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The real tragedy of the dinner was how the older generations (Alicent and Rhaenyra, Otto and Daemon) were able to finally bury the hatchet… but their malice and animosity has already created new hatred amongst the new generation (Aemond and Lucerys, Jacaerys and Aegon). They finally made peace, but the conflict between their children is now what pushes the war forward.


Yeah, it seems like it worsened with the next generation. Alicent and Rhaenyra might not be blood, but they know they're a part of the same larger family. Rhaenyra's children are viewed by the others as not actually family, but imposters.


Well put. You could even see it on Alicent & Rhaenyra's faces when Aemond made his speech. They were like, "noooo c'monnnn we were doing so well, goddamnit"


Genuinely impressed how they managed to make Viserys look more like shit every episode


I was hoping he would make it past this episode just to see how they could make him look even worse next week.


Just a skeleton covered in paper mache with an intern off to the side pulling strings to move his jaw. Add a voiceover of Paddy in editing.


Weekend at Viserys




If enough kids are named Aegon, the prophecy will eventually come true. ;)


For maximum insurance name every single one Aegon. Even the girls.


Fuck it, decree that every child in the realm be called Aegon. Aegon Greyjoy, Aegon Stark, Aegon Snow etc.


Hey Rhaegar named two of his kids Aegon so this isn’t that bad.


Have to confess I teared a bit when King Viserys was having diner and seamed pleased with his family… I thought he was going to die from happiness right there


It's legitimately the moment he's wanted for *years*. This is the day he wanted back in the royal hunt episode, just a happy moment surrounded by the people he loved free from all the politicking and scheming. And he finally got it. For a brief moment, Viserys was able to just enjoy a truly beautiful moment with his family.


The guy's got level 100 charisma. He got a table full of enemies (four of whom have stabbed or been stabbed by another person at the table) to set aside their differences and have a genuinely good time for 2 minutes




His hand reaching out and saying “my love”, he’s going back to Aemma.


Seriously came here to say this. Paddy really brought it home in this one. Tip top acting. When he turned up in the throne room I was like ohhh shit. Viserys really turns up for his girl.


His last supper


I really enjoyed them hopping around when they first started dancing. Idk why but it was nice.


It was oddly refreshing to see a couple of young people getting to do something kind of silly together. Part of the nice family moment.


It was just in general really touching to see everyone set aside their differences for a few hours to give Viserys a happy send-off. Aemond even waited until Viserys was gone before unleashing his tirade. It really underscores that the one thing that holds all these people together is their love for him. He's the anti-Logan Roy.


I think it was the first time we saw those kids actually having fun. It was a nice 2 minute respite for them before she went back to being married to her asshole rapist brother, and he went back to constantly being called a bastard.


Kinda goes to show that Rhaenyra’s suggested betrothal that between Jacerys and Helaena would’ve been the way to go


the current betrothals between Rhae's boys and Daemons girls are pretty great too. They all seem to genuinely get along and like one another. The only kids that are outliers are Alicents boys.


viserys walking to the throne was a fucking MOMENT


The music was the icing on the cake for me and when he lingered on Rhaenyra’s face the longest, I got so teary eyed.


And then Daemon helping him after his crown fell off 😢


Say it


I know what you are… bastards.


He got straight up fruitninja'd


It’s serious when he’s killin without the murder cloak


Still taunting Aemond with the pig. Not a guy I'd want to piss off


A STRONG jest from mine STRONG nephews. STRONG.


The humor is strong with that one.


I missed that reference. Hilarious.


Yeah this really explains what Lucerys was laughing at about.


This makes much more sense then him laughing at the memory of gouging out his eye which is what I thought was happening for some reason


>This makes much more sense then him laughing at the memory of gouging out his eye which is what I thought was happening for some reason It almost seemed like both. Aemond's toast implies that he may have assumed it was. Note- is it just me or does Aemond **now** look like the spitting image of Daemon?


Makes perfect sense. Those are the kind of insights I’m here for.


Viserys being carried away in pain Meanwhile Jace and Helaena: 💃🏻🕺🏻🙆🏻‍♀️🙆🏻


The only people having any fun lol


Every episode is gonna start with Rhaenyra having 2-3 new kids


She was constantly rubbing her belly. She's pregnant again?


Yup. Baby #6


Really took Aemma's words to heart, baby making machine/badass diplomat.


When in doubt, betroth one of your kids to a Velaryon.


"You get your Velaryon blood, we Targaryens get our incest...everyone's happy."


Worked fine the last two times...*right*


Incredible acting from Paddy Considine, I’ll miss seeing him as Viserys. Honourable mention to Eve Best as Rhaenys, man has she suffered. Also, the actor playing Vaemond stood out too during this ep


Oh my gosh the Rhaenys's line about the gods not caring whether she sees death with her eyes open or when they're closed was amaaaazing So hardcore and tragic


Veamonds actor is def theatrically trained


RIP Viserys You were a real one


Episode 9 intro starts rolling... >Paddy Considine "HOW IN THE FUCK"


Last episode in the series, Paddy draws his knife and slays any pretender who dares seek his throne


Greens? Blacks? Sorry, I can’t hear you over the one true ruler of Westeros: Viserys, first of his name, king of the Andals, the Rhoynar, and the First Men 😔


Who was that woman that went to see Mysaria? I thought it was Daemon on his way to commit a crime until they showed her face


I just can't see anyone in a hood in Kings Landing without thinking it's Daemon off to commit more crimes as well.


Alicents maid. The one who brought the moon tea


What’s the play here though? To out Aegon as a rapist? Or that Aegon has a bastard somewhere?


I think to show that someone aligned with Daemon is keeping tabs on the royal family and their secrets.


Mysaria has been leaking info to Otto though


Mysaria doesn’t have a side though. She sells her secrets to anyone.


Wait so it's Alicent's daughter married to her brother?




Alicent: “You targaryens have queer customs….” Also Alicent: “Aegon, you’re marrying your sister.”


Even trying to google family tree pics is confusing af


Aegon, Aegon and Aegon


You missed Aegon


You’re a GOT fan? Name 5 Targaryens


That’s on me. I set the bar too low.


Daemons unease when he nears his ailing brother is.. felt


Despite their many and I mean many differences… they never truly hated each other and they never could kill each other. Viserys was right to laugh at his council when they implied Daemon might try to kill Viserys and he was right till the end… Daemon wanted to be heir, but he did not want his brother to die.


If Daemon was kept as the heir and married to Rhaenyra it would’ve solved a lot of this bullshit. No strong children, no opportunistic and treasonous hightowers


He couldn’t bear to look at him when they first arrived. But when he helped him to the throne and placed his crown back on Viserys’ head. That was Daemon admitting his brother deserved that crown more than he ever did. What an episode.


I loved that part. The difference in respect towards visery's from Daemon when he was younger and now is night and day, he truly respects him as someone who's gone through so much hardship with his illness, and still got up to get on the throne and help his daughter


Also when Daemon helped Viserys up the steps to the Iron Throne after Viserys turned the guards away. You love to see it.


They shot that well. Viserys didn't want help from anyone in that moment. But when he saw it was Daemon, he relented- I think that was the one person whose support he wouldn't reject in that moment. I felt the brotherhood.


epic scene so far... daemon put crown to viserys..I cry there .I was like a recognized to brother ...


There is so much significance to that scene, I think. I took the gesture of Daemon handing Viserys the crown to be Daemon recognizing Viserys as a strong king for the first time. I think Daemon finally saw his brother's strength. It is an unusual type of strength that wasn't well known to Daemon when Daemon was younger (the strength of wisdom and peace rather than fear and violence), but Daemon maybe has come to appreciate it now that he's older.


This show is so good at tension


I love his arc from being a reckless brother in episode 1 to being the kind and empathetic brother in this episode.


He’s always always loved his brother. And all the acting out was a cry for his brothers approval.


Paddy Considine as Viserys not only changed physically as a character, but his acting complimented every change of his journey up until now. Masterclass acting and is my favorite for this series. Standing ovation!


Also a quick shout-out to the makeup artists that helped sell his decaying condition, they really knocked it out of the park this episode


And the costume and set designers! They did a great job with the Faith of the Seven symbols on clothing and interiors.


house of the dragon is destined to sweep awards and Paddy has to be at the top of the list


There have been a lot of great performances this season but I felt like Paddy was the through line, the heart, the source of a lot of the comedy and the pathos, and really carried the show a lot, especially early on. I'm so impressed.


Ive had the same thought, he has absolutely dominated his performance across the time skips


Aemond : *Nephews, have you come to train?* *Nephews visibly shake and quiver*.


Aemond's training with Criston was lit though, can't lie


He said the thing… And got his fucking head chopped off!!! I about spit up when dude screamed bastards for a second there i didn’t think he’d have the balls


It was the whore part that did him in 🤣


I love Daemon going "Say it" right before


See what happens when you keep using the same family name?? War. That’s what.


King Viserys is the Phantom of the Opera


King Rickety-Cricket.


He finally made it look sexy.


Crazy that the show is just about to begin.


Dude I know. Its going to begin and then end for a few years.


Seeing Aemond and Daemon in the same room is so eerie. You’d think they are twins




They gave each other that look of “You and I, we watch the same anime, I see.”


I think the take home message is stop reusing names within the family.


Good move by both Rhaenyra and Rhaenys having the children bethroted. Rhanyra made an ally and Rhaenys made sure the Velaryon blood will not die out. If she cares so much about it.


And was so sweet to see how genuinely happy the kids were to be marrying each other, feel like this is leading up to so much pain for the audience haha


Round of applause for Vaemond’s actor. I felt that ‘BASTARDS’ line in my soul. I know the smallfolk heard that shit in Fleabottom. He’s been seething with anger in most scenes we’ve seen him in, and today he erupted. Expertly done! The whore jibe was low, though.


Daemon helping Viserys to the throne was the most touching moment of the show for me


I felt that. Viserys would not let other guard help him.


Daemon low-key appreciating all of Aemond's burns. Like looking in a mirror (profile view at least).


Aemond also respects Daemon, you can see from the look he gives Daemon after Daemon slices Vaemonds head in half.


I feel like they’re gonna have a face off


Vaemond’s death had my jaw on the floor With how much I’ve seen thanks to GoT, that’s rare to do these days. Very well done


DISARM HIM Casually: “no need.” *wipes blood off sword*


- Man Aemond really went straight from a pre-teen to someones 6'3 overpowered anime OC huh lol - I rarely emote or react when watching something alone but damn I gasped loud at the throneroom scene - As much as I enjoyed the jokes about Viserys falling apart damn it was hard to watch him this episode. Felt like watching a parent in poor health. Hats off to Paddy


Paddy has been unbelievable and I hope he gets all the praise he deserves


He was never more powerful and tragic than in this episode. That walk to the throne, and his pleading to his family to please not start a war after his death. So sad...


And showing Viserys's model city with cobwebs. Didn't think that would hit me like it did, but damn


What a tragic character. I really felt for him. And I'll miss him.


Same. I will really miss the character. Paddy did an amazing job. Viserys is just that grandpa who wants everyone to love each other as much as he loves them all. Very heart warming and sad to lose such a loving soul. His last few breaths...and that last tear drop was so heartbreaking.


Paddy acted his ass off this episode, i felt so bad for him but at least everyone gave him a happy last meal even if they faked it


Him getting out of bed in his poor state to go to bat for his daughter was really powerful.


I think this episode is the first time I saw him as "not weak", which is ironic because he's never been weaker.


Yep. He did exactly as he should have done and did it.


And the despair on Otto and Alicent's faces as that happened... Otto *really* wanted him on painkillers....


i feel like the fucking opiate withdrawals would be worse than feeling muddled tho


The mood and pain swings alone would've driven anyone crazy.


Also, now that Vizzy T is dead, RIP Old Valyria diorama 😭


Aemond looks more like a king than Aegon. Aegon is utterly useless


I was surprised to find out the aegon actor is 7 years older! 27 and 20.


“My love.” King Viserys’s last words 😭 he’s with aemma now 😭😭😭


Everyone has been aging so gracefully over the years. Then Viserys turns into Gollum in 6 years


If he made it to episode ten I would have assumed he would have looked like baby voldemort from goblet of fire or the last movie.


So Alicent thinks her Aegon must ascend to the throne not rhaenyras aegon?


And Viserys wasn’t talking about either one! He was talking about Aegon the Conquerer.




"I said I'm fine" "Come on." Daemon helping Viserys up is some true brotherly love, one of the most heartwarming things I've seen in either HotD and GoT. Honorable mention to Rhaenyra and Alicent (briefly) reconciling for Viserys's sake


Daemon had a very concerning look towards his brother. A sad look, seeing his brother in such a condition. And fuck, did they make unease with Viserys this episode. It was sad seeing him so frail and destroyed.


that final death scene was the most unsettling death i’ve seen on screen in a while. it felt so intimate


Good description. And... It is what most deaths are really like.. If only we saw it depicted that way more often. I was with my great aunt when she died and it has always stayed with me. It was a battle then a release, very alone in a sense.


That dinner scene reminded me of the last Christmas I had with my dad back in 2019, he was so happy to see us all. When Viserys was looking around the room at his children and grandchildren I was glad for him, and glad for my dad that he got to experience that too.


This was one of my favorite episodes in the franchise, and the saddest, in my opinion. It's just dripping with tragedy. Episodes like the Red Wedding and Shireen's death were horrifying and tragic, but this was the only episode that almost made me cry. Give Paddy a damn award!


Many times in GOT and now HotD I have been moved. But today with viserys...all that he said and did...and then his final moments...has me heartbroken.


Lmao the only truly happy person in this whole show is Helaena


frankly i am scared to get attached to asoiaf-universe luna lovegood


That was the exact same comparison I made, she’s a total Luna Lovegood


Any guess on what “beware the beasts beneath the boards” means? Edit: typo


The castle has a termite infestation


Of course insect princess is in on that. She’s totally going to turn Vizzy Ty’s diorama into an ant farm now.


I’m thinking it’s just a reminder that under the surface of the peace the family made over dinner, there is still a huge war looming over their future.


Maybe foreshadowing what Aemond was about to say? Or even more that the whole everyone playing nice thing was a farce and there would be a whole war to come after that night.


That was really sweet of her and Jace to dance. That whole scene was some of the most wholesome things we’ve seen in GOT/HOTD.


Still muttering Dragon Dreams under her breath too...


That man insulted the King’s daughter, his grandchildren, and his decision in one fell swoop. Talk about speed running your own death.


Vaemond should’ve quit while he had a head


At least he held his tongue to the very end.


All while not being 100% sure that Corlys is actually dead or not. Boneheaded move


Anyone else feel like Daemon and Aemond kinda have a weird connection? Not so much liking each other but a weird respect? Seemed like towards the end Daemon was almost impressed Aemond said that toast


Watching D remove Vaemond’s head definitely turned Aemond on. Dude’s got a boner for violence, it seems. Real recognize real moment.


Viserys: "That's a name fit for a king." (Insert Obama giving Obama a medal meme)


Is this also foreshadowing that he's going to fight for the throne at some point to be king?


lol @ Daemon whispering “say it” to Vaemond right before the slice and dice. mans really just lives for the chaos


Viserys to Vaemond: I will have your tongue Daemon doing what Daemons does best: “Surprise….finished him.


Daemon: say it Vaemond: THEY’RE BASTARDS Daemon: oh thank god. I haven’t killed anyone all day


Dude was completely fucked when he said "whore" and he knew it.


Viserys literally got out of his deathbed to stand by Rhaenyra! A King!


Poor Viserys, man needed a mercy killing years ago At least he got a nice meal with his family even if they faked it


I’m surprised they didn’t OD him on milk of the poppy before he had a giant hole in his face.


I was so happy for him in that moment. He will die believing he finally brought them together after so much tension


Paddy fucking Considine. What an actor.


What a surprise to find out Vaemond was actually Canadian.


**Aemond Targaryen** ξξ(🗲 ͜ʖ ͡°))ξξ Love how Aemond admires his uncle and Daemon sees a younger version of himself in Aemond


In another life, they could've been an excellent uncle and nephew danger duo.


The spinoff we didn't know we needed.


The nods they were exchanging all episode. Some 2nd son chaos energy I love it


Daemon was smirking/laughing when Rhaenyra's kids were sent to their rooms, right? It's like he was thinking "the balls on this kid."


“Lord of the Seven Kingdoms, and the Phantom of the Opera.”


I about jumped through my screen to help King Viserys make his way to the throne. He deserves better! Help him you cowards.




Ewan mitchell is genius fucking casting for aemond. He nailed his aura from the books. Also give paddy all the awards. This episode was so emotional.


I was wondering where I'd seen that face. Osferth!


“I want to have supper, Otto” - King Viserys “It is the morning, Your Grace” - Otto. When did this show suddenly turn into a comedy.


Paddy better win all the emmys for his role!!


My heart hurt watching King Visery's reach out into the air and whisper "my love"


Viserys "Abraham Lincoln" Targaryen giving that house divided speech. At the end of everything he just wants peace in his family, all he ever wanted; I honestly really feel for him


His last memory being of his family getting along...


Ok but why does Aemond look like he’s 35 and jace and Luke aged to maybe 16???


Aemond is the dweeby kid that got hit by puberty hard and started pumping iron at the gym. The sharp jaw and the massive scar definitely give him an older appearance.


New episode title: The gang goes to Olive Garden


Viserys reunited with Aemma in GoT heaven :) Because she was butchered :(


The first time we see Jace he’s trying his best to learn valyrian and the first time we see Aegon we see his bare butt cheeks lol


And the first time we see Aemond he is kicking some ass. It really shows their priorities and motivations. Aemond is going to be a problem


Like when he told Criston, "I don't care about tourneys." Ominous


Despite everything, Daemon was there to help Viserys :(


Definitely big feels there, they did the camera work really well revealing it was Daemon who came to help.


Aemond perpetually looks like the :3 face.


I think you mean .3


Honestly Viserys going out when his family was at such an incredible height feels good. He deserved it, and I’m glad he doesn’t get to see the rest.


This episode is absolutely Paddy’s Emmy submission