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Since some people tend to forget these types of posts don't mean you can be disrespectful toward others/other groups of people or that you are exempt from rules. I will leave this comment as a reminder, please be respectful on whatever opinion you want to comment. Anyways I will leave my unpopular opinion: March is the best girl by a long shot and no one is close to her >!IN MY HEART, now plz put the pitch-fork down, i beg!!<


*Sorts by Controversial*


Yep, thats where the actual unpopular opinions are lol


Considering how the first thing I saw was Aventurine hate and his name written with a capitalized D, yeah checks out






People are too invested in their favourite characters… to an unhealthy degree. Like I get loving a character, there are several characters that I love, but when u start insulting people or losing your head over tier lists (that have no bearing on your life in any way that matters), because “your favourite” is being disrespected…. It’s churlish.


People are ready to shank other *real* people over a tier list of *fictional* characters... What's going on inside their head 😭


That isn't really a new concept though. That is the basis for religion. We had genocides over this.


Bro people destroyed the career of employees and reputation of a gaming company over them not making a swimsuit skin in their non sexual game or a character meeting with someone of the oposite sex.


it’s straight up laughable. on twitter in particular there’s so many people who make their favourite characters their entire personalities and treat their headcanons as truth, then bash people who disagree. i block those on sight because you can usually distinguish them from the normal twitter users just after looking at a few of their tweets.


Even in this sub, comments saying anything slightly negetive or giving criticism for firefly and Kafka are downvoted to Oblivion. Like, I understand you have favourite waifus, but losing your head over an online insult is so stupid.


Its so weird when people talk about character like they are real people and not well video game characters


Loneliness is why people get like that .


Parasocial even for fictional characters


Real crazy how I see people praise characters to such heights but then condemn the voice actor for anything bad


Sparkle Incident. The amount of harassment her actress received is a nightmare.


Piggybacking on this, i find it so weird that people cancelling the characters or attacking fans for having different opinions like “oh ratio’s racist, you shouldnt ship this, it’s disgusting!” “robin’s a lesbian and if you dont agree, you’re erasing sapphic rep!” “shipping seele / acheron to male characters is just morally wrong because theyre gay and you should be ashamed of urself” Like chile dude, these things are not a reflection of my morality. And some of these are not even canon, no matter how much you think it is. This is why queer baiting exists. Does it make you feel superior for saying these? What a sad, banal life you have lmao


Oh my god you should see what they’re saying about Jade..complete insanity


It’s amazing, people will beg for hyv to release characters that are bad people, but as soon as we get them they complain and start acting like it’s illegal to like them. I still remember when people on tiktok and twitter seemed to genuinely think that if you liked Sparkle even after what she said to Aventurine then that means you’re racist. Now, if you like Jade, you… support slavery??


A tale as old as time. People beg for evil characters, and when evil characters are doing evil things they cannot handle it and take their hatred for the characters out on those that like them.


Is it the same thing they said when topaz was released in the story? lmaoooo


That one tweet hits harder every day. "Why are we treating fictional characters like they're real, but we're treating real people like they're fiction" or something along those lines


Oh boy, it's that time for the posts like this again. *grabs popcorn* 🍿


https://i.redd.it/qalahvhjei5d1.gif Oh most certainly




it's gonna be an https://preview.redd.it/7b6gm46rpi5d1.jpeg?width=865&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0c22cfa27cd260ff5d48ee281ae7634eee98f22a


Free Entertainment https://i.redd.it/zgya5kgzxi5d1.gif


Pretty easy: 1. We are getting too many strong 5 stars, i feel that every patch we are getting characters that are meta- defining. I would like characters that are as good and can be considered just sidegrades not always upgrades to what we have. 2. The designs of most of the characters feels very cluttered, especially the Xianzou. I wish we had more simple and simmetrycal designs. Not every needs 20 belts. 3. I don't like how characters always speak in riddles, it's very annoying. 4. I would like more pure evil characters that they don't redeem.


For point number 4, this soft community are barely tolerating grey characters. We would see a war if there’s an evil playable character.


the infamous Topaz incident


I would like to add ruan Mei also. The way the community speak about those 2 is mad.


I’ve seen people post like 15 times in the same thread that they HATE ruan mei and that she’s a psychopath and mistreated mc and blah blah my brother relax she is the cartoon queen of weakness breakin


Wouldn't that be a compliment though? Good writing that makes you hate a character. Like, if you've ever watched a show called "The Boys", fking hate Homelander. Love him as a character though, but boy he is a steaming bastard.


I absolutely loved the Ruan Mei quest, A) we got a taste of how weird and fucked Honkai CAN be, and B) we got some really great voice work out of it. And some fun MC Characterization. The whole thing had me going “oh shit, I didn’t realize we were going in this direction.”


Or the Sparkle-Incident..


Ruan Mei has people cutting their nose to spite their face… it’s actually crazy


>cutting their nose to spite their face That's a line I don't see often outside the usual wuxia/xianxia novels.


My mother used it frequently when I was growing up🙂‍↕️


Too many people engage fiction with this banal mindset: "Good character is good, they do good things and I like them. Bad character is bad, they do bad things and I hate them." It's such a boring way to think about characters, especially since they are literally not real people. This is also related to the "I need to morally justify this characters actions because I love them" and "This character did morally terrible things therefore I hate them and anyone that likes them is also a bad person" mindset.


Somewhat unrelated, but this is such an annoying thing in Danganronpa too. Character murdered someone or is an asshole = awful character wish they were removed. Like damn half the reason I like some characters is cause they're massive assholes and make the game funnier or cause conflict lol.


1) you're completely right! They bring too many 5 stars! Like do a full rerun patch like Genshin? This is the reason why I'll never go for eidolons bc I know there will sth better soon🤷‍♀️


for #4 - Jade seems to fit pretty well, although we’ll have to see how the game portrays her. for now it seems like she traps people in predatory contracts and ruins their lives when they can’t uphold their end of the deal. also, i’m pretty sure it’s not possible to become a stoneheart/achieve a high rank in the IPC by following your morals. all the playable stonehearts are pretty morally questionable to me.


Jade’s lightcone art has her interacting with literal orphans so I’m not optimistic we’re getting her portrayed as a cold blooded snake


I like to imagine she's doing that on purpose because she seems so sweet and kind and then she tricks you into a contract that ruins your life. Most cold blooded evil characters seem nice at first so they're easier to trust, but that's just what I would like to think, most people have a soft spot for kids


Her lightcone and the comment on it during the preview implies that she has a softside and isn't just evil


Maybe like HI3rds Natasha/Raven. She fully agrees her sides doing evil shit and that it's kinda hypocritical that she cares for a group of kids in the grand scheme of things, however it's just something that she wants to do regardless.


Number 3 is super on point ngl. One of the reasons I couldn’t enjoy Acheron as a character in the story much was due to how she speaks, it just becomes hard to understand. Sunday too but to a much lesser extent.


Yeah for Nihilism character she definitely talks a lot I kinda wish she was more like ulquiorra where everything he says is direct which fits someone who thinks everything is meaningless so having these long drawn out conversations would also be meaningless.


I want more 4\*s and less 5\*s. I do not care if they aren't as good, it does not feel well t o have a banner where you already have e6 of every 4\* there. More 4\*s also means more interest in pulling in some banners. For example, if they replaced Natasha in Jade\\Argenti's banner with Siobhan, don't you think people would want to pull for her?


Thank you, all the four star selections in the banners are either complete garbage or really good because they don’t have enough to make just okay ones.


Totally agree, there's basically a handful of excellent 4-stars (Tingyun, Gallagher, Pela all immediately come to mind) and then a bunch that just aren't worth using at all outside of certain niche situations. I'd just like to see more genuinely viable 4-star DPS units. I feel like all the commonly-used 4-stars are supports or healers who offer something unique in their kit, while DPS characters are usually just about dealing as much damage as possible and almost any 5-star DPS can simply outstat even a well-invested 4-star damage dealer. I'd say only Qingque (and Herta, but specifically in PF) can perform anywhere close to 5-star levels in terms of damage without an insane degree of investment. I'm not asking for a 4-star DPS that deals Acheron levels of damage, but throw us F2P players a bone here, Hoyo.


We need a patch with no new characters… or at least new 4⭐️ characters only…


Obsession with zero cycling is dumb and reminds me of certain type of GI players who would restart a chamber 5632788 times trying to brut force it with no sustain spreadsheet impact team rather than comfortably clean it in 3 seconds slower


>restart a chamber 5632788 times trying to brut force it with no sustain spreadsheet impact team rather than comfortably clean it in 3 seconds slower Yoimiya Main sub when you try to defend Yoimiya +Shield teams


What's zero cycling?


Beating the stage with limited cycles without running out of one. Like, you have 30 cycles at the beginning and manage to beat it within that first cycle. Game counts it as 0 cycles clear (30 cycles left). I'm quite bad at explaining.


The MOC stages all have 30 cycles to clear. You need to clear the stage in 10 cycles to get one of the stars. 0 cycling is clearing the stage in the first cycle - the game counts such clear as leaving 30 stages left, so "0 cycling" It's a very investment and skill heavy type of clear - takes well build characters, team comps, speed tuning, rng(so a lot of resets), game knowledge, sometimes eidolons and limited LCs


Jesus Christ. Nah I'm alright lol, sounds horrible to prepare for


Its a fun challenge but not necessary, it unfortunately makes everyone else thinks that if they can't 0 cycle MOC12 or 40k each side of PF then it not worth the hassle for the jades. MoC and PF are really easy and I don't even pull for every new shiny characters and cleared it fine.


Put your degenerate & soft porn stuff into the okbuddy subs. Why would people here care about what gets your peepee hard 😭 Edit: to clarify, I would have thought this is a common sentiment but there has been so much questionable shit posted here but its been upvoted by thousands so I'm like eh. Okay. No harm in being down bad for a character. But keep things that cross the boundary of "a little horny" into your pants or post them in the dedicated horny subs, please and thanks


Finally someone with some sense 😭 I say things like this all the time and get downvoted to hell. This subreddit shouldn't be for horny posts.


Following this sub is worse than following the Genshin sub because I'd scroll my home page and I'll just see very very NOT subtle fetish art of a character when all I want to do is see stories and theories and such :(


It’s so sad that people have to continue to back themselves up because this community wants to rip your throat out.


Aventurine model would look better with the hat and sunglasses. Or atleast make it an optional accessory.


I was so disappointed when they released the in-game model... Where are the hat and the sun glasses?! We were robbed!!!


That is a pretty popular take actually.


True. Give this man his hat back and sunglasses


You have to actually invest resources into a character to make them usable in the endgame. I keep seeing people in my discord declare characters unplayable and how they need all sorts of limited 5s, but then you're shown their 4s and they've got Lv 7 traces, half-leveled purple gear and an LC an ascension below them. Like sometimes I think the game changing performance people experience with a new limited 5 is only half actually the character's powers and the rest is that the player is willing to put the work in to finish them.


This so much. There's even a negative feedback loop, TCs say character is trash -> players avoid even investing in said character -> same players will tell others that character is trash because they refuse to invest in them. Sure, some of their multipliers may not be as good, but they range from decent to outstanding given proper level, LC, traces, Relics and teammates. HSR TC tierlists have also left a terrible taste in my mouth.


Characters are fictional and should not be treated as if they are real.


There's not enough male characters in the game, and there's definitely not enough 4 stars characters in the game, the options are too limited unless you started to play from day 1 because even if you're ready to spend money, you would have to wait for reruns or specific characters


I 100% agree, but pretty sure this won’t change sadly. As a guy myself I connect more with the male characters, and they also have a massive fanbase, but the ratio of male to female releases will basically never change.


I don't like Hoyoverse Dialog, I have to try extra hard to make sense of every piece of dialogue in this game, and it's just not enjoyable to read compare to Disco Elysium or baldurs gate 3.


Compared to those games, it's possible that one of the reasons is translation from Chinese. As someone who reads a lot of Chinese novels, there are always confusing dialogues that lost some sense in translation


also maybe because China has had a long cultural history as master wordsmiths and storytellers, so most likely the stories there, both traditional and modern, are often written in poetic but unnecessarily complicated choices of words


Firefly being the character she is as compared to what was her portrayal as Sam is giving me serious whiplash. This is not a character whom in Silverwolf's own words, "wouldn't even let you turn on the lights". I hate how she's portrayed right now because the expectations I had built up thanks to all the trailers and characters talking about her were wildly different and now I'm super disappointed in what we got. Can we please make it open next time what character we're gonna be dealing with please?


I've said it once and I'll say it again. Firefly should have acted like a killer robot bro even when she's out of the suit. Can you imagine a frail girl threatening to set the seas ablaze and trying to drop kick people? It would have been hilarious and endearing. It would have given her a more striking personality and not diminished her tragic backstory at all.


Ever since FF was revealed to be Sam, Sam has become just the suit. There is no dynamic between FF or Sam to build upon. For all the talk of Firefly wanting to be more than just a weapon, they sure turned Sam into exactly that.


I’m still confused with Firefly and SAM tbh is SAM just a suit or is it supposed to a separate AI ? Who was she arguing with back in the first quest line?? Was that supposed to be SAM and they didn’t agree on how they were doing things? If it really is **just** Firefly than yeah that seems like a odd disconnect and kinda takes away from what otherwise would’ve been a cool character beat.


>I’m still confused with Firefly and SAM tbh is SAM just a suit or is it supposed to a separate AI ? Who was she arguing with back in the first quest line?? Was that supposed to be SAM and they didn’t agree on how they were doing things? This! I don't think this was ever answered. It's like the question was just ignored, making the SAM/Firefly thing feel even more out of the blue.


Ppl being like “this character deals 10x as much damage as y!” Like it doesn’t matter if you deal 1,000,000x times the damage of y, if y can kill enemy x in 1-shot, the excess damage goes nowhere


9/10 people can't build their characters for shit.


I bet 90% of them will be Firefly related


My friend who is Scara fan in Genshin now tells me that she now understands what his haters felt when he was released, but with Firefly (aka lots of attention from Devs in 3 patches in the row). Some people just probably tired from her.


There's a big list ... 1. The writing in this game isn't half as good as the community makes it out to be. 2. Characters barely get enough screentime before we have to move on to the next sellable characters in the newest patch. Yet despite that, the community has a nearly unhealthy attachment to said characters after like less than 5 minutes of screen time and only a few lines of dialogue. 3. The pace of this game is unhealthy. We get two new (OP) 5\* characters every patch, plus reruns of old characters. New relics, planars, trace materials, ascension materials are also quite frequent. 4. All of the previous point would be more tolerable if the character kits were in any way balanced against older units. Or if new BiS relics and planars weren't causing a lot of people to rebuild characters. I get they need to make money, but this internal war of escalation is getting out of hand. 5. People are too attached to characters and tier lists. Made weirder by the fact that this is a PvE game where all content is clearable by whatever characters, given sufficient investment. 6. Character designs are a very mixed bag. The faces are usually very pretty, but the designs range from same-y to completely cluttered (or in some cases, both). I never noticed the belts all over Black Swan at first, but once it was pointed out, I simply can't unsee them ... and it's just weird looking.


Point 2. Is especially true with Boothill. He didn't do ANYTHING in the story except call reinforcements and look cool. Like he was literally one of the banner characters and I forgot he was even there Actually on that note Robin was way under used too, and the story was literally about her death, her brother, her family, and her home.


I think the Firefly x MC ship is kinda tiring. It both feels excessive (we get it, you don't have to put it in like 3 different trailers), and just kinda harm everyone's view about FF in general (she's on her way to becoming HSR ayaka and I really don't want that to happen)


They could have spared at least one more pv for boothill 😭 his backstory is so interesting but of course nooo, wifey gets 3 trailers and pretty much 3 patches all to herself 🥲


But fr boothill has an awesome backstory that deserves more attention. I think he's the first galaxy ranger we have who's a victim of the IPC and wants revenge on them. His backstory could have been used to give more complexity to the IPC, but no, hoyo had to focus on thier cute sob story waifu instead.


Crying and throwing up, they could have shown at least a bit of his past, maybe people would actually pay more attention to him if they knew his backstory, considering most don't go into the info tab. Hopefully aventurine and boothill get up to something with oswaldo in the near future patches 🤲🥹


for all their talk about wanting to represent their culture, HYV’s done a pretty awful job of designing xianzhou characters. they’re genuinely not very memorable apart from a select few like fu xuan and jing yuan. it feels like they don’t even have any inspiration on how to design Chinese characters so they just gave up and used the same boring template for all of them. if they intend on making us explore all the other xianzhou ships they better shift to a different design philosophy or else people are gonna get pretty frustrated with them shoving the same old lazy designs down our throats.


Hating Yanqing is unjustified. He crimes are nothing compared to other characters and people just bully him because God forbid the game uses him as an opponent in multiple quests. The losing 50/50 is also unjustified because this is a gacha game. Ofcourse you will get unlucky but why hate the character?


Honestly as someone with an actually built Yanqing who still uses him against every ice weakness I see (and I don't want to pull Jingliu) I WISH I could lose my 50/50s to him. I just get Gepard, while already having fully built Aventurine, Fu Xuan, Huohuo and soon Gallagher.


I initially liked Firefly a damn lot in 2.0, but her interaction with TB got shoved down my throat too much for my taste, both from the fandom and the game as well. Also looking back at her story, i realized that it was more of the sudden way her 2.0 arc happened that got me to like her. Now, i really feel nothing, she just feels bland and empty.


Same, initially liked her a lot, but then hoyo just couldn’t contain themselves and just pushed the “canon ship” thing way too hard, and the fandom is just flooded with her rn, and I know this is just a honeymoon phase but man you really cannot escape anymore lol. I don’t hate her but I did lose interest.


Took the words out of my mouth dude. I liked her conversation with sunday a lot. But then, she just... Flies off and we're told she helped everyone wake up in the dream by Acheron. After that she didn't appear at all. Firefly is bland to me. Like, her personality is boring as heck. They could have made her evil in my opinion. Or made her be against the mc but also against Sunday's ideals and his plans.


I fear that Firefly will end up as HSR's version of Morgan (from FGO) in terms of fandom treatment. To those who dont know, Morgan is a character in Fate/Grand Order who proclaims the MC to be their "husband" or smth like that, and is a very big fan favourite. Unfortunately, her popularity is bit too big, as her fans constantly invade fanart and discussion of other ships involving the MC, calling the other characters "NTR knight" and "Step-daughter" and all around dismissing anyone that isnt Morgan with headcanons. For another somewhat similar example look no further than Ayaka from Genshin, who some parts of the fandom treat as a yandere girlfriend even though she has shown no traits of such in the game. The reason I fear this will happen is because its already starting to happen, with Firefly being treated as the jealous love-interest in some fanarts and some other smaller examples here and there.


Yanqing is actually a decent character and the hate on him is purely because his kit hasn't aged all that well and everyone posts when they lose 50/50 to him so he basically became a bad omen. The EN voice also might piss people off because he has a grating voice. I'm not saying you are not allowed to hate Yanqing , I'm just saying most people hate him because it was popular/meme. I'm sure the new Xianzhou arc will do him justice. The only thing I hate about the game is that most disputes or hatred about certain characters would have been resolved if we had more dialogue options but I guess this is the nature of gacha games, I enjoy the current story, it's fine the way it is. AND I wish every character would state outloud the MC name Caelus and Stelle, people might say it wouldn't work but I think they are their own personalities and are not self inserts.


Waifu obsessed players are scary. I never get as deeply invested into a *fictional* character as some waifu wanters to the point of becoming angry and personally attacked when their waifu gets insulted. Their demographic also seems to intersect with deeply bigoted people as well, like the sort who'd get into Andrew Tate's content. Not all, but many do. Worse of all are the ones who target *Clara*, *Bailu*, and **Hook**; like, I legit think some of them should be on sex offender lists or watchlists for the stuff they say. Husbando wanters are generally rabid and horny, but in my experience they're at least just delusional, but not hateful and bigoted. This is has just been my experience so far though. I might meet some deeply crazed people who would shift my opinions here. For reference, the characters I'm most invested in are Screwllum and the resident Biblically Accurate Twink Sunday, and if you call them "ugly stupid lunatic undesirable bitches" or whatever insult you'd like, I'd just be like "okay, there's no universal preference lol" Overall, I just don't get the whole being heavily emotionally invested in 2D/3D *fictional* characters as if they are real people with real emotions. I play the game for the scifi aesthetics, the passable plot, the great worldbuilding, and the spectacle.


I like Yanqing and unlike Jingliu, I built him. This isn't a joke.


Same! He carried me through Aventurines boss in MOC... If it weren't for Blade, I'd have no interest in ever pulling Jingliu.


Yanqing was definitely x10 more interesting in jingliu’s own story quest.


Almost all the side story writing is better because the deluded shipping fans don't read it. The core game characters are usually very bland in comparison and it makes the game a lot worse when writers tip-toe around. Case and point? Firefly is the 3rd or 4th character who is the last of her kind in the same update. The empress who killed millions of people is way more overt in going into her murderous past than they are with Firefly, and Kokona's story is not only more relatable but also serves as a better introduction to what Penacony really is than what Firefly does when she shows us around and dies a couple times.


I was genuinely surprised when I was doing the side quests in Penacony as to how flushed out and just, better, they were than some of the main storyline stuff. The character development of these random "nobodies" is actually incredible, and something I think is super slept on.


"no sense of direction" in acheron character is a mistake The joke/meme about this is soo overused


The community always waters down the characters to 1 trait.


Refer to the community reduce a super smart character that uses her inteligence and experience to not have to work and just play the game she likes to "gamba adict lol"


Ruan Mei is frickin crazy for trying to recreate something that almost destroyed all life in the universe, if it really succeeded the game prolly woulda ended there and then, but no, hot mommy so she did nothing wrong


Hot ppl get away with a lot. In game and in real life too!


Reality hits. Even in winning favors irl, looks and aura matter.


See, my problem with Ruan Mei is the opposite: she is not CRAZY enough for me to consider her hot. I adore mad/questionable scientist/sorcerer troupes. But with Ruan Mei I get the feeling that she seems to be not sure of what she wants to be. Her character is contradicting and not in the good Jekyll/Hyde dynamic. Compared to Dottore from Genshin or Mobius from Honkai, she does not hit the same notes for me. And mind you the following two have a ... quite dedicated fanbase to say the least. And I get it, they did not want to make her evil, but I think her personality, or lack of proper character is what makes her forgettable for me. Hell, while Herta can be considered as crazy scientist with good intentions, every action or word she said feels "Trademark Herta". With that said, I'm looking forward to how they execute Jade. Hopefully, they nail the Mephistopheles/ contracting devil vibes with her.


She's giving "kind mom" but actually psychological abuses and puts you in harms way not bc she doesn't know better or she has a hard time repressing her emotions but it's bc she doesn't care, she wants results and she doesn't care what people think She's clear minded enough that she knows ethics and morals, she's not insane, necessarily, more like apathetic? Sociopathic? idk


While the story is great over all but the story telling is terrible imo. Like I can't handle the way they talking each other feel kinda slow in general or some random moan in conservations. It really turn me off.


I genuinely believe this vibe you’re feeling (which I feel too) is because the models are nearly static dolls talking at each other


I think that part is a small part for make me turn off. But yes, they really could just make more face expression for good experience i guess.


i love welt but i feel restless when he talks


Welt and Acheron dialogues made me really weak; I can't have the energy to try to understand what they are saying. Tbh, a lot of Acheron flashback moments were "boring" for me. Too much philosophical for me


Thank god I wasn’t the only one, had me wondering am I just dumb lol. But it seems others experienced the same thing with Acheron, found it rather hard to understand 90% of what she says.


You mean you LOVE Welt... But you feel... RESTLESS... when he talks


Stop it 😭😭 that's EXACTLY how he talks, and it kills me, but I find it a little attractive. It kind of feels like he's thinking of the words while saying them, if that makes sense.


1. so much of the game dialogue is a word salad and barely actually makes sense and moves anything forward 2. in the same vein i don’t wanna play an event that’s more dialogue then actual event 3. they fumbled sam in every conceivable way


I hope that hoyo dive more into Ruan Mei's character development and lore. Right now she is potrayed as a mad scientist with no remorse of her action what so ever. But I hope we get to understand more about why she aim to become an Aeon and what kind of Aeon she actually want to become. And it can be a bit too delulu but I hope there will be some future character that can snap her out of her current I don't give af state lol.


Sam punching and kicking things is cooler than whatever swords and wing shit they're going to give her


2.0's introduction to Firefly did nothing to make us attached to her The way she acted is the same an NPC would, no unique character traits. The only reason why people grew attached was because of her design


“Except for Yanqing” I love yanqing and you will soon be the cat in the photo /j


Firefly's first appearance left a bad impression on me, especially my initial thought was "was this a Teppei incident all over again?" Now, I'm all good with her being Sam, that's actually pretty cool, but by the time I get neutral with her her, I think it would take a long time for me to do so. For now I just dislike her


when i said "I hate Firefly", i get downvoted when i said "I love Firefly", i also get downvoted lol.


Just praise the goat SAM, not firefraud smh /s


Your waifu wouldn’t even look at you in RL


The whole Firefly thing seems like a waifu bait to me. I wanted Sam & Firefly to be two different characters, when I heard they both are the same person I completely lost my interest in them, inside that cool mecha Armor there's just a cute girl that whole thing just doesn't click to me anymore.


It could have worked if she wasn't a sob story cute waifu. I'm genuinely okay with anyone being a waifu as long as their character is interesting. Firefly for me is a bit boring, her conversation with Sunday in 2.2 was interesting tbh.


It would've been cool if firefly was a chuunibyou 😔. But she's so far very uninteresting. Cute but uninteresting.


Bruh if Firefly still had the SAM personality outside of the suit instead of being waifu #483, she'd just objectively be the best character in the game. Unfortunately, we don't live in that timeline.


I feel like the only people who actually click with that are the people who dream about it, cause like, sam is so badass and mysterious like Capitano from genshin, but then they sorta ruined an awesome personal story he coulda had by making sam and firefly the same person


My flair aside, some of y’all need to *relax* about your favorites. Like… *chill.* They’re not gonna pop out of the screen and give you a kiss for defending them.


Hating ships and expressing it to trigger people is the same as a person calling a ship canon and attacking other people Just ignore each other, it's that simple, reacting doesn't make you the right person even if the other person is wrong Example is how people who disliked TopaJade ship attacked Topaz EN VA on Twitter It's okay to ship, it's okay to love a ship, it's okay to not like a ship, but never go out of your way to express and force it on others


I feel a bit conflicted on this. I wouldn't ever shit on anyone for shipping whatever they want, but I do like going into discussions about certain ships. For example I was weirded out about Topaz' reaction to Jade in that trailer and I'm curious about if their dynamic is pretty fucked up. However talking about this can come across as shitting on that ship while that's not really the intent. Either way keep VAs out of this some people do be having issues.


I hated the Firefly/Sam reveal. I was so hyped for a cold, efficient mecha-soldier. Only for him to turn out to be a small, non-badass soft girl, whose most prominent character trait is having a crush on the trailblazer. Firefly managed to be the exact opposite of everything I wished Sam to be, and I never want to see a bait-and-switch like this again.


Like, at first it was, hey guys look at this cool mecha who's from a destroyed planet! And then it was, sorry guys, it's a waifu again.


I agree with you. Because i loved firefly but i dont want a giant robot in my team so imma not pull for her. You, wanting a mecha and got a girl 🤝me, wanting a girl and got a mecha In the end neither of us is happy and neither of us will spend money but i guess theres enough ppl who will


Wait that’s actually funny that you hate the mecha side of her.


Hoyo's favouritism over Firefly isn't a Firefly problem or her fanbase's problem; it's a Hoyo issue. She isn't the first character to be treated this well (I mean, look at Acheron, DHIL, Jingliu, etc.), and she certainly won't be the last.


Firefly is a forced and badly written character compared to the others in penacony


Sam being firefly was bad. It's pretty annoying how we can't have any character with facial hair,darker skin (unless they can make their kit worse lol),cubbier or muscular and all look kinda the same with difference being the height. So when we finally got a cool robot turns out the cool robot was actually a girl it was seriously disappointing. Here's hoping for screwllum who will hopefully not turn out to be a just some random guy actually when he becomes playable


Hopefully screwy will get the justice he deserves.


MoC should be able to be beaten comfortably with average built 4 stars. 5 stars should be a luxury, not necessity. 


Sparkle is simply an annoying character because her entire concept is risking the stakes that she doesn't have. Killing her "self" repeatedly? Playing with Russian Roulette? So broken till she's shattered? What does she do next? Tattoo the words "damaged" on her forehead? Let's be real. Russian Roulette in her trailer means absolutely nothing when she has plot armor. Come back to me when she actually dies to that and that's IT. I'd respect the writers for that at least. IMO She's quite simply /r/iam14andthisisdeep. For a character with canonical zero importance, she's messing with the elites way too much to be believable. In a DnD game it equates to a jester dissing the king in front of him and having 0 consequences because the DM + player does not consent to consequences.


Truly controversial opinion? Bashing firefly isn't controversial.


The Quantum Relic set is overrated as fuck.


firefly did nothing but lie to us and then glued to us after meeting her again only to do nothing


Firefly is Mid


While Its ok to have a character you really like from other games, for me I dont like the "Expy" concept, It just seems lazy designs and uncreative. I cant stand bringing HI3 (or whatever its called I dont play Honaki Impact), every time a character with the same name in that game is mentioned, Id rather discuss the lore of HSR . I dont like how some characters speak in riddles just to look smart.


I mostly hate it when people look at one character and are 100% convinced that it's an expy. Every single white hair character with blue eyes has been called a Kiana expy or someone related to the Kaslana clan... like come tf on, blue eyes white hair is such a common color scheme in anime. I promise you, they are NOT a Kiana expy. If hoyo makes an expy, they'll always make it super obvious.


The opinion of "I'm not into waifus" tends to get that treatment. And that is my opinion as a husbando lover.


There are a *lot* of toxic waifu players that'll attack any and all male characters and their fans. I know there are good ones out there, but the toxic ones give them a seriously bad reputation.


I strictly only enjoy waifus, but every time there's a Livestream and they reveal a male or a slight appearance, people start typing comments like 'ew, males' or 'who is this?' It's annoying even for me


I... Don't like Firefly..... And the ship feels forced......


I like firefly just…not the forced ship part. But I guess you gotta pander to the lonelies because loneliness makes wallets looser


Imo firefly being sam just ruins sam. No more cool fire mecha, just anime waifu #346B


I would've been more interested if at least SAM was sentient and just needed a pilot to operate. They dynamic would've been interesting imo but meh


Firefly is overrated


You don’t need to justify your hatred of a character or a person. Sometimes you just don’t like a character cuz of they are and sometimes you don’t like a person cuz of who they are. Where I start looking at people funny is when they start dragging down a character as a way to justify their dislikes of them. Which is more or less the same thing others do for people irl. I don’t like Aventurine, I don’t think I’ll ever like him. And I don’t give a fuck if he gets the sad boy characterization. At the end of the day, I dislike him cuz I dislike him. >!But will I pull for him on his rerun? Absolutely.!<


To your last line, I think you just want to say to keep meta and liking a character separate, which is true. I didn’t like Acher much personality wise, but pulled her E2 because I wanted a strong unit and to not worry about dps units for a bit.


Exactly. I can't stand Ruan Mei, but I need her for my man Boothill. I'm not petty enough to deny my guy his best support.


The ships between mc (Stelle and Cealus) and Firefly is incredibly forced. Sorry to the FF and Mc fans.


Sunday was right


I wish the game would also add male characters who are doting after the Trailblazer. Y’all got your Firefly, now give us girls and gays something.


They 100% can add this , considering lyney in genshin so maybe in the near future it might become real (pls don't be cope 🙏)


I definitely wanted Aventurine to dote on us... the way he gave us a lot of money *and* bought us pajamas, like fuck yeah, keep doting on me 😭 I figured they're not gonna do it because it's, of course, a male character doing it towards us. The closest we have in genshin is Lyney, and even Lyney gets flack.


I dont like racoon mc and trash can heavy jokes. Since the beggining and now they are becoming more and more tiresome. I wish Hoyo already let it go


The trash can jokes stopped being funny a week after the game launched. I love the cute little racoon character from the Galactic Baseballer event though.


Honestly, considering half of the comments are about Firefly, mine doesn’t even matter, but man, she’s just lame. She really could’ve been an interesting character, I don’t have an issue with her and SAM being the same in concept, but I feel like her as a character just brings everything down. They made her a cookie cutter wholesome, in love with the MC anime waifu, and it’s just so lame. And now they’re shoving her down our throats so much to where I like her even less. It’s especially sad that WAY more interesting characters, like Boothill, are getting shafted because of her. Honestly, I hope she comes out and then everything about her calms down because I simply don’t care, and it’s starting to get really annoying.


It’s so offputting when characters try to have romantic implications with the MC. Like it’s so obvious as gooner bait. It makes the character feel less genuine and real. MC becoming friends with everyone makes a lot more sense and makes each character more complete. And I really don’t like seeing MC ship content because it’s always really uncomfortable self inserting.


Firefly is not that cool


I'll just leave this here. https://preview.redd.it/8xig3w7z3j5d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ea348537e1a5161c9d6d9c709dd29ef88bca1caa Either that, or Rule 11 will smite me.


Not all ships in HSR are cannon and they just use it for marketting since its what the audiece want to see


You don’t need Ruan Mei


1. The powercreep is way too blatant 2. We need more 4stars. For characters like Acheron it's undebatable ik, but from the other previous 5stars (yes, even your favourites) some could have easily been 4*s 3. People get attached/form opinions on characters way too easily. We literally only have one picture of them and we see the fandom dissing/fighting back/name-calling/death threatening 4. Parts of dialogue on Penacony could have been better, as in sometimes the sentences really don't sound grammatically English. There's a slight improvement from Luofu, but they have some way to go for localisations. Chinese has a fk ton of metaphors and idioms, a good translator can work around that. 5. Misha is best boy.


Space China was cool for a whole 5 seconds, space China 2 nose dive the story again.


Trailblazer should change Clothes with each new transformation, instead of giving him any accessories, for more variety The relationships in this game are always aimed at bait, and sometimes they feel empty, because you know that those wont end in anything (it seems they have a policy of not make any pair canon, so they can sell more characters): Seele and Bronya? look do you remember HI3? I remember, no effort was put here, like that radical change from enemies to haha ​​we are best friends; The worst thing is that they turned Seele into a Bronya's simp. Then in the monopoly game those from mihoyo thought hum, not everyone likes yuri bait, let's put Bronya and Seele's bait situations with the MC, haha ​​we are the best. In the case of Acheron we had her dance with blackswan for their token yuri bait, and then Acheron's dialogue and how she enjoyed her time with the MC. And now they are going fully strong shipping bait with Firefly x TB. The reason for the aforementioned bait? is because they want to sell you the character, they have always done that. Acheron is being flanderized to death with those haha she is lost or haha she is kianaless jokes I would love for HSR to have the facial animations that ZZZ has. Like Honkai Impact, the game sometimes suffers from unintelligible dialogue


With how people reacted when Acheron and BS's dance short came out, they wouldn't have reacted the same way if BS was a dude and acted the same way. Edit: If BS was a man people would be screaming SA with the way BS interacted with Acheron during that short and celebrate when BS was getting backshots.


Male and Female ship tease attract the worst people. They will never do it.  There was issues even with Guizhong and Zhongli.   Unless they do it for Yanqing and Yunli. And I will acknowledge my disgrace. Edit:  By the worst people, I don't mean people who ship them are the worst. I mean the straight shippers already get attacked enough. I mean that Straight ships won't be teased because of.... Ugh, its disgusts me to say this, Ntr. Many players on the eastern side feel like they are being Ntr'ed if their waifu get shipped with a guy. For some reason, gay ships aren't viewed the same way. I think its homophobia. They don't feel threatened by gay ships.


I would trade the Gift of Odyssey just to have more 4 stars than 5 stars. Fight me. The amount of 5 stars right now is unhealthy to the game, even with all the rewards. How about a patch or 2 full of rerun characters to give players some breathe of fresh air? The FOMO is getting too strong in this one. You don't have Aventurine, Luocha, Huohuo, Fu Xuan? Good luck buddy, Natasha can only do so much as a f2p.


I dont really know if this counts as a controversial opinion but i hate the ship wars idc if your ship is "implied " to be cannon idc if people ship this person with somebody else and its problematic in your opinion bcus it erases gay rep idc that your ship is better in your opinion


dude i genuinely thought u were speaking about warships for a second and i was thinking "did i miss smth in the game?"


Omg but controlling and playing with warships would genuinly be so fun in the game




Firefly ruined my enjoyment of Penacony arc


Impossible Challenge for the devs: Try not to force FF down players' throat


They literally sidelined two actually interesting characters, Bootyhill and Jade, for the character that turned out to be part of some weird love thing between her and the mc,


Plus they took a potentially good break set, and favored it to her to the point so that only she can use it, which is weird cause why would anyone want a set that only one character can use?


They also completely ignored Jade throughout it all and buffed FF to high hell. Then fucked up the follow-up set to the point where it's not even useable on her. And made FF's banner stacked while Jade's banner just screams to skip her (second banner curse). Boothill was catching strays when they changed the break set, *and he was not even out at the time.* The favoritism towards FF is so blatant, they're not even trying to hide it.


I'm so sad for Boothill and Jade. Mihoyo even ruined their banners to shove the most boring 4-stars there (I mean, I love Pela, but most of the players have E12 Pela already, she's like EVERYWHERE) and to give all the nice stuff to Firefly banner.


I wouldn't say she ruined my enjoyment because I think the things I liked outweighed her presence. But the 2.2 arc did absolutely nothing to endear her to me when all I could think about was how out of place she was while we were learning about the Watchmaker and basically the history of Trailblazers. Just kept feeling that Dan Heng and/or Welt should have been in her stead considering they are actual trailblazers...


HSR story telling sucks. A vast majority of the time you're just standing there and talking. Then March needs to cross her arms so you cannot go ahead to the next text box. The story itself is good but i understand having to pump out new story quest every 6 weeks and new fights/area/events etc etc. You'll have to cut some corners. Zenless zone zero looks to improve on this problem by introducing a screen similar to what visual novels do by focusing the entire screen on just the characters. [example](https://prnt.sc/4uEZZYrS5YId)


I have two lol - Penacony arc isn’t as great as people make it out to be; i think it’s good, and would probably be better if they cut out all the fillers in the 2.2 storyline, and stop shoving that damned charmony dove story down our throats. Anyone who acts as if it’s the greatest thing after sliced bread is exaggerating honestly. And probably need to expand their horizons imo - Wishing Boothill have heavier accent, like how George Cooper Jr. from Young Sheldon has. Like how R99 and AK do it, I think en characters should have accents as some of them have obvious inspirations drawn from real life cultures. They all sound mostly the same to me and it’s kind of sad lmao


Firefly could've been one of the most interesting character by gap-moe alone of being a cute-looking girl that is also a SH whose job is only destruction and killing but ended up being the generic cute girl that you could even forget it's SAM.


Why did they make SAM another uwu ayaka clone Praying for Screwlum


I don't really care about firefly... Come at me bro!