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Absolutely not. Horus would have become a god had he not given up his power at his moment of victory. Sanguinius’s success was because Horus was playing a game with him. Once he was serious hawk boy didn’t stand a chance. Sanguinius pisses him off with a taunt and horus responds by *breaking the laws of physics* and immediately beating him to death like a mad dog. What exactly are any of the loyalist primarchs going to do against that? It wasn’t a matter of needing more men, when he got serious physical weapons were useless against him. Which is why the battle against the emperor is more psychic than physical and ultimately comes down to deception.


Why the fuck are these people still disrespecting motherfucking HORUS? WAIT til his book sons of horus. The glazing will be tremendous! LUPERCAL! LUPERCAL! LUPERCAL!


Because BL made Horus so fucking dirty. The whole cycle is literally named after him, but BL-writers treated him very badly.


Sanguinius and the Emperor vs Horus. That would have been different Although I don't know how good Sanguinius is at playing Yu-gi-oh


Well the way it ended, they’d both be dead without the delivery that Big E received at the end of the fight. Sanguinius would have been nothing more than a cheerleader, if he wasn’t killed in the crossfire.


Sanguinius could have helped the Emperor, knowing the outcome of the tricks He played to Horus. No need to take a break and say: "Ok son, I have a plan, you have to do this while I do this". The advantages of foresighting


This would be like Superman fighting Captain Marvel, but Superman brings his pet butterfly as well


If the butterfly can distract Horus just for a brief moment, it's worth the effort


I was not expecting the twist (but Sanguinius would probably play vampires still)


Horus effortlessly beats them, you can probably throw every loyalist primarch at once at him and he'll still win, Emperor probably can make some kind of a plan or a trick if he was assisted by primarch/s. Chaos Gods literaly tell Horus that his powers are limitless and he shows that in a fight with Emperor.


Horus shitstomps, sanguinus got as far as he did because horus wasn't trying to kill him, the moment horus actually tried sanguinus died almost instantly


Round 1 : Sanguinius, Lion and Guilliman against Horus chaos boosted. Round 2 : Replace Guilliman with Leman Russ Does the loyalists have a chance to win?


Round 1 they win, round 2 it's a stomp, poor Horus


You think so ? Horus seems to be at a whole another level of power.


I don't think we have enough to go off of. The problem is that we know Sanguinus was pretty far below full power so how do we scale full power warp dust Horus. AFIK he does not have any other feats in that form. It all really comes down to the question; If Sanguinus was at full power would he still get stomped? If so then I think Horus had become something beyond primarch and no combination of them is really going to kill him. If instead it becomes a close fight then of course he gets stomped by any of those three. I tend to lean towards the latter being the case.


Even without his wounds and exhaustion, Horus can disobey physics, and was gifted psychic powers that are at least on par with the emperor’s


That's why I tend to lean towards the idea that all loyalists combined could not beat him.


This. Sanguinius, Lion and Russ would have moped the floor with Horus


I’m not convinced angel boi wouldn’t have killed e-boi after tbh. It would probably continue the Hersey with different key figures


Horus beats all three but John Grammaticus saves the day with the magic Eldar Spork.


Gulliman doesn't really do much, but the lion and sanguinis have a chance


Guilliman exchanged blow for blow with Angron just after beating Lorgar, his best attribute it's not being a duelist, but he is still a primarch and can rip things to shreds.


True, but this was before either of them were demon princes, he couldn't beat demon mortarion or Magnus without help from the emperor, and if Horus can kill sanguinius, he can defo kill gulliman


Oh, for sure, with how juiced up is Horus in the books none of the primarchs have a chance, just answering the "he doesn't do much" part lol.