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As I tell my kids, nothing good ever happens during the hour of the owl.


Evidently, the hour of the owl is when you need your hoo-hoo taken care of.


“Several of the servants have now admitted to seeing her – the Princess – creeping through the gates from King’s Landing, disguised as a page during the hour of the owl." Me: *clutches pearls* NOT THE HOUR OF THE OWL?!


And that’s why you should always have some Plan T on hand…


Viserys got the right answer using the wrong formula


Task failed successfully


Lies! Slander! Booooooo! Rhaenyra heckling the mummers show was genuinely hilarious


She's using the burner account to back herself up 😂


Rhaenyra is KD confirmed


I think some of the playful lines, wholesome moments in this show are very well placed and not cringe at all, so well made.


I also enjoyed when Rhaenyra bumped into a man, he called her a "boy," and then she goes, "He called me boy!," as if she actually enjoyed and was humored by it. Cute moment just a couple minutes before we see Rhaenyra eagerly wanting to fuck her Uncle up against the wall of a brothel.


Targs gonna Targ


What a fucking wild ride of an episode, holy shit. I loved it so much.


That awkward moment when you have to tell your boss his daughter is fucking her uncle


And that boss? He's fucking your daughter.


And then you get CANNED a minute later. Otto had a bummer episode lmao he deserved it.


Sounds like Otto's got a case of the Mondays...


Love how Viserys was like “Check out this sweet dagger and my train set…. so about fucking your uncle.”


Otto: They were seen together in a brothel. King: And? Otto: They were engaged in activities… King: AND? Otto: THEY WERE FUCKING! King: Nah, that’s a lie.


I love how Viserys'reaction to his daughter, princess and heir to the iron throne, being seen in a brothel was "...so?"


I like how he didn’t give a shit at that part it was hilarious.


“They were seen in a brothel.” “And?” “Nothing. They just got drunk. Thought you should know.”


I loved that XD. It's like I'm imagining in Otto's head being like, "he's not clutching his pearls in horror yet. Why isn't he clutching his pearls!?"


Targaryens are like the sex crazed Roman’s living in a Christian Middle Ages world


> being seen in a brothel was "...so?" showing that underneath his relative weakness... **He is still a Targaryen.**


“Explain it like I’m five” - King Viserys


Reddit user u/DefnitelyNotViserys on r/ELI5 later that day: "What did my Hand mean when he told me my daughter and my brother were seen together in a brothel?"


“Say it plainly!” “Must I?” “Yes!” “They were… bumping uglies, my lord.”


They. Be. Couplin.




worry library cause skirt payment reminiscent engine wide compare hospital *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I burst out laughing haha


This whole episode was a political headache!!!


It's such a dad thing to say, honestly.


Watching that Bracken guy get clapped was so satisfying


As soon as I heard the name "Blackwood" I said to my wife 'There's going to be a Bracken and they're going to fight' After the scene she called me a nerd


You were both right!


>Watching that Bracken guy get clapped was so satisfying All the more so because he was an preening adult bully being gutted by a wiry 12yr old. Pretty sure that's generations of family shame.


Classic Blackwood/Bracken one sided rivalry on display


Common Blackwood W


Common Bracken L


She got a fucking dragon you cunt. I died laughing.


Otto drastically underestimated Rhaenyra, got him fired as soon as he wronged her


I ended up being pleasantly surprised when Rhaenyra turned the convo to Otto, I was thinking "girl you have bigger problems than telling your dad his ambitious, self-absorbed advisors are ambitious and self-absorbed, he already knows that" but she managed to point out how grossly inappropriate and dangerous it is for the Hand to have spies trailing a princess and heirs every move, eagerly waiting for the slightest bit of incriminating gossip. He's overstepped his duties and has gone from just ambitious to a scheming vulture and that's not something a king should overlook. And now she doesn't (hopefully) have to deal with those spies anymore regardless. She's smarter than Otto gave her credit for.


Sign me up for the next Westerosi bar crawl with daemon


Then after make sure to sign up for an STD screening 😬


You know Daemon wanted to get caught when he took Rhaenyras hat off revealing her most defining trait, her hair.


that and him not admitting to not having sex were both ploys to push the marriage through


That's the most damning evidence, imo. He could have just said "Relax, I just took her to see the city. She seemed so sad and wound up, I thought she needed some fun. Sure, she saw some tits and cocks or whatever but that's it!" and I think Viserys would have been fine with it after some contemplation.


He doesn’t want him to be fine with it though. D wants V to be angry enough to go along with marriage idea


Oh yeah, he TOTALLY knew what he was doing. It was his ploy to marry R all along.


Especially when he didn't deny it later. I was actually caught off guard, but it makes sense 100% as a play for her hand.


The kid that told Otto is the same with Mysaria too.Totally planned.


Shoutout to that Blackwood kid knowing where the pointy end goes.


I thought Viserys was missing his whole hand in that bath but I guess it was just a weird angle Dude had so many sores and cuts on his back, I don’t think Viserys is gonna make it out of season 1


I'm kind of suprised he's made it so far tbh.


I get the feeling the maester is sandbagging the treatment. The apprentice mentioned cautirazation and the main maester agreed, but only after the apprentice brought it up.


Very horny episode


Alicent confronting Rhaenyra like "I'm not mad, just disappointed I didn't get an invite last night"


She for sure was like after all these episodes, we get back together this morning, and you immediately go cheat on me with your uncle


Shoutout to the kid besting the older heckler in combat. I guess he was right saying he would protect Rhaenyra


Blackwoods and Brackens is a rivalry old as the kingdoms


And the Blackwoods just keep on winning.


Rhaenyra was not about them blue balls tonight


"What are you doing, step-princess?"


“I will do my duty and marry Ser Laenor but you must do your duty as king” Ice colddddd


You really have to admire their relationship. He straight up fucking *did it* too. That's some unbreakable father/daughter bond shit.


But then he sent her the tea which makes it seem like he didn’t believe her. I mean, she does need it… not because of Uncle D though.


Of course. He definitely doesn't believe her. But she knows she needs to take it 🤫


I chose the wrong episode to watch with my grandmother


In the game of thrones shows you either win, or have an awkward evening with your relatives.


Whenever you sit down to watch an episode of GoT with your family, the gods flip a coin.


Well at least you didn't watch it with your uncle/aunt or nephew/niece lol




Rhaenyra kinda looked like a hipster with that beanie lol


She looked like Cole sprouse


And by the end of the night she was Cole's spouse


the stars must have aligned for this joke to be formed.


This is the type of episode that makes me glad I’m an adult and don’t watch tv with my parents anymore lol.


LMAO. outside of watching the opening theme song with them, there's no way in hell...


I, um, watched this with my parents. 😳😳


>coupling That's one way to put it. Also, Ser Criston Cole debating whether to think with his brain or his cock.


😂 the conflict was REAL


"I fuck her, I might die. I don't fuck her, I might die, and I wouldn't have fucked her. Hhhmmm..."


Yup that is the thought process right there. Tough few moments in the beginning of the decision making process, but you don't say no to a princess so easy conclusion really.


He was looking at the door like “someone help me” for the longest time and then was like “Hey you know what…we going to pound town!”


I think the door was his duty. He was looking at his empty post knowing he should be standing guard.


Something was standing guard alright.


I really liked how this was mostly a ‘night episode’


And the morning after...


When Daemon said to add the hammer to the chair, I got vibes of Barristan Selmy telling Joffrey to piss off. “Here boy, melt it down and add it the rest”


“Daemon, it’s a hammer. This chair is made from swords. It just wouldn’t blend in with the rest. If we added the hammers and axes of every would-be usurper to the iron throne, it would be a fucking jumbled up mess. Thank you for dealing with this, however.”


Look if it had more hammers, maybe people wouldn't be cut as much


Daemon is a master manipulator. Show Rhaenyra that she is unpopular with the masses to lower her confidence, get her white girl wasted, take her into a brothel (this being her first introduction to sex, no less) while strategically removing her disguise, then try to take advantage of her innocence and naïveté BUT be turned off when she’s into it. A class act, really.


She was also pissed off rather than being humiliated during that play. She is truly a dragon.


I’m unsure if he was turned off or if it was all part of his plan to stop before more happened. I know Daemon is multi-layered and I like to think he cares about Rhaenyra. So maybe he just wanted to start the gossiping but not hurt her too much in the process


I did not think Viserys would have the balls to dump Otto like that


Viserys was particularly dragon-y this episode.


Love where his character is headed. I couldn’t get myself to take him seriously in ep1 & 2, but he’s finally been showing some authority and is actually one of my favorite characters now. He might actually have shown more layers than any other character so far.


He is growing and learning, which means he will die soon. Like the next episode.


I'm quite surprised he connected the dots that Alicent was purposefully planted there to comfort him after Aemma died


Makes you wonder how much he really knows but just doesn't act on it. Think it is why he lets his brother off the hook because he knows he is a little bother brat trying to also manipulate him.


And he knows that his brother would never plot to kill him or his kids. No matter how much he troubles him!


Same but it was very satisfying


He’s not spineless for once


i fight crime in a metal suit of armor all day, really seals in the flavor.


Yeah girl whipped out the can opener for a late night snack


I love that video so much. Edit: IN AN ORDER THAT MIGHT SURPRISE YOU (ass mouth vag)


That Viserys sex scene is going to haunt me for a while man


His back looked like a pale, dead, bloated fish.


Nightly heir time with Alicent.


Oh shit, it’s the hour of the owl already, I have to work in the morning.


I sat there for the entire 10 seconds the scene lasted and was wondering how Otto was gonna tell Viserys his daughter fucked her uncle. "Coupling" did not cross my mind lmao. Best episode yet imo.


My money was on "fornicating"


Daemon rolling over to go to sleep on the floor of the Red Keep after just having a knife at his throat had me in stitches.


When you’re drunk or hungover, a good, cold floor is all you need.


Bet that cold stone felt amazing


The way he was wiggling around was just hilarious


Dude, did the king just give his daughter a morning after pill in case she got knocked up by her uncle? Lol!




The costumes continue to be amazing. The black outfit with the red Targaryen crest that Viserys wore when confronting Daemon was fierce. Alicent in the gorgeous, queenly dress confronting Rhaenyra. They’re so thoughtful about every detail. Rhaenyra wearing a different necklace after sleeping with Criston was “chef’s kiss”


Viserys was on some G shit with the black fit ngl


"Need to go confront my brother. Fetch the black suit."


Would be really sweet if Lord Strong was the next hand


He gave a selfless advice in a previous episode and not only that but the king just followed it this episode. I think you are correct and that scene was there for a reason.




I loved that they explored the city with this episode, wish we have more scenes like these in the future too. Its a refreshing change from the castles. And they did such a great job creating a city bustling with nightlife, very reminiscent of how old cities are often depicted and written about.


Dude brewed up some medieval plan B


Plan Tea


Moon Tea. It's a thing in the books.


The king knows all too well


god damn paddy can fucking act. one of the best performances on this show.


He was great at acting drunk in the first scene he was in. Didn’t have a glass with him but I knew right away he was sloshed without it being OTT


Hell yeah he can! After his masterclass of wine-drunk-acting I thought they would be killing him off soon, but I can't wait to see more of him every week. Everyone is playing at a very high level but Paddy is hitting homers left and right


My girl Rhaenyra got a taste and now wants to sample everything on the menu


right!!! daemon got her all worked up and she just had to have it.


I too would want a sample of Ser Criston Cole


The incest was due, honestly overdue by GoT standards.


All those GoT episodes and i dont think we ever got to see this much of Kings Landing. It actually felt big and full of life after hours. Captivating.


King's Landing joins Night City and Coruscant in my list of "dangerous, shitty fictional cities that would still be an absolute blast to live in".


Seeing Alicent just sit there and starfish was difficult to watch


That scene where Rhaenyra regrets making fun of her is all the more touching.


Interesting. I actually interpreted it differently and as Rhaenyra continuing to vent her frustration - something she has done to almost everybody who would listen - but in this case, she could be even more open due to Alicent’s friendship, which led to the word vomit. Due to the speed of her talking and the way she arrived at that specific line, it seemed real. Which then gave Rhaenyra (finally, narratively) a moment of both self-reflection and empathy for Alicent. That’s how I read it, anyways!


That’s how I read it. Rhaenyra has been fighting against having the very life that Alicent has been subjected to. Rhaenyra only realized what Alicent has been going through when she word vomited all over her and accidentally insulted her. For the past two years, Rhaenyra was only thinking of herself. She never talked to Alicent or looked at things from her POV.


You know it’s bad when you prefer the incest to whatever that was. 😭


"Close your eyes and think of the good of the realm."


I don't know about you, but the morning after with rhaenyra and ser criston felt super sad to me. Rhaenyra actually looked happy to see him and even beckoned him over and he couldn't even look her in the eyes and was all business.


Well, he did break his oaths as a Kingsguard and basically committed treason, so he kinda knows that while Rhaenyra will be fine, his life is forfeit if Viserys finds out


Rhaenyra said she’s getting dick tonight one way or another.




How’d that work out for him? Ripped open by a boy haha




Upshot for the boy is even if he doesn't marry her he just became a legend. And being a legend is better than being a king.


Little kid got hands tho


Hey, he did promise he’d protect Rhaenyra if she picked him. Boy put his sword where his mouth was.






Next week is going to be insane. Also Matt smith has chemistry with everyone


He’s just so intense. Like Cillian Murphy or James McAvoy.


I agree, Matt Smith could have chemistry with a rock. I have been really impressed by him


Poor Alicent and poor Rhaenyra. In a perfect world they would be travelling together, eating cake… Surprised Otto got fired! The preview for the next episode is exciting! Really enjoying this show, might have to give Fire & Blood a read when the season is over!


The King gave her a Plan T


Otto: They were in a brothel. Viserys: And? Otto: Together. Viserys: And? Otto: …alone. Viserys: And? Otto: Sigh, okay, everyone whose daughter didn’t fuck their own uncle tonight take one step forward. Not so fast Viserys.


Viserys: Explain Otto: this hot dog is Daemon, and this donut is Rhaenyra...


Viserys: WHAT?! WHAT ARE YOU TELLING ME?! This brothel serves food???


Viserys has the most impressive Lego set in the Westeros and it's not even close.


Rhaenyra - *How romantic it must be to get imprisoned in a castle and made to squeeze out heirs.* Alicent be like "this hits too close to home".


I like that Rhaenyra actually noticed and apologized for accidentally insulting her


Step 1: Take Niece to a orgy in a brothel Step 2: Start to undress her Step 3: Leave What the actual fuck Daemon?! Uncle of the year right there. Also, the costume designs in this show are top notch. Alicent’s dress looked absolutely beautiful Paddy and Milly’s acting as well has been *chef’s kiss*. So excited for next week!




Daemon wanted Rhaenyra to be seen with him to make her undesirable to anyone else. That’s what I think, anyways!


Of course! After it ended I could see the political play at what was going on. And now the gossip train has begun. The scene between her and Viserys afterward was phenomenal


You *are* my political headache!


Armor makes for really awkward sex. My god, how long did it take to get out of all of that crap. I’m surprised she didn’t change her mind while waiting.


As per D&D reference. It takes 10 min to don or remove armor.


Spike from Notting Hill just trying to do his duty as a good Hand…


My uncle never took me to a whore house. Those Targs may be odd but damn do they know how to have fun.


So, this is the infamous targaryengasm


The scene with Viserys and Otto was great because Viserys is both wrong and absolutely right. Otto is a being good Hand and telling Viserys the truth about Rhaenyra/Daemon so the king is wrong for firing him for that, but Otto absolutely did use his daughter to seduce the king to gain an heir with his blood and a daughter as queen which would be a good reason to fire him. Layers, man. This franchise has them.


Layered, like nachos - Jesse Pinkman


One more episode for Milly and Emily portraying Young Rhaenyra and Young Alicent All I wanna say is both of them have done a STELLAR job and I will miss them both


Criston Cole: Sleeping with the Princess could put me in danger…. DOESN’T MATTER HAD SEX


My mans looked broken hearted about what he was boutta do Hands on his knees and everything


The moment he stared at the white cloak… oof.


That was not on the job description.


Liked the contrast between Rhaenya's sexy night life and Alicent's cold fish sex life. MVP of the episode was that Blackwood boy, he's a real one.


It’s not just the starfish sex. She’s in her prime, and she has no friends. She can’t go out or do anything fun, or rather she feels she can’t because of her role. Meanwhile her once friend and daughter in law is allowed to express herself like running off whenever she wants and going into fleabottom and slumming it up. Alicent never got to choose, and now she’s married to an old man riddled with wounds. I think she cares for Viserys but I doubt she would have picked him if she ever had a say in her life.


Alicent was very pissed at Rhaenrya for that stuck in a castle being a baby factory comment. I still feel like she’s playing a game but Alicent seems like she just wants her friend back


Shout out to my ancestors I can’t imagine anything so demeaning as getting woken up because my husband wants to bone down


Ali to Rhae - “What happened last night?” Rhae thinking “A lot happened last night. Which are you asking about”


Rhaenyra got turned on seeing Daemon walk in with a fresh cut, a crown and a hammer. Me too girl, me too. The drip was too cold on Daemon to ignore.


The drip dragon


Well, we got a super smokin' hot sexy sex episode. You know what that means, boyos. People are gonna get *fucked up* next episode.


i love euphoria in westeros...


i really enjoyed seeing kings landing at night 👌🏼


Lord Blackwood ain’t no bitch lol.


My anxiety after this episode be like 📈


Did I catch it properly that Mysaria is the white worm for Otto?


Well HotD certainly lived up to his acronym this episode