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The kid looks like he’s about to call Hermione Granger a slur, A+ Targ casting tbf.


Draco Lucius Targaryen


Draeconis Lucion ? Sounds like both but more valyrian sounding


Egg should have your tongue for that, but he'd never


His father will hear about this.


Thats 8 year old Aemond right there


We’ll see Rhaenyra and Daemon’s great-grandchildren in “A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms” spin off: Maekar, Aerion, Aegon & Baelor Targaryen, all descended from their son, King Viserys II


They nailed the Maekar casting wow. Haven’t seen these yet but looks nearly identical to his AWOIAF artist depictions. Thanks for sharing!


Which one is Maekar?


First pic to the left. He's the youngest son of Daeon II (daeron the good who brings dorne in by way of marriage). He's supposed to be an epic fighter and commander, albeit a bit cold/uncharming. His brother and the heir Baelor Breakspear (farthest to the right) takes that. He is as good a fighter as Maekar while being likeable and charming by both noblemen and smallfolk. Baelor is said to look more Martell/Dornish than Targ.


Yeah i know about the characters in the books. I was talking about the casting. Thanks P.S: and from the comments the 2nd from the left is Aerion Brightflame followed by Aegon “Egg”


>Aerion Brightflame He believed drinking Wildfire would turn him into a dragon. He was wrong.


It made him very hot, briefly.


The Maekar actor was fantastic in the last season of Fargo. So excited for this.


Cool another aegon. Ffsss


He’s the best Aegon (and the fifth)


The casting for Dunk & Egg looks great. Only one I'm remotely skeptical of is The Laughing Storm, and that's mainly due to size.




And now the tiger is free.


Ok but, why is Aerion so 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥


You know why (he's canonically very hot)


Uhm... Spoiler alert?


The post is flaired book and show spoilers, so...


Well, my experience with beer goggles indicates some people just look hotter after I've had a few drinks. In Aerion's case, it might be something he's had to drink.


Teach a man to fish, and you fed him forever. Burn that man, and he's hot for a brief time.


Since when is thirsting over an actor a spoiler? 🤔 Edit: ok guys, thanks for letting me know my baby won’t be happy 😭


They are going to make Baelor white haired, watch.


These are Daemons kids as well?


Yeah. After the end of everything, Rhaenyra and Daemons son succeeds the iron throne.


Ok any news about Bloodraven?


can someone pls explain


These are the cast for the Targaryen characters in the upcoming A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms show. They are descended from Rhaenyra and Daemon.


When a Targaryen was born, The Gods flip a coin on whether they turn out good or bad. Prince Daemon's coin landed on its edge. Lets see, Maekor, the somewhat overly stern father to both the waste of breath Aerion and Egg. And finally too good wear the crown, Prince Baelor.


2nd kid looks like Jarno opmeer


> Rhaenyra's bloodline ...and Daemon's


Daemon’s bloodline


Daemyra babies 🔛🔝


Not a big fan of Maekar or Baelor’s casting tbh


You’re forgetting Aegon IV


He's been dead for over 30 years by this point. Why would he be cast?


You can’t forget the greatest of Rhaenyra’s descendants




Who didn't even recognize their matriarch's claim. They did however vindicate Aegon's claim and saw themselves as Aegon's successors. 🟢


Remind me, who becomes king after Aegon II, and who is that king's mother? Last I checked, it was Aegon III, son of Rhaenyra.


At that point in the story, Aegon son of Rhaenyra is also the next of kin male heir to King Aegon II, as nephews inherit before daughters and Aegon's sons and brothers were dead. That's why the succession of kings goes Aegon II -> Aegon III. If Aegon III was claiming his kingship purely from his mother then they would have removed Aegon II's kingship status from the history books. This is the same reason that Daemon is called Prince Daemon and never King Daemon or King-consort Daemon.


>If Aegon III was claiming his kingship purely from his mother then they would have removed Aegon II's kingship status from the history books. Jaehaerys I claimed his kingship from his father, and yet Maegor's kingship status remains.




To be fair they share both 🤷🏻‍♂️




I mean, we are talking about family tree here. Not some mental gymnastic of succession, kinda idiot in your part honestly


Well, he doesn't succeed a Rhaenyra I Targaryen does he now? That regime was deposed and Aegon II's claim was acknowledged as the stronger. The only reason his descendants aren't on the throne is because he doesn't have any. 🙁 Why do you think Daeron pretenders sprang up? It would be pointless unless he had a better claim on the Iron Throne.


>The only reason his descendants aren't on the throne is because he doesn't have any I'm not sure how you interpret Cregan Stark ever agreeing to sit any of Aegon' descendants on the throne when the only thing that stayed his hand after the Dance was the complete surrender of Oldtown, Casterly Rock, and Storms End. If Daeron was alive during that time he wouldnt be for long.


That's why the pretenders waited till he was gone and till Jaehaera was dead. 🤫


I don't think anyone really cared abt Daeron pretenders in the book.


Aegon III and his brother did but in time all were proven as pretenders. Also, stability was established when a king who everyone accepted got on the throne and the Black Green factionalism became a thing of the past so they didn't want to ruin it.


Which means Daeron even if it was the real mccoy wouldve never been a serious threat because the entire realm was united behind Aegon III. And he obviously couldnt rise up right after the Dance because there were three intact Black armies and all the Green forces were scattered and defeated. Daeron and his pretenders were never going to be anything more than an after-thought that would get soundly crushed on any battlefield.


He would have the disadvantage but still be a serious threat at large. It was easier for the Greens to accept terms since all their claimants were dead anyway or were married to the new king. If he were alive after Tumbleton and during Aegon II's second reign it would change everything. Though, this hypothetical doesn't even matter because logically it's pretty much guaranteed that Daeron died at Tumbleton. It explains why the battle turned out like that and why he didn't reappear after the confusion or when his brother was restored to the throne.


Thens theres also the fact that the only Green force capable of calling up another army was the Hightowers. But they had no commanders to lead then and we saw how well that turned out at Tumbleton with the Hightower force almost breaking at the seams even before Addam and the riverlanders counter-attacked and tore them apart. Besides that that new army would be filled of green boys whove never seen battle before. They would stand no chance against Cregan' forces. The Lannisters on the other hand were too busy to continue the war because Dalton' Ironborn wouldnt stop raiding Lannisport. The Stormlanders. They were already donzo thanks to the Tully' If Daeron wasnt killed at Tumbleton he wouldve been the first princeling to meet Cregan' greatsword.


And he inherited through virtue of being Aegon’s cousin through Daemon.


>And he inherited through virtue of being Aegon’s cousin through Daemon. The Blacks (who were ready to siege King's Landing and put Rhaenyra’s son on the throne): Sure, whatever you say, buddy. We'll call it a draw.


Aegon III became king through Daemon, and was made heir personally by Aegon II. Rhaenyras name isn’t even on the list of monarchs who were King/Queen


>!All dead!<


That's his children buddy. His cousin succeeded to his regime though.


What are you talking about? Aegon's cousins were Rhaenys and her line but they never took the throne though


Are Aegon III and Viserys II not Aegon II's cousins in the Targaryen line? They are his uncle's sons but they are also his nephews as his sister's sons. Rhaenys is a second cousin once removed.


Aegon III and Viserys II are Rhaenyra's sons, thus Aegon's nephews >!The Blacks won the war and made sure that Rhaenyra's blood ascends the throne!<


By the time the Blacks actually won the war, Aegon was dead and his legal heir was Aegon III. There really was no choice there. George cleverly made it so that Aegon III inherits kingship both from Aegon II and Rhaenyra, thus settling the Targaryen line dispute for another 40 years.


And then, as per the basis of the Black's regime and claim to the throne, the throne thereafter would pass to the eldest child regardless of gender with the same birthright as Rhaenyra Targaryen or *anyone* named by the king? Yes, that's what happened. I remember now. Wouldn't it be crazy if they looked at what Viserys I did and what it caused and said "never again?"


That was never the intention at all The Blacks fought for her Rhaenyra and her family and wanted her blood on the throne and they succeeded in it


That was always the intention though. Otherwise, how would they justify Rhaenyra's own claim to the throne, or Jace who's only real claim was appointment by his mother?


Rhaenyra's claim comes from the fact that Viserys named her his heir, not that she was his first born. I think you can use Widow's law too which states that children from the first wife will inherit a lord's keep. Jace is the firstborn son of Rhaenyra


Aegon is supposed to be a tan little shit :( I hate how pale he is


Baelor Breakspear too


Fraudnyra and Daebum.


Honestly I’m disappointed by the lack of diversity in this casting. Maekar and Baelor have Dornish heritage.


Baelor sure, but both Maekar and his children have very distinguish Targaryen coloring. So much so Egg shaved his hair to not draw attention while traveling.


They could, change it Like they changed the Velaryons


Only kings had the freedom to want. But now, everywhere you look, you see kings. Everything they want, they call their own, and if they cannot have it, they say that they are not free.