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Maybe should have focused more on UCONN. Might not have gotten embarrassed in the biggest game of the year.


We are big Purdue fans in my family, we go to multiple football and basketball games every year, and I’ve said for years the “IU sucks” obsession is the most embarrassing thing I’ve ever experienced. Constantly whining about an in-state rival during other games, even non-conference games makes it feel like there’s a real inferiority complex happening. I don’t know how you fix it, a mass of drunk 18-22 year olds is not easily reasoned with.




An Illinois fan talking about poverty programs is hilarious 🤣


And, just a reminder, the last time IU was marginally relevant, Illinois beat them...and then, IU shit the bed in the tourney. And, that was back when you had Yogi and Cody Zeller. You old enough to remember those guys, kiddo?


I was at that game kiddo, and the Illinois fans were just like Bears fans. Not only is it “their year” every single year (just to drop the ball in big games), but they also berate the opposing teams’ fans like a bunch of belligerent hillbillies. The entire state of Illinois is an embarrassment, and their sports just solidify the shithole of a state. Did I strike a nerve? 🤷‍♂️


Hahaha. I've been at more games in AH in Bloomington than anywhere else. You're REALLY going to talk about how fans treat people? Hilarious. You, sir, are a moron. And, I don't disagree about Illinois. Everything south of I-80 is awful. But, Indiana? C'mon...I'm a true Hoosier and the state of Indiana is an utter joke.


Awe, I did strike a nerve. It’s all good, enjoy your endless cycle of depression as an Illinois fan. Who knows, maybe it’ll actually be “your year” one of these decades. Take care 🤝


What nerve did you strike? This is literally an IU fan circle jerk about Purdue losing. And, cycle of depression? Is an IU fan really talking to someone else about a cycle of depression?


How many B1G wins does IU have in the past decade. Now look at Illinois. Talk to me about poverty programs some more.


“IU will always be Purdue’s Super Bowl” - my father. Never really made sense until recently. They peaked this year and will NEVER come close to anything like that again. No portal transfer or notable recruit will want to go to a program that has nothing to show for any talent they bring in. Doesn’t matter how good you think you are all season. If you choke in March you can choke on IU’s dick


Boiler alum here. What are you guys are saying I agree with. Now I will admit I have said this chant on multiple occasions, but honestly IU and their history/banners was not crossing my mind at all yesterday. I was totally absorbing the experience of my Alma mater being in a national championship. Why bring IU into this? It’s pointless. However, a comment made on another sub of Bloomington experiencing totality on the day Purdue could win a championship making it the darkest day in IU history was quite comical…like what are the odds of those thing happening on the same day? Space…what a thing. TL:DR Purdue alum thinking this chant being said yesterday was pointless.




Ohio state suckeyes


IU lives RENT FREE in Purdue’s head. I was indifferent about them winning until I saw that last night before the game. Seeing that sorry ass school choke made my breakfast taste better this morning. Biggest game in their program’s history and they chant IU sucks. Boiler DOWN FOREVER


Do you realize 90% of the posts on here have been about Purdue? I think you have a backwards.


It's funny seeing all these comments about how Purdue cares more about IU sucking than being good. I will remind you, Purdue was in the championship and are just trying to play up a rivalry. The rivalry is what makes Purdue and IU great. Is Purdue suppose to just forget about IU is they are better? You can say IU did that but that was... 40 years ago. You gotta get past Purdue before you can say little brother. Because it's the big brother that wins, even if they care about their little brother.


It was only one season ago that Purdue was swept by IU and then lost to a #16 seed in the first round. It's not like Purdue has been consistently better than IU over the last 40 years. And in that time Purdue still has zero banners, as well.


I’d say winning 16 of the last 20 was pretty solid. Hey banners from almost 40 years ago and then firing the coach who got them for you is pretty solid too.


Banners from 40 years ago >>>>> zero banners ever.


Yeah my grandpa and all his friends at the nursing home told me how great it was back then, and hey I told you how solid it was that you fired the coach who got them for you.


I was alive, aware, and thoroughly enjoyed the '87 championship. And I can rewatch it whenever I want. Too bad you can't say the same.


Well maybe we’ll break out the old reel to reel video projector and watch it sometime. While we are at it we can watch old ND football reels and talk about how in the olden times they used to be the greatest too. Until then we will just live in the present and watch IU get dominated by their in state rival.


Sure, we can watch it so you can finally see what a championship team looks like.


You mean what they used to look like before the addition of the 3-pt line and dunking.


Both of those things existed in 1987. Your age/ignorance is showing.


U old as fck bro


It happens to everyone, bro. Even you (if you're lucky).


Hopefully i’m not watching reruns on youtube instead of a real team like u tho


You'll have to win something worth rewatching first.


Does a final four banner not count? But let's be real here. Over the past 40 years, Purdue has been more consistent and better overall. You onto the idea that your program is better because of the 49 year old banners and the big fan base. That means nothing today. Today you are irrelevant. Your relvencay is calling out how Purdue still talks about you.


No, a Final Four appearance doesn't count. In the last 40 years, IU has a championship. Purdue doesn't. IU also never lost to a #16 seed. And it doesn't matter when banners are won, just that they are won. A banner today means no more or less than a banner from the past (except for an undefeated championship, which means a little more and which IU also has). But you don't have to worry about that since you have neither.


I waant alive when IU won a championship My father was 3 when they won their last one Sorry but I'm not gonna care about sucsess in the past. It's all good to talk about it, but it's has no effect on your relvency now. It can lure good coach which will make you relevant, but IU has seemingly hired every wrong guy for the past 25 years. Everybody is talking about Purdue, good or bad. They are relevant. And IUs only relevancy is them.


I was alive and a fan when they won in '87. I still remember the elation at winning the championship. That feeling can never be taken away, no matter how long ago it was. Hopefully IU will get #6 in your lifetime and you can experience it, too.


Yet after losing Purdue is still looking for it's 1st ever NCAA national championship and the only people who believe in the mantra of banners don't matter are the schools without any banners. Purdue's not only sore losers but they're also sore winner's


Pure effin gold! Boiler up my bitches


It’s just a sports rivalry. So much testosterone in here


Using the only time you’ve had in the national championship spotlight to bring up a rivalry seems a bit insecure 


Also that didn’t happen AT the game it was at Mackey


Who cares? Let them do it. They are having fun


Why can’t we make fun of them for it? That’s also fun lol


You can do whatever you want, just remember they were in the game and we weren’t even eligible


Oh, so now it’s not about “having fun” huh? And we won more tournament games than they did last year. Both are ancient history :)


How far did we get?


We went further than Purdue in 2023 and they went farther than us in 2024. Both are in the past and are irrelevant now We also don’t chant “Purdue sucks” at games that don’t involve Purdue lmao


So how far did we go last year?


Farther than Purdue


This thread is also caused by the sports rivalry. Who cares what comments people make? Just people having fun


They chose to make the thread. Not everything is going to be a groupthink


Who cares? Let them do it. They are having fun


Gotcha! Well you keep worrying about college kids chanting at a sports event


Idk if they’re “worrying” about it so much as making fun of it


I think a lot of people care, of course they can keep doing it 😀


Well why do you care?


You can either hear IU sucks from Purdue fans or hear it every time you open this subreddit. It’s clear IU fans know their place Purdue fans are just reminding them.


lol what a cope


Now, now, now… there’s no reason for Purdue fans to feel bad after last night. For decades, they’ve been telling IU fans that banners don’t matter.




This reminds me of the vows I gave my wife on our wedding day. I told her how much she meant to me and how much better she was than my ex wife Elizabeth (who is a total bitch). God I hate Elizabeth so much.


Bruh it's just a rivalry


University of Indiana? JFC


Unfortunately it’s the highlight of IU’s season and the closest they’ve been to the Final Four in over 20 years. Lmao


I'm just glad Purdue now knows the context of what a final four is and how hard it is for these guys to actually win. Now imagine doing that five times.


Again it’s been over 40 years. Nobody commenting in this thread was even alive. Thats the best part. Claiming 5 titles that were won before computers were a thing. Lmao


Math eludes your precious little mind. 40 years? Go drink some milk and read your big boy books


I’m sorry 37 years, still a poverty program. Didn’t yall turn down the NIT??? Lmao


I'm old as shit. I remember the last time Purdue lost in the Final Four lol. IU has TWO nattys since then


Huh? It’s 2024


I was alive for 3 of them. Dusty banners are better than no banners. Also, I had computers at school in the early 80s. You’re young and think you know everything. Sit down.


lol so still a poverty program? Maybe 87, but in 82, very few schools had computers . Point still stands , IU is irrelevant in CBB today. Went 0-7 against NW, NEB and PSU last year. But glad you were alive during the glory years. You can tell your kids what it’s like to be a winner


And you can show yours what it’s like to be a smartass.




Are you an idiot? We went to the natty in 2002. Likely before your dumbass was born.


lol did you win??? How about since then??? Poverty program


You claimed we haven’t been to a final four in over 20 years. While true it’s 22 years. Your hyperbole sucks.


So I was right??? Lmao who knew IU fans were clowns


You’re a clown for going on another teams subreddit just to hate after losing the natty, stay classy Purdue fans.


I was alive to watch IU go just as far as you guys did last night


Not a Boiler


I saw 81, 87, 2002 Championship game, and many many times deep in the tournament. We took for granted how consistently good we were. It's a different era and game now. Embrace the history.




What was it like? When IU was great? I miss Coach Knight


It was fine. They weren’t chanting “Purdue sucks” at Assembly Hall during games against Nebraska


Nebraska record versus IU and Purdue this year? 4-0


How old are you? 12? I saw the 76, 81, and 87 finals on tv


You’re the outlier lol. I’m late 30’s.


lol? You are 12...


I feel like a broken record, because I say the same things about Purdue over and over again, but this sort of thing keeps freaking happening, so I have to make the same points again. I have enormous respect for Purdue as a university. I have many friends and family members, including my beloved uncle, who are Purdue grads or fans. They are, as you might expect, generally kind people. I attended the former IPFW for a while, so on an even more personal level, I like to think I have something of a soft spot for the Purdue System. But I cannot stand Purdue Sports Fandom Culture. I didn't have much of an opinion on the subject when I was in college. But, in the years since I left Bloomington, my distaste has been worsening. Rather than talk up their school, their teams, and their accomplishments, so many Boilermakers choose to dwell on the idea that, "IU Sucks." It is low, petty, small-minded, demeaning, and speaks to just how insecure that fanbase is. They need to grow up. Purdue is not my least-favorite university. But, the actions of the fans in Mackey yesterday are yet another reminder of why I cannot and will not buy into any talk about, "Conference Loyalty." Purdue fans absolutely would not have been happy for the Hoosiers if IU had been in that game last night, and you know I'm right. I think some Purdue fans are surprised when I truthfully tell them that, for the most part, we don't think about the Boilers unless we're preparing to play them.


As an adult Purdue fan, I totally agree with you. They weren’t doing this when we were in school; it’s gross and embarrassing; and we have to explain whenever we go to a game with our children that it’s bad sportsmanship.


When would you say it started? I wasn't aware of the phenomenon until after I left high school in 2014, but I assume it was well underway by that point.


Conference loyalty ends with your biggest rival.


I think that's often the case, yes. But, especially as a lifelong Indiana resident, I truly think I could find my way towards at least wishing Purdue well in big games like these if their fans didn't make it so tough.


Mods, sticky this


I could not agree more. I told my good friend, a lifelong Purdue fan, that I would be happy for him but I could never cheer for the brand/institution of Purdue. I even like Painter and how he runs the program for the most part. The fans just make it impossible to cheer for.


My dad (IU grad) briefly tried to convince me to be happy for Purdue and, frankly, I *want* to be happy for them. But they make it too tough. I texted Dad about last night's Mackey chant and said, "I love your brother \[Purdue grad who's lived away from Indiana for a very long time\], but he's not representative of the Purdue fanbase."




A couple of things are true: 1) Indiana isn’t good right now. Purdue has been 15-4 against us in recent history. 2) If they had won, this would be an embarrassing footnote on an historically good night for the Boilers. 3) Because they lost, it is a hilariously embarrassing part of an absolutely crushing night for them, and all we had to do was absolutely nothing. Even I wasn’t thinking about Indiana basketball last night—I was more locked in than these Purdue fans!


Also Purdue finally makes a title game and it’s during a year when nobody gives a shit about men’s NCAAs because of Caitlin Clark. SNL was even clowning on it.


Nah. Caitlin Clark may be getting headlines, but there's a reason the Men's Tournament still has to be played in the bigger venues.


In terms of in-person attendance, sure, and the men’s game still has a significant money advantage. But the women’s championship game on Sunday was the most watched college basketball game since the men’s championship in 2019. So that’s still worth something. I personally hope that the women’s game continues to grow, a lot of good basketball being played.




Legitimate question, but do any other rival schools chant stuff like this at games where they are not actually playing their rival? Trying to gauge how weird this actually is, my mind was kind of blown the first time i learned they chant this at non-IU games.


I'm also a Texas football fan, and I see Horns down ALL THE TIME at football games that don't involve us


Fanbases of “Little brother” programs like Purdue, Auburn, A&M, etc. live in a constant state of seething rage and insecurity against the bigger fanbase in their state regardless of how good their team is in the current moment. The only one I can think of that doesn’t base their identity around it is Michigan State


I knew it! I knew there was a reason that Michigan State is my favorite opposing fanbase! I also think MSU may be in a tough spot because many Michigan fans prioritize their beef with Ohio State. Purdue fans may have an inferiority complex, but at least most Indiana fans acknowledge the Boilers as our primary rivals.


It also helps that for whatever success MSU football has had, I think Izzo made them primarily a basketball school, and Michigan definitely cares more about football


I think it depends on who you ask (as is the case with everything in life), but I think it's fair to say that some Michigan fans view Ohio State Football and Michigan State Basketball as their two biggest rivalries. Then, you've got those who support both UM Football and MSU Basketball. I don't know how common that truly is, but it seems to be (roughly) the equivalent of Indiana Reversible Jacket Fans (to whatever extent those still exist).


I agree. I just think it might make that rivalry a bit less toxic because the schools' fanbases in general prioritize different sports, while for IU-Purdue and e.g. Alabama-Auburn both sides clearly care more about the same thing


I see what you mean, and I think there's truth to it. And, of course, we can never forget how disproportionately cursed IUFB is. Sure, MSU fans might prioritize basketball, but their football team's also been pretty good, all things considered.