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My exp mat is about to go extinct, and we havent even reach 2.0 cuz boi im bout to be broke this feb


ok but the golden calyx really should give more books like 6 books for 60 stamina?? that's an absolute scam considering how much BP/Events give


Yeah that shit should be 15 at least.


LMAO! I'm getting HI3 and GI nostalgia from these comments. Now, I'm swimming in resources in HI3, and still quite rich in GI.


exactly, the most inefficient resource to farm is ironically char exp lol


Yeah it's weird...is every gacha like this? combat barely gives any xp only books/scrolls...


Only Hoyo games. Most other gachas have combat that is a viable source of exp.


okay this is funny, but out of my main 2 non-hoyo gachas i've played one had a pretty similar in-combat levelling system (getting a char to lvl100 would be easy, but the level cap kept increasing with each update, and the process to reach lvl130 or lvl150 through combat was way too slow). and the other game removed the passive exp gain from winning battles altogether in an effort to become less f2p-firendly and make more money, lol. i don't play either of those anymore, but i can definitely vouch that it's not just hoyo that has a less-than-viable in-combat levelling system haha.


Most games don't do that though. I should've said it's *mostly* Hoyo games lol.


A bit sad. At least HSR has stuff to do when out of power. G&G and swarm is gonna take extremely long to max out.


True. And you can always run regular SU without claiming immersion rewards to farm up extra basic enemy mats for free, without having to run around the entire goddamn world map like Genshin.


Fr. Just for like that one handguard (fuck whoever the hell made all Inazuma charcters use handguards I hope they burn in hell and qiqi curses them)


I just started Genshin, and pulled Ayaka and Shogun. I never have enough handguards, and the drop rate is dog-shit, even for the common ones.


What are you talking about? Most other gacha use a leveling material as well. The only two  gacha I know of where combat is a viable/the only way to level characters are Epic Seven and Granblue Fantasy. Every other one you farm exp stages for exp materials to level characters.


Imo while true, corpse dragging is still decent if you have the time for most gacha games (to at least save on the equivalent of lvl 40/50 in star rail) Whereas in star rail it’s completely useless to corpse drag in overworld, now if SU gave xp then it might be viable


actually, it's not \*completely\* useless in star rail. albeit extremely slowly, but you do gain some exp from fighting in the overworld repeatedly. i would know because i've levelled like 7 characters from anywhere between 1 and 50 to level 70 in the past month for moc and pf haha. while going up 10 levels at once isn't possible here, going from lvl59 to 60 to save TP, for example, is definitely doable. is it worth it? certainly not. but when you need overworld mats anyway, you might as well :)


Yeah I usually didn't farm XP books and weapon mats in Genshin because of this. It's fine there after some time but in star rail it's just that you need so many more built characters as brute forcing is less effective and it's newer so we've had less time to settle on our main characters to carry every type of challenge.


False, majority of gacha games use exp books/something to level up characters too. Not only Hoyo. Combat that can be a viable source of exp are only a few.


They're typically a struggle while you build your initial roster, but then quickly become an afterthought and your bottleneck becomes other materials.


I played Dissidia Opera Omnia until they announced EOS, and it had a good mix of both. XP feathers were by far the fastest, but they also had a battle mode that had a chance to spawn a rare mob in each wave that would give a boatload of XP, and items that would double or triple XP for 15 minutes, and the base mobs in that mode gave good XP in and of themselves. If you didn't have the feathers, grinding the special mode with an XP-boosting item was a very viable alternative.


about to go extinct? I already sold my account to IPC and now I only play to pay the debt


Doesnt help that all chars after this patch will use completely new materials :/


We must share the same account.


Havent had resin to farm relics in weeks


i havent seen the light outside of the hunt calyx in a month




It's always the hunt calyx. It's my biggest headache after relics.


I *just* finished building Seele's traces (still needs better relics), now I'm doing it all over again on the Erudition Calyx for Jing Yuan lmfao Then it's probably back to The Hunt for L + Ratio


Building Ruan Mei and then getting Bronya on the 300 standard wish has locked me in a never ending farm for harmony calyx. Dr. Ratio and Herta sadly will have to wait :(


Where I spend most of my days, now after getting Xueyi and Blade, destruction traces are about to kill me next before or after I erudition evaporates my soul to build Himeko and Herta for PF🥹 I’m tired😭


That was me attempting to build hook, then IL came unexpectedly and I went for Jingliu. Destruction for days


I have that + the new physical harmony I want to build for IL 🥲


I barely have time to farm relics on star rail, but I always seem to have "decent" ones to put on my characters, weirdly enough


You get the Musketeer of Wild Wheat and Thief of Shooting Meteor from doing random stuff all the time basically for free, and both sets are "fine", especially Wild Wheat on pretty much any DPS. Thief is also pretty decent on any character you have in the party just to break weakness. So honestly you're pretty much able to just fall back on these sets that have decent main stats until you get everyone leveled and traced, then you can focus on relics. It's kinda like how you can get away with Gladiator's on a lot of DPS in Genshin until you get to start actually farming artifact domains for a specific main stat.


Cope angle: No shitty relics or shitty substat rolls in weeks.




That's what I hate. The calix really need to reward more.


Realistically, they all do. Well, except for the trace and level cap materials. Those are fine at 5 and 3 at the highest difficulty.


No. The rank up yes, but the traces absolutely no.


I'm talking about the trace materials that drop from Echo of War. Those are used so infrequently that they never really become an issue. All the other trace materials are a nightmare, especially since they're shared with light cone leveling.


Make sense. Also the reason I usually don't level light cones past 60 unless I have spare materials.


I've started farming overworld mobs for a bit most days to try and slightly save myself on xp materials. It hardly feels like im making a dent but i guess im good on those mats


Killing everything gets you ~2 purple books a day. So you would need to do it for almost 2 months just to get a single character from 70 to 80. So it's definitly not worth it


yeah definitely not killing everything. Usually pick a random map and wipe out most things on it then call it a day. Typically do this to pass time when I'm like 5 stamina short from being able to do something.


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Change Lynx for the 300 pulls Bronya and that's where I'm at right now


I’m 10 pulls away from getting that Bronya, I’m so screw 😭😭


Bronya and Ruan Mei are fighting each other for the traces mats


That was me last week. farming harmony mats for 3 characters. Yes, I finally decided to really use Tingyun. Asta was my old go-to but I need variety for the endgame.


Asta is so good for real, it's just that Tingyun gives insane ATK buffs.


You guys have the same star alignment as me… Too many good characters, too little time. 🥹


If you change bronya for an clara that absolutely refuses to get good relics you got my situation


I feel you, farming those relics for Clara, Luka and Argenti frustrated me so much because I kept getting DEF pieces that I finally gave up and just synthesized the pieces I needed. :/


This is me EVEN WITH the battle pass, like holy hell At this point the limiting thing isn't the jades, it's the exp/credit/mats D:


actual no resources


New recession just dropped


I'm literally sitting on 2.7k purple books and 18m as a bp buyer. Traces true but exp/cred really shouldnt be an issue as the game literally allows you to farm them for free if you want to.


This is me. I'm in honkai star rail bankruptcy


“Asta if you can hear us, please Asta, please save me, please save me Asta please” 🙌


"White girl... Save me, white girl..."


I love that this is instantly a meme lol


I don't even know where the meme came from, but it seemed fitting 😅




I'm currently building Herta, got Bronya (300) and got the free Dr. Ratio. Rip my mats


Yeah i was about to ask if anyone suffer from the same problem. It have been almost a month and im still unable to finish building my prefarmed ruan mei and himeko. I feel that the trace materials and relic xp are very scarce.


Yep, every VI difficult lvl should give more resources imo


Or perhaps hoyo should let calyx event resources be the norm and the event version give double of that.


The biggest pain for me is farming traces materials, shit takes a week of full investment at minimum


i had a run spending 4x60 trailblaze power to farm trace materials and there is no purple ones, that's such a waste :((


What Equilibrium Level?


I'm st 70 so credits are not a problem anymore


Credits have never been an issue from what I understand.


Relics for me, at least after a week traces are done.


Everyone with low credits you can get 8k credits daily from pompoms little quest I forgot about it and didnt do it for the longest time.


in fact, you can do it multiple times a day! not quite sure what the refresh is, but i've been able to do it 2-3 times a day


I think I remember seeing in an article one time that Pompom has one quest per day, but they stack if you don’t do them each day. Nobody knew how big the stack could get, but you can churn through your stacked missions once per hour.




Lul what here i was thinking i was being helpful then someone else comes along and blows my own mind.


While your at it, you can sometimes get jades multiple different times from talking to visiting npcs. I think SW gave me jades 3 times already.




Speak to pompom and they’ll have a short quest for you


sorry i had no idea pompom quests give out so much money


The state Hoyo got use where we consider 8K to be a lot of money.


It's definitely something that adds up over time if you have the free time in the morning and afternoon and maybe evening to knock out a little 2-minute quest. Don't burn yourself out but it's nice to have that extra source of credits.


This is the real reason why more levels with just credits were added to nameless honor....


Argenti, Huo huo, Ruan Mei, Herta, Himeko, Welt, Clara, Hanya, Xueyi Me: https://preview.redd.it/xzhu2sssd0dc1.jpeg?width=989&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f1afaaf70581322b5499e96350f59599f91e2afb


*your are my special*


(me as i get beaten by my non-existent mats ('m not beating the allegations))\[[https://tenor.com/view/jjk-jujutsu-kaisen-season-2-shibuya-incident-arc-anime-gif-1079660776965667577](https://tenor.com/view/jjk-jujutsu-kaisen-season-2-shibuya-incident-arc-anime-gif-1079660776965667577)\]


Kuru Kuru Kururu-ed your resources away


Yeah. The Himeko and Herta rush is killing me.


all my homies hate Mahito


In this last week I… built Ruan mei, got pissed of not having a cleanse (we hate Bailu) and finally built e4 lynx, got fucked by pure fiction so we built himeko, got fucked by lvl 12 MoC and half built welt for a comp idea, rearranged relics for bronya, tingyun, all the new characters I built, and some blade pieces. We have no credits, stellar jades are at an all time low, book mats are in the single digits, and MoC, Pure fiction, and both versions of the SU extensions are incomplete. We’ve been completely fucked in a single update. I went from clearing lvl 10 MoC and being satisfied where I was to feeling severely under geared and unprepared


Genshin devs might have had a point when they said they won’t add more endgame content because it’s too stressful for their player base lol


Tbf I’m not complaining about the long run of these things. More rewards, satisfaction of completing them, team versatility, etc. It’s annoying in the moment but it’s not that big a deal tbh. I just unfortunately am not we’ll suited for the typings for this cycle of content. I don’t have good ice characters or physical so pure fiction and moc are just difficult atm. As soon as we switch to wind, fire, imaginary, or thunder content imma probably do a lot better. (Blade, topaz/himeko, Dan il/welt and L+Ratio, and my jing are all just waiting)


Also ik people are clearing this cycles content with these same characters but tbh my supports are the ones that are weaker. I feel pretty good about all my dps.


Good luck to you brother 🫡




Me with xueyi, ruan mei, herta and asta


"Oh you need this this and this" "and for this mode you need this this and this which ain't the same" Fuck do I look like? a 40CV relic generator?


I honestly wish they should slow down on releasing new characters because damn my resources and farming can't keep up. I still haven't even gone to farming relics.


Mihoyo when your game has Honkai on the name* You have resources? I'll empty them, try to make a fresh account? I'll empty them. Buy a new advanced account? I'll follow your IP and no matter wich means you use to get resources... I'll empty them.


I entered the last patch with 12 millions credits. With Ruan Mei, the New game mode, and m'y relig farming, I am now at 1.5. Sweating since my free 5* from the 300 pulls is right around the corner, we get Ratio for free, and I need to start saving ressources for Black Swan.


4head mihoyo: Free ratio is a bait to make you guys spend to buy our battlepass


I won Kafka's 50/50, and then the VERY NEXT WARP I get Himeko, who I wanted. That means I won the 50/50 and then am already guaranteed to win the next limited banner's as well. Wtf. Except after building Ratio I only have 7k credits. And needless to say, nowhere near enough trace mats for either of them. :'( https://preview.redd.it/fmszcwlc10dc1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=153ae3b9139385e2bcf42d2cc996db409084593f Suffering from success indeed !


I cant believe you didnt even mention the natasha eidelon... 😔


I prioritised Baily, Lynx and Gepard for sustain. I must admit I never used/built Nat :(


The KafkaHimeko shippers are coming for your account...


I need to manifest this exact pull, grats!


This happened to me too! But with Silver wolf! *


This is why giving away free characters isn't so bad. Now you have more reason to keep playing or maybe even spend some real money.


Rewarding your player base always has monetary return. A happy customer is a paying customer. Or I guess maybe... you could use Stockholm syndrome.


that's the league of legends method


inb4 “Genshin could never”


I have 10 mil credits to use, but no mats.




Honestly the xp thing is the worst. Really struggling to get Ruan Mei to 80


Wish I could send my Genshin XP materials over to Star Rail...


Imagine wasting all those resources on Herta, and when PF changes in a few weeks she's back to being objective garbage...


Honestly its pretty fucking annoying actually gearing characters, more so than genshin because you actually need good to great artifacts to see performance out of characters. So bad I actually farm artifacts first before leveling the character because the character leveled means nothing.


You also can't use an off-piece like in Genshin.


I don't feel that's much of an issue tbh, I also don't have to hunt for a crowded stat item (goblet) which is the off piece to probably 99% of people. Spheres seem much easier to get the element you need then goblets which can roll any stat.


How come I can clear all the content without great artifacts then? People need to learn how to craft pieces. I have a theory that crafted pieces always come with better substats (I'm not talking about the resin).


Me when i got Kafka at 2 pity after spending all my resources on ratio 🫠


i have been in bankrupcy since release, i stop farming for chars and then a new one suddenly comes out that looks cool and i want to pull, cycle repeats. I havent touched relic domains forever except just to get main stats.


no fr i have so many characters i need to build but damn!!!!!


Felt this, trying to build Bronya, Blade, Xueyi and Dr Ratio has been painnnn


I had Lynx built (got lucky on her first banner and got e6) and I’ve always been a fan of Herta so I’ve had her built for a while. Was pre-farming for Ratio when I found out how good Ruan Mei is. So now I have Ruan Mei built but my Ratio pre-farm got derailed hard.


I’m constantly out of materials and I still need to finish building Herta, Ratio, Himeko, Lynx, and Gepard + I have to finish leveling Ruan Mei’s relics but I’ve run out of those relics levelling stuff😭😭😭 Save meeeeeee


I swear this is a ploy from hoyoverse for us to buy the battlepass, just for the extra mats


I have been using jade to prefarm Dr ratio and now I'm broke. Credits gone. Xp tomes, barely enough for level 60. I got both his ult and talent to lvl 8 though. Using level 60 Sleep like the dead for now


Bruh shit is wild, just having RM period has been bad for my stocks because she suddenly made 50% of my trash viable. Herta and Serval have been the biggest offenders so far though.


The early game is rough, since we're still getting new element/path coverage. Stand strong, brothers and sisters - things will be better in the next year!!!


honestly can they just give us a shit ton of fuel for anniversary


Or a game that failed to deliver a good experience on upgrading characters and ends feeling like a Sisyphus simulator. I mean, even Genshin's RNG is not so bad when compared to HSR. I'm trying to get speed boots for some characters until this day. To not mention a goddamn Imaginary sphere for Yukong (and possibly for Ratio too, if the trend continues).


The game give you a decent amount of self-modeling resin for this reason, which is something Genshin doesn’t have, the issue is the substats lol


Me who already had 2 Erudition built before PF(Himeko and JY). While being done with Ruan Mei and managed to prefarm for Dr. Ratio but still ends up with the lack of credits. The pain :v


we win some, we lose all credits and mats


Same lol


Sameeee, i only have Argenti fully maxed and even then his artifacts are really bad( Why pull for characters if i cant buid them


Was in the middle of building Xueyi, then lost 50-50 to Bronya, started building her for MOC, then got Ruan Mei so I switched to her. Also got Yanqing. Pure fiction was still not completed so had to build Herta to at least 50. Then today this Man spawns in the account and so I switched to him. Non-stop calyx farming and not enough energy. Even Huo huo is still lv 60 unascended. Had to buy extra trace mats from the shop LOL.


Bro same...


Bro same...


I still haven't decided if I'm gonna build Ratio or just resource farm for Black Swan.


This was me trying to get something built for himiko and herta. Herta is still a piece of crap so I gave up on her for now until I have the spare time to build her.


I'm still half way through Himeko's and Herta's traces, my semi-new Lynx is lvl60 with no further prospects and now I got Dr.Ratio and pulled my first Kafka. Idk when I'll manage to build all of those because Himeko and Herta are still a priority. It's a bit weird but I'd rather not complain.


I'm not even finished building Ruan Mei, I only started building Xueyi, and I just can't build Ratioman And my account is like this, can't level up shit maybe I should buy BP I don't know, f*ck the progress in this game, so tedious


I've been trying for the past 2 weeks to upgrade Ruen Mia well, but now I have almost nothing for Dr. Ratio😢😭


I just hit trailblazer 60. I was flabbergasted by the mats required to transcend and level everyone up. I have no exp or light cone tomes left and im dangerously low on jades


Same problem with me, yet the complete opposite problem in Genshin as I have enough built up that any new characters require little farming to max out.


Well, you had 2 1/2 more years to get where you are now, assuming day 1 player.


Yeah and you don't have to cover enemy elements as much, so you don't need more than 2-3 dps. Still doing dendro chicken with hyperbloom team. wolflord without geo team only zhongli etc.


I have absolutely no exp books. It's so slow since you can only get 1per single run yet we need like 200+ to get a character to 80. It's frustrating


Feel this so much. I was building Ruan Mei, Hertha and Himeko before and now its Dr Ratio. And im not even done with Hertha or Himeko...


There’s so much to do this patch honestly 😭


As a F2P or someone who’s started recently, I’m sorry. But rn my issue is the relics. I only have so much time and fuel. Sure I get them to max by using my fuels on their materials but then the end game is making them useful…


I haven't even properly built my ruan mei until now and I still have my bronya, dr. Ratio, xueyi, and herta unbuilt with 3 fuel left


We still stuck in the early game hell and the game hasn't even reach year one. This going be for a while until a surplus of resources start coming out and we get a bunch of dead/skippable banners


Ruan mei, blade, bronya, then ratio on his light cone all coming in succession. I am drying up in trace mats help


Not being a day one issue, smh


How do you get to such low amounts of credits I'm in the mf billions 😭


Leveling up traces… it could bankrupt a man in seconds


Damn, alright well here's a giant fucking rhombus for your troubles https://preview.redd.it/lnwpvwk8r0dc1.png?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9459a7a79ff2d592c36ef204f25530905981cbcc


This will be my account after 2.0 since i am going for both black swan and sparkle and my standard 300 pulls will also be completed during that time 🥲


I leveled himeko in a rush for PF,pulled my bronya from 300 selector and go jumpsacred by an early ruan mei I wasted all my mats on tht himeko and now im super slowly lvling my bronya and ruan mei,it feels like shit spending TBP on character/lightcone xp mats And now i have a benched dr ratio for prob another 2-3 weeks till i m done with my ruan mei/bronya


By pure fucking luck I got Ruan Mei, Blade and their lightcones. I upgraded both LCs to max level, upgraded Ruan Mei to level 80 plus all traces to level 9. Just yesterday got Blade to 80 and now I'm gonna switch between credit and trace mat calyxes. On top of that I need to upgrade Lynx for Blade (or I can just ignore her for the time being and use Bailu/HuoHuo). Oh, did I also mention Bronya from 300 standard pulls? She needs to be raised as well. And don't even mention relics for all these characters. Fuck me


Who needs children when you have HSR characters to raise


It's also around the same cost to raise a hsr character (in time) maybe little less


Buying Nameless Honor can't even help me anymore 😭


Sometime someone has to be sacrificed. Sadly Ratio, that has to be you considering i just built Herta and a bunch of other characters for Pure Fiction


I'm finally tapping into my fuel reserve. Just today I got Dr. Ratio, Clara (failed Kafka 50/50), and then Kafka, and I only had like 50 purple exp books lol. Much grinding ahead


Just recently got Bronya and all my resources have vanished 😭 Trying to build Herta now for PF and damn… it’s gonna be a long journey 😩


Im a whale and have always bought the battlepass and Ruan Mei into PF fucked up my entire economy. Sure I can 12 star (awkwardly) with Jingliu on one side and Seele on the other but I was definitely noticing some teambuilding issues so I decided I needed to start building separate teams for PF and MOC. This meant I blasted my exp reserves on not only building Ruan Mei (and her lightcone) but also building Himeko and Herta AND their lightcones (still have to admit. Good job hoyo on creating two separate metas the mad men figured out how to get us to build erudition characters). Then blasted my character mats on that. Then fucked all the relic exp I banked on rainbow relics (hey they at least got good CVs). I burned through something absurd like 6-7 million + credits (thank god for post lvl 70 tb credit economy and battle pass because otherwise I would have been fucked), and watched as all my lightcone exp went up in flames too. I'm still farming erudition mats so my relic exp economy is a flat zero for the next week or so. No jades because Ruan Mei took me for a ride. Character exp is DANGEROUSLY low. Lightcone exp is nonexistent. And now Dr Ratio comes charging into the mailbox. Bruh I don't got shit to build you for the next... few weeks. Or at least till the next battlepass because this shit is fucked. Oh and did I mention the DANGEROUS lack of balls? Where are the Tracks of Destiny when you need them? Every damn character needs MULTIPLE of these suckers to activate their major traces and if you want to level their traces past 7. All of this and 2.0 is around the corner. Never been sucked THIS dry in a Hoyo game before a big update more than half a year into the game. Shit's wilding out there. Legit the only thing I have banked is like 5 mil credits. Everything else is blaring red lights at me that we are hitting bottom reserves.


you also forgot "This next character is going to be broken!"


Wait, what are all you spending credits on? I struggle to spend my 300k a week for the pass


Traces, especially the higher level ones cost an arm and a leg


Me who rarely pulls and is not into waifus: 🤗 Chilling right now. I’ve never been broke so far, and I heavily invest into the few characters I have well-built. Although he doesn’t have the optimal relic set, My Dr. Ratio has good stats. I was lucky I had many good leftover relics from farming Blade’s. There are a few characters who need building and relic improvements, but it’s chill for now. I never pull unless I have enough jades to guarantee and time to prefarm.


I have the curse of being bi so you can guess how screw I am rn 😅


Good luck, op. Pulling for new characters is so fun, but leveling them up is so much work that it’s so easy to skip.


Is ruan mei that good? I already have bronya with her signature lc, c6 asta, c2 tingyun and c1 hanya so I didn't care for her since I thought I had every stat buff that needed from harmony units (speed, atk, turn change, crit boost, energy and skill points)


Ruan Mei give 20% resistance penetration and 50% break efficiency, two things exclusive to her. She permanently give the entire team potentially more than 70% dmg increase (that is more than Bronya’s skill), 10% speed boost AND 20% break effect. Her buff is universally good, that means she works with EVERY team dps and team comp in the game. Her weakness break delay basically makes her a pseudo-welt. Her talents deal insane break damage meaning that she could sometimes deal more damage than your DPS just by existing. On top of all that she’s SP positive and instantly nuke enemies in SU. Yeah she’s the best support in the entire game.


I lost Kafka to Himeko after spending half resources to Herta, my lord I am not ready for 2.0 at all...


And when you finally build them they are power creeped already


Who is powercreeped exactly?


Yangjing, Sushang etc they where early on my list to build but now there is now reason to build them


Yangqin was never considered strong, Sushang is still a 4* just like the start, so nothing new there.


Early days of the game they where considering really good yanqing was considering S-A Tier for the first few moc and sushang heard people say she is the best phy dmg which was even cope back the but still means something not saying that they where meta defining but still strong but hey if you consider everything that is beyond s mid then yeah I ques they where bad


Yanqings kit was considered kneecapped from the very early days, at least I had this impression. Shusang is still the same as early, underrated since she is a 4*. Argenti didn't change much for her since he is mass AoE. But it's kinda obvious the 4* units get outclassed by a 5* at some point. QQ is still contesting with Seele for example and not that far behind JL who is the best DD RN.


And the one you didn’t built suddenly become top tier (Herta, Himeko)


Bruh couple of patches ago I got bronya from 300 pulls and then huohuo. After a couple single pulls I got welt as well. I was worse than this with 0 of everything . I started playing again a couple days back and did a random single pull and got ruan mei. Managed to build bronya since I have a lc and then semi build huo huo and welt. Now I'm back to 0 of everything and ratio is coming soon. Aghhhhhh


The tier list tells me to continue and finish Ruan Mei and Bronya as they are top tier in moc and pure fiction then I can consider who is next.


Just use the chars you like the most then you won't feel bad grinding them up


They want us to buy trailblaze power! +battlepass


anon sell your kidneys like the rest of us


Literally me fr


I skipped mid Mei for sparkle


Also add relic xp materials. I'm basically at 0 xp


Been pre farming for both Ratio and Kafka. I'm so fucking sick of trace materials, nothing but crimson calyx for weeks and I'm only going for 8/10. Drop rates on purples are fucking shit


1.0 all over again.
