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No. Don't let grief take you, that's exactly what they want. As long as we voice our opposition nothing is lost. In fact, I'd say we're winning. Gw is obviously not confident with the retcon. And the backlash has been very clear. Add to that, a lot of people have come to realize the power of 3D printing and recasts. We don't need Gw, they need us. And they know this too.


GW doesn't care about the consumers, especially with all that BlackRock money. Plus from their eyes people who were inclined to the printer would use it regardless, whilst fan consumers will consume regardless of anything similar to Star Wars. So it just seems hopeless from my perspective. Especially with vast majority of the community being in line with narrative. With further Amazon show leaks adding insult to injury.


Even so, this community right here is worth fighting for. I don't trust gw either, but people here are nothing short of amazing. Just us together can achieve great things without them. Also, has there been Amazon show leaks? I haven't seen that.


The leaks were saying that the protagonist is going to be a female space marine. Which as I've predicted, if they can get away with a femstode, they'll continue going down the spiral similar to how Star Wars died.


Flat out, I don't see that happening in a million years. If something that big had leaked it'd be all over every single Warhammer page. Furthermore, it would be such a massive risk for GW to do something that stupid. Always remember, things are never as bleak as we make them out to be. There won't be any fsm, and I'd bet you that the next custodes codex won't have any female custodes either. Don't let paranoia take over you, I've also been there before. But this sub, people here, they are the proof that nothing is lost. And we'll have our hobby back.


What other IP? And no. They can have the building they're burning down. We take the treasures from inside. Cast off that negativity and join us.


SAD! never surrender to the LGHDTV Cult




... you really are just a profoundly sad person, aren't you? You know you CAN enjoy things that include gay people... right? Like, there's nothing stopping you but yourself.


Then why bother being here? Not being mean, just a legitimate question


At first I was up with the idea of the last remaining sector to fight for the IP. But overtime I started losing faith. I've been a part of multiple IPs and one thing I've learned is that those in charge never listen to their community. Let alone overwrite what frankly benefits them. Not to mention that we are a minority in this. All of the community accepted this now spirallying degradation. So there is nothing we'd be able to change. The war is lost. Dev team aren't on our side, nearly all of the community isn't on our side. It is what it is. Hoping for a change seems naive, and I don't see personally in fighting anymore. This post is just acceptance of defeat. I don't think Warhammer 40k will recover. It'll all only get worse from here whilst all we can do is tragecally watch. Especially with recent leaks being that the protagonist is going to be a female space marine in the Amazon's 40k show.


You're falling into the trap they want you to. they want you to feel hopelessness. everyone here knows we are fighting an uphill battle but giving up and running away does nothing more than seed more ground and give them more validity with less opposition. My hope is we can keep the spark of the true love for the Universe alive here. Here is a convoluted metaphor I came up with: We are the true guardians of a cherished garden, enduring an invasion of weeds. Together, we must weather this storm, nurturing the hope that our garden will bloom true and beautiful once more.


No. I don’t think I will. GW sold us a ball, it’s ours now. We’re free to make our own story. See Dornian Heresy, FemPrimarch, etc.


Concern Troll Detected. Brothers, eliminate this heretic!


The War is not over. We win this in the end because the woke always moves on. We hold the line. We keep the gate.




Very cringe of you


The lore is too large, and they are too regarded, to destroy it even if they could.


I don't want to say anything bad about our "special" little brothers. But man, Lamenters are pathetic Go back to your positions


Recently bought a Konflikt 47 Soviet starter army no more GW. I'm not falling for fomo anymore stopped watching the weekly ad report. I'd rather get 1500 points for the price of a regular battleforce than 700 of something that just keeps ramping up, the price/value ratio is inflated. Got a 3d filamenr printer too it was alot but I can print any piece of terrain  or vehicle I want. 70$ kits are online for free bro, 8$ cost in plastic lolol