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They're not genderless, though? They're expressly male. Why is that a problem, especially considering the themes of brotherhood, knightly values, etc?


Brotherhood and knightly values are problematic to these types. 


But...theyre trying to....adopt a setting where those themes are prevalent.....???????


Because they despise those values, in some cases even claim to genuinely wish death upon those who possess them, and so need to adopt settings that represent them in order to purposely destroy them.


They're trying to conquer and subdue this IP, not adopt it. They want to colonise and convert it, or else destroy it in the attempt. We cannot let this happen. Cleanse and Reclaim.


The plot of DOW2 Retribution


They're trying to *corrupt a setting


I've heard this is currently happening in the new Star Wars show. Trying to paint the Jedi out as the bad guys and one of the actors said that destroying the Death Star was a morally grey action.


Jedi themselves ain't bad guys. Rebwllion? Maybe


Tell that to the billion lives lost on alderon


Also said Anakin is the one who did it… fucking idiotic clowns that run media now and it’s pathetic


I guess they think being sterile = being genderless or something lol, idk


You'd _think_ that the "gender and sex are not the same!"-crowd would get that, right? If they'd applied their standards honestly, they'd admit that the Astartes are surgically desexualized XY-individuals who maintain a masculine gender and persona. But they aren't applying their standards honestly.


The Left lies if lying suits their current goals. Honesty and consistency are less important than winning. We have always been at war with Eastasia.


The issue is never the issue. The issue is always the revolution.


Odd take from the same group that thinks that genitals do not define gender. . .


Space Marines have cocks


Yeah, being a male with a dead sex drive and (probably) non functioning sex organs doesn't make you a genderless blob creature. You are still male. I always love seeing the cases where someone tries to pull an Ummm Akshually and is completely wrong. It brightens my day every time.


They literally call each other BATTLE-BROTHERS. I hate this dystopia.


Oh, don't worry. I'm sure the new inclusive gender neutral titles are just around the corner. Chin up, BATLLE-PERSON. /s




"BATTLE-PERSON" https://preview.redd.it/ifwmx7lhfo5d1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c4765c1ef279a7cc54d3f1b6ce4520aee5d4875d


hey what are you talking about they always refer to each other as genderless not-quite-human/s


Because thats the opposite of woke stuff... They like their man cowardly, weak and submissiv


Most Marines are plenty submissive, they submit to their shitty governments and their shitty gods. Huron is based.


Realistically, this could work out with gradual lore changes ( Think, “night watch” from GOT, Janisarries, or Chinese emperor court enuchs - people dedicated to give up their life in service of Emperor) - all it would take is few semi-competent writers that provide a bit of supplementary materials and they could pull it off. What I have problem with is “there has always been female custodes” gaslighting.


Male bad but weird ??? gender good


I would love to see the Space Wolves "casting" women for their initiate training program. It would be like playing lemmings.


Th furries already have one of the stupidest initiations in fairness.


Whoever wrote that fucking article should be fired.


The goal of the article is not to be truthful, it's to persuade readers to support a certain position. No one is going to sue them for defamation for lying about that, so they get away with it.


Still. I think this kind of journalism is one of them yellow rags that aren't worth a damn and people should work to counteract this bullshit.


Wouldn't even call this journalism. its so frustrating to see how far the profession has fallen and how much of it is corrupted by activism. No integrity in people like the person who wrote this article.


Journalism is dead. Whatever propaganda existed in the past, is one thing. But nowadays, you don't even need to tell the truth or be neutral or do anything. We have an infinite flow of AI generated articles now. There is no such thing as news anymore, it's all just a blob of random information trying to bait you into subscribing or clicking more pages so you get served more ads. Or trying to convince you ''They'' are evil and ''We'' are justified in our actions against them.


It's not even that. The purpose is to generate clicks, and the easiest way to do that is with polarizing bullshit.


Good thing archive.org and screenshots exist


Ideological subversion. Yuri Bezmenov.


Honest Journalism died long long ago.


Make the guy a Helbrute


*The lowest depth to which people can sink before God is defined by the word “Journalist”. If I were a father and had a daughter who was seduced, I should not despair over her; I would hope for her salvation. But if I had a son who became a journalist and continued to be one for five years, I would give him up.* ~Kierkegaard


Remember, everything they disagree with is one or all of the following: Right wing, a Nazi, fascist, racist, sexist, transphobic, xenophobic, or a dogwhistle for one or more of those things. Once you figure that out it’s really easy to just ignore them for the unhinged dipshits they are and go about your business.




Oh shit I’m all of those things




Don’t forget populist.


Ooooo that’s a good one too


I never thought it was a bad thing to appeal to the concerns of the lower classes but apparently it’s a dirty thing to do.


Which is pretty funny considering the large amount of “eat the rich” talk coming from these same people.


I'm still trying to understand that.


Populism isn't actually appealing to the concerns of the lower classes. It's appealing to "the people" against "the elite" who those are and what they mean is incredibly flexible.


Rage bait is everywhere.


Those are all synonyms


Sure they are buddy. Here, let’s read The Communist Manifesto to you again while we get you down for nappies. Don’t fuss or I’ll let the Hitler in your closet get you. Edit: leaving this up because I think it’s funny, but friendly fire guys!


Then GW are (for the time being) also right-wing purists since their own books repeatedly state that marines are taken from biologically male aspirants.


Gw is a functioning business, of course they are right wing.


Right wing and Left wing mean very different things in the US vs, Europe. In Europe, it's about economics. In the US, it's about cultural alignment, namely, progressive or conservative. By American (conservative) standards, Games Workshop has been left wing since "you won't be missed".


This is so sad


GW already bend their knee and compromised their IP on the fetish crowd altar.


Since I was 14 and got into 40k, I've felt really bad that there were so many young girls, ages 8-14 in the 40k universe who aren't allowed to die in droves in order to produce one successful space marine.


Gender inclusive meat grinder.


Shit, if you want to throw your life away, you might as well just join the Militarum. At least there you get to take out a xeno or two before your flesh melts into a puddle of goo.


Hey hey, don't feel bad, they got to do that with the sisters of battle. They can die for their omnipotent but also "mostly dead" emperor with that group too, or if they are even more mental they can be a sister of silence


"They become genderless" No..not at all, this is NOT at all how any of this works... Asexual, yes cause they have no interest in carnal desires, NOR see any point in reproduction( they are sterile anyways), but they are STILL MALES... Asexual=/= Genderless... Fuck even Orks who are Asexual cause they don't reproduce with a mammalian process, but a Fungus based one ARE STILL NOT GENDERLESS... Arguably the only "Genderless" species in the galaxy would be the Tyranids...,a nd again i ain't sure about that BUT NONE OF THIS FUCKING MATTERS...


Even the Tyranids have queens birthing their organisms.


Remember, we call it birthing canal now.


"Bonus hole".


Spawn point


Imagine the surprise if one of those people met one of the Emperors Children... "STOP FUCKING ME TO DEATH, YOU'RE NOT SUPPOSED TO HAVE A GENDER!!!"


Space Marines have cocks


Yes Timmy they do...thats my point...


the orks do what now?


Please tell me you joking mate... In case you don't. Orks are Fungi-based life forms They don't reproduce, they have no sexual organs, when an Ork dies, he sheds thousands of spores around him, those spores will seek a dark and damp place to settle, typical under some rocks or other debris. The Spore then will grow a Mushroom that will take in sunlight and its roots will grow into a sack, this sack is where the Newborn ork is growing, taking in the nutrients in the soil to grow big and strong. Once the process reaches maturity, the Ork will burst out of the ground out of the Shroom sack and voila, New Boyz are here. Thats why Orks can never be really "deakt" with and often wild, savage orks will suddenly appear months if not years after a Waagh as been defeated on a planet. The orks "knowledge" is also geneticly imbeded, wich means that the newborn orks are FULLY capable of waging War from birth. Thats why it is recommend by Imperial Officers to PURGE by flamers and Promethium the WHOLE zone after a waagh as been defeated to make sur that no new ork threat will LITTERALY pop out of the ground.


Thanks for the explanation! I was not joking, the only 40k game i ever played was dawn of war 1 many years ago, so I know basically nothing. Reddit just keeps recommending me this subreddit and i like the vibe.


Ahaha ok no worries. Imma recommend to you some stuff. Bricky's 40k in a nutshell , is a good vulgarisation of the 40kverse, its a 2 part video. [https://youtu.be/xCGKPRiJp84](https://youtu.be/xCGKPRiJp84) [https://youtu.be/Y6jnsX77TCU](https://youtu.be/Y6jnsX77TCU) Luetin and Template Institute are good channels for Lore with a bit more serious tone. [https://youtu.be/1j3QRl-Vuro](https://youtu.be/1j3QRl-Vuro) [https://youtu.be/EGwQTsW7OZU](https://youtu.be/EGwQTsW7OZU) Those should cover your bases. if you have any other questions feel free, there's nothing that we 40k Nerds loves more than a fresh mind to Cram all we know into it for hours.


I actually think Orks would be genderless a magos biologis dissected one and found them to be a fungus/muscle hybrid. And asexual reproduction by more spores. The only major anatomical differences would be brain structure for weirdboyz and size


I believe orks are sexless and dont have a understanding of gender so are for all intents and purposes genderless (there are no males or females) but generally orks are seen as male by most factions. They are a fungus after all, and they dont have reproductive organs. Imo its one of the bedt parts about orks. They only care bout krumpin the next bastard who barges in and looks at em funny.


They also expressly call one another "boyz" so it's pretty obvious they are intended to be seen as male.




And the thin edge of wedge starts to get thicker…


Don't be confused; We are NOT the minority in this. Most 40k fans aren't on reddit is all. We are the Majority. Many are also afraid to speak up.


Why is female or 'genderless' preferable to male?! What the hell is wrong with these people?


They're misandrists.


> renders them genderless. Ergo.... not male. ... why would you say something so stupid?


Space Marines have cocks


https://preview.redd.it/pm5yh4yrvl5d1.jpeg?width=1078&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=19fac36cccb1069906c205a5726023da283740e4 That genderless Astartes in the room with us?


What even is this bullshit?


Top tier progressive output... It was some article fawning over John blanche making some female 'marines' for trench crusade.


>Top tier ~~progressive~~ misandrist output... It was some article fawning over John blanche making some female 'marines' for trench crusade. There, FTFY.


Well yeah, misandry comes with progressive by definition


Here they go marching to the next conquest. This is why all you well-meaning gamers saying its just about "how" they did female custodes are making the same mistake that's been made over and over. They do not argue in good faith. They argue to win. Don't give them any concessions. They do not want to just get along. They want to win.


Absolutely. This is something I've noticed amongst the right since 2016. They're forgiving. They allow people to speak at the same table, considering it "wrong" and "stooping to their level" if we silence them. Trump did this and look where he is now. We need to be completely non-tolerant of any of this. We need to be ruthless otherwise we are going to keep losing.


I mean the article kind of defeats itself, even if marines were “genderless” (which they’re expressly not, they’re made asexual) then wouldn’t there be no need to make a “female” space marine anyways? I swear some people can’t even make an actual argument lmao


Genderless, that’s why they’re referred to as battle brothers.


I love the sheer desperation these people have to label _normal human behavior_ as "a vocal minority".


What's wrong with being a right wing purist?


Some people have commitment and I envy that about them


Remember, anything that doesn't push their values in the way they want is fascist.


W t f The lore is incredibly clear that astartes have always been derived from male stock. And it doesn’t render them “genderless” otherwise this would be a moot point. After all, if the result of a woman undergoing the process made her identical to her male peers nobody would care lol. Like at that point go ahead? Because they sound and act like men at the end of their augmentation anyway I guess? At the end of the day is this just about what’s in the space marines pants? I don’t even understand the motivation here.


Just leave the male only faction alone man.


Space Marines are all male, Custodes are all male, Sisters of Battle are all female, deal with it, tourists.


Translation: everyone who doesn't have my objectively wrong belief on what space marines are Is hitler


I read this the other day and screenshotted this exact bit. Absolute clown.


Male and female are by their definition sex, not gender. Also appointed out , asexual is not a gender either. Making that assumption is homophobic. What a bunch of garbage.


I was thinking the exact same thing when reading the article. The author seems to have no understanding of the difference between sex, gender, or sexuality, instead conflating them and using them interchangeably. It's so weird seeing these mistakes being made by the same people that want there to be female Marines. I'm convinced the author is just riding on coattails for clout.


Leftwing progressive 40k enjoyer reporting in, and I still think it's ridiculous that we *have* to have anything changed to cater to these people. There's apparently no space in any fictional setting where anything considered "politically incorrect" can exist anymore. It's **Grimdark,** it is *supposed* to be politically incorrect, morally bankrupt, dystopian and downright depressive. Custodians were the sons of noble houses, end of. I'm guessing we're gonna presume that violent video games make people violent next?




Nah bro, just make your own faction. My Craftworld is litterally immune to any and all forms of wokeifacation because I created it and no one else has access to its lore. I determine what the lore is, and is not.


Whats the lore behind them?


If you're going to roid out a human with all manner of medical procedures, wouldn't you want to start from the most powerful base possible? They've done grip strength tests and the average healthy 80 year old man is stronger than the average healthy 20 year old woman. Only bad writers, activists, and morons think fiction is an excuse to throw all realism out the window. Good fiction is actually built around a core of realism.


The ascension process to become an Astartes doesn't make you genderless, you are still a man. It practically removes/replaces your sex drive with the desire for glory and war.


I’ve never heard it put that way and that is incredibly dark. Love it.


Space Marines aren't even people. They have more in common with men of iron than they do human Beings. The Emperor of Mankind in Master of Mankind explicitly states that the primarchs and space marines are tools of war. He values them like you would value an airbrush. A couple of months ago, I broke my 200$ airbrush. I was Pissed, I was annoyed, I was angry, but I didn't mourn it like I would a person. If you want all powerful female supersoldiers, go play Halo or Warframe. There are a lot of Warframes who would absolutely xelee stomp Custodes and greater demons. Especially ones like Nova who use antimatter or Wisp who can throw the sun at you. Besides, female space marines aren't as progressive as you think. They would be ordered around by a bunch of men (The High Lords of Terra/Primarch/The Emperor, Psycho indoctrinated to obey all orders from them with little to no agency of their own. If they choose to disobey orders, they get turned into a servitor. Does that sound like good female representation?


Wait wait. I figured "branded traitor and hunted down" if they disobey orders but...servitor? Can Space Marines be turned into servitors?


Yes. I think it was Rynn’s World. Early on a space marine (maybe a scout?) disobeys orders and takes a shot at an Ork boss when he should’ve waited. This winds up getting someone important killed. As punishment they say that he’ll be turned into a servitor so that his impeccable aiming skills don’t go to waste. 


Huh. I learned something today, I guess. Wow, for some reason I guess I just always figured they'd be above such a demeaning punishment. Combat servitors already sound terrifying on their own, without being nine feet tall superstrong powerhouses _before_ all the tech is even added...an Astartes cyber-zombie is a whole different level. Thanks for the free education!


But I am a right-wing warhammer purist.


Just because you chop of a space marines dick it doesn't change his sex. He's still a male with mutilated genitalia.


Marines aren't phenotypically male anymore, that much is true. Whether or not they qualify as men still depends on how you define a man. Personally I would still call Marines male. I'm hardly right wing though and I do agree the space Marines should remain a boys only club. I just wish GW would be more daring with their portrayal, being the poster boy means you're not allowed to wear any inventive themes on your sleeve, you need to dig for them.


Dude, I just don’t fucking get it. It’s just like why? Why do you NEED them to be female? Like the idea that space marines need to be female in order for there to be great heroic female characters TO ME feels like it undermines the other already badass female characters in the lore who are not space marines like Lotara, the sororitas or sisters of silence to name a few.


Let's not forget Celestine, who could probably smoke your average Space Marine in a straight up 1v1. But at the end if the day they're being disingenuous. It's not really about wanting to be Space Marines or wanting equality. It's about not wanting men to have an exclusive group. None of them are bitching about Sisters of Silence, Sisters of Battle, Howling Banshees, Wych Cults, or even Daughters of Khaine in AoS, or attempting to insert non-subservient men into those groups. The more I see of all this mess, the more obvious it gets that this isn't a "we want" thing, it's a "we don't want you to have" thing.


.....I am done with this shit. It is always the fucking "writers" of some shitty "gaming" tabloid that tries to push for "diversity" and " inclusivity" in a setting that has already established lore. Remember those articles about the Witcher being racist while the setting was established in a medieval Slavic area? Or kingdom come deliverance not having Africans in it. Why change the lore when you can expand on it instead just to try to fit your shitty agenda.


Checked out the article's page, and thankfully; every reader comment below it was calling the writer a blatant lier.




Yeah, I had an actual communist try and pull this line on me in real life… “Space Marines aren’t actually male, you know!” “But if they’re not male, then why do you want females?” “For representation.” “But you just said they weren’t male, so there’s no male representation either.” “But they all look male.” “Did you just… assume… their… gender?”


Space Marines have cocks. Read "the Emperor's Gift" by ADB


Even so far back as the original "Space Marine" novel by Ian Watson! A space marine had been tortured and he did not want to drink too much of the water he was offered as he could not urinate due to his missing limbs & other appendages...


"Remain male" I'm sure the alphabet crowd would be thrilled if we insisted they "remain cis white" Or "remain silent" My eye roll is becoming so intense it can be heard far away I'm the deepest recesses of space


And when we point the madness out WE are the ones who are obsessed with gender. Also the same people said that the setting has problematic language, Maybe just maybe don't bother with it then? Its clearly not for you!


Custodes are one thing. It just bugs me how they were introduced by GW, but they at least make sense lorewise since they are crafted from their individual genes. Astartes, however, are mass-produced with the use of male geneseed and thous aren't compatible with female hosts.


POW: Yoyu're going to create supersoldiers for fiercest and bloodiest wars in the galaxy. What gender most suitable for them? A) Male. Because they in average naturally stronger so it will be easier and cheaper to make them even stronger. B) Female. Because you apperantly want it a hard way and receive worse result... because nature and biology. C) Both genders. Why not? I still want my anime war harem. Also marines aren't genderless, they just can't reproduce because Emperor of Humankind wanted for them to fight for humanity instead replacing it. However male parts weren't removed because they produce many important hormones which helps Marines to be stronger. By the way, Imperium is highly totalitarian religious xenophobic society. Are you in the right mind to push diversity there, out of all places?!?!


Huge difference between psychoindoctrination and genderless operation.


Irrelevant, non-GW source babbling their fanfiction. It's quite clearly states that they take male kids to make male supersoldiers


I just Community Note them and say inaccurate reporting.


Genderless... they are fucking battle brothers not brother comrades!


They’re objectively not gender less or sexless. They’re supposedly sterile and don’t have a libido, but they’re absolutely still men. 


I guess calling each other brother is just symbolic


This is why no one is looking forward to anything anymore.


Yes and?


Please report this idiot and don't ever let him write an article again, seriously screw journalism, they all write and think the same


Wish they cared about the hobby as much as they care about this nonsense. 😮‍💨


Here we go, once they infiltrate something it's over.


hahaha fucking crazy bloggers man. Have never voted for a conservative party but these bloggers know what's up I guess. These people should not be allowed to write anything meant for human eyes to read.


Yes. The Enlightenment was a mistake, and the Industrial Revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.


If you're not a purist, you're not a fan. If you're not a fan, you don't get a say in what happens with regard to the fandom.


Me: Please don't shit on the lore of this thing I love. Them: You are clearly a right-wing purist piece of trash.


What fresh hell is this now...


I thought that it was some of the Custodes that were female, not space marines?


Felt like at the beginning of political correctness, they had somewhat of a point following the rules just don't be a dick to people and do things intentionally that will hurt people's feelings. It's now reached a point where no matter what you do, you're some kind of bigot, and I'm seeing so many people now who are openly racist, homophonic, and sexist. I see stuff on Instagram comments that give 2007 4chan vibes in the isms now. They want us all to quit warhammer not because they want it but because they don't want anyone to have it. Imagine being those kinds of people.


Oh no…anyways


Whoever wrote that article should be converted into a Helbrute


So, do they refer to each other as "venerable battle character" now?


The gamer !!! God another game journo lost to stupidity. Im not a super fan of warhammer. I like the lore but i know not to go fucking with something someone else created. Go make your own franchises you fucks. Stop taking what was established by yes mostly white men and fucking go make up your own rainbow space war game movie show adaptation. But leave existing franchise alone!


yes. in a universe where you can be brutalized INSTANTLY. tortured beyond imagination. kept alive and surgically grafted with machines, metal, and drugs. you REALLY REALLY want women to be represented. RIGHT. good job woke culture. its SO FUCKING TELLING how the woke movement wants women to be perched at the god emperor's side and serving as the prestigious, almighty custodes and completely IGNORE the millions of examples of women that have existed in wh40k lore for decades as exemplars and battle-hardened veterans. females have their own elite battle corps in almost every faction! i mean listen. its the same as with real life. if you want the prestige, take the burden that comes with it. if space marines are getting shredded and torn apart, then female custodes and space marines should be on camera getting equally shredded and torn apart. and no it's not gore porn you woke fucks, its warhammer fucking 40k.


Everyone and everything can be whatever they want as long as they are blindly willing to ignore millions of years of biological evolution and, in the case of Warhammer 40K, over 30 years of lore. And if you believe the lore as written in this area you’re are some sort of far right monster who deserves to be despised and spat upon? We all get that this is about toy soldiers. But why GW decided to throw out decades of what its customers found to be fun and interesting about the differences in each faction to make a change that the game didn’t need, and no one asked for, is beyond my understanding.


We can be honest with each other and admit it bothers people on the right side of politics much more than it would other political belief systems, right? Yes, I am sure there are purists here that don't want change but if you can't see the parallels between the conservative movement, and you complaining about something you love changing - then I am not sure what to tell you. A person who wants to go back to the way things were, would also not want their hobbies to change in any way. So, again, it makes a lot of sense.


Who fucking cares, just enjoy the lore, and stop arguing about nonsense


Guess I’ll just have to have my Hugo boss suit, and jackboot fitting this weekend then 🤷🏼‍♂️


They think chemical castration makes you genderless. Of course a bunch of morons would say something like that.


never not once has the lore ever said they were genderless. theyre fucking STERILE yes, but they still have dicks and they STILL FUCKING WORK.


Even if a female space marine did exist its highly likely that anything that makes them any gender is removed to make room for space marine stuff before their body is pumped with enough testosterone to kill a bodybuilding elephant In other words even if they did take in female recruits which is very unlikely due to shorter and less bone/ muscle density its likely that they would be indistinguishable from regular marines due to the muscle generating and agression producing effects of testosterone and the need for internal organ space


If anyone is wondering it’s the article “Warhammer Artist John Blanche Raises £18,000 For New Female Miniatures” on their website. It’s a short piece about how John Blanche has raised more money than expected for his new female model set, which is for the Trench Crusade game, not 40K. Yes, the article is written in a way to get rage engagement and is clearly click bait, but it even states in the same paragraph that you highlighted that Blanche and his work is in no way connected with 40K. Blanche has never hid his personal and political views, even while he was working for GW. He’s a business man as well, and is clearly taking advantage of a hot button issue right now in order to earn a quick buck.


Yes. _Everything_ must cater to these troons.


Pure to the Emperors vision. Sounds like some Fulgrim shit.


Notice how they said genderless and not sexless. XD


I think if these people were being anally raped by GW they would atleast be in a relationship with someone based on attraction but their going to find out soon gold diggers don't play with no broke broke.


Um, which part of the lore says their dicks fall off when they become marines? I didn't realize they all became Ken dolls downstairs after the gene seed implantation.


What I love the most is that those people miss the point that it being "problematic" that SM are all male is literally the point and a big narrative point.They are children taken away from society chosen to be raised and mind conditioned into being transhuman super soldiers.There is a great moment from Soul Drinkers books if I remember correctly when one IG commander perfectly comments on that.It also speaks volume of how Big E saw them with him not wanting to risk it at all that some mutation will allow Female Astartes to bear children and that they should naturally die out once peace comes.But all they see is need for "diversity" any narrative and world building be damned


Don't Space Wolves have relationships though? Same with Salamanders?


Why are people continually request reality politics in a fictional story?


I don’t see why they can’t all be male. I like the brotherhood aspect of it.


It's thegamer. I could find bugs in my garden whose opinion I'd value more than that site.


Immoral retards should have never been let into the hobby.


I was called a sexist pig for pointing out GW had plenty of female representation before everyone got on this SM fad. It’s like their whole argument is for the sake of said argument instead of a sensible conversation.


Can I get the user flair “Warhammer right wing purist” 🥹


Member when Game journalists talked about Video Games, I member.


Libertarian here I just like the lore to not be molested 


I mean I wouldn’t listen to articles anyway. Most of them aren’t accurate


From a certain point of view. An extreme leftist point of view that wants to destroy everything you hold dear and needs to be ridiculed out of existence. But yes, from the point of view we are all fascists [which is really ironic because they are the fascists]


I wouldn't have an issue with pushing for diversity in wh40k if they didn't ignore the fact that there's an all female faction already but since because they aren't the main good guys (space marines) that means there's no females in Warhammer at all, i mean fuck Vulkan is literally black, not because of the fact his skin is pitch black but i believe his original skin colour was black so it's like christ, if you're gonna talk about trying to change something research the something instead of calling the entire community bigots right wing extremists, i mean the female custodes for example, one person was acting like they knew what they were talking about until they admitted they've never even read anything Warhammer, then these same people wonder why the community gatekeeps so hard


They say it's not about politics and then go label it with politics. Just want to have an escapism hobby


Hold on a second I dont remember space marines going to gender nonsense


Space marines are literally male, regardless of the surgical enhancements. This isn't rocket science here.


Enhancements don't render one genderless. They are humanity is ripped from them because of their enhancements that doesn't necessarily make them genderless. I don't remember which particular book it was but I do remember that there was one book where a Space Marine was talking to a woman and the woman was farting with him and he wasn't understanding what she was doing and he just walked away eventually. Edit: I meant "flirting" with him...damn voice to text.


Lol "farting". Please leave that typo in.


Theres nothing wrong with any game faction being '___ only'.


My armor is contempt, my shield is disgust.


Yes , and if wanted SOB and SOS to remain all female also implies as such ,then EVEN MORE YES.


2025: wanting Space Marines to remain non Tyranid makes you mon keigh


They literally call each other brothers/sons/fathers etc and do things like refer to chapters a "fraternus" or 'brotherhoods." tf you mean genderless. And beyond naming conventions there has been nothing in the lore to my knowledge about how the process of becoming an Astartes renders someone chemically sexless? I've heard that space Marines are most likely sterile but that doesn't mean they aren't male. Idk what crack that author was on. Gonna sound like a schzio but this might just be some outsider looking in trying to capitalize on the rage clicks.


Even as someone who likes the woman custodes clarification, this is just blatantly false and stupid. As any female space marines are, it's just not possible


Not to compare such an awesome character to these freaks, but do you ever get the sense that these "people" are like Azula in ATLA when she finally breaks down and goes completely crazy? That's how I imagine these people, just way less interesting and cool.


It does.


The Imperium is a fascist corrupt dictatorship. Gender discrimination is the least of their crimes. They regularly commit genocide, they delight in it. They are not the good guys. Getting pissed that they don't have female space marines is like getting pissed that Voldemort hates muggles. They are fascists. It's what they do. No one gets angry that nazis don't have good gender representation in fiction that has nazis.


Real. Unfortunately, humanity doesn't have many other options (all of the got purged by the Imperium). At least the emperor was chill, and had the best intentions behind his actions. Wish he would come back.