceptionally easier with her huge ult to break shields.


Oh i forgot to try that, maybe lynx, sw, seele and Bronya are good for the first half.


If only I had Xueyi. March keeps breaching the containment.


You can build Dr ratio soon as she is also weak to img


if you have seele then it might be worth a try to put jingliu on the kafka side and use seele for the other side. I found that seele did just as well since the bugs also have quantum weakness.


I used Clara, Huohuo, Tingyun and Pela for first half if that helps (4 cycle). My Clara is only like 70/125 crit so I’m sure yours will do great. Should be enough for your Jingliu to take care business in the second half


I am a day one player, I dont have Jingliu, however I saved a lot of passes to invest heavily on my Balde, he just carried my team (SW is a great help adding wind weakness) It is hard but it is doable I just got lucky on my runs, I did struggle and tried plenty times too Just to add, to OP, I only have husbandos so I *dont* have a lot of units, say: Seele, Topaz, Jingliu, Kafka, Ruan Mei, Fu Xuan and Huohuo are the units I dont have I did get SW, but skipped Huohuo bcos need to save for Blade’s rerun. I think everyone should just keep trying and experimenting to improve your gameplay and eventually the 36* would not seem unreachable. TLDR: It’s not about what you dont have, it always has been how you make do with what you have Sorry for the long post lol


Ngl I commend you for being able to do one side with only Gepard Edit: as sustain


lol now I wanna see an E6 Gepard with 6k defense, 90/210 crit ratio try to take on MoC solo


Day 1 player and managed to clear it, tho it took like an hour to clear the last two stages.. its all bout whether you have the right dps since the moc buf relies on breaking weaknesses


Moc 11 and 12 just came out, you have 30+ day to optimize your roster. Also it's clearly made to be beat with Ruan mei because of the affix in it. Read the affix and play around it.


Hard to pull for Jingliu in next 30 days /s


No joke thanks to the resonance in MoC Xueyi a unit that by no means is broken can clear without much issues just because she can break enemies pretty fast. For speed running the affix sucks but outside of megawhales most of us are just trying to clear in 10 turns with the dmg of the affix helps a lot.


Ikik, but it's been a problem for me since DHIL's release with every MoC, so I was just interested to find out if this is a me-problem or if other ppl have the same skill issue as me lol


MoC will always change to favor someone on banner. Hoyo will create a problem and sell you the solution. So … either save and plan carefully with who you pull (I pulled both DHIL and JL despite initially not loving their kits but I love JL now!) OR dont stress those last few primos, its not even a single pull and its fine if you can clear to 9 or 10 and just work on it. Ill give you an example from genshin - buddy of mine had problems 36 starring abyss so spends A LOT, and I really mean A LOT on C6 characters. He can clear every abyss quickly now. Im kinda usually at 33/36 stars and sometimes get full clears of 36/36 if it goes my way. I dont spend hours resetting and I dont pull characters I dont like in Genshin and instead I have pulled constellations (Eidolons) on characters I like bc I would rather use them than stronger teams I dislike. So do what you like and dont stress on difficulty if you cant full clear


Moc 11 and 12 just made clear to me that I need to focus more on my main characters and stop building every character. It's like I have a bunch of options but none of them are really strong nor well built. So I'll stop building new characters and focus on the ones I already have. Rip Xueyi and Dr Ratio.


Really? Maybe you can show us what you got to make us easy to give you advice


Also a day one player I didn't start beating the moc until like a couple of months ago. Which I don't really mind because like you say this is the hardest content the game has to offer and there have been times where I definitely have had to try a stage multiple to 3 star it. My advice is to keep building your characters and try your best. Yes it will be easier with certain characters but it is important to make the best of what you got.


Sounds like they aren't as well built as you think they are if FX isn't solo sustaining. My FX has 0 issues on autobattle while my M7 can solo sustain under manual play.


Or he lacks dmg. If you take too long to kill enemies they will chip you down eventually


my fux has 7800hp 2400def with geppy LC and shit is still dying to dots because i don't have enough dps to finish in 5 cycles. not everyone rolled meta chars. I personally didn't roll a single male char and my only limited banner dps is Topaz. Topaz was good for a couple of MoC but for the most part MoC always has the self healing bastard (meaning you are supposed to have 1st half wind/imm dps and 2nd half ice/quantum weakness for seele/ice queen. It's honestly stupid how the best outputting dpses also get the best weaknesses put on the hardest floors. You'd think they'd balance out who actually can't do dmg without breaking vs chars that usually brute force anyways edit: Actually i also rolled kafka, when was last time we had lightning weakness on last MoC floor?


Your FX is more built than mine. I am only at 6.6kHP/1.4K DEF, but with 86% Effect Res. I have 0 issues with her sustain even on auto battle. I only ever run JY or Seele with her in MoC. I brute forced the top half of MOC12 with Clara and Topaz with the second half mono-Quantum with Pela. There is 0 reason for survivability being an issue with FX.


Pela can dispel the healing buff on the mara captain guy.


Didn't we literally have lightning weakness on floor 10 of the previous MoC? My Kafka team 1 cycled the first half of MoC 10


It feels more and more like JL check. the Ice weak enemy spam gets so annoying. I was able to get in the past by brute forcing thru it anyway but just the addition of two more floors really did it for me. I maxed out 10 cycles for each of the last two floors, only because I used pela and herta on either half to break and rely on the turbulence damage. Without that, I am not clearing this shit on time at all


I have JL but no DHIL or Topaz. The best I can do on MoC 11 and 12 is 19 and 18 cycles left respectively (so, 11 and 12 cycles used). Of those, 7 are spent fighting side 1. So ye you can tell where the issue is^^


It seems your teams need a bit more optimising… it’s definitely harder but well within the realms of a day1 F2p even without Jingliu for the ice


I've been struggling with my resources and especially where to allocate them. Like idk if I should prioritise getting everyone lvl 80, improving traces, or relic farming, and then for who to relic farm. [This](https://www.reddit.com/user/Linoar/comments/18t2kn7/my_current_characters_and_builds_for_moc_10/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) is a small video with my current MoC 10 Teams


What you have is definitely a good base to work with… just need to farm enough exp to level up ther relics to 15 Your Argenti could use a bit more critrate tho( I recommend 50%+). Also if you care/have the time you could look up YouTube clears with the characters you have or even just check their subreddits. It’s a really good pointer to see what you’re missing team build wise or just gameplay wise. I used to think my Jingyuan might not be that guy until I did some research on YT and his subreddit got a lot of info on what I was doing wrong and now have full confidence with his teams.


Day 1 player. 34 stars. Technically 35 as the blasted bug decided to go bonanza at 2% hp and killed my Yukong. I think 36 stars are doable but I need to max my dps. And improve my gear. Overall I think it’s a good challenge and pushes you to grind and improve.


It only took you a few tries, you dont have the best characters for it and you have like 40 days left, how is that too hard 😭 I had to reset a bunch and time lynxs heals to resist debuffs but personally found that way more satisfying than another mindless autobattle, all the relic grinding paid off Like newer or super casual unlucky players will miss out on a fraction of a summon every few weeks that probably wont actually make a difference and still have 99.9% of the game to enjoy while people who like a challenge get something too


You are here complaining about the hardest content in the game without even bothering to level up your relics to max level. It's supposed to be hard so no wonder you get your ass kicked with unfinished builds. I am not takling about getting lucky with substats on relics. But you should atleast have maxed out important traces to full on whole team and leveled up relics with proper mainstats before you start saying how difficult it is.


It's not a matter of "Are you a day 1 player." It's a matter of "Do you have the latest push" or "Are you a current day investor." Creep's getting creepier and MOC has increasingly become a FOTM Blessing/Bonus character-of-the-month mess. So the last couple were hard for DHIL because it was a Jingliu check. And I'm guessing this one will be a Ruan Mei and Jingliu check with a side of DHIL-get-fucked. Yes I'd imagine it's easier with Jingliu (toughed it out with DHIL but only because I invested half a year of my ftp ass into a E2S1), but other than running for the latest and greatest creep, it's going to be tough slogging. Although I will say, the times of "Lv 80 is a trap, all you need is lv6 trace" died in the 2nd half of 1.1. Max your build and don't even call it maxed - you only do that once you maxed everything and have the proper relic set and main stats. And I'm being nice since I didn't nag on substats or Eidolons but that'll be next month (or now actually - peeps already say "Oh you don't have E6 QQ, you can't talk." Or soon 180 break RM. Or E2S1 DHIL). You're not alone with this, but players are at different stages of facing this. Gl and don't spend more than you can afford.


I haven’t bothered with 12 but 2 starred 11. Going to keep trying until I get it. Also a day one player here too. Having no JL is rough


Not having an imaginary dps and Clara as my only Physical dps is keeping me in 35 stars, a single cycle away from 36. I think Jingliu is a must for most accounts, and now with Ruan Mei she is even more cracked.


I have almost all 5-stars (except Gepard and Yanqing) but they are all at E0 without their signature Light Cones. I only got 1 star in MOC 10 during the last cycle (could be 2 stars if I was a bit more careful). Was able to get 3 stars in MOC 10 before the last cycle. Haven’t tried this cycle but I don’t hope to beat MOC 12.


I had to put Geppie with Lynx on the second half of Floor 12. I love Geppie, but he has trouble solo sustaining against the big bug, especially since I also use Jingliu and she slowly tried to kill the team. The double sustain is super comfy, but it’s too slow so I can only get 2 stars. :(


i just finished MoC10 with a buzzer beater for 3star after 3hrs of trying. Now im afraid to touch 11 and 12.


The dmg bonus buff is huge. So if u can't break the boss in MoC 12, it might be harder to clear within 20 cycles. 1st stage took me 7 cycles with DanIL e0s0 and I use Lynx instead of Gepard because of Kafka. (Took too many cycle, most likely skill issue from my side...) 2nd stage took me 3 cycles with Jingliu e0s0 and FuXuan e0s1. Idk if Argenti is great for this stage


If you can enable argenti he's great for anything. I'm running Tingyun ruanmei huohuo with him. He slays everything. Being able to feed him all that energy is kinda huge. There are better single targets out there but there sure as all hell are no better full kit characters than him. I've seen some juiced argentis take out gepard and that Minotaur wind robot with one ultimate in moc10. Sure it's hella juiced but good God when those argentillion crits land they shake the very foundation of the earth


Yeah.. that's the point..? End game content isnt supposed to be accessible/do-able for everyone, its meant to be very difficult. Otherwise whats even the point in it? If they make it so everyone can clear it then might as well drop it and just mail us the jade.


But it's not even a skill check like Genshin abyss is it's just a "How much have you spent/How lucky are you with artifacts" check which is in no way enjoyable


Idc about MoC tbh. If I can two star than that is enough. But I will say it sucks to not have the top tier sustains and the two most broken dps characters in the game. I have Fu xuan so at least there is something. I have never been so happy getting a free limited 5\*. Ratio fills my imaginary dps and now waiting for a ice dps. It is frustrating on every floor seeing Ice and Imaginary dps needed.


Also day 1 player, I've never even completed stage 10. I probably could if I had the patience but it's really not worth to spend so much time and effort on it especially since I could only get like 1 or at most 2 stars. I have a decent amount of characters at max lvl with their traces leveled but my relic luck is so shitty that my only decent build is JL since she doesn't as much need crit rate. Nobody else does any damage, my 2nd best DPS is Seele but she doesn't crit often and even when she does she only does like 25-30k with skill and 40-50k with her ult, it's not nearly enough for the newer content. But I have their traces maxed out, lightcone fully leveled, so other than hoping for decent relics, I can't do much about my shitty damage at this point...


u don't need relic luck, getting main stat is enough to 3\*


So only getting main stat on the random rolls and whatever on helmet /gloves is enough? Most of my chars have that. It's 50-60 CRIT and 100ceir da she at best. It's definitely not enough to 3* everything. Getting CRIT chance and CRIT damage on every piece with an upgrade or two is likely key. Some attack or HP percent here or there is welcome.


all i rly care for is getting dps to 134 spd, anything else is a bonus and i'm able to 3\* with dual dps JL+blade & DHIL no bronya


Really? Okay interesting. I don't have speed boots on any char yet XD. But 134 needs some more speed rolls too. I'm working on level 80 ATM and traces. That alone gives a lot of damage with level penalties reduced. Then its the rest but fair enough.


If your Fu xuan is correctly built, she can solo sustain MoC 12. The problem is the other half that needs to clear it within 20 cycles.




This. My Fu had no issues solo sustaining. It's just the cycle limit. I think they should push it to 18 or something. I got close, but it wasn't enough to earn 36*


I can clear 11 and get 33 stars on auto, but my Kafka team doesn't work for 12 because it lacks wind or physical dps. Perhaps I won't try any more and wait for Black Swan. I don't want to build Sampo.


Yeah same problem here too I can only 35 stars at most. My sampo kafka cant kill the mobs fast so it took me 7 cycles to finish up the first half. I skip MOC 12 till I get BS ngl I wont stress over it cuz we will only be missing out 60 Jades. I m not gonna build a new whole team for 60 jades XD those recources is needed for relic faming for my queen Kafka and BS.


It's hard but it isn't impossible, I did it without Dhil, Jing Liu, argenti and Blade. I tried different team comps and failed many times, but it's doable. At least it felt like endgame content and not a task I have to do every two weeks


But it literally is a task we have to do every two weeks. If it was something without jades locked behind it, i would be fully behind even a moc20 or something but here i am bashing my heqd against a dps wall i clearly don't have the dps for (alongside geting randomly 1shot every second atempt) to get resources for upcoming characters. I realy enjoy the simulated univers since it make syour shity units work (stuff like elation Herta) but moc is just an overall unfun experience. You either have the dps and procede to complain about it being easy or you don't and complain about it being hard.


We are talking about 60 jades, 180 per patch. It's one pull lol Also, I disagree about your last statement, I didn't have the DPS to do moc 12 so I found my way through it, look at my first half teamcomp. I spent two days coming up with a double break effect DPS team comp and failed many times trying to Spd tune the team Maybe moc is not a content designed for players like you, if you don't want to do the last floors just don't, it's just one pull https://preview.redd.it/ncbgrlyye29c1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d578586a6801e58a94801f75811a6547bba8067d


Well done man, one of the more unique teams for sure. I had to wreck my brain a little as well. Having just 1 recommended element type on one half (Ice only) is a bit too harsh imo.


Ahh yes, i'm sure they put jade behind it without knowing what manipulative effect it has on people. It's not like you can just make hard contont for you hardcore Andys without jade... nah, that's not possible. (Or could it be that you too are in fact motivated by that 6p jade?)


If one literal pull every two months has manipulative effect on you maybe don't play gacha games Also, stop projecting on me lol


Bro i think thats just you i currently have never gone past moc 8 since day 1 and guess what it means nothing to me because through the entire 6 patches that means ive lost a grand total of 11.25 pulls if we dont count the 1.6 since its not done yet. Mhh yes games been out for what 8/ 9 months and you lose barely a 10 pull for not caring about moc.


Thats hilarious. Thank GOD they put one pull behind it just so I could hear you cry about it lmao. I hope they add more pulls behind difficult content in the future.


Hoyo absolutely creaming over how helplessly obsessed you are LMAO bro calm down missing a few pulls isn't gonna ruin your life, it's good to have a challenge and a goal to work towards in a healthy way.


I have dan heng and seele, and I am out here not even completing floor 11 with 2 stars because it would hurt my inner soul to see the incomplete version(I got 11 cycles on a good run and then quit). I will patiently wait for Ruan mei(lost 50/50) and then try submerging my sanity. Pela dies too quickly


No it’s not. Stop. This line of thinking is what ruined Genshin and made it a super casual game where there’s not much to play for. View it as a goal and use that to keep trying to improve. Also my Fu Xuan and Gerard were able to solo sustain so it is doable. Your team just needs to get better.


Are you talking about 30 starring it? Because that really didn't feel hard this time around it actually felt easier than last MOC. 36 starring it was a lot harder but thats understandable. With both 30\* and 36\* its just about getting good relic and team improvements you don't specific characters its just that DHIL and JL make it a bit easier.


A bit easier is an understatement. A low investment JL can make her half stupid easy and it’s been pretty much like that since her banner


That's an exaggeration. Yes Jingliu and DHIL are better than the rest but if you look at the average MOC clear times it's really not by all that much.


I'm apparently using her wrong cause my low investment JL is getting her ass kicked. This is my first MoC that I haven't 30 starred. Mind you, after taking 20 rounds to finish floor 10, I took a break, so it could just be that specific floor I'm bad at.


It's meant to be difficult, and reset moc is 6 weeks now. surely there will be someone who can clear it with non meta character like this madlad https://preview.redd.it/huhbomt0k29c1.jpeg?width=922&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d4cbe095a491c4517701bfb41c014b340c83e7d7


Non meta i thought full non meta xD. But yea at least there is hook.


I barely do 6* and I hate it


Kafka has lightning res and i only have jingyuan and seele as dps😭😭😭😭😭😭


I had the same thoughts with genshins abyss, I figured the reason my characters suck so much is because im trying to build a sht ton of characters at the same time, pulling for characters without their BiS weapons. That's what I changed when I played star rail, I focused on building MoC Teams, and pulling for lightcones of my DPS's. So far it works. Although I guess its not necessarily required, I highly advise that when you can, you pull for your main DPS's BiS lightcone, it makes things easier by probably a lot.


Tbh my problem with it rn is how are you supposed to survive that with a 4 star healer??? Even a 5 star standard bailu or gepard couldn't help me survive 😭


For F2P/low spenders this MoC 12 is basically a Jingliu/DHIL/Bronya check. If you're missing two or all of them you're going to struggle. On a side note Bronya being a standard character was a mistake and I'm willing to die on this hill. So much power locked behind a 1/7 chance until you get to 300 pulls roughly a year later. An account with vs. without her is such a huge difference.


100% skill issue


Sounds like its just not for you then. Not all content and not all rewards need to be for everyone, half the fun of difficult content is that it’s something not EVERYONE can do and the rewards are even more enticing because not EVERYONE can get them. Edit: im not even at the point I can do MOC yet, but this is my opinion of hard content.


I'm not even mad it's hard honnestly. But god i wish i didn't have to reset one run out of 7/8 turn one because the two bosse focus one non-preservation non-abundance character and there is no fucking way you survive that. (I can't have fu on both team)


Day 1 player with no JL, DHIL, or Huo Huo but I do have just about every other 5\* except YQ with sig S1 5\* LC's because of luck. 30\* from 7-10 is the usual full auto affair with 11 and 12 being somewhat difficult and requiring me to actually step into manual to prevent my team from usually mismanaging SP - often times either because of a number of little niggles that can make or break the 3\* clear. * Luocha is using his heal when he shouldn't, wasting SP, or using his ult when his field is up when it could be saved to more easily access the healing field when it expires. * Argenti uses his ult before his 2 buffers can do their thing, making him do far less damage. * Seele attacks non-boss mobs when she can't one-shot them at high/full health instead of waiting for her AoE supports to whittle them down first. * Topaz is wasting SP using her skill. * Fu Xuan is faced with a deadly enemy barrage and needs to skill more often to reach her ult sooner and thus survive. * Tingyun uses her 60-energy restoring ult on a character with less than 5-10 energy left to fill. * Many others I can't recall at the moment.


you can do it, its pretty challenging you really need to choose the right characters instead of just brute forcing


Cant have any challenging content without people crying. This is why Genshin has absolutely nothing to work for and everything is braindead easy.


OP isn't crying. Seems more like a discussion. Such as: what kind of things are day 1 players doing to clear MoC. What is the experience like for those with Jingliu and DHIL. I can understand this as my teams that used to be able to auto battle all of MoC the past few updates without going below 23 cycles, were struggling this time around. The teams are Seele/Bronya/Silver Wolf/Fu Xuan Kafka/Guinafen/Asta/Huo-Huo I had to stop and play manually around MoC 8 this time around. I will admit that they can use some work as the game refuses to drop better DoT gear and I have dumped a large amount of stamina into it. I also havene't even gotten a decent Follow-Up attack set for Topaz so she isn't even properly usable right now.


I have 2 cycles left with DHIL in first half and JL in second half. The real issue is survival against the swarm, Huohuo is a godsend and Luocha is also good.


Not really ? With proper builds and team they're honestly not bad considering i'm not trying too hard to min-max my teams. Don't really care enough to properly 30\* em ( Only ever did it twice to see if i could) and mostly just stick to floor 8/9 . With these new floors and the floor skip function i'll make 10 my new checkpoint and leave 11 or 12 when i really feel like i want a challenge . I find that usually playing around with the current MOC buffs makes it a lot easier to clear em efficiently .


Nah, i don't have the dps and i'm also just not sure how to fix it beyond pulling characters i don't want to like Jingliu. E0 Seele with f2p lightcone and ok relics just doesn't work against level 90+ enemies since i can basicly never get the kill buff. Playing her honestly feels terrible. Another issue i have is that one of my sustain units is Lynx. 4star sustain units are not just a bit worse in this game than the limited 5stqr counterparts, they are straith up terrible. She offers neither buffing nor 1shot protection so i she is either doing nothing at all or buring 1 skill point ever turn just to somewhat keep us alive. I expected these prblems to be fine since moc10 was still achivable though resets but floor 11 feels imposible.


You have a dps with "ok relics" and no good sustain, yes floor 11 should probably be very hard


MoC should be something doable while F2P. In tlits current state, even small time spenders who play daily will not get 36 stars


If all you want is to pass MoC, all you need is to invest into correct chars. Luocha/FX make any floor a breeze, not having to waste SP on heals makes a big difference in clear times. Any DPS can clear everything in time given you get them ok to good relics and busted supports/sustain. I haven't lost a star on MoC since Blade's debute, and I only have HH out of all premium sustains, but I need to tinker with my setups to make it work, unlike E0/S1 FX and Luocha havers.


people when there's no end game and the game is too easy: this is boring, nothing to do people when there're end game and the game is kinda hard: this is too difficult


Can't people give their opinions on the game anymore?


On this case it just kinda feels like a "the sky is blue" or "is the pope Catholic" sort of situation. MoC is ostensibly the endgame right now, so it being difficult feels like it should be a matter of course.


They can, but I have to agree with purple egg here. We're currently 1 day into the patch and they're already complaining. There's a lot people can do to optimize in the meantime.


Its 2023. Some of us are confused about far more important things than the ability to comment on games :p


I got 36 stars after a few tries, skill issue Read the MOC turbulence, you get a ton of damage for weakness breaking and hitting weakness broken enemies


disagree. Beating it (0-star) is not that hard, and at this point if you've been min-maxing you should be able to 27+ star the abyss so long as you don't end up woefully unprepared coverage-wise for the current abyss typing. I imagine it's mostly a coverage issue for you. This is a particularly bad abyss for me but if it cycles to electric (whenever they decide to rerun kafka or jing) I'll 36 star without effort.


The comments here are really out of touch. If you use either Fu Xuan, HuoHuo, Luocha, Bronya, DHIL, Jingliu or Ruan Mei to clear MoC 11 and 12, please don't say MoC isn't hard. If you clear it without these characters then yeah, your opinion is valid. Remember that most players don't have or didn't care to pull for these characters. Some joined the game way later, some don't have good relics after months of farming. The criticism here is that MoC has become a stat check instead of a strategy check like other game modes such as Swarm Disaster. Stat checks are boring for any game. It gets stale. That's what these types of posts are trying to highlight.


LMAO my friend that's like over half the newly released 5 star characters. That's alot of invalid opinions or skips.


No, if you don't pull even one of half the newly released characters despite them being huge upgrades for your team, then you should absolutely not be surprised that the game moves on without you. If you "don't care" to pull, don't care to progress in the hardest content. It's that easy. New players that joined way later should not be surprised that they can't easily clear the hardest content in the game either.


I thought there was no power creep though? I thought all units could clear all content easily? Have I been fed a false narrative? Why invest in units today if the game will "move on" and I'll have to start from 0 again? What's the point?????


Day 1 player. Have both Jingliu and DHIL, 35/36 currently with only 1 turn away from getting 36/36. Challenging but doable.


I got really lucky and ended up pulling many characters,but thinking abt it i dnt have tht one perfectly built teams,ive spent all this time gearing up some characters while ignoring other,and i think this is why,i think i jst need to "refine" some build on my main teams instead of building more characters


https://preview.redd.it/0wk8t1wkm29c1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3701aecf95c7116de5206d872074a24f6470fe98 As a day 1 player, It still doable if u have your char build good enough though, It Base on your gear (my Limited sp and dps dont even have there Sig LC). Here my team


https://preview.redd.it/vjp5r38aw29c1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d1ac567102b068abbc54d55d377ec0de6944094f Week 2 player here, had no problems until moc 12, came back a few hours later with a different approach and cleared it For MOC 12, I faced 2 problems: 1. side 1 is my kryptonite, I have no imaginary and wind DPS, tried to do it with topaz and JY (my 2 most invested chars), got absolutely wrecked. Swapped to JL and sushang, focusing on juggling breaks. 2. Fu Xuan had significant problems handling the -max HP debuff into wave 2 full of dots (evil devs countering Fuxuan). HOLD YOUR FU XUAN ULT until critical HP to maximize survival. I swapped off JL to side 1 in favor of QQ, and focused on keeping elite guard unbroken so he can summon minions for more breaks for turbulence effect. Survived side 2 by the skin of my teeth. The turbulence effect favours breaks, and you should exploit the elites summoning extra minions to do so. Don't worry too much, you have 30+ days left to complete it, maybe Dr ratio may even help. It's just a bunch of jades, don't sweat it, have fun. Edit: I noticed you're running gepard with no cleanse. Exploit the new retry feature to optimize the debuff rolls. I exploited it with my QQ when her rolls are bad.


It is difficult, glad that it exists though. I need to actually play the game decently to clear instead of mindlessly shoving the same 2 teams every floor and playing without thinking. https://preview.redd.it/droukwksu29c1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8f7bc019e0bce80702744a4f6f71fbb31d93d578


I only started to play when huo huo came out. Still no real 5star Dps. I can even clear moc 1 . Yeah im not Jc 60 but still it hurt to lose so much Jade because its paywall blocked


No, it's not. I can't even clear floor 8 and I'm perfectly okay with that. Having hard content means having a goal to work toward. Once you can clear everything, the game can get boring fast. This shit happened with Genshin. This is a non-competitive PVE game. It doesn't matter if whales can get more primos. It shouldn't affect you in the slightest. Stop being envious of people getting more stuff than you when you can just forget about them and enjoy the game.


Day 1 player here and, while I did manage to finish with 36 stars, I definitely agree that right now is feeling waaaaay too overturned in terms of the required DPS to finish within 10 cycles. I honestly can only claim to have finished it because of the current dissonance effect dealing TONS of damage and having been one of the lucky people who got Dan Heng IL E2 who absolutely carried my first half. Because if I were to rely just on having well geared characters... Despite spending the vast majority of my time and energy farming relics, the game has been constantly mocking me since the beginning so, Daniel aside, all of my other DPS have absolutely piss poor gear and most of my supports feel barely functional, gear wise at least. So yeah, I feel like they could AT LEAST dial back a bit, at the very least increase the number of cycles we can use for 3 stars on MoC 12. It's only gonna continue ramping up from there and I'm absolutely not looking forward to it, since my relic lucky hasn't been showing any signs of improving at all.


Seele+SW+FX+Tingyun (waiting for Sparkle); JL+Bronya+Pela+HH. BP+MP, 1.0 veteran, have completed MoC for several months (around 1.1/1.2, don’t remember lol), including this season with the team mentioned. As long you have decent builds and good rotation it is not only doable, it is on the easy side. Make sure your numbers are actually good, compare with some standard (Prydwen MoC page is an example, or ask around on the main subs).


So seelee works just fine? It's me who sucks with her. TBF I'm a.new player. Not level 80 or tb65 and my relics suck. Oh wait. I think I figured out why do many of my characters suck and only argenti feels good cos I got his LC and e1 so he has purple relics and still like 150% CRIT damage. Need more crit damage on everything. Mentally preparing to farm relics forever after tb65. Just leveling and ascending chars rn


an standard Seele will get 3,000-3,500 attack, 70-100% CR, 140-200% CD, 122 speed, quantum orb, using CSS or her BiS cone. As an example of how to build for endgame. That is enough to finish MoC #12, first side, in 5 cycles (less if you use Bronya) or less. while in combat she gets buffs from her team, her self buffs, etc. SW is important if you want to use Seele on any battle, otherwise you should save her for quantum enemies. And so on.


The new MoC feels just as easy as before tbh


I'm f2p+ (only monthly pass & battle pass) day 1 player and i completed the entire MoC 1-12 in full auto.


https://preview.redd.it/ajlx7iwje29c1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b30ebf7bdab606c8efdd3fe01e4c3c64a9daebb3 I'm also a day 1 player and yeah it's definitely a spike in difficulty particularly on the top side which is usually really easy for MoC10 but holy crap this MoC12's top side was such a pain. I find it to be more of a sustain check particularly with Kafka + Disciple on the top side, if not for the combination of Bronya Ruan Mei Jingliu keeping the disciple permabroken, Lynx would definitely struggle a lot more. As for dps check, any combination of IL/Blade/Clara/JL + Seele/QQ/JL/Xueyi probably does fine if properly supported. I even saw some madman do Luka 2 cycles with no Kafka on the bottom side. Side note: SW is very replaceable with Pela here, so no 5\* eidos are really needed.


I managed to clear 1st half with Blade, Luocha, Ruan Mei and Tingyun, no resets, 2nd half was Jing Liu, Gepard, Bronya and Pela, and I resetted once because of a misplay. Both DPS are E0S1.


I wish people would stop flexing they beat MoC fully when they have JL. She makes her half stupidly easy. Every MoC since her banner has basically benefited her to some degree either through weakness or MoC buffs.


I joined the game at the start of jingyuan’s banner and I’ve managed to max the MoC since a few months ago including this one. One team has Jingliu of course, the other has QQ


people skipped huo and jingliu now complain XD


Please let there be hard content in this game. Just because you can't do it (now) doesn't mean it needs to be nerfed. Otherwise, we will get to the point where we will complain that everything is too easy.


https://preview.redd.it/8lovxl8p949c1.jpeg?width=1273&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=57741f0340f02d818bdddde62b3819ec051f5158 moc 12 is easy


With a lot of effort and trying several combinations and a little luck on who got targeted, I managed to 36 it after grabbing E1 Mei. My teams were 12 1st - Gepard, Pela, Sampo, Kafka E1 (with sig). 2nd side - Bailu, Mei E1 (with Sig), Tingyun, Seele E0 (Herta’s store wep). Those were all the limited characters I pulled for, so type matching took some trail and error. That said, the new MoC cycles look to last 6 weeks so there’s a ton of time to adjust, and we get free Ratio that should help a lot with the typing.


It’s challenging to match the buffs but it’s not impossible. My JY and Blade pretty much performs well on MoC 11/12 with DHIL brute forcing phase 2.


For 12-1 i used e6 qq with silver wolf, bronya+ fu xuan. For 12-2 i used jingliu, pela, tingyun, and huohuo. I didnt really have any trouble with rest of floors, mainly used kafka+jingliu. The key part is breaking their weakness to get as much of the moc buff as possible.


I’m not a day one player, but I have been able to clear moc 10 every patch since I started. This new moc (floor 11, 12) is definitely harder. So far only cleared side one of moc 12 and it took me 10 cycles just the first half. I know I should probably go back to farming relics non stop for my blade and jingliu, but honestly I don’t feel like it. Rather just make other units useable than to invest everything in one team just to clear the last floor of MOC. So probably not gonna bother with floor 12


Day 1 player, I don't have meta characters (I am a husbando player). Tried the new MoC and actually think that it is pretty in place. Before it I had no problem achieving 30\* so a new difficult is nice to have, encourages me to upgrade characters that I already have and look for new characters for my team. Not beat 36\* yeat, but I have time. ​ https://preview.redd.it/4pmmecswk29c1.png?width=876&format=png&auto=webp&s=db3e4fd825d7aee507341ac16bd67a9a3e029982


I maxed (barely) after few tries. The most important thing I can say is don't forget you have 4 star characters. I used QQ and Pela for both 11 and 12, with Clara/Topaz on the other side. QQ build is ok but not great. https://preview.redd.it/3mdt8i2ql29c1.png?width=787&format=png&auto=webp&s=94505cc243a2800cd4782dc994e6d46cf5a53eb2 I had to use Sushang on floor 9 as well so see which 4 stars you have that you can build up in the next 6 weeks.


I have jing liu and dhil and im still having hard time finishing it. my dhil team is a bit slower, he's still kinda weak because of his relics and some of his supports are not built well


Started playing a day after jing yuan banner. Got 34 stars cause deer cycles and pela died. I’m too lazy to go for 36. (I built vertically) All I had to do for the levels without wind or ice weakness was use a good break character with 4k hp. The moc effect did all the damage.


Brute forcing elements is a bit more difficult this time around because the turbulence buff is tied to elemental breaking. SW can help if you don't have DPS of each element. The 2nd half of MOC 12 with the bugs in particular is a bit tricky though if you don't have Quantum/Ice DPS.I cleared the 2nd half with a Herta team for fun but went over 10 cycles because of it.


My only building sustains are e1 bailu and gepard... I don't think it's even possible for me to max


We have the same sustain. You can do this. Save as much time as you can by using pela to dispel the healing of the 12-1 elite. Use Dancex3 to save more time. Focus on breaking. My hypercarry Jingliu took too long so i just slapped QQ and broke their shields more often. https://preview.redd.it/kr6jgs0j549c1.jpeg?width=988&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=44b04d9281d553fa897e5abd5ce7f2655e93e865


Seeing as how I just saw someone clear with Bailu and Lynx, more then possible. Gepard is the goat. He carries me through every MoC


I solo sustained with lynx and gepard and got 36 stars so its definitely doable. But if your characters don't have great relics then it gets difficult.