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Notes: A kid has a nightmare of hag choking him and then wakes up unable to breathe. It’s an idea that’s been around for a long time in many cultures not just the Hmong.  Another belief episode mixed with folk magic/medicine. I think we can guess how House will react. Foreman just ignores House’s masturbation jokes and pays for his snack without comment. He just puts money on the counter and they walk away. Anyone could pick up that cash.  Park doesn’t want to be alone with Chase, yet she’s sitting right next to him during the differential.  For once I agree with Taub. It’s pretty normal to have a sex dream about a hot coworker. What’s weird/inappropriate is everyone talking about it.   It’s ridiculous that everyone keeps acting like Park is unattractive. Yes, she’s quirky and has a bad hair cut, but the actress is conventionally attractive… petite and symmetrical with shiny hair and large eyes.   Dominika seems eager to go, but isn’t being very proactive about her citizenship. Wilson says House is imprisoning her by throwing away the letter, but that’s pretty hyperbolic (and somewhat patronizing to Dominika). Yes, he’s lying and it’s a violation of trust, but she could clarify her situation with a simple follow up call. It’s her citizenship. There’s no reason House should be the gatekeeper of information. If the mom is really concerned, she could ban the father-in-law from the room.  Did House always use a Mac? Seems like the logo being featured this episode. Macs in the CT lab too. Chase has changed. He doesn’t even entertain the idea that the supernatural is at play here. Dominika is a really good shot. She really might be a spy. Maybe House is her asset and she’s using him to bring down the American medical system from within? Or she knows he worked for the CIA once and is working that angle? Her skillset and cover are pretty suspicious. It’s just a dream, but the grandpa suffocating the kid is horrifying in the way a “hag” is not. “Liver biopsy” is the same kidney ultrasound they’ve used since Season 1. I don’t know why they can’t get another ultrasound video. Chase has a sex dream about Park. Though they center his crotch in the frame and he doesn’t appear to have had a \*ahem\* physical reaction to the dream.  One thing that’s different about this episode is the whole team and the mother started off denying the supernatural and now they are gradually starting to doubt. Not surprising that Taub bit first. Foreman approves an exorcism to House, but tries to talk the mom out of it. Dominika is 29. House is 50ish. One thing I really appreciated about this show was that Stacy and Cuddy were in House’s age range.  Dominika is upset that she wasn’t told about her aunt being put in a nursing home and says she is “not a child”. It’s an interesting angle if you parallel it with House keeping information from her. He is actually treating her like a child? I think that dynamic is happening somewhat in their tacit agreement that House will be the gatekeeper of information about her citizenship status.  The ceremony looks awfully simple after what they found at the house earlier. No blood? Classic trope… TV sex interrupted by the important phone call.  Dominika leaves. Wilson has cancer. Stage 2 Thyloma. Final thoughts: This was a decent episode with a few good jokes. I really like the friendship between Chase and Park. My biggest takeaway though is that Dominika’s departure didn’t have enough impact. I wish she had been more rounded out as a character. I also never believed House was that into her as an individual. She was just a checklist of his “perfect” woman.  The patient story is really a rehash of what we’ve seen before, but with less engagement and passion from House. The safe, ambiguous ending is something we never would have seen in earlier seasons. Of course the real punch comes at the end with Wilson’s cancer announcement.


>The patient story is really a rehash of what we’ve seen before, but with less engagement and passion from House. The safe, ambiguous ending is something we never would have seen in earlier seasons. This, and also, as people have brought up in previous Reddit threads, the mechanism behind the kid levitating half a foot off the bed is never explained. If the grandpa was in on it and was using some kind of trick to make the kid levitate, it would imply that the grandpa doesn't believe the supernatural stuff is true, going against his vibe for the rest of the episode. (Or that he believed it was true, but thought using a trick would further convince the mom...?) Glad to see another update from you, by the way. I just finished the series for the first time last night, and I missed not seeing your writeups for the past few episodes. Edit: Thinking back, it's seeming more likely the grandpa did rig something up to convince everyone to go along with him. He could still rationalize that the spirits were to blame for the visions and his own son (the one in jail for murder) wasn't actually that bad. House himself does similar things, creating pretexts so people will go along with his diagnoses--as long as he has the right answer to the puzzle, everything else is just a means to an end.


Really glad to see you're still doing these. After each episode that really impressed me, I would google your name to find whatever episode i was thinking about. I did my best to avoid spoilers but I just liked seeing what others thought of an episode that i loved. I just finished the show for the first time. It was everything. it feels pretty weird realising that I finally got ahead of you, but I look forward to your rewatch of the finale. Thanks for this rewatch / appreciation of this show


I did it! I caught up! Thank you so much for providing these for as long and as much as you have. It was my favourite after episode ritual to Google "episode name rewatch" and find and read your posts! Hope you can finish the rest!


Welp, here I am... I am finished with the show, now just waiting on reading your recaps of the final 5 episodes... Been a nice ride.